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When closing an application or shutting down the PC, the My-T-Soft keyboard repositions in the middle of the screen and saves these settings.

By default, the My-T-Soft software reacts to dialogs, message boxes, and other windows by repositioning in order to ensure the dialog, etc. is visible. Depending on screen-resolution, dialog window size, My-T-Soft size & configuration, this may or may not meet everyone's needs. You should note the following:
In My-T-Soft Setup (Start Menu | All Programs | My-T-Soft | My-T-Soft Setup -or- Menu button (middle of tool bar) | My-T-Soft Setup), go into Configuration | Operation Options. The top setting "React to dialogs & other windows..." should be cleared. Click OK, OK, Exit
Additionally, the default screen position of My-T-Soft should meet your requirements. You can do the following:
Size & configure the panels in My-T-Soft as desired. Move the keyboard layout to the screen position you want it to open. From the Menu button (middle of toolbar), select Settings | Save Current Settings, then Position | Save Position. Now Close My-T-Soft, and re-launch - it should open in the same position. If it does not, then there may be issues with user permissions / read-only settings on files, etc (you can refer to help for more details), but in general, this is all that is required.
Original ID: IB253121
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: My-T-Soft

The My-T-Soft keyboard stays on the screen when the screen saver comes on.

Depending on the version of Windows & the actual screen saver, the following applies:
In NT/2000/XP, the screen saver is an actual different desktop, so if it is a proper/standard screen saver in these versions of Windows, My-T-Soft won't be visible at all - UNLESS it is a custom screen saver, that runs in the context of the default user desktop. In that case, and the Win95/98/Me case, the screen saver is just a full screen program that is running. Since My-T-Soft needs to be on top to be useful, it can appear over a non-standard "screen saver" There are pre-programmed classes (e.g. WindowsScreenSaverClass) for the standard screen savers that ship with Windows, so My-T-Soft knows to stay behind these, but again, if it is custom or not the Microsoft ones, My-T-Soft may not see it as a screen saver, and stay "on-top". This gets pretty advanced & intense, but it is all documented in the Help & controllable via the MYTSOFT.INI file - for example, if you look in the INI file for WindowsScreenSaverClass, you can see how it is configured & setup - there is a listing in the Classes section, then an entry with an Action= setting. See My-T-Soft Help | My-T-Soft User's Guide | Section IV - Other Information | Advanced User Notes. There is also ClassWatch/WindowWatch settings in the INI to "look" at what class of window is running.
Original ID: IB253139
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: My-T-Soft

Control panel for OnScreen is not visible.

OnScreen defaults to basic mode, which limits the options (mainly for users who use it for primary text input). Go into OnScreen Setup | User Options, and turn on Advanced mode (e.g. Start Menu | Programs | OnScreen | OnScreen Setup). This enables the control panel, and access to all eleven panels.
Original ID: IB253112
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: OnScreen

Can't type something using OnScreen until the first letter is typed using the mouse.

In Windows 95/98/Me/NT, you may need to turn on "Track pointing device input all times" - see OnScreen Setup | Configuration | Operation Options - towards the bottom. In 95/98/Me/NT, for certain touchscreen drivers, this needs to be On to operate cleanly. Certain touchscreen drivers do not emulate the mouse correctly - this setting in OnScreen compensates for these problems.
Original ID: IB253311
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: OnScreen

Joystick-to-Mouse drift issue.

Refer to Joystick-To-Mouse Help, and read the troubleshooting area about "Drift" This is a fairly common issue, and often "Center Range sensitivity" or settings on the joystick device itself can resolve the problem. Any calibration can be done via the Windows control panel - this may also require a joystick button press, but may be able to be walked through with mouse clicks.
Original ID: IB253211
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: Joystick-to-Mouse

In My-T-Pen the keyboard's position does not get saved.

In My-T-Pen, there are two common issues that may be related to this.
1) The save position only saves the top/left opening position, not the current layout. In general, we recommend the user save settings (which preserves size/layout configuration), and then save position. (This is original My-T-Pen)
2) Sometimes on XP/2000 the user only has read-permissions, and can't actually save to the file. Either an administrator has to do the update, or the user must be given proper permissions. This relates to My-T-Pen and custom layouts.
If this, on the other hand, is related to the custom layout built by Build-A-Board, then there are other options. In Build-A-Board itself, as part of the layout, the opening screen position can be set.
In all cases, the KEYBOARD.KBF determines the layout / screen position. If something is preventing (i.e. permissions) this file from being updated, then this needs to be resolved.
Original ID: IB253144
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: My-T-Pen

Receive a "Keyboard error message" at the boot if no physical keyboard is connected to the terminal.

Most BIOS's have options to bypass, or ignore this error, but sometimes the wording is not necessarily obvious. Things like "Halt on All errors, but keyboard" may make sense, but others can be misleading. Also issues with USB & legacy support can affect this error. If you can't identify it, you may want to contact the system manufacturer, or BIOS manufacturer for support. Again, this has nothing to do with IMG software. Finally, we are aware of physical devices that can emulate a physical keyboard attached to a system. Things like KVM switches do this, and there are simple "plugs" that can also act as though a keyboard were attached.
Original ID: IB253105
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Information Product: Build-A-Board

Windows Vista Information

Microsoft Windows Vista is a completely new and different operating system from Microsoft released in 2007 (available towards the end of 2006). In general, any IMG software released prior to 2006 was not written for Vista, meaning it technically is not compatible with this new operating system. However, there are compatibility workarounds available, as Microsoft has built in a mechanism to allow older software to run. Due to the nature of IMG software, the level of compatibility is based on Microsoft's ability to interface this compatibility mode to the new Windows Vista. In theory, every feature and capability of the IMG's software will operate correctly. In actuality, this may not be what you experience when running in this compatibililty mode. The ultimate comparison would be to operate the feature or capability in the older operating system, then compare with the appropriate compatibility selection in Windows Vista.

To enable this operation (e.g. to enable IMG's software to run in Vista), it must be first installed. If you receive a Windows Version warning or error, Vista may open a dialog suggesting a "Recommended Settings" - you may accept the recommendation (this essentially provides the compatibility mode for the setup program). Once installed, you will want to enable the compatibility mode for ALL the executable programs associated with the product. To do so, you will want to open Windows Explorer (or Start Menu | Computer) and browse to the installation folder, then sort by Type, select all Applications (e.g. .EXE or Executable programs), and open properties. To get to the properties, you may open the Organize menu, the select Properties, or open the context menu (right-click), and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, you can select the Compatibility Tab, then in the Compatibility Mode section, Enable the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:", and in the drop down select "Windows XP Service Pack 2"

Theoretically, the program will now operate as it would in Windows XP. If it does not, you may wish to do the following:

Because of the maturity of the Windows operating system, and the anticipated slow "roll-out" of Windows Vista, IMG will be responding to customer demands for Windows Vista compatibility based on various factors. Always check the product pages and IMG's website for the most up-to-date information regarding available Windows Vista releases. Feel free to contact us directly with requests or concerns or details on your specific situation.

For further information on a specific product, click on the link(s) below:

Notes on "Improper Window Version" reported by Vista compatible products:
This has been reported a few times, and is an interesting side-effect of a problem solving approach used in Vista. It seems to be related to upgrades, or working with non-Vista compatible versions prior to running the Vista compatible version. The first check is the Compatibility Tab in the property page for the program (in Windows Explorer, browse to the program, Right-Click, and view Properties, then select the Compatibility Tab). For a Vista compatible IMG product, the "Run in compatibility mode" should NOT be checked - if it is, clear it and retry.

The other contributing factor is the "Program Compatibility Assistant" (PCA), which records information based on its own criteria, and in some cases, may be be overreaching and causing a problem. The following is an excerpt from Microsoft notes, and registry information regarding the actions of the PCA - the preferred approach would be to use regedit, check these registry entries, and delete any references to IMG Vista compatible products.
Managing settings made by PCA - The compatibility modes will be applied to programs by setting a registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Layers with key name = "full path to the exe" and string value = "name of the compatibility mode being applied"
The registry key will be set under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to apply the solutions to be effective for all users except for the scenario where the ELEVATECREATEPROCESS compatibility mode is applied automatically before the PCA dialog shows up. In that scenario, the registry key will be set under HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the solution will only be effective for the current user.
Refer to these locations:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Compatibility Assistant \ Persisted, and
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Layers

The Virtual Store misdirection issue is a solution to the problem where the limited user cannot save/write to files under the \Program Files location, but older software may require this. To resolve this, files are actually saved in the user's Application Data area - \Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files directory. This, however, creates a new problem and potential source of confusion, in that a user can be looking at what they think is in the \Program Files\MyProg folder, but in reality, they are being misdirected, and actually looking at their own copy in \Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\MyProg location. This can cause problems in the program itself (since it is looking in the \Program Files location), or to other users (since they don't have access to the file modified by a different user). It may be enlightening to see what files/programs are using this virtual store location.

Information on Windows

Windows Vista Information
Windows 7 Information
Windows 8 Information
Windows 10 Information

Category: CommonType: Information Product: General Issue

Windows 7 Information
Windows Seven Information

Windows 7 is internally tagged as Version 6.1, and is essentially an update to Windows Vista (Version 6.0). This is conceptually similar to XP (5.1) as the update to Windows 2000. Just as XP was more widely accepted than 2000, 7 appears to be on a similar track to be generally accepted more than Vista.

IMG software compatible with Windows 7 is now available via the downloads pages or on the IMG Products Disc.

The following is some notes regarding IMG software and Windows 7

The other contributing factor is the "Program Compatibility Assistant" (PCA), which records information based on its own criteria, and in some cases, may be be overreaching and causing a problem. The following is an excerpt from Microsoft notes, and registry information regarding the actions of the PCA - the preferred approach would be to use regedit, check these registry entries, and delete any references to IMG Vista compatible products.
Managing settings made by PCA - The compatibility modes will be applied to programs by setting a registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Layers with key name = "full path to the exe" and string value = "name of the compatibility mode being applied"
The registry key will be set under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to apply the solutions to be effective for all users except for the scenario where the ELEVATECREATEPROCESS compatibility mode is applied automatically before the PCA dialog shows up. In that scenario, the registry key will be set under HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the solution will only be effective for the current user.
Refer to these locations:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Compatibility Assistant \ Persisted, and
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ AppCompatFlags \ Layers

The Virtual Store misdirection issue is a solution to the problem where the limited user cannot save/write to files under the \Program Files location, but older software may require this. To resolve this, files are actually saved in the user's Application Data area - \Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files directory. This, however, creates a new problem and potential source of confusion, in that a user can be looking at what they think is in the \Program Files\MyProg folder, but in reality, they are being misdirected, and actually looking at their own copy in \Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\MyProg location. This can cause problems in the program itself (since it is looking in the \Program Files location), or to other users (since they don't have access to the file modified by a different user). It may be enlightening to see what files/programs are using this virtual store location.

Information on Windows

Windows Vista Information
Windows 7 Information
Windows 8 Information
Windows 10 Information

Category: CommonType: Information Product: General Issue

Windows 8 Information
Windows Eight Information

Windows 8 is internally tagged as Version 6.2, and is essentially an update to Windows 7 (Version 6.1). In fact, it primarily is Windows 7 with the added "Metro" interface (or new Start Menu), with tiles and a separate mechanism for tile-based applications.

For proper operation, the IMG Standard Download as a self-extracting installation executable should be used. Program files must reside in the \Program Files (or \Program Files (x86) location for 64-bit) for correct operation in Windows (security/user-interface requirements in Windows 8).

Information on Windows

Windows Vista Information
Windows 7 Information
Windows 8 Information
Windows 10 Information

Category: CommonType: Information Product: General Issue

Windows 10 Information
Windows Ten Information

Windows 10 is internally tagged as Version 6.2 for executables without manifests for Windows 10, and is essentially an update to Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 (all tagged version 6.2)

For proper operation, the IMG Standard Download as a self-extracting installation executable should be used. Program files must reside in the \Program Files (or \Program Files (x86) location for 64-bit) for correct operation in Windows (security/user-interface requirements in Windows 10).

July 31, 2015 - The original Windows 10 release and IMG's Windows 8.1 release versions may be delayed at the final step of Setup during the installation process. Newer releases tested against the Windows 10 releases will resolve this delay - it may take several minutes, so please be patient and allow Setup to complete.

Information on Windows

Windows Vista Information
Windows 7 Information
Windows 8 Information
Windows 10 Information

Category: CommonType: Information Product: General Issue

Checking for Updates with IMG Download Manager, receive message "Error! Library downloaded, Verification failed". Versions 1.45 or earlier

The IMG Download Manager has ways to update itself, but for a period of time for some releases, the library needing an update could not remove system connections, so the system treated it as "in use" and the library simply could not be updated. The verification error results due to the update not replacing the existing library (the original library checksum does not match update checksum). The only real solution is to download a full install version of the software being updated. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Advance notes: IMG Download Manager Version 1.46 or later is recommended. The easiest approach is to download the full install of the latest release. There are other work-arounds, but all are more technical or more involved than manually installing the current release.
Category: CommonType: Information Product: General Issue

TouchRight Utilities Technical Support

The largest issue has been familiarity with the product. Download a demo to test, and review on-line help and documentation.

The Automatic return to Left-Click (Single Right-Click Only option) uses System Level hooks. Any conflict with other software may require disabling this option from the TouchRight Menu.

In 95/98/Me/NT, there can be a conflict with IMG's My-T-Pen, My-T-Touch, My-T-Soft, OnScreen if the "Track Pointing Device at all times" is OFF, and the Automatic return to Left-Click (Single Right-Click Only option) in TouchRight is ON. Either turn this option off in the TouchRight Utilities, or set the "Track pointing device..." ON in Configuration | Operation Options.

Original ID: IC101366
Category: CommonType: Information Product: TouchRight UtilitiesVersion: 1.20

Most Magnifier Technical Support issues involve the following:

Original ID: IC401308
Category: CommonType: Information Product: The Magnifier

Support Issues for Version 1.50

SmartClick has been developed and tested for over 3 years prior to release, using guidance from RJ Cooper for features and capabilities, and utilizing stable, field-proven technology from IMG. Any known issues are listed in the Help provided with SmartClick.
Original ID: IC202328
Category: CommonType: Information Product: SmartClick

SmartClick Compatibility Notes

SmartClick is a windows compatible software program that uses the Microsoft Windows API, and conforms to all guidelines published by Microsoft. By definition, if SmartClick works with any windows application, it will work with all (properly written) windows applications. IMG can not provide compatibility with programs written in a way that do not conform to the Microsoft Windows operating system.

IMG does not have a list, nor do we exhaustively test any of the thousands of programs released every year - In order to keep our prices reasonable, we can not purchase, pay personnel to test, and provide changes to our software to work with companies that choose to ignore the published documentation regarding software interoperation. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we strongly recommend you download a demo and test the software before purchasing.

Original ID: IC202329
Category: CommonType: Information Product: SmartClick

A step-by-step guide on using the PaintDLL customized painting aspect of My-T-Soft / My-T-Touch / My-T-Pen

Steps required to do customized painting
My-T-Touch used as an example

Here you can go into the menu (right-click Menu | Current Settings | Panels | Clear Tool bar), and you will have the keyboard shown on the website

If the programming aspect is beyond your skills, too difficult, or not desirable, then you can review options in IMG's Build-A-Board. Also, please feel free to contact us with your requirements. Note that graphics and making really neat looking keyboards has never been a high priority from our customers in the 16 years we've been providing on-screen keyboards. Almost all of our customers want (or demand) highly reliable, functional software. Because of the myriad of different systems, with vastly different video and graphics capabilities, keeping the graphics simplistic and functional have been more important than producing visual effects - eye-candy and visual display is relatively easy, while producing highly reliable software for all types of environments is a challenge. Even as recent as 2008 we've had customer issues with the built-in 3D key display option (due to rendering speed). Since many older systems and low cost systems don't have high powered video subsystems, keeping things simple seems to work better in practice.

Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Information Product: Developers Kit

Working with Button (or keyboard) and want to know position (for offsetting, etc.)

Download ButtonTrack as (46KB) (MD5: DDACE49F65230D700A1280C8B7EE269A)
This is a simple Developer's Kit Utility that when run will indicate if a My-T-Soft window is found, whether or not it is in a button state, and the X/Y position of the window. It runs as a tool/topmost window.

The zip includes MS VisualStudio 2005 solution and source and the compiled executable (ButtonTrack.exe).

Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Information Product: My-T-Soft

Working with Linux run-time, need developer's kit utilities (Move Window, Save Position, Close, Minimize, Open, Typefile)

Note: Recent My-T-Soft for Linux Downloads have the Dev Kit zipped in the my-t-soft folder

Download Developer's Kit folder files for Linux devkitlinux.tar.gz (1.42MB) (MD5: AF2627FC459E1C8D8E6B8ACCB14B1827)

The archive has a 32-bit build and a 64-bit build (x86/x86_64)
Files do not need to be in same directory as My-T-Soft (mytsoft), but it is recommended. The download expands into devkitlinux directory. After download, use the following:

tar zxf devkitlinux.tar.gz[Enter]
cd devkitlinux[Enter]
cd x86 (or x86_64)[Enter]
Copy to My-T-Soft directory with cp * /[location_of_mytsoft][Enter]

See README.txt for more details.


Important Note:
The typefile macro file must not contain line feed/carriage return or other control characters, or the macrobat process will stop and not properly exit. For "new lines" to be typed, use the [Enter] macro command - the actual macro in the file must be a continuous string of text characters - formatting using tabs, carriage returns/line feeds, etc. will cause issues. Refer to the Strip and other options in the Build-A-Board builder, Key Properties | Key Action | ... | Macro Builder | Options button for a way to build a macro where formatted text swaps out embedded control characters with the corresponding macro command ([Tab], [Enter]).
Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

What is an On-screen Keyboard?

An on-screen keyboard is a software only approach that creates a virtual keyboard emulator. A keyboard image is visually displayed to the user, where the keys are "typed" (clicked) via the pointing device (whether mouse, trackball, pen, touchscreen, etc.). The software interfaces with the operating system, which is "told" that keystrokes are being generated (as if by a physical keyboard). Any underlying software application used by the operator then reacts as though the keystrokes were typed from a physical keyboard. This creates an entirely new way for computer operators to work with applications. For example, with a touchscreen interface and an on-screen keyboard, the user can operate the system without the need for a mouse or physical keyboard.
Original ID: IG223456
Category: GeneralType: Information Product: General Issue

Why do I need an On-screen Keyboard?

If you are asking this question, there is a good chance you don't - however, numerous companies around the world are taking advantage of the advanced human interface that allows interaction with a computer from one interface device. The intuitiveness of pointing & clicking that made the Graphical User Interface (GUI) so widely accepted, has evolved to become a complete solution by enabling names, passwords, and quick text/character entry via the pointing device utilizing an on-screen keyboard. With the advent of voice-recognition enabling dictation for extended text entry, the on-screen keyboard becomes an integral part of advanced systems. If you are a touch-typist and use your keyboard exclusively for word processing, you may never need an on-screen keyboard. However, this is only one of thousands upon thousands of uses for computers.
Original ID: IG223500
Category: GeneralType: Information Product: General Issue

What is the difference between My-T-Mouse / My-T-Pen / My-T-Touch / My-T-Soft?
Why so many options?

The original product developed in 1992 was My-T-Mouse - "My Typing Mouse". As time went by and the pen and touchscreen interfaces became more popular, we were questioned if our "Mouse" product worked with these devices - My-T-Pen and My-T-Touch were born. To address other virtual pointing device and technologies, My-T-Soft ("My Typing Software") was created - the name with no reference to any pointing device. Currently, My-T-Pen / My-T-Touch / and My-T-Soft (and numerous other private label versions) contain the same features, and are aimed at the commercial / industrial world. My-T-Mouse is for the home mouse / trackball user. OnScreen is the name for the Assistive Technology version of My-T-Soft (originally released as My-T-Soft AT).

As a software based virtual keyboard, our customers have requirements that address a wide-range of uses. Stop for a minute, and think about all the places in the world that have physical keyboards, keypads, or buttons. Then imagine all the flexilbility that a pure software implementation provides. Then realize that as individuals, specific needs and requirements can change for different applications. Finally add-in business and commercial aspects of creating an economically viable technological solution, and hopefully you can begin to appreciate why there are so many options.

For Windows, the 2 main options are My-T-Soft Professional and My-T-Soft Basic. My-T-Soft Professional contains both the original capabilities of the software as well as the Build-A-Board Run-time customization capabilities, while My-T-Soft Basic can only run Build-A-Board created layouts. If you only are going to run custom layouts, the Build-A-Board run-time licensing options or My-T-Soft Basic is all you need. If you need system logon and legacy capabilities, along with a full featured user interface/keyboard, then My-T-Soft Professional is what you want.

Original ID: IG223600

Category: GeneralType: Information Product: General Issue

Why do you have license requirements, and What are the Licensing Options?

The standard retail product is licensed via Certificate of Authenticity, or electronically with unlock codes. As long as you go through the setup and use the License information provided, you should have no problems. The reason we license our software is to keep our prices reasonable - prior to the license schemes we dealt with legitimate users & companies who had no problem using the software without paying for each installation. This lost revenue prevented us from feeding our programmers, and they complained - as long as food, clothing, and shelter cost money, we need to charge for our licenses to support existing software, address the constantly changing computer industry, develop new desirable features, and continue to focus our efforts on productive endeavors.

IMG has been in business since 1995, and the only way to be successful for that long is to consistently provide value to our customers. We do understand that the license requirements sometimes affects our customers, but overall this is a relatively small inconvenience, and it is balanced by providing our customers with high-quality product & technical support (which is often appreciated!). We also appreciate all of our customer's efforts, and are always open to suggestions.

We have numerous licensing schemes to make our customer's lives as easy as possible, and have regularly updated the license process to resolve any issues. If you feel the licensing requirements on your part is difficult, please let us know - there may be an existing scheme available that will meet your needs.

Original ID: IG223700
Category: GeneralType: Information Product: General Issue

For all My-T-Soft 2.10 information, refer to Build-A-Board 2.10

For all support & technical issues, click to open Build-A-Board 2.10 Support information

My-T-Soft 2.10 was never released as a stand-alone product. The only way to obtain the software is from the run-time target for Windows in Build-A-Board. If you are trying to restore a system that had My-T-Soft 2.10, ideally you would obtain the software and custom keyboard layouts from the original Build-A-Board deployment. Alternatively, you can copy the software from a backup or a different system (if possible).

To license a new system, you need a Certificate of Authenticity with a MTS210?????? Serial number or will need to transfer the license - see Transfer a License (a serial number and license key are required to transfer a license).
Category: GeneralType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 2.10

Build-A-Board 2.20

The 2.20 release of Build-A-Board is the first to include targets for Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X, along with Windows (95 thru 7) and Windows CE. It also is fully Unicode compliant, supports images on panels and keys, and provides many enhancements over the 2.10 capabilities. Custom on-screen keyboards and visual interfaces can be quickly and easily built, and then deployed on any supported target system. Application Integration is also easy & quick using the IMG Developer's Kit. Refer to the product pages or contact IMG for deployment and license options.

License Options

Build-A-Board 2.20 will still support run-time license options for users that need only 1 or a small number of licenses. The platform license options are based on company size and type of rollout required. Platform licenses cover the deployment OS, and are royalty free per device.

Because of the wide range of customers and differing requirements, we offer a wide range of license and usage options - if you don't see a satisfactory option, please contact IMG directly.

Category: GeneralType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 3 Known Issues

You should first select a Run-Time target before performing any build once the Builder is started.

The ;; (double semi-colon) as a line break for the Key Label is not documented. To obtain a line break on a key, use the ;; sequence within the text at the point you wish the line break to occur.

The Key Label {IMG:ACMD} is not documented. This presents the unicode character for the Apple Command character on the Mac OS X run-time (see Source examples: Mac Keyboard, Mac Large). This character is displayed in the Panel font, and it is not drawn internally like the other IMG: Key Label entries - it is a special label for the Mac OS X run-time. This is not supported on other platforms.

Linux run-times: will only type with 2.10 layouts, even though 2.20 layouts will display. Build-A-Board 2.20 projects must target ANSI 210 (MSWIN). New NKBF layouts must be different sizes to repaint correctly. The HiRes key type will not scale to the key size. PNG images work best with 24-bit color. Contact IMG for status if deploying Release 3 Linux run-times and 2.10 layouts aren't sufficient. (Refer to updated Linux run-times)

Many sample layouts from the previous 2.10 version do not have the Shifted Key Label set - as such, Caps and Shift will function correctly, but not change the displayed layout. For a working 2.20 samples, refer to the Keyboard Numpad Sample 2 or Windows CE Keyboard layouts.

Within the builder, multiple key selects for Key Hover/Key Press will not set back to None/0 - you must do individual keys.

For certain User Account Control settings in certain versions of Windows, the Run option after a build may not launch the test board. The Program Compatibility Assistant will establish this registry entry to allow normal operation:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"C:\\Program Files\\Build-A-Board\\BIN\\builderu.exe"="ELEVATECREATEPROCESS"

For certain custom DPI settings, the Key Properties dialog will not display a scroll bar, preventing access to all options. Use a standard DPI setting, or adjust your custom setting to allow proper display of the dialog.

If you do a 2.20 install over an existing 2.10 install, the TEST folder will have incorrect files, and the "Run My-T-Soft" option after successfully building a board will not operate correctly (Recommended to Un-Install 2.10).

The Key Action is limited to 128 characters, although using the zoom dialog allows longer macros, which can cause memory issues if longer macros are created - be sure to watch character limit and make sure macros remain less than 128 characters. If TypeFile/PlayMacro type external macros have non-character data (line feed/carriage returns/control characters) the macro may not work, and can cause the process macrobat in Linux to stop.

There is a system workaround for the issue noted in Build Process Notes in the User's Guide - see Tech Item PU2011120667

Running in Windows 8/8.1:
You will want to install on Windows 8, and then right-click on the Build-A-Board icon, select Properties | Compatibility Tab | Compatibility mode - Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7. Also do this for the Licensing Information icon.

Running in Windows 10:
You will want to install on Windows 10, and then right-click on the Build-A-Board icon, select Open File Location (\Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN) then do the following for BUILDERU.EXE, LICENSE.EXE, LICENSE2.EXE - select the file, right-click, select Properties | Compatibility Tab | Compatibility mode - Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7.

There is no automatic way to select a platform when ordering on the web - contact IMG Customer Service to select a Platform license for your BAB220?????? License.

Category: GeneralType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

Understanding user-friendly Key Actions with respect to Input Locale

Note: The specifics are in regards to Windows platforms, but similar concepts apply to all platforms.

A critical aspect of the design of Build-A-Board and its run-time components is the ability to separate the Key Label (what the user sees), and the Key Action (what happens when the key is selected). The user-friendly Key Action for normal keyboard keys (i.e. A-Z, 1-9, etc.) typically uses the same character in Key Action as in the Key Label. This is intuitive, and in normal circumstances provides the builder and the end-user what they expect - click on a key labeled A, and get an A typed into the application they are typing into.

When working with different input locales in Windows, you have options for a floating tool bar, or using a tool on the system task bar that allows you to select the current input for the active window (i.e. the application that has the input focus). Each application can be assigned its own input locale. When the input locale changes, the same keystroke can generate different characters (based on the current input locale).

To accommodate the user-friendly Key Actions (i.e. the character is used rather than a scan code/virtual key code), a lookup is required. This lookup use the Windows API (specifically VkKeyScan) and takes place in the context of the input locale - but the actual input locale used for this lookup is critically important. There are various issues involved and has to do with the assignment of the default input locale to the process that is running. A physical keyboard is a system device, and remains static. So it always generates the same scan code, and how it is interpreted depends on the input locale for the current application that has the input focus. However, the virtual keyboard displayed by My-T-Soft is at its core, a process in the system, and bound by the way the system handles processes. When you run MYTSOFT.EXE it runs in the context of the current default input locale - which may or may not synchronize with a different locale/input as selected for another running application.

For example, let's say you want a Greek layout, but are testing on your development system that has an English default layout, and you select Greek when testing in Notepad. When you run MYTSOFT.EXE it will run (and look up keystrokes in the context of the English layout).

If you use the Greek alpha α character in both Key Label and Key Action, it will not operate correctly. It turns out the correct scan code gets looked up if the Key Action is a (rather than the Greek alpha α). So if you build a layout with the Greek alpha α and use a as the Key Action, it will type correctly when the App you are typing into is selected as Greek. On the other hand, if you put both the Key Label and Key Action as Greek alpha α, and then change the system to be default Greek, then run MYTSOFT.exe, it will type the Greek alpha α into a newly opened app (i.e. everything is in the Greek locale).

The scan code of 65 (hex 0x41) will generate an a in English and a Greek alpha α in Greek, so the better choice would be to just use this scan code (virtual key code) (e.g. %%s065) as the Key Action, because the lookup (which depends on the default locale for input) can change from system to system.

Because the Windows API is used and can change based on the user and system, the user-friendly Key Action as a character isn't as portable as specifying a key code - and much has to do that the "input" is an actual process running on the system rather than a system device.

You can download the IMG Developer's Kit, or just KEYWATCH.exe at, and use that with different locales, the physical keyboard, and My-T-Soft to identify results based on different settings. This also can be used to identify the scan code (virtual key code) required.

One critical factor is the system default settings - if this is something other than what the builder system is running on, then testing the resultant layout on the actual target is critical to determine operation in that environment. As mentioned above, the approach of changing the input locale for the application works for key codes, but not lookups based on actual characters because of system process issues and the default input locale.

Category: GeneralType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.102 Release Notes

In order to provide backwards support for the 2.20.32 release that can run on Android 5.1 to 8.1 (API 22-27), and due to required code changes for updating to Android 9 (API 28), there are now 2 distinct Android releases. The original release and update notes continue after the notes on the current release.

This release is built targeting Android 9 (API 28), and no attempt was made to provide backwards compatibility. There were several key deprecated API calls that required updating the code, and with additional changes anticipated for Android 10, it made sense to take this targeted approach.

The main update revolves around adding an undocked, or floating keyboard option (under My-T-Soft Operation options). When enabled, the keyboard is displayed as a floating "popup" window, and with the appropriate move option (Keyboard Moving), it can be dragged as needed. It will still operate as any standard IME in terms of hiding and showing due to text input. Note that in Multi Window mode (where multiple windows are visible on the screen), the floating keyboard must be over the window you want to type into.

My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.102 (first Android 9 release, November 2020)

My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.32 Release Notes

The release has full support for 2.20 Unicode KBFs (Customized layouts / KeyBoard File) created with IMG's Build-A-Board, but there are a few limitations partially due to the limits of the Android platform and partially due to design choices during the development of the software.

Fonts - custom fonts specified in Build-A-Board are not carried through, and the default/system font is used for all text display. Additionally various logic is used to address key and board scaling and to ensure that all text fits into the available space.

Key Images - Key Image data selected and used in Build-A-Board is not used - the Key Image selections in the My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings | Key Images are used as overrides, and there is no way to select/use the Boards Key Image. Note that the HiRes Key Type and Key Image Frame is required to enable use of these Key Images on the device. For the Regular Key Type, the frame options and text/face/highlight/shadow colors are fully supported.

When the Revert to Default Layout on Long Key Press is On, this effectively disables the repeatable key type for backspace or delete, as holding down the key triggers the Long Key press event.

Keys - Caps aware/shift states are handled internally based on single letter Key Labels/Key Actions. Various keys (e.g. arrows) use text handling logic vs. generating actual keystrokes to be interpreted by the text control. Due to the nature of how keys are translated and interpreted, the interface should clearly be understood as a virtual keyboard vs. a keyboard/keystroke emulator. If there are specific key issues, please contact IMG Technical Support.

Keyboard Moving - this option will act differently on different devices, so it may not be the best choice for all situations. You will not be able to move a board off the top or sides, and this will limit the usefulness on smaller screens.

Undocked / Top of screen layouts prevent actual touch/clicks directly below the displayed keyboard layout window.

The 2.20.16 update supports base key events using the [CMD:KEYCODE=???] where ??? is a decimal number specifying an Android internal keycode (e.g. KEYCODE_1 is decimal 8). This also provides support for the %%knnn syntax for these Android virtual codes.

My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.32 (November 2018) - license issue when not in apk, support default layout from account in addition to favorites.
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.30 (September 2018) - addresses Long Press setting at device reboot.
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.28 (September 2018) - correct Bar Code Scanner Interface setting for Zebra/Honeywell devices at startup / BOARDS folder logic to prevent KBF overwrites.
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.26 (September 2018) -Scan Tab/Enter Key feature to handle as keystrokes or editor actions. Additional scanner.txt overrides (additonal 2 hardware key triggers, prefix/suffix options).
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.24 (September 2018) - Additional support for Honeywell barcode scanners and scanner.txt overrides (hardware key triggers, trigger options, external scanner).
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.22 (September 2018) - Additional support for Honeywell barcode scanners and auto-import options for account/preferences (My-T-Soft_Import folder).
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.20 (August 2018) - Adds support for Honeywell barcode scanners and embedded license options.
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.18 (July 2018) - Includes Force Visibility option and has Import/Export options for settings. Also support for Android 8 (Oreo)
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.16 (June 2018) - Updates [F1] - [F12] interpretaton to be key events (F1 = Keycode 131, etc.) Also resolved key event constructor issue.
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.14 (June 2018) - adds CMD:KEYCODE support for raw key events. (Also begins version tagging that odd versions are development, even versions are public releases)
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.12 (March 2017) - adds Editor Input interpretation for tab and enter characters fed from DataWedge scanned data
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.11 (November 2017) - adds logic for managing DataWedge profiles from within My-T-Soft
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.10 (October 2017) - includes support for Zebra Technologies DataWedge utility (Bar code scanning)
My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.9 (first public release, September 2017)

Category: GeneralType: Information Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

License Issues

Original ID: IL800270
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue


Original ID: IL800271
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

Have a Certificate of Authenticity, and cannot license the software by entering the License Key, Serial #, Customer Name, and Company.

Please check the following:
Original ID: IL800272
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

Problems with an evaluation license or any electronic license (delivered via e-mail)

Here are some items that have occurred that may help you resolve this issue...

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

IMG Personal License

The IMG Personal License is a system based license tied to a unique identifier. The IMG Personal License is a low-cost, limited support license that gives individuals access to IMG software. You may manage this type of license with your account. You can logon to your account here:
Refer the IMG License Manager Help available in the product or options available within your account. For additional information on the IMG Personal License, you can refer to this page:
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

The License Key displayed in the "This is a Licensed and Registered version." display does not match my Certificate of Authenticity

The IMG License Manager has multiple sources for validating licenses. Typically the Serial Number and License key displayed are embedded in the LICENSE.LIC file, and for a normal install, followed by a license entering the License Key and Serial Number from the Certificate of Authenticity, the Licensed display will indicate the certificate values.

Important Note: There are an infinite number of valid license keys for any serial number due to various algorithms used to validate the license and what criteria is used for a specific system. There are also overrides and fall-back options used internally, so it is not a cause for concern if the displayed license key does not match the certificate license key - as long as you see the "This is a Licensed and Registered version". Also note that only releases post 1.78 Release 3 (and other products circa 2009) actually displayed a license key. The display is informational only, it is not a critical aspect of the license - the license is based on LICENSE.LIC, and often multiple keys are used (e.g. to lock to the hard drive and ethernet Mac ID). The specific key shown will typically be the Certificate key, but it is not a requirement of the software.

If the Serial Number does match the certificate, but the License Key does not, yet that is what you wish, attempt the following:

  1. Manually copy \Program Files\[PRODUCT DIRECTORY]\LICENSE.ORG to \Program Files\[PRODUCT DIRECTORY]\LICENSE.LIC.
  2. As an Administrator, Run LICENSE.EXE (Licensing Information Icon)
  3. Enter License Key and Serial Number and some text in Customer, then Finish & verify license
  4. Re-Run LICENSE.EXE (Licensing Information Icon) and verify display

Check overrides - delete any 4 character entry in registry at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\Software\Innovation Management Group\Windows, e.g. T178=pddQRmEEEEEE::0tTyYQwWeE - these could be from an evaluation license and may affect display.
Verify you are not running the software from a USB - the USB based license will not act like a system based license.
Verify there is not a section in LICENSE.LIC with a [License] Key=ABCD12340987 entry (it is recommended to use steps above to revert to original license file).
Verify you are installing and working with software from an IMG Product Disc or downloaded from - there are custom, OEM, and special releases that may act differently due to special use cases.

If the display is a requirement, refer to the IMG Software Check utility and run to clear off all IMG software. Then perform an install from a known valid retail version of the Product and Version matching your certificate. Install and license using Certificate Keys.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

IMG Personal License valid, but product runs as a Demo (unlicensed)

First reported after Windows 10 update in November 2015, determined that the "highestAvailable" manifested exe required to properly communicate with License process. Steps required to resolve issue:
  1. (SmartClick as example) - Use Windows Explorer, browse to \Program Files\SmartClick (or \Program Files (x86)\SmartClick).
  2. Find SmartClick.highestAvailable.exe and SmartClick.exe. Rename SmartClick.exe to SmartClick.original.exe and then copy SmartClick.highestAvailable.exe to SmartClick.exe (or copy/paste, then rename)
  3. Test and verify SmartClick runs without DEMO display at opening Splash screen
Notes: The SmartClick process launches and communicates with the LICENSE2.exe process to validate the license on the system. Apparently there were internal security changes to the Windows update that resulted in the communication that previously worked no longer did. By using the higher permissions version, the communication that was not working now works again. This may have to do with permissions of the user/user setup and other security / local policy settings. Also note there is also a "requireAdministrator" exe that could be used if the "highestAvailable" exe does not resolve the issue.
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

Step-by-step to enter a 30/60/90/1 year Evaluation License when provided as License Key/Serial Number

  1. Run IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon / LICENSE.EXE)
  2. Click on "Additional License Options / Support" button (blue)
  3. Click on "Delete (Reset) License File (LICENSE.LIC)" & confirm Yes/Yes - this makes sure any other license or expired license is cleared on your system
  4. Enter License Key as provided (be sure to verify entry)
  5. Enter Serial Number as provided (be sure to verify entry)
  6. Optionally enter Customer/Company, then flick on Finish, and do final Confirmation
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: General Issue

The license file used in retail versions of My-T-Soft 1.77 will not license after January 24, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past January 24, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file, and when My-T-Soft 1.77 was released in 2003, the thought that people would still be using this software in 2010 seemed unlikely. My-T-Soft 1.78 was released in 2007, and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 1.77.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

The license file used in retail versions of My-T-Soft 2.10 will not license after July 19, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past July 19, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file. Build-A-Board 2.20 has been released and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 2.10 version.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 2.10

For any MTS210?????? License Keys issued after July 19, 2010, you must update/use new License File (LICENSE.LIC)

To resolve the license issue (See Knowledge Base Item IL1110120646), a new license file has been created.

You can download the new license file at: LICMTS210.ZIP

The zip file contains an updated LICENSE.LIC file - these are the MD5 checks for these files:
21CBBCC7A58F684FFF32103996805489 *
C05E45F9823C5C568CE4F13EA829B75E *license.lic

To update the My-T-Soft 2.10 run-time files, simply replace the existing LICENSE.LIC in the folder with MYTSOFT.EXE and LICENSE.EXE, run LICENSE.EXE, and enter your new license key.
IMPORTANT - this is ONLY for new license keys issued since July 2010 - for older keys, refer to KnowledgeBase Item IL1110120646 (link above)

To update Build-A-Board (both 2.10/2.20), replace the LICENSE LIC in the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\MSWIN folder with the new LICENSE.LIC file in Once done, rebuild any targets for Windows ANSI 2.10, and the license file will be carried through the process - once you deploy, the new license key/serial # will work.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 2.10

My-T-Touch starts in Demo-Mode, but it was licensed and I have a Certificate of Authenticity.

The license manager uses the System ID to track the unlock codes. The System ID on the Certificate must match the System ID shown in the license manager on the system you are trying to license. If it matches, please try the following:
1) Using Windows explorer, go into \WINDOWS\MYTTOUCH (or \WINNT\MYTTOUCH), and find the file LICENSE.LIC. Delete this file. 2) Run LICENSE.EXE (or Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Touch | Licensing information) - click Register later to close the license manager. Then Re-Run the license manager, and verify the System ID against the licensed System ID on the Certificate.
3) If correct, reboot your system - do not run My-T-Touch, and go directly back into the license manager - Enter the codes in the fields (you must enter some text in the customer field), and save.
If the System ID does not match, you can transfer the license via our website. You will need the new System ID, and the Serial # and License Key from the Certificate.
Original ID: IL253101
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-Touch

The license file used in retail versions of My-T-Touch 1.77 will not license after January 16, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past January 16, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file, and when My-T-Touch 1.77 was released in 2003, the thought that people would still be using this software in 2010 seemed unlikely. My-T-Touch 1.78 was released in 2007, and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 1.77.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

The license file used in retail versions of Joystick-To-Mouse 2.60 will not license after January 16, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past January 16, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file. Joystick-To-Mouse 2.70 was released in 2008, and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 2.60.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

The license file used in retail versions of My-T-Pen 1.77 will not license after January 16, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past January 16, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file, and when My-T-Pen 1.77 was released in 2003, the thought that people would still be using this software in 2010 seemed unlikely. My-T-Pen 1.78 was released in 2007, and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 1.77.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

For any TRT120?????? License Keys issued after 2010, you must update/use new License Files (LICENSE.LIC/LICENSE.EXE)

For customers on Annual Maintenance, or anyone needing a TouchRight Utilities License for the older 1.20 version, new license files have been created.

You can download the new license files at: LICTRT120.ZIP (162KB) 4/4/2011

The zip file contains an updated LICENSE.LIC/LICENSE.EXE file - these are the MD5 checks for these files:
A526B54A1D33B2030FD208CB8BE4AC07 *
B8D44D53DC28DBA331F8CCE9ED242CE7 *license.lic
6A18CF1776E163D4ACE5F9A2061EC5F2 *license.exe

To update the TouchRight Utilities run-time files, simply replace the existing LICENSE.EXE/LICENSE.LIC in the TRTUTILS folder (with TRTUTILS.EXE and LICENSE.EXE), run LICENSE.EXE, and enter your new license key.
IMPORTANT - this is ONLY for new license keys issued since 2010 - for older keys you will need to transfer the license (Support pages)

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: TouchRight UtilitiesVersion: 1.20

Is it possible to view the end user license agreement for Build-A-Board without having to download the demo version?
You can also get to this by clicking on / General button (at top), Company Policies, then on the IMG Standard License Agreement.
Original ID: IL253726
Category: LicensingType: Information Product: Build-A-Board

The license file used in retail versions of My-T-Soft 2.10 will not license after July 19, 2010. Even if you have a valid Certificate of Authenticity for the software, if your system date is current (past July 19, 2010) the license authentication algorithm will not license. Refer to the options below for solutions to overcome this limitation.

The license algorithm uses a date embedded in the default (installation) license file. Build-A-Board 2.20 has been released and it is recommended that users upgrade, or refer to their annual maintenance options (or contact IMG Customer Service regarding Maintenance options). However due to standardization, validation issues, and the stability of the software, some customers require the use of 2.10 version.

Category: LicensingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

Keyword search help

Keyword search supports single or multiple word searches. Quotes are supported for single or multiple keyword searches. If you are searching for a single keyword such as install it will return all entries containing the word install and most variations such as installed, installing, and installation. If quotes are used then the same results will appear since the word install in located in the words installed, installing, and installation. Using quotes versus not using them differs mainly when searching for multiple words. Searching for Joystick-To-Mouse drift using quotes will return all entries with the exact phrase "Joystick-To-Mouse drift" where not using quotes will return all entries containing Joystick-to-mouse drift and any entries containing single words within that phrase such asjoystick, mouse, drift and most variations such as drifts or joysticks. When not using quotes special characters will be removed. For example when searching for Build-A-Board the dashes are removed and all entries containing Build A Board and individual words such as Build and Board along with similar sounding words such as built will be displayed.
Original ID: IU100000
Category: UsingType: Information Product: General Issue

Want to verify Mouse/Trackball/Pointing Device operation

Download and run the IMG Mouse Test Utility. This utility will allow you to visibly see your mouse actions to verify your mouse when held down does not generate any other mouse events.

Download IMG Mouse Test Utility img_mouse_test.exe 11/1/2013 (56KB) (MD5: B725228E97C88840A37410186C5805CE)

Basic Operation
Category: UsingType: Information Product: General Issue

How do I install and run My-T-Soft 1.77 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run. Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.
    • Once the program starts, select “Install Software”
    • Select all the default options to install the software.

  3. ***if the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

Minimized Button operation in special (non-standard Desktop) environments

One feature of the minimize option "Minimize to Title Bar Button" is to monitor the current active window, and reposition onto the title bar of the foreground (active) window. When working with a non-explorer based desktop, certain window manager logic checks will result in the button not tracking all windows. One option is to run explorer.exe as a separate process, or use the "Minimize to a Window" option.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79

Errant typing and/or errant keyboard behavior on a touchscreen system

This is a collection of various support items that may address unexpected, undesired, or incorrect behavior, along with some solutions/items to check.

Types of errant behavior:

In general, restarting your system and testing with a clean/limited tool like Notepad may help identify if the problem is related to the keyboard software or something else in the system. Verifying what can duplicate the problem is an important factor in quickly resolving any operational issues.

Things to check:

System speed issues with the painting in the software can cause keyboard state issues due to the user/system/typing aspects (i.e. keyboard painting results in delays that affect typing). This is a combination of the system speed, video speed, and the 3D rendering in the software - using the oldest painting method of simple 2D keys can speed painting / eliminate this if the system's video speed / memory is affecting the display (and that is what is causing the keyboard typing/syncing issue).

Refer to this tech item:

Notes on keyboard states:

Virtual keystrokes that are interpreted by the system based on the internal keyboard state. There are various ways the system's keyboard state can affected, and could be related to other software in the system, interactions between different types of windows in the system, etc. Sometimes these "incorrect" states can be cleared by pressing the Shift key/Ctrl key once or twice.

If these "incorrect" states occur frequently, it may be worth working with the system to determine what the underlying cause is (or what event/sequence occurs before the problem). Windows also preserves a keyboard state for each open application, and this can be more problematic with windows based command prompt based/DOS type applications due to system speed/interface issues created within Windows.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

OnScreen keys do not work.

If OnScreen is running as a demo, after 1 hour or 250 keystrokes, it will stop operating and only type "demo". To verify your license, please go to Start Menu | Programs | OnScreen | Licensing Information. In general, once licensed to a system, nothing will affect the license unless you re-install windows or reformat the hard drive. If it reports as a demo, you can transfer a license on our website at, Support | License | Transfer a license - you will need the Serial # / License Key from your Certificate of Authenticity, and the System ID reported by the IMG License Manager.
Original ID: IU253114
Category: UsingType: Information Product: OnScreen

How do I install and run OnScreen 1.75 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.75

How do I install and use My-T-Touch 1.77 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

How do I install and run Joystick-To-Mouse 2.60 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with the program icons, right click on the Joystick-To-Mouse icon

On certain devices in Vista, there is a reported joystick/device value issue that Joystick-To-Mouse 2.60 has during first startup, the solution being to stop Joystick-To-Mouse, then re-Start Joystick-To-Mouse via the menu in the program. You can watch the values if you go into Calibration | Joystick-To-Mouse Custom Calibration, and look at the reported X/Y values - they will typically be 0 or non-sensical (e.g. the Min X greater than the Max X). This reporting causes drift or non-operation until you Stop, Then re-start Joystick-To-Mouse.

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

In Windows Vista / Windows 7 using Joystick-To-Mouse with User Account Control Enabled doesn't operate correctly

Any release prior to 2.70 Release 4 (Windows 7 compatible release) will need to be run with User Account Control disabled on Windows Vista (or Windows 7)
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70

I selected a preset and now I am having problems (buttons, cursor drift, etc.)

In any release of Joystick-To-Mouse 2.70 Release 4 or earlier, the preset are not in sync with the settings, and so selecting one will cause incorrect values for arbitrary settings. Do not use preset selections on these releases. If you have done this and are having problems, please do the following:
- Make sure Joystick-To-Mouse is closed
- As an Administrator, run Regedit.exe
- Delete the Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Innovation Management Group/Joystick-To-Mouse
- Close Regedit, and retry Joystick-To-Mouse - defaults will be used, and you can change speed or button settings to your preferred configuration.
Note: If you are running direct from the INI (DoNotUseRegistry is set), copy JOY2MSE.ORG to JOY2MSE.INI, then set DoNotUseRegistry=1
If unable to run Regedit, you can also resolve this is by uninstalling, then re-installing the software (to copy in the correct initial settings).

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70

Running any version prior to Joystick-To-Mouse 2.70 Release 6 in Windows 8

When running any release earlier than Joystick-To-Mouse 2.70 Release 6 in Windows 8, you will receive an "Improper Windows Version" message. You can enable the built-in compatibility mode for the software for Windows 8. For JOY2MSE.EXE, LICENSE.EXE you can right-click, select properties, select the Compatibility tab and enable the compatibility mode for operation as Windows 7.

As an alternate workaround, you can download and overwrite the existing IMGVERS.DLL with this updated IMGVERS.DLL for Windows 8. 56K 1/30/2013 (MD5: 25E5A85B71F7A0FA91CD84205CD20853). Follow these steps:

Note: After running in compatibility mode for some period of time (possibly after a power save mode), Joystick-To-Mouse may run slower. This appears to be a system timer issue that occurs when running under the compatibilty mode - you may wish to check for updates to Windows 8, or use the IMGVERS.DLL alternate approach above.

For additional informaton, refer to the entry for Windows 8

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70

Joystick-To-Mouse seems to operate but doesn't send clicks or control Task Manager, or My-T-Soft Basic (or other program)

In Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 with User Account Control (UAC) On, there can be UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation) that blocks input events or prevents expected operation (i.e. the ability to send user interface events is blocked due to security concerns). To bypass this, you can use the one of the provided executables, e.g. JOY2MSE.highestAvailable.exe or JOY2MSE.requireAdministrator.exe (located in the Installation folder, e.g. \Program Files\Joystick-To-Mouse or \Program Files (x86)\Joystick-To-Mouse). If this is required to allow desired operation, as Administrator, you can copy the appropriate exe to JOY2MSE.exe, or make a shortcut to the appropriate security level executable file. Note if UAC is on, you will be required to confirm or provide a password to operate the executable at this privilege level.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70 2.80

Here are some useful system configuration options when working with Joystick-To-Mouse in Windows 10

To quickly get into the joystick properties you can use the joy.cpl control panel applet. To do this use [Win]-R, then type "joy.cpl" | OK. By holding down the Windows key, pressing the R key (then release both), you will open the Run dialog. Type "joy.cpl" and select OK to open the Control Panel applet for the joystick/game controllers. Once there, you can go into properties, and verify the crosshairs is actually in the middle - if it is off-center there, you will get drift when running Joystick-To-Mouse. Try re-calibrating or restarting your system & retesting to verify your centered joystick is actually centered based on input to Windows.

In earlier Joystick-To-Mouse releases (prior to 2.80 Release 5) you may have a drift (or severe drift to a screen corner) is the DPI (dots per inch) is NOT at 100%. To check this, or test at 100%, you can use [Win]-R, type "desk.cpl" | OK, then select "Make text and other items larger or smaller", then select "set a custom scaling level" - if it is something other than 100%, try 100% to see if the drift issue stops.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.80

Windows 10 update v2004 affects Joystick-To-Mouse operation

We have confirmed that Joystick-To-Mouse will run as normal, but does not receive input events from the selected Joystick/Game controller, and hence, will not move the mouse cursor, or perform button events on Windows 10 with this update. We have also confirmed that operation is correct on v1903, so this is a problem introduced by Microsoft with their updates (possibly related to "Updates to improve security when using input devices (such as a mouse, keyboard, or pen)"). Joystick-To-Mouse has worked for years on Windows 10, so this is an unfortunate situation created by Microsoft. You may wish to check for updates, or contact Microsoft technical support, as there are various Knowledge Base updates that address issues introduced by this Feature Update, e.g. KB4571756. This item will be updated if more information becomes available.

Update: We put our development team on this, and they discovered the Joystick messages MM_JOY1MOVE, MM_JOY1BUTTONDOWN, etc. were no longer being received after a joySetCapture call, as has happened for 20+ years. In checking Microsoft's API documentation, there is no indication these are deprecated or being phased out. However, there is a newer alternative API option, and with several modifications to the main JOY2MSE.EXE, a patched download for Windows 10 is now available. You can download the r5 patch install here: jtm280r5patch_810.exe for Windows 10 v2004 (3.23MB) 9/9/2020 (MD5: 4360F9FBFF485B4619F9DF5387F6A817)

It is recommended that with Joystick-To-Mouse closed/not running, you download and run through install to update/overwrite the Joystick-To-Mouse executables, and then test with this patch.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.80

When I do use the Print Screen function to capture the current window, it also captures any part of the on-screen keyboard that is overlapping the current window.

For an on-screen keyboard to work, it can't fall behind other windows, so the design of the software prevents operation as other windows in the system. Here are a few options:
1) You can set a right or middle button to "hide" the keyboard (See My-T-Pen Setup | Mouse buttons | Button Actions | Look Through My-T-Pen
2) You can minimize the window prior to the screen shot (My-T-Pen Setup | Configuration (Minimize options)) If you are using My-T-Pen to "trigger" the screen shot.
3) You can set the right-button to be a key combo (e.g. Ctrl-PgUp), and then reconfigure your screen capture program to use this combo - if you minimize My-T-Pen to a button, you can right-click on the button to trigger the screen capture (note: you will still capture the image of the button)
4) You can review the Developer's Kit utilities - you could create a batch/script that moves My-T-Pen off screen, use the SendStringMacro (SDSTRMTS) utility to send the keystrokes, then move back on screen. This can get involved & require familiarity with the DevKit & time to test & verify.
Original ID: IU253404
Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-Pen

How do I install My-T-Pen 1.60 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.60

How do I install and run TouchRight 1.21 Utilities on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: TouchRight UtilitiesVersion: 1.21

How do I get Build-A-Board run-time My-T-Soft 2.10 (MYTSOFT.EXE 2.10) for XP working in Windows Vista?

When running the 95-XP run-time in Vista, you will get an "Improper Windows Version" message. You can enable the built-in compatibility mode for the software. For MYTSOFT.EXE, MACROBAT.EXE, LICENSE.EXE you can right-click, select properties, select the Compatibility tab and enable the compatibility mode for operation as Windows XP SP2. As an alternate workaround, you can download and overwrite the existing IMGVERS.DLL with this updated IMGVERS.DLL for Vista. (MD5: 4B235A355DAAF9E204F626EDB27175A9) Please note that this simply reports that Vista is the same as 2000/XP - this allows the software to run without the message, but no other accommodations for Vista (e.g. User Account Control/enhanced security/software manifests, etc.) occur.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

How do I install and run Build-A-Board 2.10 on Windows Vista?

Be sure to use the MSI (alternate download) install, e.g. BAB210.MSI

You must be an Administrator to install Build-A-Board. If Limited User, and User Account Control (UAC) is on, then SETUP.EXE should escalate and ask for an Administrator password. If UAC is Off, then it will not install. You must logon as Administrator to install Build-A-Board.

If using the 64-bit version, replace the \Program Files with \Program Files (x86) in the instructions below

Once installed, you must set compatibility to run, set permissions for licensing and operation, and move SOURCE and TARGET folder to a Public location

NOTE: Do not do this step for 64-bit Vista, i.e. do not set compatibility Use Windows Explorer, go into \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN, then Select BABTC.EXE, and Right-Click | select Properties, then select Compatibility Tab and select:
Run this program in compatibility mode for:
Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
Now do the same operations for BUILDER.EXE and LICENSE.EXE.

Now you must change Permissions - Under Program Files, select the Build-A-Board folder, and right-click | Properties. Under security tab, click on the Edit button below the users/groups list. It will ask for Administrator password. Then select the Users group, and give full control to the Build-A-Board folder. Then OK, OK.

At this point, you may update the IMGVERS.DLL, indicated at this help link - Updating IMGVERS.DLL for run-time MYTSOFT.EXE 2.10 to run in Vista. This file can be updated in \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN, \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\MSWIN, and \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\TEST.

Now you will be able to License Build-A-Board (License starting with BAB210??????). After Compatibility and permissions set, run \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\LICENSE.EXE, and enter license code. You must be able to save to the file \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\LICENSE.LIC, and the Permission step above should allow this. You can verify you have sufficient permissions by opening the LICENSE.LIC in Notepad, and enter a line, and save it, then re-open - the changes should be visible. Clear the line, and save it back in its original form, then run LICENSE.EXE

Working folders - For best results, move the SOURCE and TARGET folders to a public place (or your local user folders), and update Build-A-Board settings to reflect this change.

In Explorer, open another window and go into Users then into Public then into Public Documents, then create a folder called Build-A-Board. Now copy SOURCE and TARGET folders from \Program Files\Build-A-Board to \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board

So now you should have 2 folders at:
\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE and

Now run the Builder - Start Menu | All Programs | Build-a-Board | Build-A-Board Builder. Now select Edit menu | Properties, and click on the Global Settings Tab. Click on the ... button next to the source folder and select Public | Public Documents | Build-A-Board | SOURCE, and it should show C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE for the Source.

Click on the ... button next to the Target folder and select Public | Public Documents | Build-A-Board | TARGET, and it should show C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\TARGET for the Target. Now click OK.

Once Build-A-Board is licensed by an Administrator, and the folders are moved to an area without limitations (the Program Files location is not available for storing data files in Windows Vista), you will be able to save projects, and operate Build-A-Board as a normal user - refer to the new location created above for Source files, and for Target files for built projects.

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

How do I get Build-A-Board run-time My-T-Soft 2.10 (MYTSOFT.EXE 2.10) for XP working in Windows 7?

When running the 95-XP run-time in 7, you will get an "Improper Windows Version" message. You can enable the built-in compatibility mode for the software. For MYTSOFT.EXE, MACROBAT.EXE, LICENSE.EXE you can right-click, select properties, select the Compatibility tab and enable the compatibility mode for operation as Windows XP SP3. As an alternate workaround, you can download and overwrite the existing IMGVERS.DLL with this updated IMGVERS.DLL for Windows 7. (MD5: 6EF6AD0215549E697B8A56B5C5B1C266) Please note that this simply reports that 7 is the same as 2000/XP - this allows the software to run without the message, but no other accommodations for 7 (e.g. User Account Control/enhanced security/software manifests, etc.) occur.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

How do I install and run Build-A-Board 2.10 on Windows 7?

You must be an Administrator to install Build-A-Board. If Limited User, and User Account Control (UAC) is on, then SETUP.EXE should escalate and ask for an Administrator password. If UAC is Off, then it will not install. You must logon as Administrator to install Build-A-Board.

Once installed, you must set compatibility to run, set permissions for licensing and operation, and move SOURCE and TARGET folder to a Public location

After install you must change Permissions - Under Program Files, select the Build-A-Board folder, and right-click | Properties. Under security tab, click on the Edit button below the users/groups list. It will ask for Administrator password. Then select the Users group, and give full control to the Build-A-Board folder. Then OK, OK.

At this point, you should update the IMGVERS.DLL, indicated at this help link - Updating IMGVERS.DLL for run-time MYTSOFT.EXE 2.10 to run in 7. This file can be updated in \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN, \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\MSWIN, and \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\TEST.

Now you will be able to License Build-A-Board (License starting with BAB210??????). After Compatibility and permissions set, run \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\LICENSE.EXE, and enter license code. You must be able to save to the file \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\LICENSE.LIC, and the Permission step above should allow this. You can verify you have sufficient permissions by opening the LICENSE.LIC in Notepad, and enter a line, and save it, then re-open - the changes should be visible. Clear the line, and save it back in its original form, then run LICENSE.EXE

Working folders - For best results, move the SOURCE and TARGET folders to a public place (or your local user folders), and update Build-A-Board settings to reflect this change.

In Explorer, open another window and go into Users then into Public then into Public Documents, then create a folder called Build-A-Board. Now copy SOURCE and TARGET folders from \Program Files\Build-A-Board to \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board

So now you should have 2 folders at:
\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE and

Now run the Builder - Start Menu | All Programs | Build-a-Board | Build-A-Board Builder. Now select Edit menu | Properties, and click on the Global Settings Tab. Click on the ... button next to the source folder and select Public | Public Documents | Build-A-Board | SOURCE, and it should show C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE for the Source.

Click on the ... button next to the Target folder and select Public | Public Documents | Build-A-Board | TARGET, and it should show C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\TARGET for the Target. Now click OK.

Once Build-A-Board is licensed by an Administrator, and the folders are moved to an area without limitations (the Program Files location is not available for storing data files in Windows 7), you will be able to save projects, and operate Build-A-Board as a normal user - refer to the new location created above for Source files, and for Target files for built projects.

For more information about Windows 7 Click Here.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

I want the bent-arrow Enter (carriage return) symbol ↵ on a key
I want a different looking arrow on a key
I want some other symbol
I want a custom symbol on a key (and do not want to use an image)

Build-A-Board 2.20 has the option of using a different font per key, and fully supports Unicode, so a wide range of characters can be easily displayed on a key. For Windows targets, there is also an option to build custom characters (e.g. company logos) by creating a specific "personal character set"

There are some symbols available via the Key Label {IMG:??} type interface - see the sample board here: (about half way down the page)

Example #1 (bent arrow Enter / carriage return ↵ Symbol)
IU2011120677 Character Map IU2011120677 Key Properties Label IU2011120677 Key Properties Font Selection IU2011120677 Key Properties Font IU2011120677 Key Properties Font

Now we will do an arbitrary character - we will use the Private Character Editor (EUDCEDIT.exe), create a character, then use this character on a key.

IU2011120677 Private Character Editor IU2011120677 IMG Character IU2011120677 Save character IU2011120677 All Fonts (Private) Character Map IU2011120677 Key Properties, custom character IU2011120677 Build-A-Board, custom character
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

Customized Key images / KEYPAINT.DLL notes / 2.30 changes

The run-time component (MYTSOFT.EXE 2.xx) for various platforms has capabilities to override and customize the key image. This allows visual changes to a board that is deemed important (or even critical) to the operation of the on-screen keyboard. The original user option was KEYPAINT.DLL - see this link for details: Tech Item PU2011120670

As an override option, when KEYPAINT.DLL is placed in the same folder as MYTSOFT.EXE, it will override the default key painting for keys typed (Key Type) as HiRes. Internally, this sets a logical condition which calls the KEYPAINT.DLL routine to paint the key background. For custom modification, programming tools and knowledge are required.
As an override to KEYPAINT.DLL for users that do not have programming options, bitmap files can be placed in the same folder as KEYPAINT.DLL, and these images will be loaded by the DLL and override the built-in images in the DLL. This allows a user to use MSPaint or other bitmap editing tools to create custom key images. Note the KEYUP/KEYDOWN Bitmap files required both a black and white background image, along with correct resolution to create a quality key image replacement. Refer to KEYPAINT.DLL notes for additional info.
In the 2.30 release, Build-A-Board support a Key Images frame type, which allows the KBF to carry and paint custom key images without the need for a separate KEYPAINT.DLL.
If not getting the result you expect, be sure to start by removing the KEYPAINT.DLL and KEYUP?.BMP and KEYDOWN?.BMP files from the folder MYTSOFT.EXE is being run from, then add in KEYPAINT.DLL (and BMP images) as appropriate/necessary.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20 2.30

How do I make an "L" shaped Keyboard with Build-A-Board for Windows?

For Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 3, you need to update the run-time MYTSOFT executable. Refer to the interim updates tech item to retrieve the updated MYTSOFT.EXE:

Tech Item PU2011120670

Then follow these steps:
  1. Follow the instructions at tech update PU2011120670 and unzip the update, then copy MYTSOFT.exe into the MSWIN32 and TEST folders
  2. Now run Build-A-Board, and create a project that matches the full resolution of the screen for the target device, e.g. 1280x1024
  3. Verify you are building a 2.20 KBF and your target is Windows 32-bit (UNICODE 2.20) (F11, Run-Time | Select Target System)
  4. Press F7 to open the project properties - set opening Top & Left both to 0
  5. Click on the "Edit Keyboard Run-Time Settings" to add a [Region] Section to the bottom of the text file
  6. Switch to Windows explorer, and view the unzipped files from the downloaded zip in step 1 - Open the example MYTSOFT.INI to find the [Region] entries - copy this text from Notepad
  7. Switch back to the open Run-Time Settings, and paste the text from the previous step, and Edit it to look something like this:
  8. Now use File | Save, and then File | Exit
  9. Click OK to close the My-T-Soft Build-A-Board properties window
  10. Use F9 or click on the F9/Build button to build your layout
  11. Then Run and test the board - adjust region as necessary to create proper rectangles (F7 | Edit Keyboard Run-Time Settings), and add / modify keys as needed
Category: UsingType: Information Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

How do I install and run The Magnifier 1.20 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on The Magnifier icon

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.20


The only problem is, that I found no way to enlarge the mouse cursor, which is very important for people with that handicap [visual impairment]. Is it possible to somehow enlarge the mouse cursor with your software?
I need help finding the mouse cursor - what are my options in The Magnifier?

One option, developed with help from a customer, are the Cursor Lines (Alt-N). These can be turned on (or toggled) in The Magnifier which help locate the mouse pointer. You can set the size, color, and optionally animate them to find the mouse cursor. These can be toggled on or off with the Alt-N keyboard shortcut.

You can use Alt-C to toggle the display of the cursor in the magnified window (There are some differences in appearance available between Vista and 2000/XP ).

You can refer to more details on the cursor options here

Also, if you go into Control Panel | Mouse properties, and look at the Pointers tab, there are various schemes available - several are larger.

There are some limitations on what is possible due to the approach used by The Magnifier software, but hopefully one of the above options will address your requirements.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50


I have installed The Magnifier under Windows Vista. When I enlarge the desktop or images the magnification is sharp. However I tested it with various applications and the magnified text is poor and hard to read. What is wrong? What can I do?

In Windows Vista, The Magnifier's capabilities rely on the video driver itself (and settings in Windows). I believe what you are describing is the screen smoothing Windows uses on LCD type monitors (ClearType). To change this setting in Windows (not a setting in The Magnifier), you can do the following: Right-Click on the Desktop | Select Personalize | Click on Window Color and Appearance | At bottom, click on "Open classic appearance properties for more color options" | Click on Effects button | Clear the checkbox "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts" - you may also select Standard, or ClearType, to view the differences on your display. I believe if you clear this option, the text will be sharp and clear when magnified. Depending on how large your magnification setting is, the other settings may be acceptable. You should reload applications after changing this setting.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

When I move my mouse pointer I get a trail of little marks. They disappear if I go backward. What can be done about this?

This is a function of the video display update. (NOTE: It is possible that this is enabled in the Mouse properties Control Panel applet, but then you would see mouse trails always)) One option is to use Alt-C to disable the magnified cursor displayed in The Magnifier window, but I don't think that will affect what you are describing. Another option may be to reduce the magnification, or use the windowed mode (not full screen). You can go into Windows Control Panel | Display Properties | Settings and try different resolutions or color depths (e.g. 16-bit color vs. 24-bit color, etc.) and you may find a setting that minimizes this result. Alternatively, you can buy a more powerful video adapter with more memory that can make video updates invisible to the human eye. On older systems, or systems with stock video cards, the video display may not be able to perform at a satisfactory level, especially when operating a video-intensive application like The Magnifier. As a software program, we have no real control over the physical hardware you have - it can only perform as well as the operating system and hardware allow it to. If you see the mouse cursor leaving cursor images arbitrarily (or just not leaving a clean display), then you are seeing video artifacts, which means your video is not updating at a speed that matches the performance of higher-end video adapters, which may be required to provide a more enjoyable result while using The Magnifier.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

When using The Magnifier, the magnification snaps to some other location, and it is difficult to use - what can I do about this?

On different versions of Windows, and different applications, the default settings of The Magnifier may result in a conflict between the magnification following the mouse cursor, and the magnification following the text caret. By default, The Magnifier has keyboard input tracking On, specifically "Track Text Caret", and "Track Dialogs & Keyboard" in the Advanced Menu - see here for additional details.

What can happen is that the software you are running is creating an event that acts like you are typing (even though you probably aren't), and The Magnifier focuses on the position of the text caret (some field or text entry area). Since you aren't really typing, these actions can be annoying or frustrating. Also, this may only happen occasionally, or only in certain applications, or at certain screens.

The solution is to disable one or both of these settings in The Magnifier, so this automatic tracking doesn't affect the screen location that is being magnified. Simply go into the Menu, then Advanced Menu, and select "Track Text Caret" to disable it. If you still have difficulty, disable the "Track Dialogs & Keyboard" option. In The Magnifier 1.50 Release 3, the new Alt-J keyboard shortcut can toggle these 2 settings on or off - so if you cursor jumps when you don't want it to, use Alt-J to toggle these settings off, or if you want it to Jump to the text insertion point, toggle back on with Alt-J.

On most newer applications, these events are better managed, so some users may never experience this type of problem. Also, it may only occur sporadically, due to different situations in an application or program. Note that it may be possible to click on some other area or section of the application you are using, so the keyboard focus is not on a control that has a text caret. Finally, if you use The Magnifier more for reading, rather than typing, you may wish to keep these settings off.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

When using The Magnifier on a public computer, or in a situation where new users may see a magnified image (rather than the standard Windows desktop they are expecting), here is a toolbar that provides an easy to see & understand interface to control basic functions of The Magnifier.

Download The Magnifier Toolbar as MAGCTRL.EXE (2/24/2009) (788KB) (MD5: BCFC47297E1B9BA71783DC37BF1BECA9)
This is a toolbar that provides a taskbar icon, images or text, and a fixed or sizable toolbar that controls the following basic functions on The Magnifier:
The Magnifier Toolbar with graphical icons The Magnifier Toolbar menu

This is a utility that can be run directly (or from the Windows StartUp group), and it will automatically run The Magnifier. This places a visible icon on the taskbar, and provides a sizable toolbar that can be minimized when not needed. For situations where users may access a public computer, and not be familiar with The Magnifier software, this provides an easy to use, understandable way to control basic functions of The Magnifier.

Settings are saved automatically per user when closed. When launched, it will also run The Magnifier. There is a separate System Menu option to close the Toolbar (without closing The Magnifier). Users can also select between a fixed size / graphical icon toolbar, Float above other windows (Topmost setting), or a sizable / text based toolbar from the System Menu.

This will be included in The Magnifier 1.50 Release 3. It is included here for current users and those that are running earlier releases and need or desire this functionality.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

When viewing full-screen video, and using The Magnifier, the screen is blank.

Certain games and video display (depending on the system, video adapter, etc.) may display directly to your screen, bypassing the magnification support in The Magnifier. Since the screen is a single resource, any program or approach that display directly to the screen will not work with the application The Magnifier.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

I am using Windows 7 Home edition and The Magnifier upgraded to comply with this. When I type text into Star Office 9.1, in fact, in any application, be it Microsoft Office, emails, I have tried both in Explorer and Thunderbird, The Magnifier software will not follow the cursor.

This could be related to settings, the actual application you are using, or the new hot-key Alt-J added in the 1.50 Release 4. First, make sure you are running the most current release - From The Magnifier Menu | Help | About, it should indicate Version 1.50, Release 4. Then try a built in windows app like WordPad, and try using Alt-J to toggle the text caret tracking - When on, the magnification focus will follow the text caret, and when Off, it will stick only to the mouse cursor. This should work with WordPad (unless there are other settings or configuration issues in Windows 7). Once this works, then you can try your other applications and make sure everything functions with the text caret tracking. You can find the actual settings in the Advanced menu here: Advanced Menu "Track Text Caret" / "Track Dialogs & Keyboard" should be on for tracking focus / text caret. Note that there is a trade-off, in that if the mouse cursor moves a certain amount, it will override and cancel the text/keyboard focus tracking, so the mouse should be idle when using these modes.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

I have purchased a copy of Sun's Star Office version 9.1 and The Magnifier's cursor will not follow what I am typing. The Magnifier works with Office XP so I think the The Magnifier is set correctly (the option I use is full screen at 4x magnification). The cursor also does not work in my e-mail.

The application support depends on how well it integrates with Window's "Active Accessibility". Not every application that can run in Windows will work with the text cursor (caret) tracking. If it works OK in Notepad, WordPad, MS Office, but not in other apps, this is a limitation in those apps, not The Magnifier. You can contact the software publisher to see if there are other options, or if there is support for "Active Accessibility" (which is what it is called by Microsoft). There are some notes in the manual that mentions this: under Track Dialogs & Keyboard. You can toggle this feature using Alt-J to see if a set/reset may help (or make sure the feature is on before starting the application). However, this is a specific support for a feature in Windows that not all applications provide. Unfortunately, there is nothing The Magnifier can do to resolve this lack of Windows support in some other publisher's software.

Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

When running The Magnifier... system hangs system slows down
...I see strange images sometimes

The Magnifier relies heavily on the video sub-system, and underlying capabilities of the Windows Operating System. The Magnifier has been shipping since 1997, is on countless thousands of systems, and it is highly unlikely problems such as these are related to The Magnifier software. This is one of the reasons we always recommend that interested parties download and work with the software before committing to the purchase. If the particular system you want to use does not perform properly with The Magnifier running, there is little we can do to fix a hardware or hardware driver issue. The following information may be helpful to you in resolving the issue, or may explain in sufficient detail why you are experiencing an issue with our software that is, in fact, not an issue with The Magnifier software - it is only a symptom, not the cause.

The following outlines the steps you should address to make sure your system is up-to-date, and give it the best chance to run The Magnifier (and potentially remove any problem you are experiencing).
  1. Make sure you have the best video driver for your system
  2. Run at a lower color depth (16-bit color is sufficient)
  3. Make sure Windows is up-to-date
  4. Reduce (or eliminate) other software running that may sap system performance
  1. The reality of video drivers (the untold story) A modern day computer system is an amazing piece of technology - the industry is constantly moving forward providing more features, faster operation, and additional capabilities. Some people may be old enough to remember monochrome screens, and the video capabilities of the hardware (and the supporting software that connects a particular manufacturers video adapter card to the operating system) are in constant flux. One real issue with new features on a video card is that the software guys can't develop/integrate new features until they actually have a physical piece of hardware to work with. So what comes first? The hardware. (Important point #1 - the hardware is available before the optimally tuned supporting software (I.e. hardware driver software) is available). Now look at a manufacturing plant making video cards/adapters. When it comes time to make the new one, do they also continue to make the older ones? No - there typically is not enough capacity, so when the new cards start being manufactured, the old ones have reached the end of their life. Therefore, when the older adapter inventory runs out, the only thing left are the new ones. So now move on down the road to the computer manufacturer, who gets the video adapters, and builds them into their new computer systems. When the video factory stops delivering old ones, and starts delivering new ones, they don't stop what they are doing, they keep building computers, and they keep delivering computers. So what happens all too often is new video hardware is matched with older video driver software. In many cases, new improvements are a superset of the existing capabilities, so the older software may work just fine - just maybe not as fast, etc. But this may very well describe the computer you are using - a newer video adapter with an older video driver. (Important point #2 - many systems (yes, even brand new systems) are not using the best/optimal video driver software) Since it works for many situations, you may think everything is fine. So when you run The Magnifier, which relies heavily on the underlying video system (hardware AND software), and may push things to the limit in terms of speed and memory usage, problems may result only when running The Magnifier. The solution is to update your video driver (or at least verify it is the correct match for your video hardware). (Important point #3 - brand new systems are at a great disadvantage to have the manufacturers correct video driver software - due to the inability to test/debug/verify operation on a specific set of hardware as quickly as that hardware ships. Also, since the vast majority of users do not realize this (plus it is not in the best interest of the manufacturers to let on that you aren't getting the best system possible), along with the fact that optimized software lags shipping hardware, it is often the case that the video driver sofware is NOT the best match for the actual video hardware.) Therefore, if you experience any problem in your system with software, it is always a good idea to verify you are using the most up-to-date video driver for your system.
    You can update the driver in various ways
    1) Use Control Panel | Display | Settings | Advanced | Adapter | Driver | Properties | Update Driver… (or something similar based on your version of Windows)
    2) Check with your computer manufacturer's website, and follow any instructions or review any available downloads
    3) Identify the actual manufacturer of the video adapter (either through Windows or from your computer manufacturer), and then go direct to the video adapter manufacturer's website for further information. It is difficult to know if option 2 or 3 is better (much depends on the computer manufacturer and their level of customer support), but typically option 3 is recommended.
  2. Resolutions and Memory usage The larger the color depth (i.e. 16-bit or 24-bit or 32-bit), the more memory it takes to fill the display. Also, due to the 2 dimensions of height/width, each increase in color depth geometrically expands the amount of video memory required. Once you get to 16-bit color, the average person cannot distinguish color differences in sufficient detail for it to matter. So on systems where video memory is limited (i.e. most systems), selecting a lower color depth may make all the difference. You can go into Windows Control Panel | Display | Settings and try different resolutions or color depths (e.g. 16-bit color vs. 24-bit color, etc.) and you may find a setting that improves performance, or eliminates any problem you are experiencing. For virtualized systems, checking video settings, 2D or 3D acceleration, or adding memory to the Virtual Machine (VM) settings may help with video performance. Note for VMs you now may need to optimize the host hardware/supporting system AND the VM system for best results. On desktop systems, you can buy a more powerful video adapter with more memory that can make video updates invisible to the human eye. On older systems, laptops, or systems with stock video cards, the video display may not be able to perform at a satisfactory level, especially when operating a video-intensive application like The Magnifier. As a software program, we have no real control over the physical hardware you have - it can only perform as well as the operating system and hardware allow it to.
  3. Windows and Updates Windows continually gets updated, and when things finally work correctly, they rewrite everything again, so people keep buying Windows. This approach works great for certain things, but what it means in reality is that there may be issues that have nothing to do with The Magnifier, and only by getting the latest & greatest version (with bug fixes and fixed problems), can you be sure that you have the best system for running The Magnifier trouble-free. There are different settings available for Windows Updates, and you can refer to Control Panel for the specifics available for your version of Windows.
  4. Other programs and system resources The Magnifier constantly refreshes the magnified image, and this constant updating means it uses system resources unlike other types of programs. Because of this, if you already have limited resources, or are running many programs all at once, system resources may be in high-demand. Often this is not the case, but if you are experiencing slow downs or problems, it may be helpful to review the Task Manager (right-click on a blank area of the Task Bar, and select Task Manager... to open the Task manager, and review the tabs available to see programs running, what is using CPU time/system memory/resources. This may be helpful to you (or a system administrator) to identify what is using resources in the system. If possible, close or make sure other programs aren't automatically run, to make more resources available to The Magnifier.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

How do I install and use SmartClick 1.50 on Windows Vista?

  1. If you are automatically prompted to run setup.exe, then go ahead and select run.
    Otherwise go into windows explorer and find setup.exe from the cd and run it.
  2. Windows will ask you if you want to allow the file. Select Allow.

  3. ***If the install fails, then open the cd folder from windows explorer.***
  4. Once the window opens up with a list of icons, right click on “licensing info”

For more information about Windows Vista Click Here.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: SmartClickVersion: 1.50

Any known issues are listed in the Help provided with SmartClick.

If you are having issues that are not addressed in the Help provided, please contact IMG Technical Support or create a Technical Support case.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: SmartClickVersion: 1.60

OnScreen with CrossScanner is IMG's OnScreen with RJ Cooper's CrossScanner (developed by IMG for RJ Cooper, used under license)

CrossScanner has been in use for many years. Please refer to Help for options and settings. For OnScreen related issue, look to the OnScreen entries in the knowledgebase - see OnScreen support items
Category: UsingType: Information Product: OnScreen with CrossScannerVersion: 1.78

Any known issues are listed in the Help provided with WordComplete.

If you are having issues that are not addressed in the Help provided, please contact IMG Technical Support or create a Technical Support case.
Category: UsingType: Information Product: WordCompleteVersion: 1.20

Overview of Single File Downloads

In order to make downloading & demonstrating IMG software as simple as possible, a single file, self-extracting, self-installing file approach is used, and is the preferred method of download software (see below for other methods).

Products that have versions that are different for different versions of windows have a Smart Download option - this single file runs, senses the version of windows, then downloads and runs the appropriate download. You do require internet access on the system you want to download the IMG software to use this option. If you are downloading for a different system, or will move the software before installing, you cannot use the Smart Download option. Below the Smart Download option, click on the link labeled with "To see all download options (EXE, USB, U3, MSI, Zip, etc.), click here " - the page will refresh, and there will be distinct links for ALL download options. Then select the correct file for the version of Windows you will install on, and your browser will prompt you to run or save the file. Save the file, and note the saved location. When ready to install, double-click or open the install file (EXE/MSI). If the standard EXE download does not work on your target system, try the MSI version.

The following is the general approach (along with some known issues) used by the downloaded files:

Original ID: IW400319
Category: DownloadingType: Information Product: General Issue

Multiple File Downloads (ZIP files)

This approach is becoming less common as CD-Rs are becoming cheaper, and floppy drives are getting harder to find. The following touches on a few key issues:
Original ID: IW400320
Category: DownloadingType: Information Product: General Issue

Font Dialog does not save correct 1 Character Size Adjust setting Configuration | Fonts | 1 Character Size Adjust sometimes saves as 0, even if changed to a different value.

There is a missing line of code in the save code in this dialog, and operation can be inconsistent - this only affects the character size adjust setting. Use the INI file (My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit Initialization file) to change setting Keyboard1SizeCharAdjBase, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjMedium, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjLarge. This will be resolved in all future versions.
Original ID: PI225187
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.70

Font Dialog does not save correct 1 Character Size Adjust setting Configuration | Fonts | 1 Character Size Adjust sometimes saves as 0, even if changed to a different value.

There is a missing line of code in the save code in this dialog, and operation can be inconsistent - this only affects the character size adjust setting. Use the INI file (My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit Initialization file) to change setting Keyboard1SizeCharAdjBase, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjMedium, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjLarge. This will be resolved in all future versions.
Original ID: PB560216
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.70

Font Dialog does not save correct 1 Character Size Adjust setting Configuration | Fonts | 1 Character Size Adjust sometimes saves as 0, even if changed to a different value.

There is a missing line of code in the save code in this dialog, and operation can be inconsistent - this only affects the character size adjust setting. Use the INI file (My-T-Pen Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit Initialization file) to change setting Keyboard1SizeCharAdjBase, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjMedium, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjLarge. This will be resolved in all future versions.
Original ID: PB225184
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.70

When I run My-T-Soft I don't see any way to configure the board.

All configuration options are in Build-A-Board. Once built, the operator cannot do no more than you allow - there is a right-click menu to minimize/save position, but this can be disabled in the properties of the board in the Build-A-Board builder. If you want to access different boards, look at the New Keyboard File command (CMD:NKBF) for more details - the operator can select different sizes/layouts/configurations, etc. with this approach.
Original ID: PB259178
Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-Board

My-T-Mouse Technical Support

My-T-Mouse 1.52 is a 16-bit application, and only supports Windows 3.x, 95/98/Me. Please refer to the newer releases in the My-T-Soft family, including My-T-Soft/My-T-Pen/My-T-Touch, and the Assistive Technology version, "OnScreen"

For all practical purposes, no support is necessary with this software - it does everything it is supposed to on the supported versions of Windows

Version 1.52 released May 2, 1999.

Version 1.50 released September 1, 1998.

Version 1.45 released September 15, 1997.

Category: CommonType: Information Product: My-T-MouseVersion: 1.52

My-T-Soft does not type.

Original ID: PC223713
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

My-T-Soft hangs when moved.

Original ID: PC223714
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

Integrating My-T-Soft with different Applications / Environments

Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

Menu Support

Original ID: PU223716
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

Logon Problems

Original ID: PC223717
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

My-T-Soft Keyboard does not appear when run, Reports it is already running if started again, My-T-Soft Setup does not run. However, software is installed correctly, and runs fine in safe mode. It may also have worked fine previously.

There is a conflict with some program or service running, the configuration is invalid, or some other program or service is hung or unstable. There are several items that should be tried before trying to identify a third-party conflict.

Use MSCONFIG.EXE (e.g. Start | Run | MSCONFIG.EXE). At the General Tab, try Diagnostic Startup first - if after a restart, things work as expected, then some non-Microsoft software is causing a conflict. Using Selective Startup, you can disable "Load System Services" and/or "Load Startup Items" to try and determine if it is a service or startup program causing the conflict. In the Services and Startup tabs, you can individually add or remove specific items .

In Windows Vista, the Windows Defender may be affecting something. If you go into Control Panel | Security | Windows Defender, then open the Tools (top middle), and go into Software Explorer, you can select various categories on that screen. Look at Startup Programs, and you can review and Disable/Enable all Startup programs. One user reported that they could not disable a program through this interface, but after finding and closing it, everything worked.

Here are anecdotal items we have recorded - every situation we have documented indicates this is a symptom of some other problem in the system, not a problem with IMG software.

The keyboard window itself is considered a "popup" class window in the system, and an overreaching popup blocker may stop all popup windows from being visible. From our experience, conflicts of these types can be problematic, and difficult to identify the exact cause. In the case of an anti-virus program, it may be settings issues, or white lists & black lists. Because an on-screen keyboard works at a low level to generate keystrokes that are seen by other applications, an overreaching security solution may prevent it from operating. You may wish to check for anti-virus program updates, or try default (or different) settings within the anti-virus program to prevent this type of conflict, or try a different anti-virus solution. We always recommend running as clean a system as possible. Unfortunately, resolving these conflicts is time consuming, and when multiple third-parties are involved, it goes beyond the normal level of technical support available. Essentially if the software runs in safe-mode, but not in your normal environment, then there is some driver or other software running that is causing this problem. Since we don't have access to your environment, we can't effectively help beyond suggesting the above methods provided by the operating system.

As of 2014, we believe the root cause is a Font change broadcast message - see Tech Item PU1114120717 for My-T-Soft (and My-T-Pen and My-T-Touch) updates which can be used to see if it resolves this particular issue.

Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

OnScreen hangs when moved.

Original ID: PC223771
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

OnScreen does not type

Original ID: PC223770
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

Menu Support

Full keystroke support via the virtual keyboard is not available for various pop-up menus in various versions of Windows - Microsoft has numerous "flavors" of menus, and since it is easier, more efficient, and better understood to use the pointing device to access menus, we have not devoted resources to address any of these issues.
Original ID: PC223772
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

Logon Problems (NT/2000/XP)

Original ID: PC223773
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

OnScreen Keyboard does not appear when run, Reports it is already running if started again, OnScreen Setup does not run. However, software is installed correctly, and runs fine in safe mode. It may also have worked fine previously.

There is a conflict with some program or service running, the configuration is invalid, or some other program or service is hung or unstable. There are several items that should be tried before trying to identify a third-party conflict.

Use MSCONFIG.EXE (e.g. Start | Run | MSCONFIG.EXE). At the General Tab, try Diagnostic Startup first - if after a restart, things work as expected, then some non-Microsoft software is causing a conflict. Using Selective Startup, you can disable "Load System Services" and/or "Load Startup Items" to try and determine if it is a service or startup program causing the conflict. In the Services and Startup tabs, you can individually add or remove specific items .

In Windows Vista, the Windows Defender may be affecting something. If you go into Control Panel | Security | Windows Defender, then open the Tools (top middle), and go into Software Explorer, you can select various categories on that screen. Look at Startup Programs, and you can review and Disable/Enable all Startup programs. One user reported that they could not disable a program through this interface, but after finding and closing it, everything worked.

Here are anecdotal items we have recorded - every situation we have documented indicates this is a symptom of some other problem in the system, not a problem with IMG software.

The keyboard window itself is considered a "popup" class window in the system, and an overreaching popup blocker may stop all popup windows from being visible. From our experience, conflicts of these types can be problematic, and difficult to identify the exact cause. In the case of an anti-virus program, it may be settings issues, or white lists & black lists. Because an on-screen keyboard works at a low level to generate keystrokes that are seen by other applications, an overreaching security solution may prevent it from operating. You may wish to check for anti-virus program updates, or try default (or different) settings within the anti-virus program to prevent this type of conflict, or try a different anti-virus solution. We always recommend running as clean a system as possible. Unfortunately, resolving these conflicts is time consuming, and when multiple third-parties are involved, it goes beyond the normal level of technical support available. Essentially if the software runs in safe-mode, but not in your normal environment, then there is some driver or other software running that is causing this problem. Since we don't have access to your environment, we can't effectively help beyond suggesting the above methods provided by the operating system.

Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

Windows NT / 2000 / XP, IMG Logon Module

All IMG Logon Module support issues are handled in IMG Logon Technical Support
Original ID: PC203357
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.75 1.76 1.77

IMG License Manager stops, Event viewer indicates: "The IMG License Manager service has reported an invalid current state 0"

Use updated IMGLM.EXE
Original ID: PC203358
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.77

Build-A-Board layouts flash & immediately close - unable to use custom layouts, but My-T-Soft (original) layouts work correctly.

Original ID: PC203359
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.77

IMG License Manager stops, Event viewer indicates: "The IMG License Manager service has reported an invalid current state 0"

Use updated IMGLM.EXE
Original ID: PC203360
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.76

IMG License Manager stops, Event viewer indicates: "The IMG License Manager service has reported an invalid current state 0"

Use updated IMGLM.EXE
Original ID: PC203361
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.75

IMG License Manager stops, Event viewer indicates: "The IMG License Manager service has reported an invalid current state 0"

Use updated IMGLM.EXE
Original ID: PC203362
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.73

IMG License Manager stops, Event viewer indicates: "The IMG License Manager service has reported an invalid current state 0"

Use updated IMGLM.EXE
Original ID: PC203363
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.70

Using My-T-Soft TS keyboard on a terminal from GE Fanuc / Intellution iFix, My-T-Soft TS version 1.73, after a period of time, software types "demo" and must be stopped and restarted.

Use updated MYTSOFT.EXE
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.73

My-T-Mouse for Kids Technical Support

Original ID: PC101365
Category: CommonType: Information Product: My-T-Mouse for KidsVersion: 1.40

(Windows XP) Enabling Remote Desktop reports problem with IMGGINA2.DLL

Use updated version of DLL (originally for Windows Server 2003)
Original ID: PC205339
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.77

(Windows 2000/XP) User Shell differences, script problems, issues with IMGLOGON.DLL, need access to other logon capabilities

Download Patch for My-T-Pen, My-T-Soft, or My-T-Touch
Original ID: PC205340
Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.75

(Windows 2000/XP) Home Drive entered in User Properties not available after logon

  • This is caused by updates in Windows 2000 that are not backwards compatible to NT. Suggested workaround is to use NET USE command in logon script (e.g. if Home drive is H:, use NET USE H: \\WIN2KDOMAIN\USERS\[Current User])
  • Alternative: Use the Patch176.

  • Original ID: PC205341
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.75

    Need 1.75 version release capabilities (Windows 2000/XP Logon Scripts do not execute) for pre 1.75 versions

    Replace IMGLOGON.DLL with 1.75 version. This is a security issue with Windows 2000 servers for the Win32 API call NetUserGetInfo. Prior to 1.75, this is called in the security context of the local machine, rather than the authenticated user. Most likely seen on native Windows 2000 servers as domain controllers with user logging onto the domain (rather than local machine).
    Original ID: PC205342
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.70

    Touch Logon Button appears prior to touchscreen driver being loaded (e.g. ELO), confusing or annoying users

    We have added a modifiable delay prior to showing the first dialog display - Replace the IMGLOGON.DLL & IMGLOGON.EXE files with the downloads below.
    Original ID: PC205343
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.70

  • (Windows 2000/XP) Non-Administrative User at Logon reverts to Demo Logon and disables IMG Logon Module.
  • (Windows 2000/XP) Timeout at username / password screen does not re-display "Touch Logon to begin".

  • The best solution is to replace the IMGLOGON.DLL & IMGLOGON.EXE files with the downloads below. If this is not desirable, see advanced notes below.
  • To resolve license problem without replacing files, user rights in registry must be addressed. (User needs "Set Value" permission in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version & sub-keys)
    Original ID: PC205344
  • Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Logon ModuleVersion: 1.70

    My-T-Touch does not type.

    Original ID: PC223740
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    My-T-Touch hangs when moved

    Original ID: PC2238741
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    Integrating My-T-Touch with different Applications / Environments

    Original ID: PC223742
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    Menu Support

    Original ID: PC223743
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    Logon Problems

    Original ID: PC223744
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    My-T-Touch Keyboard does not appear when run, Reports it is already running if started again, My-T-Touch Setup does not run. However, software is installed correctly, and runs fine in safe mode. It may also have worked fine previously.

    There is a conflict with some program or service running, the configuration is invalid, or some other program or service is hung or unstable. There are several items that should be tried before trying to identify a third-party conflict.

    Use MSCONFIG.EXE (e.g. Start | Run | MSCONFIG.EXE). At the General Tab, try Diagnostic Startup first - if after a restart, things work as expected, then some non-Microsoft software is causing a conflict. Using Selective Startup, you can disable "Load System Services" and/or "Load Startup Items" to try and determine if it is a service or startup program causing the conflict. In the Services and Startup tabs, you can individually add or remove specific items .

    In Windows Vista, the Windows Defender may be affecting something. If you go into Control Panel | Security | Windows Defender, then open the Tools (top middle), and go into Software Explorer, you can select various categories on that screen. Look at Startup Programs, and you can review and Disable/Enable all Startup programs. One user reported that they could not disable a program through this interface, but after finding and closing it, everything worked.

    Here are anecdotal items we have recorded - every situation we have documented indicates this is a symptom of some other problem in the system, not a problem with IMG software.

    The keyboard window itself is considered a "popup" class window in the system, and an overreaching popup blocker may stop all popup windows from being visible. From our experience, conflicts of these types can be problematic, and difficult to identify the exact cause. In the case of an anti-virus program, it may be settings issues, or white lists & black lists. Because an on-screen keyboard works at a low level to generate keystrokes that are seen by other applications, an overreaching security solution may prevent it from operating. You may wish to check for anti-virus program updates, or try default (or different) settings within the anti-virus program to prevent this type of conflict, or try a different anti-virus solution. We always recommend running as clean a system as possible. Unfortunately, resolving these conflicts is time consuming, and when multiple third-parties are involved, it goes beyond the normal level of technical support available. Essentially if the software runs in safe-mode, but not in your normal environment, then there is some driver or other software running that is causing this problem. Since we don't have access to your environment, we can't effectively help beyond suggesting the above methods provided by the operating system.

    As of 2014, we believe the root cause is a Font change broadcast message - see Tech Item PU1114120717 for My-T-Soft (and My-T-Pen and My-T-Touch) updates which can be used to see if it resolves this particular issue.

    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    Windows 98 & later releases of Windows 95

    Many of the Wizard's helpers and instructions in Joystick-To-Mouse revolve around the original Windows 95 release. In Windows 98 and later (post mid-1997) releases of Windows 95, the joystick section in Control Panel became Game Controllers. Many of the useful guides & instructions in Joystick-To-Mouse were made ineffective due to this change. The following steps are strongly suggested when installing / operating Joystick-To-Mouse in versions of Windows 95 that are not consistent with the original and Windows 98.

    Original ID: PC101295
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.51

    Double-Click problems in Windows 95 A & B releases / Windows 98

    If you are experiencing difficulties producing double-clicks using Joystick-To-Mouse, verify which version of Windows is on your system. To do this, reference the Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, and then select the System Icon. Under the General Tab information, you will find which version of Windows 95 you have. If the version number is followed by a letter (A or B), then the following will apply to you.

    Important notes: Microsoft continues to upgrade and enhance the Windows 95 operating system. Their changes to Desktop and Windows Explorer are incompatible with the original Windows 95 release. This following information is for the 2.51 release of Joystick-To-Mouse. As far as we know, these problems only occur within the Microsoft software. All other applications should operate properly.
    Original ID: PC101296
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.51

    Obtaining a Double-Click from a button set as a single mouse button (i.e. Left Button)

    Original ID: PC101297
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.51

    Obtaining a Double-Click from a button set as double-click (i.e. Double-Click Left)

    Original ID: PC101298
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.51

    My-T-Pen does not type.

    Original ID: PC223720
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    My-T-Pen hangs when moved.

    Original ID: PC223721
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    Integrating My-T-Pen with different Applications / Environments

    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    Menu Support

    Full keystroke support via the virtual keyboard is not available for various pop-up menus in various versions of Windows - Microsoft has numerous "flavors" of menus, and since it is easier, more efficient, and better understood to use the pointing device to access menus, we have not devoted resources to address any of these issues.
    Original ID: PC223723
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    Logon Problems

    Original ID: PC223724
    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    My-T-Pen Keyboard does not appear when run, Reports it is already running if started again, My-T-Pen Setup does not run. However, software is installed correctly, and runs fine in safe mode. It may also have worked fine previously.

    There is a conflict with some program or service running, the configuration is invalid, or some other program or service is hung or unstable. There are several items that should be tried before trying to identify a third-party conflict.

    Use MSCONFIG.EXE (e.g. Start | Run | MSCONFIG.EXE). At the General Tab, try Diagnostic Startup first - if after a restart, things work as expected, then some non-Microsoft software is causing a conflict. Using Selective Startup, you can disable "Load System Services" and/or "Load Startup Items" to try and determine if it is a service or startup program causing the conflict. In the Services and Startup tabs, you can individually add or remove specific items .

    In Windows Vista, the Windows Defender may be affecting something. If you go into Control Panel | Security | Windows Defender, then open the Tools (top middle), and go into Software Explorer, you can select various categories on that screen. Look at Startup Programs, and you can review and Disable/Enable all Startup programs. One user reported that they could not disable a program through this interface, but after finding and closing it, everything worked.

    Here are anecdotal items we have recorded - every situation we have documented indicates this is a symptom of some other problem in the system, not a problem with IMG software.

    The keyboard window itself is considered a "popup" class window in the system, and an overreaching popup blocker may stop all popup windows from being visible. From our experience, conflicts of these types can be problematic, and difficult to identify the exact cause. In the case of an anti-virus program, it may be settings issues, or white lists & black lists. Because an on-screen keyboard works at a low level to generate keystrokes that are seen by other applications, an overreaching security solution may prevent it from operating. You may wish to check for anti-virus program updates, or try default (or different) settings within the anti-virus program to prevent this type of conflict, or try a different anti-virus solution. We always recommend running as clean a system as possible. Unfortunately, resolving these conflicts is time consuming, and when multiple third-parties are involved, it goes beyond the normal level of technical support available. Essentially if the software runs in safe-mode, but not in your normal environment, then there is some driver or other software running that is causing this problem. Since we don't have access to your environment, we can't effectively help beyond suggesting the above methods provided by the operating system.

    As of 2014, we believe the root cause is a Font change broadcast message - see Tech Item PU1114120717 for My-T-Soft (and My-T-Pen and My-T-Touch) updates which can be used to see if it resolves this particular issue.

    Category: CommonType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    When using Key Options to disable the Ctrl-Esc key combo (to prevent the user/operator from opening the Start Menu), the Control key gets latched down, which causes problems with ensuing keystrokes.

    Use the Launch Key EXE facility to "Clear" the latched key.
    Overview: In this specific case, the Ctrl-Esc prevents the Esc key from being processed, which then prevents the Ctrl-Key latched down from being cleared. Using the "Launch Key Exe" option, and the SDSTRMTS.EXE utility (available when installing the Developer's Kit), you can send a [Ctrl-Up] keystroke, which clears the latch, resolving the side-effect.

    Notes: The Developer's Kit MUST be installed to have access to the SDSTRMTS.EXE utility - refer to the Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Soft | Install Developer's Kit. Also refer to the Developer's Kit documentation, or SDSTRMTS source code in the DEVKIT folder for additional details. For reference, this utility tell the My-T-Soft software to read the SDSTRMTS.KMF (Keyboard Macro File) and process it. This is a simple (ANSI) text file that (for this example) contains the [Ctrl-Up] keystroke command (and nothing else, no whitespace/lines/etc.).

    Configuring My-T-Soft

    The above establishes the setting for My-T-Soft, but it is still incomplete. The SDSTRMTS.EXE triggers My-T-Soft to look for the file SDSTRMTS.KMF in the default configuration location. Beginning in 1.78, this is not the installation folder, so you either need to set the INI ConfigPath=0 (which is not recommended, and will require modifying permissions and other security issues, especially in Windows Vista), or you will need to place the SDSTRMTS.KMF in the user's configuration folder. The easiest way to ascertain the user's configuration folder is to select My-T-Soft Setup | File Menu | Show Config File Location.

    Creating the macro file SDSTRMTS.KMF

    Now test - Ctrl-Esc should no longer open the Start Menu, and if you use KeyWatch.exe (from the Developers Kit KEYBOARD folder), the result of Ctrl-Esc should be KEYDOWN 17, then KEYUP 17 (where the KEYDOWN gets generated at the latch of the Ctrl down key, nothing gets sent for the Esc key, and then KEYUP is the [Ctrl-Up] SDSTRMTS.KMF macro, which clears the Ctrl key latch).

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Problem/Resolution Product: Developers Kit

    Working with My-T-Touch 1.78 Release 4 and DevKit 178 Release 3, and MS Access example doesn't work.

    The MS Access examples hadn't been updated for the change to \Program Files that occurred in the 1.78 release, and also didn't mesh with existing MTSDLL that the Access examples used (changes not addressed from previous versions/examples/builds). Here are the changes to make it work:

    Modifications to Access DLL


    Copied "Sample usage of DLL in Access (WINDOWS).MDB"
    To "Sample usage of DLL in Access (Program Files).MDB"

    In Module "DLL Declares" changed (Global replace)
    "\WINDOWS\" to "\Program Files\" (40 replacements)

    Then do a find for ".CFG", select Current Database

    In "Form_Example3" class module:

    Change "NUM.CFG" to "C:\Program Files\MYTTOUCH\NUM.CFG" in

    Change "KYBD.CFG" to "C:\Program Files\MYTTOUCH\KYBD.CFG"


    Update MTSDLL.DLL to updated version

    Download updated MTSDLL MTSDLL.DLL 56k 9/28/2012 MD5: A6699B979C972C0AB0A370A14E0BB934

    Replace \Program Files\MYTTOUCH\MTSDLL\MTSDLL.DLL with update
    For reference, these are the updates to the MTSDLL.C to build the updated DLL

    Update to MTSDLL.C very limited to match Access function call.

    Change parameter of LaunchMTS to void:

    from: long WINAPI LaunchMTS(LPSTR lpCmd)
    to: long WINAPI LaunchMTS(void)

    LPSTR lps;
    hWork = FindMyTSoft();
    LPSTR lps;
    //add this so code compiles with no other changes
    LPSTR lpCmd = "PlaceHolder";
    hWork = FindMyTSoft();

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Problem/Resolution Product: Developers KitVersion: 1.78

    WebSync and the Internet Explorer example in Windows 7

    In older developer's kits, the IEXPLORE / Internet Explorer example was setup for Windows XP. When working on Windows 7, the following information is relevant. For websync.exe to operate, it should be in a location where you have full control - perhaps your own folder (\Users\[username]), or something public like \Users\Public\Documents. Then copy the WEBSYNC.exe into that location. Use this folder location text to modify the HTML files in the IEXPLORE location of the Developer's Kit, and instead of the Document and Settings location, put the location where WebSync will be run from for the mtscmd.txt line. For best results, you need to run the security level of Internet Explorer to where it can run ActiveX content without warnings.

    Notes on integrating with web browsers
    For security reasons, the web browser operates in something called a "sandbox", and typically it's ability to modify the system is limited. So the ability for the web page designer to select layouts, positions, etc. from the sandboxed browser is limited. The WebSync approach starts with the assumption that there is some scripting available to write a text file, and that command event triggers would be limited to HTML page reads. Refer to the Developer's Kit help on WebSync/IEXPLORE for more details on its particular approach (and how the HTML is handled).

    There are different approaches that can be taken, but the key limitation is the ability to communicate from the sandboxed web browser to the host system.

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Problem/Resolution Product: Developers Kit

    Working with GE Intelligent Platforms iFix version in a remote session, developer's kit tools do not operate (using My-T-Soft on Windows Server, user running from a terminal/remote desktop session).

    In the 1.78 release for GE-IP, the My-T-Soft executable (MYTSOFT.EXE) has a manifest set to highestAvailable, which will elevate the privileges of the executable when running. If a limited user is running in the session, the developer kit utilities will run asInvoker, meaning they will run in the context of the limited user, and will not be able to interact with the higher privileged My-T-Soft. In order to resolve this without changing security & privilege levels of the user, a different MYTSOFT.EXE should be used (one with a manifest set to asInvoker vs. highestAvailable). For the 1.78 release, the standard retail MYTSOFT.EXE will work - these are the steps needed to update/work with the different MYTSOFT.EXE.

    1) Get the zip file with the retail MYTSOFT.EXE for 1.78R4

    You can go to the Old Downloads area here: and look for:
    Download My-T-Soft 1.78 compressed installation files ( - (5.53 MB) 11/24/2009
    Select and Download the zip.
    This is the direct download link:

    2) Work with the Zip into a desktop folder or a temp location - unzip the file/extract files.

    3) In the Proficy iFix folder, rename the existing MYTSOFT.EXE as MYTSOFT.GE or MYTSOFT.BAK

    4) Copy the 1.78 R4 IMG/Retail MYTSOFT.EXE into the folder you found the original GE MYTSOFT.EXE

    Run and test with this executable.

    It is recommended that the Developer's Kit 1.79 Release 1 be used with the 1.78/1.80 iFix releases - see IMG Developer's Kit Downloads
    The installation location is C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFix vs. C:\Program Files\MYTSOFT
    Configuration files are typically C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT - see My-T-Soft Setup | File menu | Show Config File Location
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    Need to find KBF files, Version details, License Info, location, etc.

    Download and run the IMG KBF Manager. This utility will check your system for installed versions of IMG software, and show you all KBFs on the system. This is primarily meant for Developers.

    Download IMG KBF Manager img_kbf_manager.exe 12/26/2013 (64KB) (MD5: 9AA9C13548362A7431716FC2250C2F1A)

    Basic Operation

    This is currently a developer utility. The main purpose is to locate and find version and license details about files on a development system. This focuses on My-T-Soft and Build-A-Board locations, and assumes software is installed correctly. Registry entries used to determine search locations. Desktop locations (current user/Public) are also searched.

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-Board

    With My-T-Soft in StartUp group, occasionally Windows reports an error after multiple restarts or upon start up.

    Original ID: PG223715
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    Changing the Default Installation Location

    This only applies to releases prior to 2007

    The Setup program currently remains a 16-bit application for support for Windows 3.x. In general, this does not cause any problems or issues, but the following may be relevant to certain individuals:

    Original ID: PI300314
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Software Setup (SETUP.EXE)

    (NOTE: This has not been a common problem since Windows 98 SE, circa 1999)

    There is a known compatibility issue with various video drivers when running our SETUP.EXE in certain resolutions / color depths. Any errors are related to an improper implementation with the driver's ability to perform the Windows API StretchBlt operation (GDI support). We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is NOT a problem with IMG software. If you experience any errors or difficulties while installing IMG software, we suggest you do one of the following:

    Original ID: PI300315
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Windows XP (2000/WS 2003) reports error with 16-Bit Sub-System / Setup does not run

    This only applies to releases prior to 2007.

    The Setup program currently remains a 16-bit application for support for Windows 3.x (schools, hand-me-down systems, etc.). Please note that Microsoft no longer supports Windows 3.x at all - please consider this. Windows NT/2000/XP allow 16-bit progrmas via a "Windows on Windows" (WOW layer) compatibility subsystem. Normally this is transparent to the user.

    Original ID: PI300313
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    My-T-Pen, My-T-Soft, My-T-Touch Versions 1.77 & earlier
    Unable to Install, Message is: Setup cannot run while portions of My-T-Soft are Active! Close all programs, then retry
    However, you have not installed software, and all programs are closed. You may also find that setup works fine on other systems.

    The Setup program looks for Windows with certain names, and one of these windows is the Welcome screen run when you first install the software. Unfortunately, the program looks at ANY window with Welcome in the caption, and reports this result. We have created a program that looks at the same items as Setup, and reports details so you can shutdown or remove the particular program causing this conflict. You can download VERIFY.EXE (MD5: 5BDBB80834BA96C52BA12C16184C4B1D) and run it on the system reporting this message to diagnose what particular program is causing this conflict. You can use Task Manager (or Add/Remove programs) to close or remove the problematic program. Once Setup is complete, you can reboot to reset the system, or restart the program, or re-install the program.

    For downloaded demos, another solution is to use a different install approach, see Alternative Downloads for My-T-Soft.

    Original ID: PI300316
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Need more control over install when using an MSI install option

    The MSI files are essentially databases of information used by the Windows Installer to install the files and setup a system. The executable to use is "msiexec.exe" and any appropriate command line switches. In general, if you double click on an MSI file, Windows launches msiexec with the /i install option (e.g. "msiexec /i mts178_2000xp.msi").

    For some basic, frequently asked for options, here are a few that can be used with the standard IMG MSI install files (these switches are not case sensitive):

    In these examples, the msi file should be replaced with the msi file you want to operate on…

    msiexec /i mts178_2000xp.msi
    This installs My-T-Soft 1.78 (using the user interface)

    msiexec /qn /i mts178_2000xp.msi
    This silently installs My-T-Soft 1.78 (with NO user interface)

    msiexec /qn /x mts178_2000xp.msi
    This silently un-installs My-T-Soft 1.78 (with NO user interface)

    msiexec /a mts178_2000xp.msi /qn TARGETDIR="C:\Documents and Settings\Full User\Desktop\Test"
    This silently installs My-T-Soft 1.78 (with NO user interface) to a different target directory (for testing, etc.)

    Further notes on command line switches:

    /a = Administrative install - allows use of TARGETDIR override

    /i = standard install

    /x = standard un-install

    /q? = user interface options

    /qn = Displays no user interface.
    /qb = Displays a basic user interface.
    /qr = Displays a reduced user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.
    /qf = Displays the full user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
    /qn+ = Displays no user interface, except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
    /qb+ = Displays a basic user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
    /qb- = Displays a basic user interface with no modal dialog boxes.

    For further info on msiexec.exe, refer to Microsoft's documentation.

    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Installing on USB device, USB Install program does not see my USB Drive

    For safety reasons, certain drive letters will not be checked for a USB device. Using Disk Management (In Windows XP, the easiest way to get to this is: Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management, then select Disk Management), you can change the Drive Letter to a H: or K: or other drive letter, and then re-run the USB install. You must have the USB device installed, and it must be visible as a drive in the Computer view of Windows Explorer.
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Cannot Install from Standard Install (SETUP.exe) - Setup background appears, but Windows reports error

    If any system environment entry is extremely long, it may cause an error due to an internal buffer size within the SETUP.exe installation program (due to release testing on fresh installs of various versions of Windows, this was not caught for years). Typically the environment is modified by application installs, so a machine with many installed applications is more likely to run into this. Options include reviewing system environment settings, restarting the system, or run the installation process in a limited environment. This issue has been resolved for releases available after the first half of 2013. Note that 1.78 / pre-2010 releases will not be updated - options include running the MSI install, or modifying the environment to temporarily remove the entries that are extremely long. At a CMD prompt, you can use "set > env.txt" to create a text file (ENV.TXT) with the environment - view file size in Windows Explorer (the size should be under 700 bytes for SETUP.exe to run correctly). Typically there will be 1 or 2 extremely long items (path, etc.). You can modify the environment in Control Panel | System | Advanced Settings | Environment Variables. By saving the environment in a text file, you can safely delete items, then re-introduce them after completing the install.
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Unable to un-install IMG Software, Improper version installed, need automated un-install, or software conflicts

    Download and run the IMG Software System Check Utility. This utility will check your system for installed versions of IMG software, and allow you to remove files, folders, and registry entries. This should typically only be used in conjunction with IMG Technical Support.

    Download IMG Software System Check Utility img_software_check.exe 4/14/2022 (96KB) (MD5: 4A66582E7FEE1DCCC6E4B57149D059E3)

    Download IMG Software System Check Utility (older build for XP/2000) img_software_check.exe 4/12/2013 (87KB) (MD5: 4CDFD672B4B0F72BE7562BEA199945AA)

    Basic Operation

    If you can not get past the message that "Software is running" and you have closed all IMG Software, you can try restarting and then retrying. If you still run into this issue, then the IMG software may be in the Startup - you can use Start | Run | MSCONFIG | Ok to review startup items. You can also use the Task Manager to "End" the software - right-click on a blank area of the task bar, select Task Manager, and then view all processes and look for the IMG Software - then select and End Process.

    This does not yet address every IMG software release, so it may not apply to the specific version of Windows and version of IMG Software. This will eventually be incorporated into support options and system management tools and will be updated at this location as necessary. It is a 32-bit version, but does handle 64-bit installs. (32-bit so it can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems - can't do that with a 64-bit version!)
    This does NOT delete private/user level settings, nor remove Build-A-Board BOARDS, SOURCE, or TARGET results - does now have an option to open Windows Explorer to enable you to handle these folders as desired.

    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Setup runs and appears to run correctly, but software is not installed

    Older versions of the single-file/self-extracting executable install exe's must be run/installed from the system where they will be installed. If run from a network (or USB drive, or other media), the setup portion will not successfully extract the software files from the compressed package embedded in the EXE. The Setup portion will appear to run successfully (and probably rather fast), but the software will not be installed. You must copy the EXE to the desktop or documents or download location, and launch it from the system that you are installing the software on. Also note this may occur if there is not enough disk space, or possibly other system issues, so also verify your system. If downloaded, you may wish to verify the size/MD5 of the file to ensure the EXE is not corrupted.
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    I've copied the IMG Products Disc onto a USB drive, but when I run the SETUP.exe I receive a message indicating "Initialization Failure - No Products Available! Cannot continue…"
    I want/need to install from a USB drive.

    You will need to update the SETUP.INI file in the Autorun folder. By default, in [Settings] the Mode is set to CHECK, i.e. Mode=CHECK. You can use Notepad or other editor to open Autorun\SETUP.INI, and change the Mode setting to Mode=CD - this forces SETUP.EXE to treat the location as if running from a disc. The SETUP.EXE program is multipurpose, and without this setting, will act as if it is the Autorun executable for an inserted USB drive (since it is being run from a USB drive), and expects installed folders for products that are meant to be autorun. When wanting the USB drive to act like an installation disc, you need to force the Mode setting so SETUP.exe operates in the installation mode.
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Need to verify IMG Installation for IMG System tools - Download Manager and License Manager

    Download and run the IMG Software Configuration Check Utility. This utility will check your system for proper installation of the IMG Download Manager and IMG License Manager and verify support level. This should typically only be used in conjunction with IMG Technical Support.

    Download IMG Software Configuration Check Utility img_config_check.exe 7/9/2015 (96KB) (MD5: F99525FB3B307106348FAFA3FEA46F13)

    Basic Operation

    This may report an error for older IMG software due to new requirements and support functions. Use the IMG Download Manager (Check for Updates…) to update files.

    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue

    Need to run SETUP.exe with quiet (no user interface) / un-attended install option, and need Desktop and/or Startup Shortcut

    The original /q or /i install options for unattended installs were done for customers wrapping the installation into their own installation approach, and the desktop/startup shortcut options were bypassed, leaving system configuration up to the master install. For customers that need this capability, an updated SETUP.exe is available that supports these options as specified in the INSTALL.XML (the existing settings are used for the standard install and indicate if the option is available, and if it is default checked (CAPS) or clear (lowercase)).

    You can download a replacement SETUP.exe here: (SETUP.EXE) 216KB (MD5: 525739BA93FC3E44A251BF5FFF143536) 9/5/2016

    Download, extract, and replace SETUP.exe with the updated SETUP.exe (from zip)

    Using My-T-Soft as an example, a typical install set will be SETUP.exe / INSTALL.XML / My-T-Soft.PKG (similar for other packages). To create the shortcut, the INSTALL.XML file must be changed in the GROUP Action item using the following conventions (case is used as indicator, comma is separator):
    DESKTOP=Create Desktop Icon
    desktop=Skip/Remove Desktop Icon
    STARTUP=Create Startup Icon
    startup=Skip/Remove Startup Icon
    MTSICON=Use My-T-Soft keyboard Icon (My-T-Soft type installs)

    As an example, the following text will create a Startup shortcut icon:

    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .

    <DATAFILE>DESKTOP,STARTUP,MTSICON</DATAFILE> will create both a Desktop and Startup Icon.

    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General IssueVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    Unable to run Setup / 16-bit subsystem error.

    Original ID: PI223722
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    I want to un-install OnScreen but I cannot find the Development Kit in add/remove programs.

    Use a Find or Search from your C: Drive (i.e. My Computer, Right click on C: drive, then select Find (or Search) and enter DEVKIT - this will show you the folder where the files are located. There is no un-install as it normally is installed under the Install folder, and is removed when un-installing the "main" product.
    You can remove OnScreen from the Control Panel Add/Remove programs.
    Original ID: PI253944
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

    Unable to run Setup / 16-bit subsystem error

    Refer to Installation (Setup) support
    Original ID: PI225168
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Downloaded File / CD Install Hangs
    Install completes, but Program Group Shortcuts do not point to valid files

    Original ID: PI223703
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    I have installed the BAB210.MSI and am running Build-A-Board, but after I successfully build a board and try to run it, nothing happens.

    The 2.10 MSI install does not establish the registry entries for the Target and Source locations. To do this, after install, run the Build-A-Board builder, go to Edit | Properties, click on the Global Settings tab, then make some modification to the settings so the Apply button is enabled (e.g. click on the . . . Button, then click on Cancel, or click on the Single File Keyboard Layout button), then click Apply. This will save the settings for the Source, Target and Bin folders.
    Category: InstallingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    I am not able to license my software.

    Often this can be attributed to a problem with the System ID or Serial # / License Key.
    Note that when entering the info, there are no Letter I's or O's, only Digits 1's and 0's.
    Also, you must enter some customer information - this is not tied to the unlock, but some text must be entered.
    Original ID: PL253325
    Category: LicensingType: Problem/Resolution Product: General Issue


    If you obtained a license certificate from Roper Mobile, but My-T-Soft 1.77 is not licensed, you can use these files with the 1.77 version to license using the certificate you have. If you need to re-install My-T-Soft, you can use this link to download MTS177.msi. Once installed, you need to overwrite the LICENSE.EXE/LICENSE.LIC files in the C:\WINDOWS\MYTSOFT folder with the files below. This only applies to specific licenses - please contact IMG Customer Service for more details.


    Overwrite the files C:\WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\LICENSE.EXE and C:\WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\LICENSE.LIC with these 2 files, then run Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Soft | Licensing Information, and enter the information from your certificate
    Category: LicensingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    I have installed My-T-Soft in Windows 7, it shows as licensed, but when the Logon keyboard shows up, it reports as unlicensed.

    The logon module uses the LICENSE.DLL in the \Program Files\Common Files\Innovation Management Group\License Manager location (and registry entries). You can see if these files are there.

    These are established at install with the running of ESTABLISH.exe from the MANAGER folder (post-install configuration). Depending on UAC settings in Windows, if you used the MSI, it may not have had the permissions to "establish" the \program files entry - use msiexec /i ???.msi from an Administrator cmd prompt should install correctly. Alternatively, you can disable UAC, install, then re-enable.

    For zip file installations, a post-install configuration step is required. The Download Manager/License Manager files placed in \Program Files\Common Files requires the Administrator running ESTABLISH.EXE in the \Program Files\MYTSOFT\MANAGER folder.

    The IMG Standard Install elevates permissions when run, and the ESTABLISH.EXE is run from the INSTALL.XML script. Only a system or file issue would prevent the execution of this step.
    Category: LicensingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79

    Problem licensing TouchRight Utilities on Windows Server (2003/2008) - after licensing, running TouchRight Utilities still shows Demo, License Manager still shows unlicensed (Affects all TouchRight Utilities 1.30 Release 4 and earlier 1.30 version)

    On these types of systems (i.e. a Windows Server), the license manager sees system as a server and uses a Product ID of TSSERVER rather than TRTUTILS (indicated by grayed out Product ID of TSSERVER (normally not seen in License Manager)). To bypass this (this is only required for actual "license" step), you can do the following:
    Category: LicensingType: Problem/Resolution Product: TouchRight UtilitiesVersion: 1.30

    I upgraded my computer to Windows XP and now My-T-Mouse does not work properly.

    Windows XP is a completely different operating system, and My-T-Mouse will only work on Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98/Me. It will not work on WIndows NT/Windows 2000/WIndows XP, Unix, Linux, Apple, Solaris, etc. With your My-T-Mouse serial number you can upgrade to My-T-Soft which will support NT/2000/XP.
    Original ID: PU259051
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Mouse

    Windows XP Tablet PC 2005 (Service Pack 2 for Tablet PC) - The Tablet PC Input Panel option (interface) does not work anymore.
    Menus do not appear, no sub menus under Start Menu while running My-T-Soft.

    Original ID: PC223716
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback.

  • Set Sound=1 in MYTSOFT.INI file

  • Original ID: PU223717
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback but do not want Text-To-Speech Announcement.

  • Set Sound=1 in MYTSOFT.INI file, use IMGSOUND.EXE version 1.78

  • Original ID: PU223722
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    Start Menu operation inconsistent (Windows 2000/XP / Classic Menu) when My-T-Soft minimized as a button (caption bar / title bar minimize option), especially immediately after logon.

    Original ID: PU223731
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    When I press the shift key all subsequent keystrokes are uppercase.

    There have been a few updates to resolve some scan-code issues (left/right shift, etc.) This may be what you are experiencing - what is most likely happening is the session window is not seeing the release of the shift key, so it always reacts as though the shift key is down. We recommend upgrading to our 1.77 version.
    Original ID: PU253303
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    When the user logs into Windows 2000 Terminal Server and My-T-Soft is running, the user's profile setting are not loaded.

    For Windows 2000 and XP, the Second option (My-T-Soft 2) must be used for proper operation of the logon utilities, and correct logons, logon scripts, Active Directory, etc.
    Original ID: PU253531
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    Key click sounds are sporadic.

    The key click "call" in My-T-Soft is a straightforward Windows API function call, and is tied to the action of the mouse button calls (down/up, e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP). I do not believe there is any functionality in My-T-Soft that would affect the sequence/timing, but I can think of quite a few issues in the system that could affect what you are experiencing:
    speed of processor
    other processes running in the system
    delays by services: network, video, storage subsystems (Flash speed if Flash drive, etc.)
    priority of the sound generation process/service
    In general, the sound is considered a relatively low-priority event, and it is probably delayed due to other actions in the system. Some options would be to use the regular (i.e. not Hi-Res) key painting in My-T-Soft, try with a system with more RAM to see if you notice a difference, look at what else is running in the system that may be introducing delays, etc. We can investigate on our end to see if there is any other issues that we can address in My-T-Soft, but I would guess it is system related, not My-T-Soft. You may wish to "test" the build on the system with Build-A-Board & see if you can duplicate the results. Although not the same compile, it is the same source code, so sequencing of the sounds should be the same.
    Original ID: PU253806
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    I have upgraded to Windows XP and now My-T-Soft AT no longer works.

    The update for My-T-Soft AT is now called OnScreen, and it is currently version 1.75. The existing software will only support Windows 3.x, 95/98/Me, not the NT based versions of Windows (i.e. Windows NT/Windows 2000/ Windows XP). You may call 800-889-0987, or upgrade at our website ( - you will need a valid serial # from the existing software (e.g. MTA153??????).
    Original ID: PU253911
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    License.exe dialog is popping up when My-T-Soft loads.

    When My-T-Soft runs, it checks its license. If it cannot verify the license, it will then run in a demo mode, and after about an hour, time-out, and then run the LICENSE.EXE program to indicate to the user that it is unlicensed. When a valid license is shown, it can be related to one or some of the following:
    Here are some things to verify:
    Search for MYTSOFT.EXE on the system & make sure there is only one, and it is in its installation folder, with the LICENSE.EXE.
    From that folder, (without running My-T-Soft), run LICENSE.EXE - if it reports licensed & registered, run MYTSOFT.EXE from that folder.
    If you have the splash enabled, it will echo the version - if in demo, it will echo DEMO version.
    You can also right-click | Properties | and check version tab of these EXEs.
    Original ID: PU253912
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    The keyboard does not appear at the initial logon so the user cannot logon.

    The My-T-Soft Logon Utilities checks the existence of GinaDLL value in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon key to determine if the logon utilities are enabled or not. You can refer to the help / technical detail in the Help portion of the logon utilities for additional details. Here is a quick overview of what goes on:
    When enabled, the Logon Utilities sets the GinaDLL=%windir%\MYTSOFT\IMGGINA2.DLL value in the WinLogon key (full path above). Windows uses this to change the default logon interface - My-T-Soft uses this to display the keyboard during logon. This will only work if the entry matches what the Logon Utilities creates in the GinaDLL value. You can use RegEdit to monitor what it is before an reboot, and what it is after a reboot - this may give you a clue as to what may be modifying it (i.e. if the GinaDLL is something else, then you can refer to the replacement value). If the logon utilities does not update this value (permissions / rights to the registry), then it will also behave as you describe. The key would be to modify it via the Logon Utilities, and use RegEdit to see what is actually going on with that key / GinaDLL value. You can also update it manually to see if it reacts differently.

    Finally, we are aware of other software that modifies this entry (Novell Netware Client, and older Cisco wireless network adapters, for example). We do provide a "chaining" mechanism for the Novell GINA (see Logon Utilities help), and have worked with Cisco to ensure that their software interfaces within windows at the Network Protocol layer (MPR layer). Once you identify who/what is modifying this, you may want to see if there are updates / support notes.
    Original ID: PU259190
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    Windows NT / 2000 / XP, IMG Logon Module

    All IMG Logon Module support issues are handled in IMG Logon Technical Support
    Original ID: PU225185
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.70 1.75 1.77

    Working with a DOS app in in Windows 2000 (or any app that watches scan codes for Edit panel / Numeric panel) certain keys do not operate correctly / consistently

    Download Patch PATCHMTS.ZIP (Available 11/9/2001) - This file contains an updated My-T-Soft Executable, and all 47 KMF files.
  • Patch Notes:
  • Brought to our attention by customer using (NOT CMD.EXE) in Windows 2000 - we anticipate this affects a very small percentage of customers
  • Change mainly affects "extended" keystroke attribute to required keys on edit & numeric panels
  • Virtual keys in Windows & for Windows Apps are not affected
  • Very few apps watch scan codes, so we expect this will only affect older applications & DOS applications
  • Run KeyWatch in KEYBOARD folder with Developer's Kit installed to view virtual key & scan codes
  • One interesting feature that is available with patch - add EnableMouseScroll=1 to the [Configuration] section of INI file, and this will enable automatic scrolling when cursor is held at edge of screen when keyboard is larger than screen display

  • Original ID: PU225186
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.70

    Trying to run My-T-Soft 1.77 on a server (2000/2003/Terminal Services available), and message box appears "Not Licensed for Terminal Server operation!…"

    Update My-T-Soft executable (MYTSOFT.EXE) to 1.77B.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    This update resolves the following problems:
    During Windows Logon:
    Stuck keys (dragging off board while button down)
    Caps Lock / Shift state operation problems
    See Message: "This may only be run in conjunction with the IMG Logon Utilities!"
    Tablet PC 2005: Tablet PC Keyboard visible on logon screen even though "Replace Tablet PC Keyboard" option checked (See notes below)

    Resolution: Update MTS2.EXE to version 2.17 (2.15 included in 1.77 releases)
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    Working with Korean, (or Japanese, Chinese, or any Asian keyboard layout) you are not able to create the correct character, or the keyboard layout is not operating as you expect / want.
    For example, from one support request:
    The problem is that when typing in Korean several symbols can be assembled into one symbol. However when I use your keyboard the Korean symbols are typed one by one and do not create the appropriate symbol (every keystroke sends the typed symbol and the cursor moves on to the next symbol which is not the way actual Korean letters are typed). I wanted to know if you know this problem and are there any ways to correct this.

    We are aware of the issue you are referring to, and I believe much depends on the IME (Input Method Editor) in use (e.g. the keyboard layout / IME selected in Windows Control Panel). The IME is the actual layer that assembles the Korean characters based on the keyboard input - as our software tries to emulate the physical keyboard, the scan codes & keystrokes generated should match what would be generated from a physical keyboard. At the IME layer, the characters are built for the actual application.

    Because of the sheer number of layouts we have, we primarily focus on the basic operation the software provides - does it display the correct symbol on the layout, does it generate the same keystroke/scancode as the physical keyboard. The software does NOT automatically synchronize the keyboard layout selected with the current input locale for an application. By design, this is supposed to be determined by the user. (Note that there is a KeyboardSync utility in the Developer's Kit that can accomplish this, if desired.)

    The complex Korean characters can be assembled in WordPad in Windows XP SP2 (US Version, with east Asian characters added) when the correct IME settings are selected from within the Korean keyboard layout options within Windows. Also, you can compare the operation of the physical keyboard vs. our software in a standard application such as WordPad.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft

    Using My-T-Soft on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (SP2 with XP Tablet PC), Advanced Features | Tablet PC Input Panel is off, and the My-T-Soft keyboard and the Windows input panel are both in use. When overlapping, My-T-Soft flashes (Windows Z order conflict)

    Add the following 2 class lines to the INI file (My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit My-T-Soft Initialization File), in the [MenuClasses] section, add:
    (or add the correct sequence numbers based on the existing list).

    In 1.78 Release 2, you can also add the class lines to the [StayBehindClasses] section.

    When making changes in this area, be sure My-T-Soft is closed, update the INI, close Setup, then restart the software.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    There is a delay when the Caps Lock is pressed.

    Some systems have a video subsystem that causes painting delays when the 3D keys are used - this is most noticeable during the Caps lock repaint. Here are some options:
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    The My-T-Soft Logon Utilities do not operate in 64-bit Windows 7 / Vista

    Refer to available updates - see My-T-Soft Setup | Help | Check for Updates…, and look at options available for the My-T-Soft product. It is indicated as "My-T-Soft Logon Utilities for 64-bit Windows" (This is not tagged as a recommended update because this update only applies to 64-bit versions - you must manually select My-T-Soft, and the update, and answer Yes when notified that is the same as the current installation).

    You can also download this update directly here: Download Update for My-T-Soft 1.78 Release 4 for 64-bit Windows 7/Vista (197 KB) (MD5: 9BE7DB402148727ACCDA83B086CE3D25)
    Installation/udpate instructions:
    Make sure the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities are closed - no My-T-Soft program should be running
    Then, as Administrator, copy mts17864.exe to \Program Files (x86)\MYTSOFT, then execute directly from that folder.
    This will expand and update:
    IMGLOGON.exe and IMGVistaLogon.dll
    and will add:

    Technical notes: The Credential Provider DLL must be compiled as 64-bit to be loaded by the operating system. Also, the user front-end IMGLOGON.exe must be 64-bit to update the correct registry keys (vs. the 32-bit redirects in the Wow6432Node sub keys). To resolve interface issues, supporting DLLs must also be 64-bit.

    Once the update/new files have been applied, you can run the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities directly, and it will operate correctly in the 64-bit environment.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    Need larger size keyboard layouts for Logon Keyboard

    The provided logon layouts of small, medium, and large may be in adequate for higher resolution and wide displays, especially for touchscreen usage. Download Larger Logon Layouts zip file (21KB) (MD5: E0F30C9A90B07A7CC5BFEADE786C428C) and unzip/overwrite existing layout files.

    Download zip, Unzip, and place all files in \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON folder (or appropriate product folder \Program Files\[PRODUCT]\LOGON folder, or \Program Files (x86)\[PRODUCT]\LOGON).

    Run My-T-Soft Logon Utilities and select Small/Medium/Large, then restart system to test with new set of layout files.

    See Logon Utilities help for details on files and naming.
    Small is for 1024 wide, Medium is 1280 wide, and Large is for 1600 wide resolutions
    These are Build-A-Board ANSI 210 layouts - refer to IMG's Build-A-Board for additional sizes, layouts, or options for use at Windows Logon
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    Using Ctrl+Alt+Del button at logon, does not appear when Workstation Locked / returning from Sleep/Hibernate
    Want custom starting position to be preserved
    Problem resolved for some users, but not others (or limited user) (or new user)

    For Version 1.79 (prior to Version 1.79 Release 2, which this will roll into), update CADBTN.exe in \Program Files\MYTSOFT folder.

    Download CADBTN.exe as (127KB) (3/7/2013) (MD5: 0476447532EDEE0E3343D4BE0E554AC3) and unzip/replace existing CADBTN.exe.

    1. Download file and note downloaded location - unzip/extract if necessary
    2. NOTE: For production machines, you may want to download on a separate machine, and copy over the network or through storage media so the Windows file warning about downloaded file does not appear - or check Group Policy / Local Security options
    3. As Administrator, use Explorer (or CMD prompt) and go to \Program Files\MYTSOFT (or \Program Files (x86)\MYTSOFT)
    4. Rename existing CADBTN.exe to CADBTN.179
    5. Copy in updated CADBTN.exe
    6. Enable (re-enable) Feature in Logon Utilities, restart system
    Note - this update can be used with My-T-Touch, My-T-Pen, My-T-Mouse, OnScreen.
    To use a custom starting position for the CTRL+ALT+DELETE Button, you can update StartParams in the registry (Use Regedit) at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Accessibility\Ats\img_my-t-soft_v220. Use " x=800 y=200" instead of " x=default y=default" (NOTE: use desired screen coordinates).

    In the original 1.79 release, anytime the logon utilities are updated, and the Ctrl-Alt-Delete option is enabled, the registry key will be updated with the default settings (which will remove any custom settings). To preserve any customizations, you can use the updated IMGLOGON.exe (this will roll into 1.79 Release 2).
    Download IMGLOGON.exe from (461KB) (3/8/2013) (MD5: E7CE95691921A7279BC17C30561535C1) and unzip/replace existing IMGLOGON.exe.

    When extracted, you will find WIN32-BIT and WIN64-BIT folders - use the appropriate platform build, and select the appropriate folder (e.g. MYTSOFT for My-T-Soft), and then update the IMGLOGON.exe in \Program Files\MYTSOFT folder (for 64-bit, update \Program Files (x86)\MYTSOFT).
    The CADBTN.exe utility needs to be configured to run from both the system and for the current user. When configured by an Administrator (or a new user is created), other users will not have the individual (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) configured, so this same issue can occur. To enable this for a particular user, refer to the Ease of Access Center - you can configure the user by going into Control Panel | Ease of Access | Ease of Access Center | Change how your keyboard works | Enable My-T-Soft Family Ease of Access Utility | Check ON Use CTRL+ALT+DEL Access Utility.

    This registry setting must be there for each user that needs this functionality:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Accessibility]

    Note: Depending on other settings, the img_my-t-soft_v220 entry needs to be part of a comma-delimited list in Configuration.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.79

    My-T-Soft (& My-T-Soft Setup) [or My-T-Touch or My-T-Pen] take a long time to appear in various versions of Windows (originally Windows 8.1 in a VMWare Virtual Machine (VM))

    Update executables to resolve system font code caused delays.

    Using the Startup display troubleshooting option (Command Line Options) and the help of a customer, it was determined that the AddFontResource and WM_FONTCHANGE broadcast Windows message took an extremely long time to process, which delayed the startup sequence. To bypass these system calls, the RunAddFontResource Initialization entry was re-enabled (previously marked obsolete) and used to indicate if the system font code should be run. By default, the RunAddFontResource=0, so by updating the executables, the font code is not used, and this resolved the delay problem.

    To resolve this problem, download the My-T-Soft & My-T-Soft Setup (My-T-Pen & My-T-Pen Setup) (My-T-Touch & My-T-Touch Setup) executables in

    Download 2.97MB 3/28/2014 (MD5: 8B8008FD6A2DE799440368967D9D644C)

    Download and extract from the zip file to expand 3 folders (My-T-Soft/My-T-Pen/My-T-Touch). Within these folders are 1.78 and 1.79 versions, and a 1.80 version for My-T-Soft. Be sure to use correct version of executable based on installed product and version.

    For My-T-Soft
    Make sure My-T-Soft & My-T-Soft Setup are not running. Copy/overwrite MYTSOFT.exe and MTSSETUP.exe from correct version folder (plus UAC exe's for My-T-Soft 1.80) in \Program Files\MYTSOFT (or \Program Files (x86)\MYTSOFT)

    For My-T-Pen
    Make sure My-T-Pen & My-T-Pen Setup are not running. Copy/overwrite MYTPEN.exe and MTPSETUP.exe from correct version volder in \Program Files\MYTPEN (or \Program Files (x86)\MYTPEN)

    For My-T-Touch
    Make sure My-T-Touch & My-T-Touch Setup are not running. Copy/overwrite MYTTOUCH.exe and MTTSETUP.exe from correct version folder in \Program Files\MYTTOUCH (or \Program Files (x86)\MYTTOUCH)

    Notes: With these executables, RunAddFontResource=1 must be set in the INI file to run the font change system code. The code was removed back in Windows 95 1.6x versions, then re-instated 1.7x versions to ensure customers that installed using zip files, or their own installation instead of the standard retail installation had access to the MYTMOUSE.FON font for proper display in smaller sizes. For a normal installation, the bypassed code is not required - it was put back in because it should be benign, and not cause any system delays, and it helped resolve a font issue for some uses of the software. If necessary, the font can always be manually installed with the system.

    If you reference the original Tech item, there is a strong possibility that some process does not handle this font broadcast message correctly, or starts a sequence of extreme processing before releasing back to the system - it may be possible to identify the offending process and look for updates or fixes to the process that causes the system delay. To resolve the issue without using these executable file updates, refer to this tech item: PC1107120533

    Notes: You will want to copy these files as Administrator to ensure you are updating/replacing the actual executables. Also, it is recommended that you rename the old executables so you can revert to them if desired/needed (rather than overwriting these files). Depending on the version of Windows and settings, if you download the zip, and copy the file from the Downloads area, Windows may give a warning when running the executable. You may wish to work from a different system or a network to prevent this safety mechanism.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    Typematic does not work when primary and secondary mouse buttons are switched (swapped mouse buttons) i.e. Physical Mouse Right button acts as main (Left) button and Physical Mouse Left button as context (Right) button [Button Configuration in Windows Control Panel | Mouse Properties] This affects many 1.xx versions of the My-T-Soft family (OnScreen, My-T-Touch, My-T-Pen, My-T-Mouse).

    Update Registry value to match legacy setting - change value of 1 to y

    Use Regedit, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse, then change SwapMouseButtons from 1 to y (lowercase y required)

    Alternative: Open Notepad, Highlight text between ######## lines below, Copy, than Paste into Notepad, and save onto Desktop as MOUSEUPDATE.REG. Double-click MOUSEUPDATE.REG file, and accept options to add to registry.

    ### MOUSEUPDATE.REG ####
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]

    The internal logic that handles the pressed button to initiate the automatic typing of Typematic uses the swapped mouse button value provided by the system - due to details outlined below, the internal variable no longer gets set due to changes through the various versions of Windows. This system setting is queried when initializing variables, and unless it is a y, proper operation will not occur for Typematic operation with mouse buttons switched.
    The code that sets the internal variable dates back to the original versions, and the setting in the WIN.INI from Windows 3.x used a Y/N option vs. the 1/0, so the registry update meshes the legacy setting with current setting and location. The GetProfileString originally referenced WIN.INI, which is now routed to settings in the Registry - see details regarding this API call at Microsoft.
    Since many users of the software use touchscreens and pens vs. physical devices with buttons, and even fewer swap buttons, this issue has been around quite awhile until brought to our attention. It is unknown when the change from Y/N to 1/0 was done, so this may affect numerous versions of Windows.
    You can change primary/secondary buttons specifically within Mouse Buttons in My-T-Soft Setup, but this will only change operation within My-T-Soft, and Typematic will not be affected (unless in addition to this swap, the buttons are still being switched in Control Panel | Mouse).
    The code will be changed to reflect current system settings and will roll into future updates, so this only affects users that switch primary and secondary buttons on versions of Windows where Typematic does not operate correctly within the software.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.79 1.80

    When using My-T-Soft 1.90 on Zebra VC80, physical Bezel key macros do not operate when using Custom Keyboard.

    This problem was identified and resolved with an update to the HapticsFeedback.DLL in March 2020 and has been rolled into an update from Zebra Technologies - this is available as part of an update available here: CFE_VC80_W10_RS1_EN_V010400_e_WB (Zebra Portal Logon Required).

    Background: The legacy My-T-Soft 1.x software has a different identifying class than the My-T-Soft 2.x software that operates custom layouts. The original HapticsFeedback library did not check for the My-T-Soft 2.x window (custom layout), so never sent physical bezel key event. The update resolves this issue.

    For integrators or system administrators, the updated DLL is provided here: (20K) March 26, 2020 (MD5: E80C78DD4EE54D6596F776002A8606BA )
    NOTE: This download is provided as a convenience for testing/troubleshooting. It is recommended all updates be applied with supported / authorized updates via Zebra Technologies (see link above).

    Download/extract zip file - it has one file, the updated HapticsFeedback.DLL

    IMPORTANT: Preserve existing DLL file so you can revert to current system if necessary, and then drop in new one:

    You will want to rename or backup the existing HapticsFeedback.dll, then unzip downloaded zip file, and drop in the DLL file to the correct location:

    C:\Program Files\VCControlPanel\HapticsFeedback.DLL

    Do this as Administrator or boot into safe mode to update the HapticsFeedback.DLL - if it is in use, you will not be able to overwrite/update it.

    Once updated, you can reset the system, then test. With the original DLL, the physical Bezel keys will not trigger macros when using a custom Build-A-Board layout, but with updated DLL, macros will occur.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.90

    System Error "A referral was returned from the server" when starting My-T-Soft Executable after normal install on Windows LTSC

    To operate and type, the MYTSOFT.exe has UI privileges (User Interface), and there are various limitations that the operating system puts on this type of software. It has a specific manifest privilege (UIAccess), has to be in \Program Files, has to be digitally code-signed, etc.

    This particular error seems to generate from validating the code-signing certificate. Below are several items that could affect running the software and display this error, with the solution that was attempted and resolved the problem listed first.

    From the customer experiencing the error: Issue has been solved by installing the correct certificates and root certificates. It took time to figure out the whole certificate chain, but now the application is working. Many thanks for your support.

    There were other aspects that were identified that could trigger this error, and listed here for other items to check/verify if the certificate chain is not the issue.

    Note: This is from Microsoft direct - "Support for LTSC by apps and tools that are designed for the General Availability Channel release of Windows 10 might be limited."

    Check / Enable the Cryptographic service
    This is a technical explanation:
    "So why do the programs with UI Access require the Cryptographic service? It is because these programs are required to be accessible at any point in the system since they provide functionality to allow people to, well, access the system. Therefore, they would not be of much use if they were unavailable in restricted, elevated-privilege areas such as the login screen or UAC dialog. Because they need to be available everywhere, including restricted areas, they must also be secure to prevent opening an attack vector which can be exploited to take advantage of the restricted areas. To do that, Windows must validate the program by checking its digital signature. To do this, it requires the Cryptographic service."

    Privileges - by default, the MYTSOFT.exe is the MYTSOFT.asInvoker.exe privilege. You can also try the MYTSOFT.highestAvailable.exe or MYTSOFT.requireAministrator.exe to see if any difference in error - for details on these differently manifested builds, refer to My-T-Soft Help - Chapter 8 / Files.

    Registry items to check/change - RegEdit as Administrator

    Get to Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

    (Good idea to export key, or record original value of these 2 items)

    Check "ValidateAdminCodeSignatures" and "EnableUIADesktopToggle" - you can toggle these, or ensure they are properly set then test to see if error does not occur

    Value: ValidateAdminCodeSignatures
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: This MUST be a value in the following table.
    0x00000000 - Do not enforce cryptographic signatures on interactive applications that require elevation of privilege.
    0x00000001 - Enforce cryptographic signatures on any interactive application that requests elevation of privilege.

    Value: EnableUIADesktopToggle
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: Enable/disabled - It determines whether UIAccess applications can prompt for elevation without the secure desktop. UIAccess applications are digitally signed.
    0x00000000 - Disabled
    0x00000001 - Enabled

    Then restart system and test

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.90

    The word completion screen does not appear.

    It is possible that there are security issues (File Permissions) that may affect OnScreen's ability to update its configuration files. A clean install as Administrator should be tried. If the current logged on user does not have read/write access to the OnScreen installation folder, then operation will not be correct. You can check permissions by using Windows Explorer, right-click on the ONSCREEN folder, then click on the Security tab.
    Original ID: PU253452
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

    I am unable to do text-to-speech with OnScreen.

    In order to do text-to-speech, you need the Microsoft Speech components loaded. This is available as a separate download on the same download area as on-screen. In Windows XP, this is available by default.
    Original ID: PU253816
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreen

    Windows NT / 2000 / XP, IMG Logon Module

    All IMG Logon Module support issues are handled in IMG Logon Technical Support
    Original ID: PU101305
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.70 1.75

    OnScreen does not run, Windows reports an error or general protection fault

    Disable "Highlight Key under pointer" or open WordComplete panel
    Original ID: PU101306
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.70 1.75

    Font Dialog does not save correct 1 Character Size Adjust setting Configuration | Fonts | 1 Character Size Adjust sometimes saves as 0, even if changed to a different value.

    There is a missing line of code in the save code in this dialog, and operation can be inconsistent - this only affects the character size adjust setting. Use the INI file (OnScreen Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit Initialization file) to change setting Keyboard1SizeCharAdjBase, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjMedium, Keyboard1SizeCharAdjLarge. This will be resolved in all future versions.
    Original ID: PU101307
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.70

    There is a delay when the Caps Lock is pressed, and/or "Automatic Spaces & Capitals" is on, and a punctuation entry triggers automatic capitals at the end of sentence when using WordComplete.

    Some systems have a video subsystem that causes painting delays when the 3D keys are used - this is most noticeable during the Caps lock repaint. Here are some options:
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    Is it possible to use a [physical] keyboard shortcut to minimize OnScreen and one to make it reappear? Our user would benefit.

    There are several possibilties using the IMG Developer's Kit - available here
    OnScreen does not include the Developer's Kit by default, but it can be downloaded and unzipped as appropriate for the user/system. The DevKit sub-folder has useful utilities for manipulating the keyboard externally - specifically the FWCTLMTS.EXE (Find Window and Control), MINMZMTS.EXE (Minimize), OPEN_MTS.EXE (Open).
    In the DevKit folder, the FWCTLMTS.EXE is designed to toggle OnScreen (My-T-Soft Family) off-screen (not visible)/ on-screen (visible). By creating a shortcut to this utility on the user's desktop, then go into the shortcut properties, you can add a Shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-X) to trigger the shortcut itself. Then when a Ctrl-Alt-X occurs (via physical keyboard or OnScreen), the OnScreen keyboard window will be toggled "off-screen". Press Ctrl-Alt-X to bring it back. Ctrl-Alt-X will toggle access to OnScreen & control the screen real estate as desired by the user.
    Alternatively, using a Minimize/Open (MINMZMTS.EXE / OPEN_MTS.EXE) approach with 2 different shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-A / Ctrl-Alt-Z) can perform the same general operation, but leaves the software available in its minimized state.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    The OnScreen Logon Utilities do not operate in 64-bit Windows 7 / Vista

    Refer to available updates - see OnScreen Setup | Help | Check for Updates…, and look at options available for the OnScreen product. It is indicated as "OnScreen Logon Utilities for 64-bit Windows" (This is not tagged as a recommended update because this update only applies to 64-bit versions - you must manually select OnScreen, and the update, and answer Yes when notified that is the same as the current installation).

    You can also download this update directly here: Download Update for OnScreen 1.78 Release 4 for 64-bit Windows 7/Vista (197 KB) (MD5: 8A38ADDC2814DA5505CD30FF30585C34)
    Installation/udpate instructions:
    Make sure the OnScreen Logon Utilities are closed - no OnScreen program should be running
    Then, as Administrator, copy ons17864.exe to \Program Files (x86)\ONSCREEN, then execute directly from that folder.
    This will expand and update:
    IMGLOGON.exe and IMGVistaLogon.dll
    and will add:

    Technical notes: The Credential Provider DLL must be compiled as 64-bit to be loaded by the operating system. Also, the user front-end IMGLOGON.exe must be 64-bit to update the correct registry keys (vs. the 32-bit redirects in the Wow6432Node sub keys). To resolve interface issues, supporting DLLs must also be 64-bit.

    Once the update/new files have been applied, you can run the OnScreen Logon Utilities directly, and it will operate correctly in the 64-bit environment.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    During Windows Logon:
    Stuck keys (dragging off board while button down)
    Caps Lock / Shift state operation problems

    Resolution: Update MTS2.EXE to version 2.17 (2.15 included in 1.77 releases)
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.77

    When I start My-T-Touch an error occurs "My-T-Touch Initialization Error! Cannot access My-T-Touch Keyboard File: Keyboard.kbf."

    On the 1.73 version, this can occur if the user only has read-only permissions on the folder where My-T-Touch is located. The user must have read-write permissions on the MYTTOUCH.INI and KEYBOARD.KBF files. As an administrator, you would need to change the permissions on these 2 files, or change the permissions on the MYTTOUCH folder (where the software is installed) to allow read-write access for all users.
    Original ID: PU256701
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.73

    Windows NT / 2000 / XP, IMG Logon Module

    All IMG Logon Module support issues are handled in IMG Logon Technical Support
    Original ID: PU560214
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.70 1.75 1.77

    Working with a DOS app in in Windows 2000 (or any app that watches scan codes for Edit panel / Numeric panel) certain keys do not operate correctly / consistently

    Download Patch PATCHMTT.ZIP (Available 11/9/2001) - This file contains an updated My-T-Touch Executable, and all 47 KMF files.
  • Patch Notes:
  • Brought to our attention by customer using (NOT CMD.EXE) in Windows 2000 - we anticipate this affects a very small percentage of customers
  • Change mainly affects "extended" keystroke attribute to required keys on edit & numeric panels
  • Virtual keys in Windows & for Windows Apps are not affected
  • Very few apps watch scan codes, so we expect this will only affect older applications & DOS applications
  • Run KeyWatch in KEYBOARD folder with Developer's Kit installed to view virtual key & scan codes
  • One interesting feature that is available with patch - add EnableMouseScroll=1 to the [Configuration] section of INI file, and this will enable automatic scrolling when cursor is held at edge of screen when keyboard is larger than screen display

  • Original ID: PU560215
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.70

    My-T-Touch in StartUp group, occassionally Windows reports an error after multiple restarts or upon start up.

    Update My-T-Touch executable (MYTTOUCH.EXE) to 1.77B.
    Original ID: PU560217
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Windows XP Tablet PC 2005 (Service Pack 2 for Tablet PC) - The Tablet PC Input Panel option (interface) does not work anymore
    Menus do not appear, no sub menus under Start Menu while running My-T-Touch

    Update PanelWatch with 1.78 version
    Original ID: PU560218
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback

    Set Sound=1 in MYTTOUCH.INI file
    Original ID: PU560219
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback but do not want Text-To-Speech Announcement

    Set Sound=1 in MYTTOUCH.INI file, use IMGSOUND.EXE version 1.78
    Original ID: PU560220
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Start Menu operation inconsistent (Windows 2000/XP / Classic Menu) when My-T-Touch minimized as a button (caption bar / title bar minimize option), especially immediately after logon

    Add ToolTips window to Menu Class entries in MYTTOUCH.INI
    Original ID: PU560221
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Unable to run Setup / 16-bit subsystem error

    Refer to Installation (Setup) support
    Original ID: PU560222
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Trying to run My-T-Touch 1.77 on a server (2000/2003/Terminal Services available), and message box appears "Not Licensed for Terminal Server operation!…"

    Update My-T-Touch executable (MYTTOUCH.EXE) to 1.77B.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    This update resolves the following problems:
    During Windows Logon:
    Stuck keys (dragging off board while button down)
    Caps Lock / Shift state operation problems
    See Message: "This may only be run in conjunction with the IMG Logon Utilities!"
    Tablet PC 2005: Tablet PC Keyboard visible on logon screen even though "Replace Tablet PC Keyboard" option checked (See notes below)

    Resolution: Update MTS2.EXE to version 2.17 (2.15 included in 1.77 releases)
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Working with Korean, (or Japanese, Chinese, or any Asian keyboard layout) you are not able to create the correct character, or the keyboard layout is not operating as you expect / want.
    For example, from one support request:
    The problem is that when typing in Korean several symbols can be assembled into one symbol. However when I use your keyboard the Korean symbols are typed one by one and do not create the appropriate symbol (every keystroke sends the typed symbol and the cursor moves on to the next symbol which is not the way actual Korean letters are typed). I wanted to know if you know this problem and are there any ways to correct this.

    We are aware of the issue you are referring to, and I believe much depends on the IME (Input Method Editor) in use (e.g. the keyboard layout / IME selected in Windows Control Panel). The IME is the actual layer that assembles the Korean characters based on the keyboard input - as our software tries to emulate the physical keyboard, the scan codes & keystrokes generated should match what would be generated from a physical keyboard. At the IME layer, the characters are built for the actual application.

    Because of the sheer number of layouts we have, we primarily focus on the basic operation the software provides - does it display the correct symbol on the layout, does it generate the same keystroke/scancode as the physical keyboard. The software does NOT automatically synchronize the keyboard layout selected with the current input locale for an application. By design, this is supposed to be determined by the user. (Note that there is a KeyboardSync utility in the Developer's Kit that can accomplish this, if desired.)

    The complex Korean characters can be assembled in WordPad in Windows XP SP2 (US Version, with east Asian characters added) when the correct IME settings are selected from within the Korean keyboard layout options within Windows. Also, you can compare the operation of the physical keyboard vs. our software in a standard application such as WordPad.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Touch

    Using My-T-Touch on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (SP2 with XP Tablet PC), Advanced Features | Tablet PC Input Panel is off, and the My-T-Touch keyboard and the Windows input panel are both in use. When overlapping, My-T-Touch flashes (Windows Z order conflict)

    Add the following 2 class lines to the INI file (My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit My-T-Touch Initialization File), in the [MenuClasses] section, add:
    (or add the correct sequence numbers based on the existing list).

    In 1.78 Release 2, you can also add the class lines to the [StayBehindClasses] section.

    When making changes in this area, be sure My-T-Touch is closed, update the INI, close Setup, then restart the software.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    There is a delay when the Caps Lock is pressed.

    Some systems have a video subsystem that causes painting delays when the 3D keys are used - this is most noticeable during the Caps lock repaint. Here are some options:
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    My-T-Touch will not open at a different location, even after I have Saved Current Settings and Saved Position. This is an ELO TouchSystems unit.

    Check the Programs shortcut icon and/or the All Users | Startup group icon. If there is a command line (e.g. …/MYTTOUCH.EXE /X:100 /Y:500), then this override will affect the opening location when the software is run. You can either update the X/Y location to meet your needs, or remove the command line entirely (I.e. just run MYTTOUCH.EXE). See Command Line options for additional details:

    Note: One check to make sure you are saving your settings is to verify that the configuration is correct by opening and closing My-T-Touch several times - it should always open where you expect/want it. You can also move, then close & re-open to test to verify some other setting isn't causing the problem. Of course, make sure you are running My-T-Touch with no command line options to check this. Also, you can use the menu while running to Restore settings, or Restore position to see what the "saved" settings are..

    There are some other "non-default" options that can affect the opening position. Check the INI ConfigPath setting and notes - there are various possibilities if not at the default ConfigPath=1. At the default, each user gets its copy, and then can save/update/modify the settings so each user can have a unique configuration. If you want all users to have the same configuration, using a different ConfigPath and other options such as ReadOnlyOK may be better for your situation. You may also need to check SaveAfterMove=0, SaveAfterChange=0, SaveAtClose=0, SaveAtEndSession=0 in the INI, as if these are set, you could be saving at a point you don't realize.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    The My-T-Touch Logon Utilities do not operate in 64-bit Windows 7 / Vista

    Refer to available updates - see My-T-Touch Setup | Help | Check for Updates…, and look at options available for the My-T-Touch product. It is indicated as "My-T-Touch Logon Utilities for 64-bit Windows" (This is not tagged as a recommended update because this update only applies to 64-bit versions - you must manually select My-T-Touch, and the update, and answer Yes when notified that is the same as the current installation).

    You can also download this update directly here: Download Update for My-T-Touch 1.78 Release 4 for 64-bit Windows 7/Vista (197 KB) (MD5: 48EA3B6064F8DC0CD5D56EF2F0758D31)
    Installation/udpate instructions:
    Make sure the My-T-Touch Logon Utilities are closed - no My-T-Touch program should be running
    Then, as Administrator, copy mtt17864.exe to \Program Files (x86)\MYTTOUCH, then execute directly from that folder.
    This will expand and update:
    IMGLOGON.exe and IMGVistaLogon.dll
    and will add:

    Technical notes: The Credential Provider DLL must be compiled as 64-bit to be loaded by the operating system. Also, the user front-end IMGLOGON.exe must be 64-bit to update the correct registry keys (vs. the 32-bit redirects in the Wow6432Node sub keys). To resolve interface issues, supporting DLLs must also be 64-bit.

    Once the update/new files have been applied, you can run the My-T-Touch Logon Utilities directly, and it will operate correctly in the 64-bit environment.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    Desire additional button feature to spin mouse wheel by holding button down.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    Problems working with Multiple Monitors (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP)

    Original ID: PG223701
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    Only want Button Capabilities, do not want Joystick-To-Mouse to move cursor
    Using non-gaming device, only has buttons, no axes of motion
    Device loses calibration, causes drifting, and you didn't want cursor motion anyway

    Original ID: PG223702
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    Joystick-To-Mouse cursor drifts when it is not actively being moved.

    Joystick-To-Mouse installs and creates a program group (Start Menu | Programs | Joystick-To-Mouse). Running Joystick-To-Mouse will create a button on the task bar. Click on the button on the task bar to open the Joystick-To-Mouse menu. Drifting is a combination of calibration & settings in Joystick-To-Mouse. You may need to increase the center range sensitivity. You should refer to the troubleshooting in the Joystick-To-Mouse help. It is always a good idea to calibrate & test in the Control Panel icon to confirm Windows is properly configured for your device. You can then use the Joystick-To-Mouse Custom Calibration to change settings in JTM and test immediately to confirm proper settings & operation.

    The troubleshooting section runs down all options & should be a good resource to help you resolve any drifting problem.
    Original ID: PU253217
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Joystick-To-Mouse does not work with my USB port joystick.

    There are several issues with USB joysticks.

    1) Joystick-to-Mouse will work with these devices if they interface as a joystick device to windows. Typically a USB joystick will come with driver software. This needs to be installed.

    2) Before running Joystick-To-Mouse, open Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel | Game Controllers (or Joystick if an early Win 95 version). Verify that the joystick is on ID 1 (Advanced), and that you can calibrate & test the joystick device.

    3) Joystick-To-Mouse does not read any joystick - we use the multimedia services in windows, and wait for joystick messages to be sent to our software. If the device does not support or have the proper driver for Microsoft Windows, then you should check with the manufacturer of the device.

    4) Reporting any error messages or what does / doesn't happen can be useful in addressing any "issues" with our software.

    5) To date, we have had no reports of incompatibilities with any joystick device that interfaces with windows properly. Identifying the manufacturer & model of the device you are using will help us ensure future compatibility if, in fact, there is a problem with the device you are using.
    Original ID: PU253605
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Joystick-To-Mouse Compatibility Notes / Game Compatibility

    Joystick-To-Mouse is a windows compatible software program that uses the Microsoft Windows API, and conforms to all guidelines published by Microsoft. By definition, if Joystick-To-Mouse works with any windows application, it will work with all (properly written) windows applications. Game developers are known for writing software that utilizes system resources in ways that DO NOT conform to these "rules" - since they assume that the user will ONLY be using their software, they operate in a way that bypasses, or ignores other programs running in the system. Therefore, IMG can not provide compatibility with programs written in a way that do not conform to the Microsoft Windows operating system.

    IMG does not have a list, nor do we exhaustively test any of the thousands of programs released every year - In order to keep our prices reasonable, we can not purchase, pay personnel to test, and provide changes to our software to work with companies that choose to ignore the published documentation regarding software interoperation. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we strongly recommend you download a demo and test the software before purchasing.
    Original ID: PU223700
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    In Windows 2000/Windows XP, after installing Joystick-To-Mouse, prior to logon, the cursor drifts. You do not need/want Joystick-To-Mouse to operate/move the cursor at the logon screen.

    In the 2.60 version, by default, Joystick-To-Mouse installs & starts a service (IMG Joystick-To-Mouse Service) to allow a joystick to interact in the WinLogon secure desktop (e.g. prior to logon/user authentication). To remove/stop this default action, do the following: As a Computer Administrator, logon and go to Control Panel - in Services (Administrative Tools), find the IMG Joystick-To-Mouse service. Set this service to manual or disable the service.

    Joystick-To-Mouse allows an individual who can only use a joystick to fully operate windows. In order to accommodate this type of user, the need to also operate the mouse cursor from within the secure logon screen may be required. Due to security & architectural issues, the IMG Joystick-To-Mouse service is the software component that enables this capability. If this action is not desired, this service may be controlled from within Windows.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    Windows Vista/Windows 7 - Joystick-To-Mouse does not operate properly, or only operates in upper left of screen

    If your font setting (Custom DPI Setting) is greater than 125%, the Windows API GetSystemMetrics does not perform as documented, and will return incorrect values for screen size, causing Joystick-To-Mouse's calculations to be incorrect. Requires SetProcessDPIAware system call. This update has rolled into 2.70 Release 5). To update, do one of the following:
    If you have your license key/serial #, you can simply install the current Joystick-To-Mouse from here, then re-license:

    Alternatively, you can download the Zip file, extract, and then update the joy2mse.exe file.

    With Joystick-To-Mouse closed, as Administrator, in \Program Files\Joystick-To-Mouse, rename JOY2MSE.exe to JOY2MSE.270R4
    Copy in downloaded file, e.g. \Program Files\Joystick-To-Mouse\JOY2MSE.exe

    Now run and test - operation should be correct for all DPI settings
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70

    IMG Personal License (IPL) valid, but Joystick-To-Mouse runs as a Demo (unlicensed) (most likely Windows 10 but could affect other versions of Windows)

    Please refer to this IPL Tech Support item License Support IL0115120830 - it may be necessary to use a higher privileged executable (i.e. Joystick-To-Mouse.highestAvailable.exe) to have Joystick-To-Mouse correctly see the valid license. You may also wish to check compatibility setting and ensure you are not running in a compatibility mode which may affect the normal operation. Note that the Joystick-To-Mouse executable separately runs and launches LICENSE2.exe to see the valid system license - if for some reason Joystick-To-Mouse does not have the permissions to run a separate executable (due to user or group policy settings), the running Joystick-To-Mouse will not see a valid license.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.80

    When My-T-Pen starts I cannot see half of the keyboard.

    In general, this is a caused by a mismatch between the configuration file (MYTPEN.INI) and the keyboard layout file (KEYBOARD.KBF). One possible solution is to reset the files - go into My-T-Pen Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Return to installation defaults. Another possible solution is to reset these files. Once the My-T-Pen is opened correctly, position where you want it, and from the menu select BOTH Settings | Save Current Settings, and Position | Save Position - then close My-T-Pen & restart.
    Original ID: PU253812
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    Cannot set "Use the Welcome screen" enabled and "Use Fast User Switching" disabled.

    This would be related to the Logon utilities & the GinaDLL entry. When the Logon Keyboard is in use, this "forces" the User name / Password dialog setting, and "disables" both. Here is the logic used on the Select logon and logoff options
    If Use the Welcome Screen is Enabled, Fast User switching is enabled and optional. If the Use the Welcome Screen is Off, Fast User switching is off and disabled.
    The relationship with all this and My-T-Pen is the GinaDLL entry (Logon Utilities Enabled in Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Pen | My-T-Pen Logon Utilities, Setup/Configure Logon Utility). When this is enabled, an String value is put into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/WinLogon called GinaDLL. If this entry exists, Windows XP assumes the Use Welcome Screen is not applicable, and disables it.
    Original ID: PU253970
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    I inadvertently deleted the MYTPEN folder from my WINNT folder and can't log onto my PC.

    You only have 2 possibilities:
    1) If available, you may be able to modify the registry from another system on the network. You will need to know the Network name of the system. Run REGEDT32 from the server (or another workstation), and see if you can access the registry of the problem system. The key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / WinLogon and the entry is GinaDLL. If you can delete the GinaDLL entry (which will have a path and IMGLOGON.DLL, e.g. \WINNT\MYTPEN\IMGLOGON.DLL), then restart the system. This will revert back to the default Microsoft logon 2) Use the emergency repair disk and run a repair on the system - if you have the appropriate Resource Kit & utilities, there may be some other options to work with the registry.
    As a quick overview your options are to get the file back in place somehow (which will require some sort of utility), delete the registry entry as above (which may require some other utility), or use the repair (or re-install option) to put things back to default.
    The safest approach would be to get at the registry & simply remove the GINADLL entry.
    Original ID: PU259111
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    My-T-Pen did not allow me to switch to lower case with the cap key.

    The software monitors the system caps lock state to sync with it. In systems where there is no physical keyboard, we are aware of sync problems between what the system "thinks", windows & apps thinks, and what My-T-Pen thinks is the caps lock state. There is an entry in the MYTPEN.INI called IgnoreSystemCapsLock=0 which can be changed to IgnoreSystemCapsLock=1 - this will let My-T-Pen run without querying the hardware. Note that the NumPad panel on My-T-Pen displays the "caps-lock" light, and that may be helpful in troubleshooting (i.e this indicates what My-T-Pen senses as the caps lock state).
    Original ID: PU259031
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    With My-T-Pen in StartUp group, occassionally Windows reports an error after multiple restarts or upon start up

    Update My-T-Pen executable (MYTPEN.EXE) to 1.77B.

    Original ID: PU225163
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Windows XP Tablet PC 2005 (Service Pack 2 for Tablet PC) - The Tablet PC Input Panel option (interface) does not work anymore
    Menus do not appear, no sub menus under Start Menu while running My-T-Pen

    Update PanelWatch with 1.78 version
    Original ID: PU225164
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback

    Set Sound=1 in MYTPEN.INI file
    Original ID: PU225165
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Want Key Click Feedback but do not want Text-To-Speech Announcement

    Set Sound=1 in MYTPEN.INI file, use IMGSOUND.EXE version 1.78
    Original ID: PU225166
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Start Menu operation inconsistent (Windows 2000/XP / Classic Menu) when My-T-Pen minimized as a button (caption bar / title bar minimize option), especially immediately after logon

    Add ToolTips window to Menu Class entries in MYTPEN.INI
    Original ID: PU225167
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Windows NT / 2000 / XP, IMG Logon Module

    All IMG Logon Module support issues are handled in IMG Logon Technical Support
    Original ID: PU225182
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.70 1.75 1.77

    Working with a DOS app in in Windows 2000 (or any app that watches scan codes for Edit panel / Numeric panel) certain keys do not operate correctly / consistently

    Download Patch PATCHMTP.ZIP (Available 11/9/2001) - This file contains an updated My-T-Pen Executable, and all 47 KMF files.
  • Patch Notes:
  • Brought to our attention by customer using (NOT CMD.EXE) in Windows 2000 - we anticipate this affects a very small percentage of customers
  • Change mainly affects "extended" keystroke attribute to required keys on edit & numeric panels
  • Virtual keys in Windows & for Windows Apps are not affected
  • Very few apps watch scan codes, so we expect this will only affect older applications & DOS applications
  • Run KeyWatch in KEYBOARD folder with Developer's Kit installed to view virtual key & scan codes
  • One interesting feature that is available with patch - add EnableMouseScroll=1 to the [Configuration] section of INI file, and this will enable automatic scrolling when cursor is held at edge of screen when keyboard is larger than screen display

  • Original ID: PU225183
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.70

    Trying to run My-T-Pen 1.77 on a server (2000/2003/Terminal Services available), and message box appears "Not Licensed for Terminal Server operation!…"

    Update My-T-Pen executable (MYTPEN.EXE) to 1.77B.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    This update resolves the following problems:
    During Windows Logon:
    Stuck keys (dragging off board while button down)
    Caps Lock / Shift state operation problems
    See Message: "This may only be run in conjunction with the IMG Logon Utilities!"
    Tablet PC 2005: Tablet PC Keyboard visible on logon screen even though "Replace Tablet PC Keyboard" option checked (See notes below)

    Resolution: Update MTS2.EXE to version 2.17 (2.15 included in 1.77 releases)
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Working with Korean, (or Japanese, Chinese, or any Asian keyboard layout) you are not able to create the correct character, or the keyboard layout is not operating as you expect / want.
    For example, from one support request:
    The problem is that when typing in Korean several symbols can be assembled into one symbol. However when I use your keyboard the Korean symbols are typed one by one and do not create the appropriate symbol (every keystroke sends the typed symbol and the cursor moves on to the next symbol which is not the way actual Korean letters are typed). I wanted to know if you know this problem and are there any ways to correct this.

    We are aware of the issue you are referring to, and I believe much depends on the IME (Input Method Editor) in use (e.g. the keyboard layout / IME selected in Windows Control Panel). The IME is the actual layer that assembles the Korean characters based on the keyboard input - as our software tries to emulate the physical keyboard, the scan codes & keystrokes generated should match what would be generated from a physical keyboard. At the IME layer, the characters are built for the actual application.

    Because of the sheer number of layouts we have, we primarily focus on the basic operation the software provides - does it display the correct symbol on the layout, does it generate the same keystroke/scancode as the physical keyboard. The software does NOT automatically synchronize the keyboard layout selected with the current input locale for an application. By design, this is supposed to be determined by the user. (Note that there is a KeyboardSync utility in the Developer's Kit that can accomplish this, if desired.)

    The complex Korean characters can be assembled in WordPad in Windows XP SP2 (US Version, with east Asian characters added) when the correct IME settings are selected from within the Korean keyboard layout options within Windows. Also, you can compare the operation of the physical keyboard vs. our software in a standard application such as WordPad.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-Pen

    Using My-T-Pen on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (SP2 with XP Tablet PC), Advanced Features | Tablet PC Input Panel is off, and the My-T-Pen keyboard and the Windows input panel are both in use. When overlapping, My-T-Pen flashes (Windows Z order conflict)

    Add the following 2 class lines to the INI file (My-T-Pen Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit My-T-Pen Initialization File), in the [MenuClasses] section, add:
    (or add the correct sequence numbers based on the existing list).

    In 1.78 Release 2, you can also add the class lines to the [StayBehindClasses] section.

    When making changes in this area, be sure My-T-Pen is closed, update the INI, close Setup, then restart the software.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    There is a delay when the Caps Lock is pressed.

    Some systems have a video subsystem that causes painting delays when the 3D keys are used - this is most noticeable during the Caps lock repaint. Here are some options:
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    The My-T-Pen Logon Utilities do not operate in 64-bit Windows 7 / Vista

    Refer to available updates - see My-T-Pen Setup | Help | Check for Updates…, and look at options available for the My-T-Pen product. It is indicated as "My-T-Pen Logon Utilities for 64-bit Windows" (This is not tagged as a recommended update because this update only applies to 64-bit versions - you must manually select My-T-Pen, and the update, and answer Yes when notified that is the same as the current installation).

    You can also download this update directly here: Download Update for My-T-Pen 1.78 Release 4 for 64-bit Windows 7/Vista (197 KB) (MD5: F99C781345BB868D81F601E9A81BFD69)
    Installation/udpate instructions:
    Make sure the My-T-Pen Logon Utilities are closed - no My-T-Pen program should be running
    Then, as Administrator, copy mtp17864.exe to \Program Files (x86)\MYTPEN, then execute directly from that folder.
    This will expand and update:
    IMGLOGON.exe and IMGVistaLogon.dll
    and will add:

    Technical notes: The Credential Provider DLL must be compiled as 64-bit to be loaded by the operating system. Also, the user front-end IMGLOGON.exe must be 64-bit to update the correct registry keys (vs. the 32-bit redirects in the Wow6432Node sub keys). To resolve interface issues, supporting DLLs must also be 64-bit.

    Once the update/new files have been applied, you can run the My-T-Pen Logon Utilities directly, and it will operate correctly in the 64-bit environment.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    I cannot disable the Windows option to Run at Start Screen - when I select it, it does not clear the check mark.

    You may wish to restart your system, then try again. Alternatively, you can go into Control Panel | Ease of Access Center and at the left, select Change sign-in settings - clear any check marks for the TouchRight Utilities, then restart, and retry.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: TouchRight UtilitiesVersion: 1.40

    With Build-A-Board I want to use the command CTRL+S to save a document using one key.

    The macro / key action would be: [Ctrl-Down]s[Ctrl-Up] - this sends the control key down, then the s down, s up, and finally control up - this is the sequence required for a "control" (or Alt) key sequence.
    Original ID: PU253711
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-Board

    Problems typing

    Original ID: PU225145
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Unable to open projects
    Unable to build projects (Builder hangs)
    BABTC.EXE processes do not complete (Task Manager)
    Build-A-Board Text Compiler Errors (Windows visible indicating compile problems)

  • Resolution: Update BABTC.EXE to version 2.11
  • This only affects a small number of systems - see technical notes below.
  • Since 2005, this update has been rolled into the available 2.10 versions.

  • Original ID: PU225146
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Caps Lock / Shift state operation problems
    Stuck keys (dragging off board while button down)
    Transparency (Requires Windows 2000 or later)

    Resolution: Update MYTSOFT.EXE to version 2.16
  • IMPORTANT: This is only a direct replacement to the Build-A-Board run-time component MYTSOFT.EXE. This may not be used in Windows CE, as MTS2.EXE, or MYTSOFT2.EXE!

  • Original ID: PU225147
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10


    Character keys do not generate characters in application
    I need support for a different processor
    My application is topmost and above the My-T-Soft window
    I need an "L" layout or a framed layout
    I need the Alt combination keys for my application and wan't user control vs. pre-built macros

    2.17 Notes
    Please refer to the above regarding the replacement/updating of the MYTSOFT.EXE appropriate for your system. For the following processors, you can download the 2.17 version, which includes the following options:

    The following processors are supported with the 2.17 versions
    Note: If your processor is supported, the 2.17 is preferred to the 2.14 version

    Original ID: PU225148
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    30 character limit is too short for the macro I need.

    Original ID: PU225149
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Trying to Pause macro while typing, or need other input / mouse capabilities.

    Original ID: PU225150
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Run Time error (indicated as KEYBOARD.KBF)

    Original ID: PU225151
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Need X86 Processor Support, Windows CE 3

    Original ID: PU225152
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Current Project replaced by Older Project

    Original ID: PU225153
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Not all characters in Build-A-Macro portion operate (or generates an incorrect keystroke).

    Original ID: PU225154
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Working with Remote Desktop Connection, Shift-State acts inconsistent, or lowercase/uppercase characters not sent as expected (especially longer sequences of characters). Works fine in Terminal Server Client to the remote machine, or locally.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    I just moved my Run-Time Win32 My-T-Soft 2.10 to a new machine, have transferred the license, and when I run MYTSOFT.EXE, I don't see anything - What should I do?

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Default hand cursor is visible when entering passwords / or in use in secure location
    My-T-Soft window falls behind task bar or other windows

    My-T-Soft with blank cursor

    Use updated MYTSOFT.exe with default cursor as "blank" or "null" cursor - this will display no cursor when mouse pointer is over the keyboard window (My-T-Soft window).

    Download MYTSOFT.exe with blank/null cursor as M217W32.ZIP (MD5: 0AD220CFFB98B23687499D515AF8B751) (26KB) (Unzips as MYTSOFT.exe)

    For installation notes, and additional capabilities in this update, refer to this item: PU2005120233

    Notes: The version is tagged as 2.17, but will work with 2.10 licenses - this is a direct replacement for the MYTSOFT.exe in Build-A-Board 2.10 (or Build-A-Board run-time Win32) - it should not be used for any other purpose. This is essentially similar to the 2.16 update (see link above), except it uses the blank cursor, and has a version of 2.17.

    My-T-Soft with forced topmost

    Use updated MYTSOFT.exe with a forced topmost action so My-T-Soft window will position above other topmost windows.

    Download MYTSOFT.exe with blank/null cursor as M219W32.ZIP (MD5: A987A44B790F5CED834ADDEEC8B86132) (30KB) (Unzips as MYTSOFT.exe)

    For installation notes, and additional capabilities in this update, refer to this item: PU2005120233

    Notes: The version is tagged as 2.19, but will work with 2.10 licenses - this is a direct replacement for the MYTSOFT.exe in Build-A-Board 2.10 (or Build-A-Board run-time Win32) - it should not be used for any other purpose. This is essentially similar to the 2.16 update (see link above), except it has the forced topmost code, and has a version of 2.19.

    By default, the topmost attribute is used when creating the My-T-Soft window, and if My-T-Soft is launched after other topmost windows, will be the topmost window. However, if other windows position themselves as topmost, My-T-Soft may fall behind. This build uses a timer and sets itself as topmost, which will overcome this type of normal action. However, if another window forces itself to be topmost, you may get a flickering type action, as the windows will constantly swap topmost position. Because of the cooperative type of environment in use, this solution may not be ideal for all situations.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    When opening or building a board in Windows 2000 or Windows XP, the Builder hangs. I am experiencing this Build Process Notes section in User's Guide - when I look in Task Manager, there are 1 or more BABTCU.exe processes listed.

    Build-A-Board uses multiple processes to build boards - on newer systems with multi-core processors, this can dramatically increase build times. On older systems, and on older versions of Windows (2000/XP), this can cause memory issues, or hung processes. You may also receive a windows error (0xc0000142 - Application fails to initialize). Increasing system memory or virtual memory may help, but there is also this information: Microsoft Knowledgebase KB126962

    Here are step by step instructions (Registry update/system restart required)

    1. Start Menu | Run
    2. Type in Regedit, then OK/[Enter]
    3. Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/SubSystems
    4. Find the Windows entry in the SubSystems key
    5. Edit the entry, and look or the area called SharedSection=1024,3072,512 (numbers may vary)
    6. Change to SharedSection=1024,12288,1024
    7. OK to Update, close Regedit, then restart your system
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    NOTE: Only applies to earlier releases of Build-A-Board prior to Release 4 - current versions include these capabilities
    Windows Run-Time Build-A-Board 2.20 R3 interim update
    Need Windows 8 / Windows 10 compatibility
    Painting issues (many images on keys/key artifacts/new KBF files)
    Macrobat issues (shifted keys required for key action)
    Want Custom shaped boards
    Want Custom key painting
    KeyPaint.dll source
    Want Live updating keys (Clock/Time/Date display)
    Want Key press user feedback (Key Zoom window)
    Need other capabilities for run-time requirements
    Menu/Cursor overrides/Parallax settings/double key press blocking time-out
    Want automatic timer based commands
    CMD:LKBF (Load KBF) options
    Issues with command line selecting KBF files

    Resolution: Update MYTSOFT.EXE / add Region/KeyPaint/KBFEdit features IMPORTANT: For best results, only download/work with this update if instructed so by IMG Technical Support.

    LKBF Notes:

    If no [,positioninfo] is provided, the center point of the existing layout will be used as the anchor point.

    The following positioninfo values will exist:

    "top" - the top / center will be the anchor point
    "bottom" - the bottom / center will be the anchor point
    "left" - the left / center will be the anchor point
    "right" - the right / center will be the anchor point
    "toplft" - the top / left corner will be the anchor point
    "toprgt" - the top / right corner will be the anchor point
    "botlft" - the bottom / left corner will be the anchor point
    "botrgt" - the bottom / right corner will be the anchor point

    "scrntl" - will position on the screen top / left
    "scrntc" - will position on the screen top / center
    "scrntr" - will position on the screen top / right
    "scrnml" - will position on the screen middle / left
    "scrnmc" - will position on the screen middle / center
    "scrnmr" - will position on the screen middle / right
    "scrnbl" - will position on the screen bottom / left
    "scrnbc" - will position on the screen bottom / center
    "scrnbr" - will position on the screen bottom / right

    "overlay" - will overlay the existing window (layouts should be same size)

    For example, [CMD:LKBF=TEST.KBF,right] will effectively open the new layout with the right-most edge anchored, giving the illusion that it extends the panel outwards to the left (assuming TEST is larger than than the showing layout).

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    Working with Build-A-Board for a Linux Target, the font display on the Linux system does not match the selected font within the Build-A-Board builder

    Unfortunately, there is no direct match for Windows fonts available in Build-A-Board and Linux based fonts. The following outlines some of the logic taken to interact with the X Server/Xlib font matching api functions. For background, the history of fonts in computers is a fascinating subject because of copyrights, character representations, and legal issues. In short, this is why this is an issue, especially on a free and open source platform such as Linux. The following approaches describe options to overcome these limitations.

    The first option (if possible) is to expand the available fonts on your Linux system. There may be additional packages that can be installed to provide additional fonts. In general, the more fonts available, the more likely a match will be found based on your selected Window font. For example, on a Debian system adding the fonts-freefont-ttf package will add more fonts (e.g. apt install fonts-freefont-ttf as superuser, or use Synaptic). Another option might be to install the Adobe reader, as it will install Adobe fonts onto the system. Check with your distribution for other packages/font options.

    The next option is to work with a limited set of font family names within Windows. The following font names will convert to a wild-card match within the X window font matching: 'Arial', 'Helv', 'helv', 'Times', 'Courier', 'Sans Serif'. For example, the Arial/Helvetica Windows source name will try to match *helv* on a Linux system. This does require that family of font names to be on the Linux system, but it increases the possibility that a match will be found. If no match is found, a default (and most likely undesirable) font will be displayed. There are also limitations to be aware of within the font matching approach. For practical purposes, your only options are regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. Also, only the height (point size) value is used - width is not used at all in the match attempt. See below for specific notes on the Build-A-Board font properties and how these limitations affect usable values.

    If the above options do not help resolve the font display, another option is to specify the font name so a match can be achieved with the available fonts. In the Linux Developer's Kit, a fontlist utility has been added to list the internal list available through the XListFonts Xlib interface. With this list, the font name (face name), and be listed with wildcards (i.e. asterisks) to match an available font. The 2 most relevant items in the Linux font matching approach are the font face name, and the height. The fontlist utility lists the font info in the following form:
    The Build-A-Board Face name matches the 2nd item (FAMILY_NAME), and the height value, which is associated with the POINT_SIZE. To best match, the actual height (absolute) value is multiplied by 10, then compared to available fonts, trying to match the highest value. The weight value is very limited. If greather than 700, the match will be 'bold' - otherwise, it will be 'medium'. The style flag is even more limited, in that to achieve the italic flag 'i', a Windows italic font must be selected - otherwise it is 'r' for regular. Refer to the images from Build-A-Board to match a Bitstream charter font for the entire board - as an example, if this was in your fontlist output:

    You could specify the following in the board font properties to select the 24 point medium font:

    Build-A-Board Board Properties / font setting button

    Build-A-Board Board Properties / font settings dialog

    The same approach can be used for a 'per key' font match - just use the name and height in the Key Properties.

    Because testing on the target system is a required aspect to obtain the best match, an iterative approach is recommended. Because of the various limitations, understanding the above limitations are important to identify actual fonts on the system (fontlist dev kit utility), and entering the relevant name/height values in Build-A-Board, building the board, then testing with the KBF. Note that if Linux native names are used, the Windows based font display will be incorrect, and should be ignored.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20


    The Magnifier's reference window still appears even though it is disabled (Advanced Menu | Full Screen Options | Show Reference Window) after I hide, then show The Magnifier in the Full Screen mode.
    In Windows Vista, the Display Cursor when turned off doesn't affect opening display of magnified cursor when The Magnifier is started.
    When The Magnifier is hidden, menus go behind the taskbar (Vista), or leave artifacts (XP).

    This is resolved in The Magnifier 1.50 Release 3 - if necessary, refer to the update "The Magnifier maintenance update for 1.50 Release 2" from the Check for Updates option in the Help menu. Be sure to close The Magnifier prior to installing this update. Here is a quick guide to installing this update:

    For manual updates, download, copy into Installation folder (/Program Files/The Magnifier), then run program (make sure The Magnifier is closed)
    Download MAG1502.exe for Windows 2000/XP (172K) 3/17/2009 MD5: 3ADCC2B74BB935312EB4DA09D3DD86C6
    Download MAG150V2.exe for Windows Vista (253K) 3/17/2009 MD5: 60A8B5551AA710D8BC9F40DBAF07508B

    This updates The Magnifier.exe/MagnifierXP.exe in Vista, The Magnifier.exe in 2000/XP. This also adds MAGCTRL.EXE (Support Item IU2109120601)

    Notes: The reference window setting was not checked in the show/hide action to determine if the window should be shown (so it was always shown). The Display Cursor option was properly saved, but the implementation in Vista is different than 2000/XP, so at startup the original creation of the window created the magnified cursor regardless of the saved setting. Menu handling is disabled when The Magnifier is hidden.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    In Windows Vista, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (or any program) crashes when I am running the Magnifier

    The Vista version of The Magnifier uses a built-in Magnification system provided in Vista. Because older applications may have issues runing in Vista, there are several options you may wish to try:

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    I can't access The Magnifier Menu in Windows 7

    In Windows 7, Microsoft changed the approach for the tray icons, so that by default, they won't be visible. When The Magnifier is in Full Screen mode, there are 2 options available to access the menu easily.
    1. Configure the Tray Icon for The Magnifier to be shown. When hidden, there is an up-arrow type symbol (triangle pointing up) that will show "hidden" icons. When you click on this, you can customize the hidden icons, and you can change The Magnifier's icon from Show Notifications Only, to Show Icon and Notifications.
    2. While using The Magnifier, toggle out of full screen mode (Alt-Z), then right-click on The Magnifier window to access the menu. Once you have configured as desired, return to Full Screen mode (Alt-Z). You can also use the Toolbar to toggle in and out of the Full Screen mode. When The Magnifier is in the window mode, you can access the menu with a right-click. You can also return to Full Screen by double-clicking on the windowed Magnifier.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    When using The Magnifier In Windows XP (2000/XP), the Tooltips above the small icons in the notification area of the system tray (by the clock), do not get magnified, and I can't see them. What can I do?

    The tooltip window is treated differently by the system and is not shown in The Magnifier window. To make them easier to see, you can set the Tooltip appearance to be a larger font. Follow these steps:
    1. Use Start Menu | Control Panel | Display icon to get to the Appearance options
    2. Click on the Appearance tab
    3. Click on the Advanced Button
    4. In the Item selection, find the Tooltip option, and select it
    5. Increase the font (e.g. 16 pt) - test, and you may wish to try different sizes to see what works best for you
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    SmartClick Setup does not update settings

    In the original release of SmartClick 1.70 for Windows 8, you will want to configure SmartClick using SmartClick Setup while SmartClick is closed. After SmartClick Setup is closed, run SmartClick. This will be addressed in 1.70 Release 1 for Windows 8.1.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: SmartClickVersion: 1.70

    Problem with SingleClicker feature for drags, double-click, etc. in SmartClick 1.60 for Windows 7 / Windows Vista

    There is an update to the SmartClick executable which introduces a delay during the SingleClicker operation that resolves this issue. Download and update SmartClick.exe from zip:

    Download SmartClick exe update as (771KB) (MD5: A7A05FBD5672B4F106F0FC8F92F4505A)

    As Administrator, with SmartClick closed (not running), you will want to unzip (right-click | Extract All), and copy all the exe files to \Program Files\SmartClick (or \Program Files (x86)\SmartClick) (this will overwrite the existing SmartClick.exe and add a few others). Once updated, SmartClick can be run as normal.

    Notes: This update introduces a delay for the interface between real clicks (SingleClicker) and virtual clicks from SmartClick - drag, double-click, etc. For best results, the single click should be a "click" - as in a quick press/release. There may be an issue when working with Title bars, e.g. dragging a window by the title bar - a second single click may be required to correctly drag the window.

    The additional exes (SmartClick.requireAdministrator.exe, etc.) can be used if User Account Control is enabled, and there are issues interfacing with certain windows. For users that do normal things, this should not be necessary - the User Interface Privilege Isolation issues would typically only affect system administrators or users that use system tools. If necessary, the SmartClick.highestAvailable.exe or SmartClick.requireAdministrator.exe can be copied to SmartClick.exe - by default, SmartClick.exe is SmartClick.asInvoker.exe).

    This update is only for SmartClick 1.60.

    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: SmartClickVersion: 1.60

    IMG Personal License (IPL) valid, but SmartClick runs as a Demo (unlicensed) (most likely Windows 10 but could affect other versions of Windows)

    Please refer to this IPL Tech Support item License Support IL0115120830 - it may be necessary to use a higher privileged executable (i.e. SmartClick.highestAvailable.exe or SmartClick.requireAdministrator.exe) to have SmartClick correctly see the valid license. You may also wish to check compatibility setting and ensure you are not running in a compatibility mode which may affect the normal operation. Note that the SmartClick executable separately runs and launches LICENSE2.exe to see the valid system license - if for some reason SmartClick does not have the permissions to run a separate executable (due to user or group policy settings), the running SmartClick will not see a valid license.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: SmartClickVersion: 1.70

    IMG Personal License (IPL) valid, but WordComplete runs as a Demo (unlicensed) (most likely Windows 10 but could affect other versions of Windows)

    Please refer to this IPL Tech Support item License Support IL0115120830 - it may be necessary to use a higher privileged executable (i.e. WordComplete.highestAvailable.exe) to have WordComplete correctly see the valid license. You may also wish to check compatibility setting and ensure you are not running in a compatibility mode which may affect the normal operation. Note that the WordComplete executable separately runs and launches LICENSE2.exe to see the valid system license - if for some reason WordComplete does not have the permissions to run a separate executable (due to user or group policy settings), the running WordComplete will not see a valid license.
    Category: UsingType: Problem/Resolution Product: WordCompleteVersion: 1.20

    The system is being used in a prison, and I have the Operator Security enabled - what else can I do to harden/secure My-T-Soft?

    The base option to secure My-T-Soft is to enable Operator Security - use My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special Options, then Enable Operator Security. This locks down the tool bar (if configured as visible), and can optionally enable the Minimize option.

    Here are several items that can make the Operator Security option even more secure.
    Category: Advanced ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    What steps are required to duplicate the My-T-Touch keyboard configuration from one machine to another?

    There are two configuration files that need to be copied. The MYTTOUCH.INI is one, and the KEYBOARD.KBF is the other. The INI file contains most of the setup configuration options, while the KBF file contains the layout, size, panels, etc.
    If the logon utilities are involved, certain settings are in the registry. If this is an issue, it is probably easiest to duplicate the configuration in the dialog. Otherwise, you can look at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Innovation Management Group\My-T-Soft.
    Original ID: QA253206
    Category: Advanced ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How to assign a macro to a button to allow the current keyboard to close, and another to open?

    This is an unfortunate result of the test vs. deployment issue that we will be addressing in future releases of Build-A-Board. In order for the NKBF command to work, the KBF file must be in the same folder as MYTSOFT.EXE. When you build a layout referencing another layout, and test (F10) within Build-A-Board, there is absolutely nothing that Build-A-Board will do to find or resolve or link multiple projects together - you must do this manually. For example, if you are working with Project1, and add a key, use the NKBF command, and try to open Project2.KBF, you will need to do the following:
    Create and Build the Project2, and then with Windows explorer copy the Project2.KBF from the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Target\Project2 folder into the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Target\Project1 folder. Now when you build & test Project1, it will be able to find and load the Project2.KBF file. For deployment (assuming Project1 is the main project), you will also want to copy the Project2.KBF (and any other referenced KBF files) into the MSWIN (or other target) folders.
    We have already made plans to automatically update all 2.10 customers to 2.20 when it becomes available, but that will not be until next year some time. You may want to register at in order to ensure that you get this free upgrade.
    Original ID: QA253103
    Category: Advanced ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    How Do I change the Video Driver?

    It is highly recommended that you contact your computer manufacturer (or the manufacturer of the video adapter) and attempt to get the latest drivers for the hardware directly from them and follow their instructions. The following information is for reference and for comparison testing.

    ( 1) Open the Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel. Select the Display icon.
    ( 2) Click on the Settings Tab. Select Adapter, then Change.
    ( 3) When prompted, select the "Display a list of all the drivers..." instead of "Search for a better driver..."
    ( 4) Select the "Show all hardware" option.
    ( 5) At the top of the Manufacturer's list, select the "(Standard display types)"
    ( 6) Select the Standard VGA or Super VGA option - you may wish to try several of these if the problem persists.
    ( 7) Note: You may need your original Windows CD.
    ( 8) Apply and restart your system if prompted.

    Original ID: QB208367
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How Do I start Windows in Safe Mode?

    Windows 10

    From the Windows 10 Desktop:

    1. Select the Start (Windows logo Start button) button, then choose Settings (Gear-shaped Settings icon)
    2. Select Update & security (Circular arrows Sync icon), then in left-hand column, select Recovery.
    3. Under Advanced startup select Restart now.
    4. After your PC restarts to the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.
    5. After your PC restarts, select a startup setting by pressing the corresponding number on your keyboard (e.g. 4 for Safe Mode (but refer to displayed menu options))

    From the Windows 10 sign-in screen:

    1. On the sign-in screen, hold the Shift key down while you select Power > Restart (in the lower-right corner of the screen).
    2. After your PC restarts to the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.
    3. After your PC restarts, select a startup setting from the list of options by pressing the corresponding number on your keyboard (e.g. 4 for Safe Mode (but refer to displayed menu options)).

    Older Versions of Windows

    ( 1) If already in Windows, select Start Menu | Shut Down | Shut down. When safe to power down, turn off PC.
    ( 2) Turn on Power.
    ( 3) During System start up, you will see various displays (depending on system). When you see the "Starting Windows ..." message, press the F8 function key. If this doesn't work for you, try this: Start the PC, then press the F8 key once a second until you see the menu. If you see a keyboard error from your system, then you will need to wait until any opening hardware splash screens or notification are finished before using the keyboard.
    ( 4) A menu will display - select "Safe Mode" - note: do not select the Safe Mode with network support.
    ( 5) In Safe Mode, things may appear differently and your screen resolution may change - test IMG's software and see if you can duplicate the problem.

    If the above doesn't help, try an internet search for your particular version of Windows, i.e. How do I start Windows XXX in Safe Mode?

    Original ID: QB208368
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How can I enlarge the size of the keyboard on the logon screen?

    Please refer to the help in the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities for details. As a quick overview, the layouts (small/medium/large Build-A-Board layouts) as all built from the same source, which is included in the LOGON folder under the My-T-Soft installation folder - the file KEYBOARD.ZIP contains the source files for Build-A-Board. Note the Build-A-Board tool is not part of the My-T-Soft package implicitly, but is available for an additional fee. Within Build-A-Board, you can essentially build or modify any existing provided layout to meet whatever size/positioning needs may be required for your project. Once the layout is satisfactory, it can be transferred to the LOGON folder (specifics in the Logon utilities help) for use during the logon phase.
    Original ID: QB253109
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is there a way to completely remove the tool bar panel?

    No - if you note that when you close all the panels, this panel remains (our tool bar panel) - the original design forced some screen real estate so the user could access the software, and this is that panel. We added the custom logo / operator mode / disable minimize options to address integrator's needs to lock down the software for operator use. If you unzip LOGOS.ZIP in the install directory, you have the option of overlaying a logo.
    Original ID: QB253602
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is there a way to prevent the My-T-Soft Setup dialogs from popping up ?

    The Operator mode prevents this option & other configuration options from occurring. See My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special Options. Once enabled, the Operator mode locks out the operator of My-T-Soft from opening the menu, control panel, and the Macro builder. IMPORTANT: see the context help on the Special Options dialog for other notes.
    Original ID: QB253720
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Can I relocate the minimized keyboard icon?

    The minimize as button does have some capabilities to be positioned (see My-T-Soft Help | User Guide | IV Other Information | Advanced user Notes, Button Position), but this does not sound like the solution you are searching for. Most high-level development environments enable Shell (or spawn, or CreateProcess, or WinExec, or Launch) capabilities, that can integrate with the Developer's Kit. For a quick overview, you can see some of the options in IMG's Developers Corner ("") As a quick overview, using the Developer's Kit, one can completely control the keyboard so it can be positioned, sized, and the appropriate panels displayed as desired. When an OnEnter / OnExit Event scripting is supported in the host environment, the ability to bring up the keyboard for one field (at a specific location), then "hide" the keyboard, and then bring it up again (perhaps in a different configuration) are all accessible via the Developer's Kit. When you review the Developer's Kit material, if supported in the host environment, note that we always recommend you simply move the keyboard off-screen to "hide" it from the user, and use field events to "restore" the keyboard on-screen (at the desired size, layout, and position).
    Original ID: QB251821
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Can your software be configured to display a 10 key pad that will automatically be displayed on startup?

    The 1.75 versions of My-T-Soft (or My-T-Touch/My-T-Pen) have a numeric keypad (or a Macro panel configured as a keypad) and can be saved in a configuration with just this one panel open. You can select the desired size and screen position, then save the settings & position so the software will open as configured. By placing a shortcut in the StartUp folder, you can accomplish the goal stated in your question. Note that you also can enable the Operator mode so the software can not be manipulated by the users. Furthermore, you can integrate with pieces of our developer's kit to control when the panel is available, or change its screen position, for example.
    If you require more control over the display, you may wish to refer to our "Build-A-Board" product, which can provide for custom keypads that have even more flexibility when it comes to the visual display.
    You can find demos of these products on our website at
    Original ID: QB259110
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How can I force uppercase characters to appear in a text box?

    The LowerCaseDisplay setting is only for the display of the keyboard characters. The details would be in help & advanced user notes, under the INI settings. This was added for our assistive technology versions, to sync with the way letters are taught in schools, and to help with the human cognitive processes for disabled individuals - it is in our commercial versions as a visual aid, but has no affect on what is typed. If you look at a physical keyboard, it has caps ALL the time. This is the way we initially implemented the key display on the virtual keyboards, later we added the option to sync with the Shift/Caps states - That is what LowerCaseDisplay=1 does.
    If you want to force all uppercase, you can use the Caps Lock. If you are in control of the application, you can typically set a text box to uppercase within the development tool, or within the properties of the control.
    Original ID: QB259139
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is it possible to change the position of single keys within the keyboard ?

    Currently, the "Show & Hide keys" option in My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration allows you to disable keys by "hiding" them. At the moment, there is no user method available to move & size keys on the keyboard, although we do anticipate releasing a "Layout Modifier" that will enable this capability. Depending on the scope, we can do minor modifications for you, or sometimes we do full customizations for customers on a fee basis.
    Original ID: QB259162
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is there a particular switch I need to use for OnScreen with CrossScanner?

    CrossScanner can be configured (CrossScanner Setup) to handle a mouse click (either Left or Right button), Joystick buttons, or the keyboard. To test your switch, you can position the mouse cursor, then use the switch & you should be able to generate a click. Note that if you are using "switch" software, or something that is required software-wise to make the switch work (rather than a standard mouse driver), then there might be a compatibility issue. You should be able to plug in a regular mouse & test CrossScanner - once it is working, you should be able to work with your switch.
    Original ID: QB253136
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Is there a way to have targeted windows stay fully maximized when OnScreen is invoked?

    Yes, the setting in Start Menu | Programs | OnScreen | OnScreen Setup | User Options | Operation Options | Auto-Arrange Windows should be Off (check mark cleared).
    Original ID: QB253324
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Is there any way to have the OnScreen keyboard be an available option at the User log-on window (before a user has signed in) in a network situation?

    OnScreen has the Logon Utilities that are available in OnScreen Setup | Appearance | OnScreen Logon Utilities. This enables a module that can be used to replace the default logon in Windows, and allow operation by any pointing device to enter User name, Password, and Domain.
    Original ID: QB253434
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Can I remap the word-complete keys in OnScreen?

    We have created a new "WCREMAP.EXE" - WordComplete REMAP program, and it should be implemented into OnScreen as follows:
    Save (or copy) the WCREMAP.EXE into the \WINDOWS\ONSCREEN folder (\WINNT\ONSCREEN) - should be the same folder as ONSCREEN.EXE

    1) Make sure the Advanced option is set under OnScreen Setup | User Options
    2) Go into Appearance | Key Options
    3) Use the Key drop down to select a key to override
    4) Select the appropriate function key for the 1st WordComplete button (Top to Bottom)
    5) Click on Disable Keystroke (you do not want to send the function key keystroke - this will undoubtedly cause different problems in different situations)
    6) Click on Launch Key Executable.
    7) Browse and select the WCREMAP.EXE file (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\ONSCREEN\WCREMAP.EXE)
    8) Add a command line for which button to trigger ( b:1)
    9) Repeat steps 4-8 for the remaining word complete buttons (Hint: Copy the command line, then paste and adjust the b:1 to b:2, b:3, b:4, b:5 as necessary).
    WCREMAP REQUIRES a command line, and it must be of the form: WCREMAP.EXE b:? or WCREMAP.EXE B:? where the ? is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Any other command line will generate a sound, and WCREMAP will close, with no other action.
    This is included in the Developer's Kit.
    Original ID: QB253514
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Is there a way to eliminate the magnification screen from appearing each time Onscreen is launched?

    The default install of OnScreen does not allow the magnifier panel, but there is a setting called "WantATVersion=1" in the ONSCREEN.INI file located in the install directory that can be checked.

    Another option to try is (Close OnScreen), then run OnScreen Setup (in the Advanced Mode), click on Appearance | Special Options | Return to Installation Defaults. Close OnScreen Setup & rerun OnScreen.
    Original ID: QB253452
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Can the minimize button below the MENU panel be disabled all together?

    This requires the Operator Mode - See My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Special Options - lower left is Enable Operator mode, and when enabled, you can disable operator minimize. Note the Operator mode is a secure configuration that greatly limits what the operator can do with the software.
    Original ID: QB253412
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How do I change the minimized button size for My-T-Touch?

    The button scales to the size of the caption bar (title bar) - you can modify this (and often touchscreen users make it larger) in Control Panel | Display | Appearance Tab, select Active Title bar and make its height larger.
    Original ID: QB253505
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How can I start My-T-Touch minimized?

    My-T-Touch supports the Windows options available in the shortcut link. Meaning you could copy or move the desktop icon into the All Users, Start Menu, Programs, StartUp group, and then select under its properties to Run: Minimized (the default is a "Normal Window"). Whichever minimized option is set (My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Minimize to...), My-T-Touch will then open and appear minimized at start up.
    To open the StartUp Group, and make these modifcations, you can perform the following steps:
    Original ID: QB253707
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Is it possible to edit the bitmaps for the keys?

    Not really - several issues:
    1) The original design was for a software keyboard
    2) You can enable the Operator Mode, and replace the "tool" bar buttons with a custom logo - see My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Special options
    3) The next generation of the product, which provides full customization is called Build-A-Board
    Original ID: QB253512
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Can I have two instances of the My-T-Touch on-screen keyboard software running at the same time in Windows?

    No - the current My-T-Touch can only display one instance of itself. Alternatively, a single instance of the program can be configured to allow fast toggling between two different appearances. We always recommend people install the developer's kit - Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Touch | Install Developer's Kit, review the manual / docs available, refer to the on-line notes ( | Developer's Corner button at top), and there are hints & comments for getting started. To give you a very brief run-down, here is how it works:
    Configure My-T-Touch to a desired configuration. Click on menu (middle button on tool bar), and select Settings | Save Current Settings, Position | Save Position. Close My-T-Touch.
    Go into MYTTOUCH install folder, and rename the KEYBOARD.KBF to something useful, e.g. CONFIG1.KBF
    Now repeat as necessary, saving CONFIG2.KBF, CONFIG3.KBF, etc.
    With the Devkit util, the CPYCNMTS.EXE (e.g. Copy & Configure utility), you can specify which configuration you want to see, e.g. CPYCNMTS.EXE CONFIG3.KBF, and My-T-Touch will change on the fly. This can be illustrated quickly & easily with a windows command prompt, and the utilities from the DevKit folder (details in Developer's kit).
    Original ID: QB253732
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Does joystick-to-mouse work with all joysticks?

    Joystick-To-Mouse will work with any joystick or game pad device that is seen as a joystick by Windows. If the device can be seen, calibrated, and tested successfully within the Joystick/Gaming Options / Game Controllers section on Windows Control Panel, it will work with Joystick-To-Device.
    Original ID: QB253104
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    When using Windows XP tablet you can wave the stylus left to right over the screen and Microsoft's Tablet PC Input Panel pops up over the application. Is it possible to have this action call the My-T-Pen application rather then Microsoft's keyboard?

    We have a separate program that can handle this interaction, called Panel Watch (PNLWATCH.EXE in the installation folder (same as MYTPEN.EXE)). For the Build-A-Board layouts it is not as tightly integrated as in the regular (original My-T-Pen). You may wish to run this after the keyboard is up and test the functionality.
    Original ID: QB253125
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: MY-T-Pen

    How do you configure My-T-Pen so that it is always visible after logging on?

    The easiest way is to add to the StartUp group for All Users. Right click on the Start Menu button, and select Explore All Users. Drill down into Programs | StartUp - copy the My-T-Pen icon on the desktop and paste it into the All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp folder. Now My-T-Pen will begin when any user on the machine logs in. A few other notes: By default, My-T-Pen always opens with the last saved settings / position. Configure My-T-Pen and position it where you want it, then click on the menu (Middle button on tool bar, or (default) right-click), select Current Settings | Save Current Settings and also Position | Save Position. You can also disable the opening splash screen (if desired). This requires you to open the MYTPEN.INI (\WINDOWS\MYTPEN folder), and set NoSplash=1.
    Original ID: QB253201
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    How can I display the onscreen keyboard when I launch My-T-Pen for the first time instead of the dialog box?

    This is a default "shipping" version setting. These are controlled by the settings in the INI file ([Configuration], OpenFirst, OpenAbout) For detailed descriptions, you can reference the Advanced User Notes in My-T-Pen help, see My-T-Pen User's Guide, Section IV - Other Information, Advanced User Notes.
    OpenFirst=0 OpenAbout=0 NoSplash=1
    Original ID: QB253436
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Is there any way to hide the Control Panel button in My-T-Pen?

    Yes, you can "disable" the panel & cover with a custom logo - see My-T-Pen Setup | Configuration | Special Options (bottom left). There is no way to remove the panel, because in the software design if you close all panels, you still need some way to manipulate things, so the "control panel" cannot be removed. If you set the operator Mode & cover with a logo, it will effectively shut out the panel. You may want to review the "hints" at our Developer's Corner ( for the step by step.
    Original ID: QB253446
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Can My-T-Pen initiate itself as an icon on the toolbar using v1.70?

    The only way this can be done in the older release is through the developer's kit - see MTSISTRT for more details. In the 1.75 and newer releases, we have improved handling of the minimized state & synchronizing with startup info.
    Original ID: QB253959
    Category: Basic ConfigurationType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What is My-T-Mouse?

    My-T-Mouse is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: 25 US and International Onscreen Keyboards, 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, a Magnifier for operating at smaller display sizes, Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to any of 12 graphic sizes and can be color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC220155
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Mouse work with?

    Any pointing device that is or acts like a mouse! All industrial, commercial, retail, or adaptive pointing device (mouse, trackball, glidepad, touchpad, pen, InfraRed pointer, touchscreen, wand, wireless pointer, headmouse, etc) that connects to the serial or PS2 port.
    Original ID: QC220156
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What kind of computer will My-T-Mouse run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC220157
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. Older versions run under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98.
    Original ID: QC220158
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What kind of software will My-T-Mouse work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows 3x or 95 / 98 (and most DOS programs that can be run in a Windows DOS Shell environment.
    Original ID: QC220159
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What resolution will My-T-Mouse work in?

    My-T-Mouse includes 12 sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC220160
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    How do I know My-T-Mouse will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program, in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC220161
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What about technical support and program updates?

    Unlike shareware based or grant funded products, which cannot provide sufficient income to maintain a full-time company with adequate test and support capabilities (because the developer is holding down a full-time job, or the grant period ends), IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG’s products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC220162
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    What is My-T-Soft?

    My-T-Soft is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: Over 175 US and International Onscreen Keyboards, 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Magnifier panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, Supervisory Level Security (for Setup and Panel controls), Show & Hide Keys (turn off keys to prevent access and minimize operator confusion), New Cursors (for positioning on touch and pen devices), and other functions specifically designed for use with Windows based Pen, Touchscreen, or other input devices. Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to any of 12 base sizes (with infinitely larger sizes) and color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC222188
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Soft work with?

    Any industrial, commercial, or retail pointing device (mouse, trackball, glidepad, touchpad, pen, InfraRed pointer, serial joystick, touchscreen, wand, wireless pointer, headmouse, etc)!
    Original ID: QC222189
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What kind of computer will My-T-Soft run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC222190
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. (XP Embedded is just a modular version of XP Professional) Older versions work under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT
    Original ID: QC222191
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What kind of software will My-T-Soft work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows
    Original ID: QC222192
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What is the Logon Utility / Logon Keyboard?

    In response to customer demand, IMG has included a special Logon option / on-screen keyboard to allow Touch & Pen systems to logon to a Windows system without the need for a physical keyboard. This allows operation of a system entirely from the pointing device - no physical keyboard is required.
    Original ID: QC222193
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How can My-T-Soft work with all pointing devices and applications?

    My-T-Soft is actually written at the same level as the Windows Operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows' applications, so it doesn't compete with them (unlike buttons or panels, created in Visual Basic or other high level application development tools, which are sensitive to any changes in pointing devices or graphic cards and usually conflict with any application other than the one for which they were developed).
    Original ID: QC222194
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What resolution will My-T-Soft work in?

    My-T-Soft supports 12 base screen sizes with infinitely larger sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant video Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC222195
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Can I use parts of My-T-Soft in my own custom application or project?

    Yes, although My-T-Soft can be run easily from it's control panel and setup menu, many corporate, commercial, government, and industrial clients have integrated My-T-Soft into their business and manufacturing environments with simple API calls and messaging. My-T-Soft individual components can be called from Visual Basic, Access, FoxPro, Paradox, Delphi, Oracle, PowerSoft, or any other programmable environment. We've even developed Windows API messaging executables (you can download the Developer's Kit from our website) so that programmers and non-programmers alike can launch various keyboard, numeric, macro, calculator and function panels and control basic open, minimize, restore, and close functions without having to write additional code or scripts.
    Original ID: QC222196
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Where is My-T-Soft most often used?

    In ATM's, Computer Automated Manufacturing, Data Acquisition, Home Automation, Human Machine Interface (formerly Man Machine Interface), Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Kiosks, Process Control, Shop Floor Control, Simulators, and (interactive) Whiteboards. Anywhere there's a pointing device being used in a Windows environment that may require alpha/numeric data entry or programmable buttons / panels.
    Original ID: QC222197
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How do I know My-T-Soft will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program, in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC222199
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG’s products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC222200
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Why the name change from My-T-Soft AT to OnScreen?

    OnScreen was formerly known to IMG customers as My-T-Soft AT (the AT (Assistive Technology) member of the My-T-Soft family of on-screen keyboards). RJ Cooper called his version of My-T-Soft AT "OnScreen." RJ Cooper has been instrumental in directing IMG as to what features & capabilities Assistive Technology users require (along with his WordComplete functions), and to reduce confusion between these 2 products (and with our commercial products), the single name "OnScreen" will now be used by IMG for the Assistive Technology version of the My-T-Soft on-screen keyboards.
    Original ID: QC101244
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What is OnScreen?

    OnScreen is a powerful new version of My-T-Mouse (IMG's original Onscreen Keyboard utilities introduced in 1993) with the additional features most often requested by the Assistive Technology community.

    OnScreen is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: Over 45 US and International Onscreen Keyboards, 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, Verbal (voice confirmation) Key Feedback, a 2x-10x Area Magnifier (magnifies any area of the screen without additional hardware or enlarging fonts), Show & Hide Keys (turn on/off keys to minimize access and reduce confusion), Smart Window (automatically re-positions keyboards, panels or magnifier off of the area in use), Key Dwell Timer (automatically selects a key under the cursor), and an integral Word Completion / Prediction program (with editable dictionary). Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to any of 12 base sizes with infinitely larger sizes and can be color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC101245
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What kind of pointing devices will OnScreen work with?

    Any retail or adaptive pointing device (mouse, trackball, glidepad, touchpad, InfraRed pointer, serial joystick, touchscreen, wand, sip & puff, wireless pointer, pen, switch, headmouse, etc) that connects to the serial, PS2, or USB port!
    Original ID: QC101246
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What kind of computer will OnScreen run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC101247
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. Older versions work under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT

    Original ID: QC101248
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What kind of software will OnScreen work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows (and most DOS programs that can be run in a Windows DOS Shell environment).
    Original ID: QC101249
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    How can OnScreen work with all pointing devices and applications?

    OnScreen is written at the same level as the Windows operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows so it doesn't compete with other applications. Unlike keys, buttons and panels created in Visual Basic, or onscreen keyboard and key panel applications that are sensitive to changes in pointing device / graphic card drivers or applications that make low level Windows calls, OnScreen is reliable and robust. That's why IMG is the only producer of onscreen keyboards and macro buttons/panels whose products are recommended or offered by major pointing device manufacturers worldwide.
    Original ID: QC101250
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What resolution will OnScreen work in?

    It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant video Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC101251
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Why are there only 5 Word Completion candidates? Why not more?

    In general, the human mind does not grasp large numbers of items well. In human development studies, and actual experiments, the average human can quickly identify & conceptualize about 7 items. If more items are presented, it gets categorized as simply "a lot", or "many", rather than distinct items. Because of the frequency sorting, and "drill-down" selection of word candidates, 5 choices worked out best in the tradeoff between available word completion candidates, speed of typing, and finding the actual word that was desired (without pushing the maximum of 7). Note that if a large number of words are presented, the user is forced to read & recognize each word until they are find what they want - in WordComplete simply typing the next letter is quicker & more effective!
    Original ID: QC101252
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    OnScreen does not do a Ctrl-Alt-Del! Why & what options do I have?

    The Ctrl-Alt-Del used in PCs is a system level hardware signal - it is impossible to generate this without hardware. OnScreen includes a CTALTDEL.EXE program with capabilities of handling resets and communication with the NT/2000/XP Logon module. You may also review the commercial Developer's Kit in our Developer's Corner for utilities that restart / reboot the system. Finally, review the TASKMAN.EXE program in the WINDOWS folder - this has functionality similar to the pop-up task manager in Windows 95/98.
    Original ID: QC101253
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    How do I know OnScreen will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC101254
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What about technical support and program updates?

    Unlike shareware based or grant funded products, which cannot provide sufficient income to maintain a full-time company with adequate test and support capabilities (because the developer is holding down a full-time job, or the grant period ends), IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC101255
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What is My-T-Soft TS?

    My-T-Soft TS is a powerful new version of IMG's My-T-Pen, My-T-Soft, and My-T-Touch programmable Onscreen Keyboard utilities designed for the Windows Server Terminal Services envinroment.

    The Terminal Server approach allows the user's desktop to be hosted by the server (i.e. Terminal Server). Similar to PC Anywhere, or remote modem hosting, the "client" is only transmitted screen information, and only sends input data to the server - the application runs on the server, not the client. With various thin-client support for Windows CE, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Mac OS, the client can be almost any platform. Since the Server is Windows based, any windows application, database, web browser, etc. can be maintained by the network administrator, and run on any supported platform. With My-T-Soft TS, a pen based or touchscreen based handheld device can operate without the need for the physical keyboard. Along with the Logon support provided in My-T-Soft TS, complete operation of the hosted application can be accomplished from the thin client.

    My-T-Soft TS is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: 176 US and International Onscreen Keyboards (more in development), 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, Supervisory Level Security (for Setup and Panel controls), Show & Hide Keys (turn off keys to prevent access and minimize operator confusion), New Cursors (for positioning on touch and pen devices), and other functions specifically designed for use with Windows based Pen, Touchscreen, or other input devices. Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to an unlimited number of graphic sizes and color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC203345

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Soft TS work with?

    Any industrial, commercial, or retail pointing device (mouse, trackball, glidepad, touchpad, pen, InfraRed pointer, serial joystick, touchscreen, wand, wireless pointer, headmouse, etc) that connects to the serial or PS2 port!
    Original ID: QC203346
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What kind of computer will My-T-Soft TS run on?

    Any thin client workstation regardless of OS, that is connected (wired or wireless) to an Windows Server running Terminal Services.
    Original ID: QC203347
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What operating system do I need?

    On the Server: Windows Server 2008 / 2003 / 2000. Older versions run on Windows NT 4. On the thin client workstation, the OS is not a factor as long it is supported as a client on the host server (Microsoft or Citrix).
    Original ID: QC203348
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What kind of software will My-T-Soft TS work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows Server 2003
    Original ID: QC203349
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What is the Logon Utility / Logon Keyboard?

    In response to customer demand, IMG has developed and integrated an optional Logon / Onscreen Keyboard that allows a Pen or Touch device to pass the Ctrl/Alt/Del and Logon to the Windows Server without the need for a physical keyboard. This permits operation of a system entirely from the pointing device - no physical keyboard or membrane is required.
    Original ID: QC203350
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    How can My-T-Soft TS work with all pointing devices and applications?

    My-T-Soft TS is actually written at the same level as the Windows Operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows' applications, so it doesn't compete with them (unlike buttons or panels, created in Visual Basic or other high level application development tools, which are sensitive to any changes in pointing devices or graphic cards and usually conflict with any application other than the one for which they were developed).
    Original ID: QC203351
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What resolution will My-T-Soft TS work in?

    My-T-Soft TS supports infinite graphic screen sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant video Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC203352
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    Can I use parts of My-T-Soft TS in my own custom application or project?

    Yes, although My-T-Soft TS can be run easily from it's control panel and setup menu, many corporate, commercial, government, and industrial clients have integrated My-T-Soft TS into their business and manufacturing environments with simple API calls and messaging. My-T-Soft TS individual components can be called from Visual Basic, Access, FoxPro, Paradox, Delphi, Oracle, PowerSoft, or any other programmable environment. We've even developed Windows API messaging executables (you can download the Developer's Kit from our website) so that programmers and non-programmers alike can launch various keyboard, numeric, macro, calculator and function panels and control basic open, minimize, restore, and close functions without having to write additional code or scripts.
    Original ID: QC203353
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    Where is My-T-Soft TS most often used?

    In Computer Automated Manufacturing, Data Acquisition, Human Machine Interface (formerly Man Machine Interface), Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Kiosks, Process Control, Shop Floor Control, Simulators, and large scale workstation installations. Anywhere there's a pointing device being used in a Windows environment that may require alpha/numeric data entry or programmable buttons / panels.
    Original ID: QC203354
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    How do I know My-T-Soft TS will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about one hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC203355
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC203356
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TS

    What is My-T-Mouse for Kids?

    My-T-Mouse is an Onscreen virtual Keyboard program that includes:

    3 Onscreen Keyboards (ABCD, QWERTY, and MIDI Musical), Verbal Keys Feedback (in children’s voices), bright Colorable Keys and Panels, 12 assignable Mouse Buttons, and 2x-10x Area Magnifier (for visual assistance on text or graphics without additional hardware). Plus... two editable educational games: Falling Letters and Spelling Challenge.

    Original ID: QC206330
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Mouse for Kids work with?

    Any pointing device that is or acts like a mouse! All industrial, commercial, retail, or adaptive pointing device (mouse, trackball, glidepad, touchpad, pen, InfraRed pointer, touchscreen, wand, wireless pointer, headmouse, etc) that connects to the serial or PS2 port.
    Original ID: QC206331
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What kind of computer will My-T-Mouse for Kids run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC206332
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98.
    Original ID: QC206333
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What kind of software will My-T-Mouse for Kids work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows 3x or 95 / 98 (and most DOS programs that can be run in a Windows DOS Shell environment).
    Original ID: QC206334
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What resolution will My-T-Mouse for Kids work in?

    My-T-Mouse for Kids includes 9 sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC206335
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    Do I need a special card for the music and voices?

    No, My-T-Mouse for Kids works with most Windows compatible sound cards.
    Original ID: QC206336
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    How do I know My-T-Mouse for Kids will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program, in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC206337
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What about technical support and program updates?

    Unlike shareware based or grant funded products, which cannot provide sufficient income to maintain a full-time company with adequate test and support capabilities (because the developer is holding down a full-time job, or the grant period ends), IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG’s products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC206338
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse for Kids

    What is My-T-Touch?

    My-T-Touch was first shown at Fall Comdex 1993 where it received excellent local and international reviews. My-T-Touch is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: Over 175 US and International Onscreen Keyboards, 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Magnifier panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, Supervisory Level Security (for Setup and Panel controls), Show & Hide Keys (turn off keys to prevent access and minimize operator confusion), New Cursors (for positioning on touch and pen devices), and other functions specifically designed for use with Windows based Touchscreen input devices. A Windows Network logon component is available in the Network License version. Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to any of 12 base sizes (with infinitely largers sizes) and color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC560201
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Touch work with?

    Any industrial, commercial, or retail touch device (touchpad, touchscreen, LCD touchpanel, etc)!
    Original ID: QC560202
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What kind of computer will My-T-Touch run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC560203
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. (XP Embedded is just a modular version of XP Professional) Older versions work under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT
    Original ID: QC560204
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What kind of software will My-T-Touch work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows.
    Original ID: QC560205
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What is the Logon Utility / Logon Keyboard?

    In response to customer demand, IMG has included a special Logon option / on-screen keyboard to allow Touch & Pen systems to logon to a Windows system without the need for a physical keyboard. This allows operation of a system entirely from the pointing device - no physical keyboard is required.
    Original ID: QC560206
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How can My-T-Touch work with all pointing devices and applications?

    My-T-Touch is actually written at the same level as the Windows operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows applications, so it doesn't compete with them (unlike buttons or panels, created in Visual Basic or other high level application development tools, which are sensitive to any changes in pointing devices or graphic cards and usually conflict with any application other than the one for which they were developed).
    Original ID: QC560207
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What resolution will My-T-Touch work in?

    My-T-Touch supports 12 base sizes with infinitely larger sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant video Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC560208
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Can I use parts of My-T-Touch in my own custom application or project.

    Yes, although My-T-Touch can be run easily from it's control panel and setup menu, many corporate, commercial, government, and industrial clients have integrated My-T-Touch into their business and manufacturing environments with simple API calls and messaging. My-T-Touch individual components can be called from Visual Basic, Access, FoxPro, Paradox, Delphi, Oracle, PowerSoft, or any other programmable environment. We've even developed Windows API messaging executables (you can download the Developer's Kit from our website) so that programmers and non-programmers alike can launch various keyboard, numeric, macro, calculator and function panels and control basic open, minimize, restore, and close functions without having to write additional code or scripts.
    Original ID: QC560209
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Where is My-T-Touch most often used?

    In ATM's, Computer Automated Manufacturing, Data Acquisition, Home Automation, Human Machine Interface (formerly Man Machine Interface), Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Kiosks, Process Control, Shop Floor Control, Simulators, and (interactive) Whiteboards. Anywhere there's a touchpad or touchscreen being used in a Windows environment that may require alpha/numeric data entry or programmable buttons / panels.
    Original ID: QC560210
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    For XP Embedded, or secure install, what are the bare minimum files required for operation?

    The following is excerpted from:
    Help | My-T-Touch Help | My-T-Touch User's Guide | Section IV - Other Information | Advanced User Information = Files & File notes
    For up-to-date details about the version, this is the preferred location to reference details about a particular release.

    For the 1.77 releases:
    These are the files required for operation of the My-T-Touch keyboard in the user (default) desktop:
    KYBD0001.KMF (for Us 101 layout - change if necessary)

    2:19 PM 5/21/2004 Note: For the smaller sizes, the MYTMOUSE.FON may be required. If you do a normal install, and delete all but the above, the font will be installed by Setup. If required, you may want to use Control Panel and add the MYTMOUSE.FON file.

    For Logon (WinLogon desktop) (Windows 2000 / XP):

    IMGLOGON.EXE (to configure/enable - once configured as desired, can be deleted)
    IMGGINA2.DLL (DLL to integrate with secure logon)
    MTS2.EXE - (My-T-Soft 2 executable to display LOGON\KEYBOARD.KBF)
    MTSLIB.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE
    BABDLL.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Build-A-Board common functions
    STOCK.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Resources for 3D keys
    LOGON folder (see details below - some files (like KEYBOARD.SML, etc.) can be removed)

    Original ID: QC560211
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How do I know My-T-Touch will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program, in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC560212
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG’s products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC560213
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Why "Joystick-To-Mouse"?

    Originally requested by 3M for a disabled user, the story of "Joystick-To-Mouse" dates back to 1995. Using technology created by IMG & recognizing the need for software with the capability of using the joystick device to act like a mouse, "Joystick-To-Mouse" was created in conjunction with RJ Cooper & Associates. Continually improving the product and reacting to the interest, needs, and requests of customers, the latest release of "Joystick-To-Mouse" presents a completely new way to interface with Windows based PC's, much like IMG's My-T-Soft product line. With cross-over acceptance, Joystick-To-Mouse is used not only for providing accessibility to PCs for disabled users, but by all types of users who enjoy the "game-like" approach to running internet browsers & windows programs.
    Original ID: QC101273
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    How do I know it will work for me? Where can I learn more about "Joystick-To-Mouse"?

    Download a demo - we strongly recommend that users try any of our enhancement software by using it with our free, limited run-time demos. Everything is contained in the demo, including context sensitive help, advanced notes, configuration options, details, feature list, etc., etc.
    Original ID: QC101274
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What is the difference between the regular version and the LS version? What happened to the LS version?

    Nothing, except the type of support offered by IMG. Both versions deliver the same software, but IMG will not field any technical support or product support questions for the LS version once the product is installed. The LS Version is IMG's response to those customers who felt the price was too expensive - of course, they never had to answer questions like: What is the StartUp group? Does this turn my mouse into a joystick? What is USB? I don't have a joystick installed, so why doesn't Joystick-To-Mouse work for me? For sophisticated Windows users who do not need any type of technical assistance, the LS version is a great option.

    The 2.60 version had an LS version. With the release of Joystick-To-Mouse 2.70, and support for Windows Vista and Windows 7, this limited support version of Joystick-To-Mouse is no longer available. Note that Joystick-To-Mouse is part of the IMG Personal License, a low cost individual license option.
    Original ID: QC101275
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Will it work with any joystick?

    Yes, or any device that connects via the game port or the USB port and seen by Windows as a joystick or game controller. It also will work with any device that interfaces into Windows that uses a joystick driver, such as New Media's Basics Game Port PC Card for notebooks / laptops.
    Original ID: QC101276
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Doesn't Windows already work with joysticks?

    No - although some Windows programs & games allow use of a joystick, the joystick cannot by itself move the mouse cursor, or point & click within Windows. "Joystick-To-Mouse" is the first software that provides complete emulation of the mouse input device for joysticks.
    Original ID: QC101277
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Do I have to disconnect my mouse?

    No - "Joystick-To-Mouse" works concurrently with the mouse and keyboard.
    Original ID: QC101278
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    I like my mouse / trackball - Why do I need "Joystick-To-Mouse" ?

    "Joystick-To-Mouse" enables users who cannot use a mouse, trackball, or other pointing access to run Windows & its applications. And because joysticks are commonly used within games, using the joystick device makes running Windows more game like and enjoyable for all types of users.
    Original ID: QC101279
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Will "Joystick-To-Mouse" work with a joystick controller plugged into the Serial Port?

    The issue is how Windows deals with the joystick - if you can calibrate / test the joystick via the joystick icon (Game Controllers / Gaming Options) in Control panel, then "Joystick-To-Mouse" will work. If the device actually plugs into the serial port (and NOT the game port), then it may possibly / or with the right drivers from the manufacturer, act like a mouse. Primarily "Joystick-To-Mouse" expects a standard game port joystick or USB joystick.
    Original ID: QC101280
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Do I need special drivers?

    No - everything you need is included with "Joystick-To-Mouse" for all versions of Windows. Your joystick or game controller may require special software from the manufacturer - check with the device's manufacturer for more information.
    Original ID: QC101281
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Does it work with DOS programs?

    If you are running a DOS based game, you most likely are NOT running Windows (or it is not recommended). As "Joystick-To-Mouse" is a Windows application, it will have no effect.

    In limited testing working with DOS programs running as a window (i.e. NOT full screen), "Joystick-To-Mouse" operates properly. In general, "Joystick-To-Mouse" is intended for Windows applications.
    Original ID: QC101282
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Will it conflict with other software that is running on the PC?

    No - all software released by IMG is considered to be Windows applications, and operates above the hardware drivers - there is no possibility of conflict. "Joystick-To-Mouse" is more like a real-time macro program - it takes joystick action messages within Windows and converts them to the appropriate mouse movement actions.

    The only issue in Windows are Windows based games & games that uses the joystick directly. In general, games are written from the viewpoint that you are using your computer for the game, and any other process or task is not available. Technologies like DirectX from Microsoft ensure that a cooperative multi-tasking environment is no longer available. Primarily JTM is intended to work with non-games, i.e. Internet browsers, working with documents, games like 'Solitaire', etc., etc. - anywhere you would use the mouse, you can now use your joystick.
    Original ID: QC101284
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What types of macros are available for assignment to joystick buttons?

    There are over 80 different common keystroke commands, such as Alt-F4, Ctrl-Esc, etc. and you can make the buttons act like a mouse click, double-click, click & hold, toggle. You also have the option of creating your own macro of any keystrokes up to 128 characters. Also there is a "Toggle Motion / Keys" feature that turns the joystick into the cursor keys on the keyboard, so pulling the joystick down generates a continuous stream of "Down Arrow" keystrokes. This is great for working with Internet browsers. You can also move the cursor via the button settings. Support for up to 32 buttons is available! (if supported by the joystick)
    Original ID: QC101286
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What about pedals / throttles / POV hats?

    Joystick-To-Mouse supports all types of driving wheels, flight controllers, advanced joysticks, multi-button game controllers, etc. These are all available in Advanced Settings, under Buttons / Advanced. In general, the features are designed to control Windows & make the joystick a powerful tool for manipulating browsers and standard windows applications. Joystick-To-Mouse does have options for the rudder & Z axis, but does not support the U or V axes (mainly because we couldn't think of anything else to add - let us know if you have a good idea for these axes!)
    Original ID: QC101287
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What are the differences between the demo version and the retail copy of the Software?

    The demo runs for about an hour, and then pops up a "Demo" window, and will not operate unless it is closed & restarted. The licensed version runs without this interruption.
    Original ID: QC101288
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What about technical support and program updates?

    Unlike shareware based or grant funded products, which cannot provide sufficient income to maintain a full-time company with adequate test and support capabilities (because the developer is holding down a full-time job, or the grant period ends), IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC101289
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Which joystick should I use with Joystick-To-Mouse?
    Which joystick do you recommend?

    Joystick-To-Mouse is written to operate with any type of joystick, game controller, driving wheel, or any device that interfaces with Windows as a gaming controller/joystick. Most devices are USB and categorize themselves in this particular way to Windows and can be configured and managed via Windows Control Panel (for best results, be sure to indicate the device you wish to use with Joystick-To-Mouse as the preferred / main device).

    IMG does not recommend any particular type of device and strives to make Joystick-To-Mouse compatible with all game controllers. For individuals, we recommend you work with a device that is comfortable and provides the range of motion and buttons necessary. Please refer to Joystick-To-Mouse help and troubleshooting for settings to optimize usage with a device - center range sensitvity, speed & acceleration, etc.

    For users with special needs who need a joystick as their input device to point & click, we suggest you contact RJ Cooper & Associates, who works with special needs individuals and helped design and devloped features within Joystick-To-Mouse. Infogrip also provides special needs products.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    What is My-T-Pen?

    My-T-Pen was first shown at Fall Comdex 1993 where it received excellent local and international reviews. My-T-Pen is actually a series of 11 panels (over 125 functions) that can be opened and closed to provide access to various features and functions including: Over 175 US and International Onscreen Keyboards, 2 pre-defined Windows (most often used functions) panels, programmable unlimited Macro Button panels (each panel can be assigned to "auto open" with any application), Edit panel, Numeric panel, Magnifier panel, Calculator panel with "popup" calculator Tape, Supervisory Level Security (for Setup and Panel controls), Show & Hide Keys (turn off keys to prevent access and minimize operator confusion), New Cursors (for positioning on touch and pen devices), and other functions specifically designed for use with Windows based Pen and Touchscreen input devices. A Windows Network logon component is available in the Network License version. Keyboards, Buttons, and Panels can be set to any of 12 base sizes (with infinitely larger sizes) and color coded by the user.
    Original ID: QC225169
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What kind of pointing devices will My-T-Pen work with?

    Any industrial, commercial, or retail pen / touch device (light pen / wand / touchpad with stylus, touchscreen, etc.)!
    Original ID: QC225170
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What kind of computer will My-T-Pen run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC225171
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. (XP Embedded is just a modular version of XP Professional) Older versions work under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT
    Original ID: QC225172
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What kind of software will My-T-Pen work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows 3x or 95 / 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP.
    Original ID: QC225173
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What is the Logon Utility / Logon Keyboard?

    In response to customer demand, IMG has included a special Logon option / on-screen keyboard to allow Touch & Pen systems to logon to a Windows system without the need for a physical keyboard. This allows operation of a system entirely from the pointing device - no physical keyboard is required.
    Original ID: QC225174
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    How can My-T-Pen work with all pointing devices and applications?

    My-T-Pen is actually written at the same level as the Windows operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows applications, so it doesn't compete with them (unlike buttons or panels, created in Visual Basic or other high level application development tools, which are sensitive to any changes in pointing devices or graphic cards and usually conflict with any application other than the one for which they were developed).
    Original ID: QC225175
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What resolution will My-T-Pen work in?

    My-T-Pen supports 12 base sizes with infinitely larger sizes. It can run in any VGA (or higher) resolution, from tiny handheld LCD's to giant video Whiteboards.
    Original ID: QC225176
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Can I use parts of My-T-Pen in my own custom application or project.

    Yes, although My-T-Pen can be run easily from it's control panel and setup menu, many corporate, commercial, government, and industrial clients have integrated My-T-Pen into their business and manufacturing environments with simple API calls and messaging. My-T-Pen individual components can be called from Visual Basic, Access, FoxPro, Paradox, Delphi, Oracle, PowerSoft, or any other programmable environment. We've even developed Windows API messaging executables (you can download the Developer's Kit from our website) so that programmers and non-programmers alike can launch various keyboard, numeric, macro, calculator and function panels and control basic open, minimize, restore, and close functions without having to write additional code or scripts.
    Original ID: QC225177
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Where is My-T-Pen most often used?

    In ATM's, Computer Automated Manufacturing, Data Acquisition, Home Automation, Human Machine Interface (formerly Man Machine Interface), Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Kiosks, Process Control, Shop Floor Control, Simulators, and (interactive) Whiteboards. Anywhere there's a touchpad or touchscreen being used in a Windows environment that may require alpha/numeric data entry or programmable buttons / panels.
    Original ID: QC225178
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    For XP Embedded, or secure install, what are the bare minimum files required for operation?

    The following is excerpted from:
    Help | My-T-Pen Help | My-T-Pen User's Guide | Section IV - Other Information | Advanced User Information = Files & File notes
    For up-to-date details about the version, this is the preferred location to reference details about a particular release.

    For the 1.77 releases:
    These are the files required for operation of the My-T-Pen keyboard in the user (default) desktop:
    KYBD0001.KMF (for Us 101 layout - change if necessary)

    Note: For the smaller sizes, the MYTMOUSE.FON may be required. If you do a normal install, and delete all but the above, the font will be installed by Setup. If required, you may want to use Control Panel and add the MYTMOUSE.FON file.

    For Logon (WinLogon desktop) (Windows 2000 / XP):

    IMGLOGON.EXE (to configure/enable - once configured as desired, can be deleted)
    IMGGINA2.DLL (DLL to integrate with secure logon)
    MTS2.EXE - (My-T-Soft 2 executable to display LOGON\KEYBOARD.KBF)
    MTSLIB.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE
    BABDLL.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Build-A-Board common functions
    STOCK.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Resources for 3D keys
    LOGON folder (see details below - some files (like KEYBOARD.SML, etc.) can be removed)

    Original ID: QC225179
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    How do I know My-T-Pen will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program, in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC225180
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG’s products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC225181
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    What are the TouchRight Utilities?

    TouchRight is a simple on-screen Button that switches the active input, on any pen or touch device, from the Left (Mouse) Button function to the Right (Mouse) Button function. A single touch of the button swaps the active input from the left button to the right button, another touch swaps the input back. TouchRight provides easy access to any right mouse button "drop down windows" and "properties panels" in Windows and Windows applications, and can be sized or moved anywhere on the screen, at any time. The buttons surface has a graphic design of a mouse on it. Its left or right mouse button "lights up" to show the active status. Additional Utilities include the ability to hide until required, automatic return to Left-Click after a single Right-Click, and Shutdown, Exit, Reboot system functions.
    Original ID: QC101231
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What is the difference between the regular version and the LS version? What happened to the LS Version?

    Nothing, except the type of support offered by IMG. Both versions deliver the same software, but IMG will not field any technical support or product support questions for the LS version once the product is installed. The LS Version is IMG's response to those customers who felt the price was too expensive - of course, they never had to answer questions like: What is a touchscreen? Does this turn my monitor into a touchscreen? How do I get the program to run when I boot up my system? For sophisticated Windows users who do not need any type of technical assistance, the LS version is a great option.
    The 1.20 version had an LS version. This limited support version is no longer available. For quantity discounts or other options, please contact IMG Customer Service.
    Original ID: QC101232
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What kind of pointing devices will TouchRight work with?

    ny industrial, commercial, or retail pen or touch input device (light pen, LCD touchpad, InfraRed pen, touchscreen, wand, wireless pen, etc) that connects to the serial or PS2 port!
    Original ID: QC101233
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What kind of computer will TouchRight run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC101234
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What operating system do I need?

    Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. (XP Embedded is just a modular version of XP Professional) Older versions work under Windows 3x or Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT
    Original ID: QC101235
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What kind of software will TouchRight work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows
    Original ID: QC101236
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    How can TouchRight work with all pointing devices and applications?

    TouchRight is written at the same level as Windows. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows applications, so it doesn't compete with them (unlike buttons or panels, created in Visual Basic or other high level application development tools, which are sensitive to any changes in pointing devices or graphic cards and usually conflict with any application other than the one for which they were developed).
    Original ID: QC101237
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What resolution will TouchRight work in?

    TouchRight supports all resolutions.
    Original ID: QC101238
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    How can I position (or resize) the TouchRight Window?

    TouchRight is a sizable window with a thick frame - simply click & drag the border to the size & screen location desired. There is no way to drag the "whole" window, so any arbitrary screen position will require 2 click & drag operations. Click on the Menu button area, then select Save Position to lock in the current location after TouchRight is positioned and sized as desired.
    Original ID: QC101239
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    Can I use parts of TouchRight in my own custom application or project?

    Yes, although TouchRight can be run easily from it's control panel and setup menu, many corporate, commercial, government, and industrial clients have integrated TouchRight into their business and manufacturing environments.
    Original ID: QC101240
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    Where is TouchRight most often used?

    In ATM's, Computer Automated Manufacturing, Data Acquisition, Home Automation, Human Machine Interface (formerly Man Machine Interface), Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Kiosks, Process Control, Shop Floor Control, Simulators, and (interactive) Whiteboards. Anywhere there’s a pen or touch based input device being used in a Windows environment.
    Original ID: QC101241
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    How do I know TouchRight will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC101242
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC101243
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    What is Build-A-Board?

    Part of the My-T-Soft® family, Build-A-Board is a suite of utilities that provide tools to create and operate on-screen keyboards, panels, and buttons for creating user interfaces that provide optimal interaction while offering secure levels of operator / user input control. These enhancements allow touchscreen, hand-held, wearable, wireless, ruggedized, tablet and pen-based computer users to operate these systems without the need for a physical keyboard. This results in space saving; reduced hardware costs; quick & low-cost user-training; cleaner machine interfaces; better security; allows enhanced enabling of legacy equipment retrofits; and provides a realization of new & innovative approaches for computer users.

    With Build-A-Board, keys, buttons, and panels can be customized as desired, whether to control access, or sized to permit accurate entry even with large gloved hands. Unlike high-level environments and single purpose applications, the native, system-level run-time program can interoperate across all applications. Beyond keyboards, the potential is endless: A complete user interface can be built as a front end to legacy terminal based operations, as an augmentative solution for a disabled individual, or as a custom touchscreen based controller, etc., etc.

    Build-A-Board is the evolving culmination of years of experience working with the needs of system providers & their use of IMG's successful My-T-Soft® family of on-screen keyboards. Developed to meet the needs of manufacturers, integrators, developers, and end-users of touchscreen & pen-based systems, it is the Ultimate Tool for anyone with a need for virtual on-screen keyboards & keypads.

    Ready to get started? See this tech item: What do I need to do to get started?

    Original ID: QC225140
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Do Build-A-Board layouts work with My-T-Soft® / My-T-Touch® / My-T-Pen®?

    Yes. Build-A-Board kbf's (keyboard files) can be used in IMG's OnScreen, My-T-Mouse, My-T-Pen, My-T-Soft, and My-T-Touch products. If you don't have any of these, you can also create a run-time (lite) version of My-T-Soft from within Build-A-Board for Win CE thru thru Windows 7 (including Embedded) to use your layouts.

    Original ID: QC225141
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    What is the difference between the Run-Time files and Build-A-Board? How does the licensing work?

    The Run-Time files are used on the Target system, which is often different than the development system. For example, if you are developing several keyboard layouts for a Windows CE unit with a MIPS processor, your Run-Time files target would be Windows CE - MIPS. The Run-Time files are licensed separately from Build-A-Board (since they may be placed on 1 or 100 or 10,000 systems). The Build-A-Board Builder (development environment for the keyboard layouts) is the tool used to create, design, modify, and manage keyboard layout files & select different Run-Time targets based on your needs.

    Typically a customer would need only 1 or 2 Build-A-Board licenses, since only the developer, integrator, or IT department would be customizing a board or boards. Once it comes to deployment, a license for each run-time system running the keyboard layouts is required.

    With the release of the 2.20 version and support for Mac OS X and Linux, platform licenses are offered that address different deployment options based on locations, number of employees, and platforms needed. All of the platform license options do not have unit based licenses, as deployed run-times are already licensed and royalty-free. Refer to Build-A-Board Standard (Cat. #12402), Single-site (Cat. #12415), Multi-Site (Cat. #12416), Enterprise (Cat. #12417), and Global Enterprise (Cat. #12418). Contact IMG Sales for further details.

    For small roll-outs, as an example, if you have 8 forklifts with panel mount touchscreen systems, and need numbers, tab, enter, and backspace, a large customized board might be ideal. In this case, the Build-A-Board Builder Tool + 10 Run-time Licenses, Catalog#: 12403 might be the best choice. If you are prototyping and testing, Build-A-Board Builder Tool, Catalog#: 12401 would be sufficient. If you already have licenses of IMG's My-T-Soft®, My-T-Pen®, or My-T-Touch® installed, and want a custom board, then Build-A-Board Builder Tool License, Catalog#: 12401 is all you need. Please note that there are different license options available based on customer needs, so if you can't find exactly what you want on the web site, please contact us.

    Original ID: QC225142
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    What operating system do I need?

    To operate Build-A-Board you need: Windows10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000.
    Run-Time Files will work on: Windows CE or Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Windows Server and Embedded versions. Mac OS X 10.4 and higher, Android 5.1 and higher, and Linux 32-bit/64-bit. For other platforms, or if you have more specifics, please feel free to contact us.

    Original ID: QC225143
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    What about Unix, Linux, or Mac OS X?

    With the release of the 2.20 version, Mac OS X and Linux are now available. (Note: For Unix, pre-built run-times are not included, as these types of deployments tend to be customer specific - please contact IMG for further details)

    Original ID: QC225144
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    I have Build-A-Board 2.10 license - What are my options with the 2.20 release?
    Where is my free upgrade?

    With the 2.20 release, there are new licensing options. For 2.10 customers, we will be providing a free upgrade to the builder itself, which can still make ANSI 2.10 layouts. We are waiting, however, for the Release 4 update before formally doing this upgrade (the license manager needs to be created for Linux and Mac OS X). If desired, we can provide the BAB220 serial # at this time, so you can license and work with the current Release 3. Please note that you will still have to license individual run-times. Please contact IMG Customer Service with this request.

    The new license options are what we refer to as Platform licensing, and it is based on company size, not # of units. Once you have a Platform license for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc. you will be able to produce licensed versions for the licensed platform that can be imaged or deployed without any run-time/per unit licensing. The Build-A-Board standard upgrade (for 1 platform) from a 2.10 license is US$995 - Catalog # 12406 - this can be ordered on-line (with your BAB210 serial #) with this link:

    Upgrade to Build-A-Board 2.20 Standard Platform license

    You can then select a platform (Windows/Linux/etc.) and then when you build Unicode 2.20 layouts, the license is automatically embedded in the built layouts, allowing you to deploy without any further license steps. Note that you cannot resell these licenses - these are for you/your company as the end-user. If you wish to distribute / resell licenses, you need an annual distribution license.

    To summarize, and hopefully clarify the above, here is what will happen to 2.10 licensees:

    1) Free Upgrade to Build-A-Board 2.20/builder - able to use upgraded builder tool, can still make ANSI 2.10 layouts, run-times still licensed separately - Option to license and run Unicode 2.20 layouts by licensing run-time versions
    2) Or pay for Upgrade to Platform license (Cat #12406 for Standard - company less than 50 employees)
    (There are additional options for site/multi-site/enterprise/global enterprise licenses - please contact IMG Customer Service)
    3) for any distributor/reseller and annual distribution license is required.

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    I'm new to IMG's Build-A-Board - what is the high-level / birds-eye view?
    How do I implement a custom keyboard in my application [using Build-A-Board]?

    You need the Build-A-Board Builder to create or modify layouts, change key properties/actions, and create/build the KBF (Data) file. For the Target (run-time) you need the My-T-Soft program (for the particular platform) on the run-time system. Drop in the KBF data (default KEYBOARD.KBF), and run the My-T-Soft program - the layout will be displayed to the user, and its operation will be defined by the layout properties / Key Actions (which, of course, are modifiable within Build-A-Board).

    What is the Builder for?

    The Build-A-Board Builder itself is just a front-end designer tool to allow you to drag & drop keys, resize, change properties, etc. It is a user-friendly front end to designing keyboard layouts. When you build, you are creating the single file KBF that can be dropped into a target system (which then contains the Keyboard layout/properties/etc.) The KBF layout is supported on Windows, Windows CE, Android, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.

    As much as possible, the implementation is a Program operating on Data concept. The Data (KBF) is created within Build-A-Board. The run-time software (deployed/implemented/installed/located) on the run-time target reads this data, displays the layout to the user, and then processes user actions based on what the user selects. The "Regular" Key Action is to create the down/up events as if a physical key was pressed. This is seen as a keystroke by the underlying application. There are other actions available, including opening a new layout (New KBF command) and running an arbitrary program (Exec command).

    What are the project files? What should I open? What is PROJECT.TXT?

    The project files are simple text files that describe in human readable form the layout & keyboard properties. They are an interim step towards a complete database of layouts. The zip format is just to compress & reduce disk space. If you see both a PROJECT.TXT and a zip, open the PROJECT.TXT, as this means the Project is "Open" (i.e. unzipped) and may have modifications that haven't been "zipped" up again (File | Close Project). We recommend you use the front-end display of layouts to get around the whole project file issue - just pick a layout, and go with it.

    When I "F9 - Build" what am I creating? An EXE somewhere?
    You are creating the KBF file (KeyBoard File). This is a singe file representation of the layout that can be used by the run-time software. Because it is now cross-platform, this is the "Data" part of the Program & Data concept (like a .DOC file contains the "document"). You "get" the keyboard you just created by loading the KBF in the run-time software. When you select a target platform, it also copies over install/run-time files - so theoretically you could take these over to the platform, install the run-time files, run the My-T-Soft binary/executable (e.g. MYTSOFT.EXE on windows) and then get the display / operation of the KEYBOARD.KBF (default KeyBoard File). For a Windows target, refer to the MSWIN32 folder (Shift-F11 to view) to see the "run-time" files - these are what gets deployed on a Windows system (and similarly for other platforms).
    What is required for the target system? What does Run-time mean? How do I integrate it with my application?

    Here is a quick run-down - refer below for further details, and use the Product Guide for even more details.

    1. Create or Modify a layout in the builder.
    2. Select Target in the Run-Time menu (e.g. Windows 32)
    3. Build (& execute to test)
    4. Install the Target (run-time) files on your deployment target
    5. Run My-T-Soft at a system level, or at application start (Shell/Exec/etc.)
    6. Use Developer's Kit Tools (or concepts) to move keyboard window on-screen when needed/off-screen when not
    7. Use an iterative approach to get the custom keyboard layout integrated into your application

    Here is a more technical overview

    1. The approach to the user interface is to have the executable display a topmost window that presents a keyboard (or arbitrary button display) to the user. It handles input focus issues so any virtual keystrokes are seen as standard keystrokes to the application. This is the My-T-Soft program, sometimes referred to as the "Build-A-Board run-time". For example, on windows, when you run MYTSOFT.EXE it reads the KBF (KeyBoard File - KEYBOARD.KBF) and displays the layout as designed and built in Build-A-Board.
    2. The run-time software is an EXE (or program/binary process based). As such, it should be running at a system level, or at application startup (see more below)
    3. The user interface aspect is separated from the actions. All external Key Actions are handled by the MacroBat process (Macro Batch Processor). This is implemented as a separate process. So the 2 processes (My-T-Soft and MacroBat) must both be on the run-time target to read the Data (KBF file), display the layout to the user, and process the actions when a button is pressed. Note that with the CMD:EXEC any arbitrary process can be launched when the user initiates this action by pressing a button on the layout. New layouts can be opened with the CMD:NKBF command - a common approach for user control is to have a single button layout that opens the full layout, and then a minimize button that returns to the single button layout.
    4. In general, we recommend you run the keyboard (e.g. MYTSOFT.EXE in Windows) at system start, or application start - then during the life of your application, you can control access with the "MoveWindowMTS" function/concept - move it off-screen to remove it from the user, move it on-screen to display it for the user at the X/Y location you want. This keeps the process running, and you don't have any shut-down or startup delays. If done at the system level, StartUp group is typical, and if handled in the application, a Shell or Exec type function is typical.
    5. The most effective way to handle "on/off" is to move on-screen/off-screen. Using the New KBF (CMD:NKBF) the user can select different layouts. Refer to the MoveWindowMTS function (MOVEWMTS.EXE for windows, etc.) See the DEVKTDOC folder to open the Developer's Kit Documentation.

    For a more detailed view & terminology, refer the Quick Usage Notes in the Product Guide.

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    I'm new to IMG's My-T-Soft and Build-A-Board - what do I need to do to get started?

    Congratulations and Welcome! IMG has been providing on-screen keyboards since 1995 and our software is in use throughout the world by everyone from individuals to global corporations.

    My-T-Soft is the run-time software that displays the keyboards and is customized for the target device platform. There are versions for Windows, Windows CE, embedded Windows, Windows Server, Android, Linux, and Mac OS X. For more details on My-T-Soft options, see Understanding My-T-Soft Offerings

    Build-A-Board is the custom keyboard designer, keyboard layout editor. You create or customize your layout in Build-A-Board, and then build for the target device. The Build-A-Board builder is a rich application and requires Windows.

    You can get started by downloading Build-A-Board, then installing. You can license for free by creating a account - just use the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon) and create a Free account. For step-by-step details, see this tech item: How to License Build-A-Board - QL0118120923

    Once licensed, you can create boards (i.e. custom keyboard layouts) - either select an existing layout and modify, or start from a clean slate. There are many samples included, or check out the growing number of layouts at the Online Database of Layouts. To deploy (i.e. run on your target device), you can simply install My-T-Soft on the device, and copy in your board, or use your account and tag your custom boards as Favorites.

    For small numbers (less than 25 or so) it is easy to purchase licenses from your account - there are discounts for 10+. For larger deployments, refer to Licensing options link below. For easiest stand-alone install on Windows devices, see My-T-Soft Basic. For Android, see My-T-Soft for Android. For other platforms, see Windows or Android links and scroll to bottom of page.

    Typically this is an iterative process - test, then tweak, and modify until you are happy. By keeping boards in your account, whenever you get a new device, you can install My-T-Soft and get your boards (Get My Boards)! For enterprise use, this also provides a centralized point for rolling in updates, or getting a production device back up and running quickly.

    For a more detailed description of Build-A-Board, see the high-level / birds-eye view tech item: Build-A-Board overview - QC2010120648. For videos, Click here for the Introduction & Overview, along with the Build-A-Board How To Video Series. For individuals, you can purchase a single license through your account. For commercial customers, when ready to deploy across the enterprise, there are various options - see this tech item for more details: Build-A-Board Licensing options - QL0105120441

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    What is The Magnifier?

    The Magnifier is a software application for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 that magnifies the area under and around the mouse cursor in a moveable, sizeable window. The 1.50 version now includes Full Screen magnification. The Magnifier window can be set to automatically position itself, and can be set to float and track the mouse cursor. Up to 7 Magnifier windows can be run concurrently. There are numerous user-requested options, including cursor location lines, hot-keys to control features, 1x-40x magnification, transparency, text and keyboard focus tracking, USB licensing, etc.
    Original ID: QC202223
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    What is the difference between the regular version and the LS version? What happened to the LS version?

    Nothing, except the type of support offered by IMG. Both versions deliver the same software, but IMG will not field any technical support or product support questions for the LS version once the product is installed. The LS Version is IMG's response to those customers who felt the price was too expensive - of course, they never had to answer questions like: How do I change the size of a Window? What is the Start Menu? I've installed it, How do I run it? How do I get the Magnifier to run when I start up my system? For sophisticated Windows users who do not need any type of technical assistance, the LS version is a great option.

    The 1.20 version had an LS version. With the release of The Magnifier 1.50 in 2007, this limited support version of The Magnifier is no longer available.

    Original ID: QC202224
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    What is the Cursor Locator?

    When enabled, the Cursor Locator option creates a "cross-hair" that points towards the current location of the mouse cursor to help people with tunnel vision or those that loose track of the cursor location onscreen. This can be used together with The Magnifier window, or on its own. Variable Widths and animation settings are available.
    Original ID: QC202225
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    Why is it so inexpensive?

    The underlying technology and coding was developed for the My-T-Soft family of products - because of strong demand by the visually impaired, IMG spun-off The Magnifier as a stand-alone product. In order to assist as many individuals as possible, IMG priced the product within easy reach of most computer users.

    We get asked this question quite a bit, so here is a bit more technical information. Other competing magnfiication software interfaces with the system at a much lower level, and requires significantly more engineering and technical expertise than the approach used by IMG's The Magnifier software. There are distinct differences between the engineering approaches and trade-offs. For example, often people want the magnified portion to remain static, while allowing the mouse cursor to move within that magnified area, only moving when the mouse moves close to the edge - this is impossible within The Magnifier because of the approach used - when you move the mouse, the magnified image must move. However, there are keyboard panning options, tracking via typing, and external control via the IMG Developer's Kit. IMG has chosen to keep the price affordable, while doing the absolute best and providing every option given the limitations of the magnification approach used. For many users, these technical limitations mean nothing, since the end result is a magnified screen image that is helpful to them. For everyone that finds IMG's The Magnifier helpful, affordable, and useful, this product was created for you. For other users that need more sophisticated options, researching other products may be beneficial. IMG always recommends interested parties download and work the software to verify it meets their needs before committing to a purchase.
    Original ID: QC202226
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    What magnifications are available?

    1x to 40x (1 times to 40 times magnification in whole or tenth steps, e.g. 2.4, 2.5, etc.)
    Original ID: QC202227
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    How do I know The Magnifier will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC202229
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    What about technical support and program updates?

    IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC202230
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    Can The Magnifier do Full Screen magnification?

    Yes, the 1.50 version has a Full Screen operation mode.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    How does the licensing for The Magnifier work? Why is a System ID used when ordering?

    The license is a "personal license" which means you can use the license key and registered serial number for unlocking any of the available downloads for the current version of The Magnifier. For example, if you have a laptop running Vista and a home PC running XP, a single license key will work for both (after installing the appropriate download of The Magnifier). Also, if you order the license on XP, and later upgrade to Vista, you will simply need to install the correct version for Windows Vista, then enter your license key and serial # to license. You may also install and license on a USB drive (using the appropriate download) using your license key and serial number.

    The System ID contains product and version information, along with unique system ID. For IMG products that use a personal license, the unique system information is not used. The Magnifier license key and serial number provide a personal license, so multiple systems may be licensed for your own personal use.

    The license entitles you to maintenance updates and support for the product and version (as indicated in the first 6 characters of your serial number). If a new version is released, and you wish to use this, you will need to upgrade to the new version. For example, if a new version of Windows is released, and The Magnifier is updated to run on this platform (and it is tagged with a new version number), then an update would be required (rather than a re-install and re-license using your license key).

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50


    What are all the Hot Keys for The Magnifier?
    How can I easily select magnification settings?
    How can I hide The Magnifier temporarily?
    How can I control The Magnifier easily?

    While running The Magnifier, you can use Alt-K to open the Hot Keys (complete list of shortcut keys). You can view this list here: Complete list of shortcut keys for The Magnifier

    Some users print out the list & keep it handy

    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    What is SmartClick? Who uses SmartClick?

    If all you can do is point (i.e. move) the mouse cursor, then you can completely operate Windows with SmartClick! SmartClick clicks (or triggers other selectable actions) by hovering the pointer (mouse cursor) over a target within the Jitter Distance for the Dwell Time. While intended primarily for users that cannot use (or have difficulty using) buttons or switches, but can still move the mouse cursor via mouse, trackball, joystick, eye-tracker, etc.; SmartClick also provides features for users that can single-click, but can not double-click; and touchscreen/stylus users that need access to double-clicks, middle-click, right-clicks, drags, etc.
    Original ID: QC501256
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    How do I use SmartClick?

    SmartClick uses the concept of dwell (or hover timer). By moving the mouse cursor to a particular point on the screen, a user-settable dwell timer begins counting down. If the mouse cursor is not moved within the dwell timer period, the selected action is triggered. By default, SmartClick sends a left-click (selection click), but also provides up to 17 additional functions on a customizable palette of actions, such as double-click, drag, middle-click, right-click, move, Activate/Idle, etc., etc.
    Original ID: QC501257
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    I have trouble stabilizing the mouse cursor - how will SmartClick operate for me?

    SmartClick has a user-settable Jitter distance that provides a buffer zone for users that shake or jitter the mouse while hovering.
    Original ID: QC501258
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    How do I know it will work for me? Where can I learn more about SmartClick?

    Download a demo - we strongly recommend that users try any of our enhancement software by using it with our free, limited run-time demos. Everything is contained in the demo, including context sensitive help, advanced notes, configuration options, details, feature list, etc., etc.
    Original ID: QC501259
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    Do I need special drivers or special equipment?

    No - everything you need is included with SmartClick for all versions of Windows. Your pointing device may require special software from the manufacturer - check with the device's manufacturer for more information.
    Original ID: QC501260
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    Is this a driver and will it conflict with other software that is running on the PC?

    No - all software released by IMG is considered to be Windows applications, and operates above the hardware drivers - there is no possibility of conflict.
    Original ID: QC501261
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    What are the differences between the demo version and the retail copy of the Software?

    The demo runs for about an hour, and then pops up a "Demo" window, and will not operate unless it is closed & restarted. The licensed version runs without this interruption.
    Original ID: QC501262
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    What about technical support and program updates?

    Unlike shareware based or grant funded products, which cannot provide sufficient income to maintain a full-time company with adequate test and support capabilities (because the developer is holding down a full-time job, or the grant period ends), IMG has been providing onscreen keyboards and pointing device utilities since 1993. A large part of our business is in developing utilities that are ultimately bundled by pointing devices manufacturers under their own name. With international distribution on every continent, IMG's products are used by consumers, corporations, commercial and industrial manufacturers, educational institutions, and government agencies worldwide. This means quality products, with quality support, and timely updates.
    Original ID: QC501263
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: SmartClick

    What is CrossScanner?

    CrossScanner is RJ Cooper's solution for individuals who cannot operate a standard mouse or trackball, but are capable of operating a single-switch. CrossScanner uses an X scan (LineScan) with a Y scan (FingerScan) to select any point on the screen - choices of Click, Double-Click, Drag, etc. are available to completely operate any Windows application. All development of CrossScanner is handled by IMG, and under license, we are able to provide IMG's OnScreen with CrossScanner.
    Original ID: QC101264
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    Can I get CrossScanner without OnScreen?

    Not from IMG - IMG is only licensed to sell CrossScanner with OnScreen. Since most users of CrossScanner will have the need to enter text from time to time, having OnScreen available will be very useful.
    Original ID: QC101265
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    What kind of computer will OnScreen with CrossScanner run on?

    Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
    Original ID: QC101266
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    What kind of software will OnScreen with CrossScanner work with?

    Any software that runs under Windows (and most DOS programs that can be run in a Windows DOS Shell environment).
    Original ID: QC101267
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    How can OnScreen with CrossScanner work with all pointing devices and applications?

    OnScreen is written at the same level as the Windows operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows so it doesn't compete with other applications. Unlike keys, buttons and panels created in Visual Basic, or onscreen keyboard and key panel applications that are sensitive to changes in pointing device / graphic card drivers or applications that make low level Windows calls, OnScreen is reliable and robust. That's why IMG is the only producer of onscreen keyboards and macro buttons/panels whose products are recommended or offered by major pointing device manufacturers worldwide.
    Original ID: QC101268
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    How do I know OnScreen with CrossScanner will work for me?

    Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
    Original ID: QC101269
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    What is OnScreen with CrossScanner?

    OnScreen with CrossScanner is a highly sophisticated approach for operating a Microsoft Windows based system. By using CrossScanner and a single-switch, any point on the screen can be selected, and any mouse type operation such as clicks, double-clicks, drag, or right-clicks can be accomplished with a few switch hits. Using OnScreen and its built in features such as WordComplete, text input can be sent to any program for creating documents, e-mails, or performing simple text entry tasks, all driven by CrossScanner and the single-switch interface. With OnScreen and CrossScanner, a switch user can do anything an average user using a physical keyboard and mouse can do, enabling users who would otherwise be restricted to closed or limited environments. This opens up the entire computing universe to a single switch user.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

    What is WordComplete?

    WordComplete is a utility that provides a frequency sorted, adaptive list of words that appears as you begin to type into any application.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    Who uses WordComplete?

    Anyone that types. Poor spellers. New computer users. Students. High-speed typists.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    How do I use WordComplete?

    Just run WordComplete, and start typing. The more you use WordComplete, the more attuned the word complete lists will be to your style and usage.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    How do I know it will work for me? Where can I learn more about WordComplete?

    Download a demo - we strongly recommend that users try any of our enhancement software by using it with our free, limited run-time demos. Everything is contained in the demo, including context sensitive help, advanced notes, configuration options, details, feature list, etc., etc.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    Do I need special drivers or special equipment? Is this a driver and will it conflict with other software that is running on the PC?

    No - everything you need is included with WordComplete for all supported versions of Windows. All software released by IMG is considered to be Windows applications, and operates above the hardware drivers - there is no possibility of conflict.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    What are the differences between the demo version and the retail copy of the Software?

    The demo runs for about an hour, and then pops up a "Demo" window, and will not operate unless it is closed & restarted. The licensed version runs without this interruption.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: WordComplete

    What is the IMG AT Accessibility Suite?

    The AT Suite includes IMG's best-selling computer access utilities: My-T-Mouse (Now Build-A-Board), OnScreen, CrossScanner, Joystick-To-Mouse, The Magnifier, SmartClick, TouchRight Utilities, and WordComplete. Grouped together as a the ultimate set of general purpose, Assistive Technology Pointing Device Enhancement Utilities, the IMG AT Accessibility Suite provides an easy to install and administer set of tools which is licensed with individual, school, site, or multi-site options.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: AT Accessibility Suite

    How does My-T-Soft Basic compare to My-T-Soft Professional?

    My-T-Soft Basic provides access to Keyboard, Panels and Boards, but is a small subset of what My-T-Soft Professional includes. My-T-Soft Basic is the Windows run-time version of Build-A-Board packaged for individual use, and does not have commercial product support as a standalone product (see IMG's Build-A-Board for commercial use). My-T-Soft Basic does alllow access to the online database of boards at, and is part of the IMG Personal License set of software that individuals can license for their personal use. My-T-Soft Professional also includes built-in layouts, themes, multitouch support, logon utilities, developer's kit, and programming and technical support.
    Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft Basic

    Do logos still need to be in 16 color mode?

    I don't think any of this has been updated, 16-color is recommended. However, most systems now run in a sufficient color depth, so trying a 256 color image would probably work.
    Original ID: QD253202
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How would I embed the virtual keyboard into a dialog box within an application?

    1) You most likely will want the software configured for Operator mode - see My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special options
    2) You will not want the users to drag or move the window - turn off Action button move in My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Operation Options
    3) When your dialog is shown, you can use GetWindowRect to identify screen coordinates - based on the configuration of My-T-Soft, you can position the window (using a little math) to a fixed spot on the dialog - for example, if you want the keyboard at a relative offset of X 100, Y 44, you would: RECT rcdialog,rcmytsoft; HWND hMyTSoft; hMyTSoft = FindWindow(NULL,"My-T-Soft"); GetWindowRect(hMyTSoft,rcmytsoft); GetWindowRect(hmydialog,&rcdialog); MoveWindow(hMyTSoft,rcdialog.left+100,, rcmytsoft.right-rcmytsoft.left,,TRUE);
    4) You will probably want to catch the WM_MOVE message, and do something similar (or put the positioning code into a function) in case the dialog is moved to a new location.
    5) If the dialog is sizeable, you will have to catch WM_SIZE.

    The typical approach which is much easier is to define configurations & screen position, then call up the configuration when the particular control has focus. Often there are only a handful of fields that require text input. Higher level environments like VB or MS-Access have "OnEnter" & "OnExit" events, which can be used to call up the configurations. We always recommend you position My-T-Soft off-screen when you don't want it available for the user, then bring it on screen at the desired location when required.
    Original ID: QD253438
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is there a way to have My-T-Soft directly use custom .KBF files and not use KEYBOARD.KBF in a terminal server environment?

    The /k= /i= command line switches do exactly this, i.e. they copy themselves over the default files. There is more detailed implementation notes in the My-T-Soft Help, User Manual, Section IV, Advanced User information.
    The TS software uses either a "global" configuration, or a "user" configuration, and there are details about this in the Help within the Administration Options in the License Manager (Licensing Information on the server).
    Because you will probably want each user to have a different layout based on where they are in the application, you will most likely need a "per user" configuration, rather than a global configuration. If you are using saved My-T-Soft layouts, then your best bet would probably be to refer to the Developer's Kit (included) with My-T-Soft, and test using CPYCNMTS.EXE rather than the MYTSOFT.EXE with /k= /i=. If you are using Build-A-Board layouts, then you will need to make sure that each user has copies of these layouts, and then only the MYTSOFT.EXE with the /k= approach is used.
    Original ID: QD253801
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How can I stop My-T-Soft from a batch file?

    Refer to the Developer's Kit Information. Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Soft | Install Developer's Kit. In the DevKit folder under MYTSOFT, you will find CLOSEMTS.EXE. This will close / shut down the program. Note that we recommend moving the application off screen/on screen for integrated use - closing & restarting is not the best way of manipulating the keyboards & panels. Refer to the Hints & Comments for Developers on our website, Developer's Corner -
    Original ID: QD253813
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    For XP Embedded, or secure install, what are the bare minimum files required for operation?

    The following is excerpted from:
    Help | My-T-Soft Help | My-T-Soft User's Guide | Section IV - Other Information | Advanced User Information = Files & File notes
    For up-to-date details about the version, this is the preferred location to reference details about a particular release.

    For the 1.77 releases:
    These are the files required for operation of the My-T-Soft keyboard in the user (default) desktop:
    KYBD0001.KMF (for Us 101 layout - change if necessary)

    Note: For the smaller sizes, the MYTMOUSE.FON may be required. If you do a normal install, and delete all but the above, the font will be installed by Setup. If required, you may want to use Control Panel and add the MYTMOUSE.FON file.

    For Logon (WinLogon desktop) (Windows 2000 / XP):

    IMGLOGON.EXE (to configure/enable - once configured as desired, can be deleted)
    IMGGINA2.DLL (DLL to integrate with secure logon)
    MTS2.EXE - (My-T-Soft 2 executable to display LOGON\KEYBOARD.KBF)
    MTSLIB.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE
    BABDLL.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Build-A-Board common functions
    STOCK.DLL - Support for MTS2.EXE / MYTSOFT2.EXE, Resources for 3D keys
    LOGON folder (see details [in source] - some files (like KEYBOARD.SML, etc.) can be removed)

    On very limited XP Embedded builds, this is a list of modules (DLLs) used by running MYTSOFT.EXE:


    For the external DLLs, here are some quick notes/reference information:

    Other core DLLs:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll - Microsoft C run-time
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll - File & Version info

    Shell & Windows oriented DLLs:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.DLL - Explorer Shell
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll - Common Controls
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll - Windows Multimedia
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll - Shell LightWeight lib

    Other DLLs:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll - Input Method Editor Module
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll - advanced API library
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll - Remote procedure call
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL - Language Pack
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll - Uniscribe Unicode Script Processor Library
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll - Compatibility with "Style XP"

    Windows "Side-by-Side" (WinSxS) Compatibility COMCTL32.DLL:

    For MYTSOFT2.EXE (Build-A-Board layouts) & WinLogon (MTS2.EXE), these are the changes:

    Only uses Local DLLs:

    Plus one other system DLL:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll - for Application Compatibility in XP/2003

    Original ID: QC222198
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft


    I have started using the My-T-Soft keyboard to develop a kiosk application but I am having some problems with the startup. I am using ASP with Internet Explorer for my kiosk and the problem is how to start the application behind the browser or off screen. The way I am starting it is by placing a shortcut in the startup folder so that when the machine boots, it starts mytsoft.exe and waits for movewmts.exe to move it around. Sometimes due to startup timing, the keyboard appears in front of the browser and there is no way to move it off screen until the user gets to the proper page.

    Is there a way to start the application offscreen or is there an object interface I can use to control the keyboard?

    The preferred way to manage this type of configuration is to start the keyboard off-screen, so the user does not see it at all, until your application requires it. If the configuration (e.g. panels/size) is fixed, you only need to use MoveWMTS.exe (or Windows API MoveWindow) to bring it on-screen for the user, then dismiss it off-screen when not needed.

    The simplest way to do this (with My-T-Soft 1.77) is to specify the X/Y position in the startup shortcut. If you right-click on the Start Menu, select Explore all users, then go to Programs | Startup, you should see the My-T-Soft icon. If you go into properties for the startup, you can modify the "target" from "C:\WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\MYTSOFT.EXE" to "C:\WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\MYTSOFT.EXE X=1400 y=0", as an example (X position of 1400 is off-screen for most commmon resolutions).

    The alternative approach is to specify the default opening position in the KEYBOARD.KBF file - the file KEYBOARD.KBF determines the layout, size, and opening screen position. To save an opening position off-screen, it is best to use the Developer's Kit. If you operate in a Windowed command prompt, you can use MoveWMTS.exe to move offscreen, then use SvSetMTS.exe and SvPosMTS.exe to lock down the configuration & position. Now use CloseMTS.exe to close the not visible, off-screen layout. Now at Startup, the default screen position will be off-screen.

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    How can we externally toggle between 2 different international keyboard layouts in My-T-Soft?

    The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a Developer's Kit tool, the Copy and Configure My-T-Soft on the fly (CPYCNMTS.exe). For a general overview, see this How To note in the IMG Developer's Kit: Configure My-T-Soft on the fly (from pre-existing configurations). My-T-Soft is considered an application, and is in control of the user and/or the application with input focus using Developer's Kit tools. If the system level input language layout needs to change in conjunction with the My-T-Soft Layout, refer to the extension of this example with the link at the bottom of this item.

    The following outlines a step-by-step procedure to follow. The required ingredients are:

    Location of Configuration files (e.g. C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT)
    CPYCNMTS.exe from the IMG Developer's Kit (i.e. My-T-Soft "DEVKIT" folder)
    2 Configuration file sets (KEYBOARD.KBF/MYTSOFT.INI named appropriately)

    Step 1 - Obtain the Configuration File location. With My-T-Soft running, right-click or use Menu button on Tool bar, and open My-T-Soft Setup. In My-T-Soft Setup, use File menu and select "Show Config File Location" Use Windows File Explorer or command prompt (CMD) and change to that location

    Step 2 - Obtain CPYCNMTS.exe - download the IMG Developer's Kit here: Developer's Corner Downloads, or use the direct link: IMG Developer's Kit 1.79 Release 1. Download, Extract files, and from DEVKIT folder, find CPYCNMTS.exe, then copy to the Configuration File location from Step 1

    Step 3 - Create layout configuration files. The overview is that you select layout & configure My-T-Soft how you want it to appear, then you save these settings and its position, close My-T-Soft, and copy off the configuration files (KEYBOARD.KBF/MYTSOFT.INI). The specific example will be for Italian and Japanese layouts, but you should create the appropriate layout configurations for your needs.

    The example below is a test batch file to verify and ensure everything is configured and all files are correct - this can be tested/run from a command prompt or Explorer.

    @echo off
    REM This toggles 2 layouts.
    REM These files must exist:
    REM JAPAN.CFG and JAPAN.INI for Japanese layout
    REM ITALIAN.CFG and ITALIAN.INI for Italian layout
    REM user is [Username] for current logged in user / application user
    REM the actual path below is an example, will need to be updated for your usage

    cd "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT"

    cpycnmts.exe JAPAN.CFG
    goto END
    cpycnmts.exe ITALIAN.CFG


    The above batch file is not recommended as an ideal way to toggle these layouts. Ideally using the command "CPYCNMTS.exe [LAYOUT].CFG" directly would be the best way to trigger the visual change in My-T-Soft. If the batch file approach is used, creating a shortcut link to it and using the Run setting as Minimized may help with visual effects, and then running the shortcut (vs. the batch file directly) may be acceptable.

    Typically the execution of the Developer's Kit Utility (CPYCNMTS.exe) would be done via an application, either embedded, or tied to an event like Field Exit or Field Enter, or under a button OnClick event.

    Note there is a different utility called KeyboardSync (KYBDSYNC.exe) that monitors the current Input locale of an application, and can change My-T-Soft's layout to match the input locale. This utility is also in the IMG Developer's Kit

    As a separate option, a key can be made to toggle layouts - refer to this Tech item for the steps required to setup a Key to run a Developer's Kit tool: Using Key Options

    Note that using Developer's tools may depend on User Interface Privilege Isolation issues. If things do not operate as expected, it may be worth testing as Administrator and familiarizing yourself with these issues (see this blog post Understanding User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) with My-T-Soft)

    This approach just changes My-T-Soft. To externally change the current input language keyboard layout, a separate item that extends this example has been created - see How to Change the Current Input Language Keyboard Layout

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.90

    How do I externally change the current input language keyboard layout?

    This extends the "Change My-T-Soft Layout" example at How to externally Change My-T-Soft Layout. The first part below explains the mechanism provided by Windows, and then it ties into the example of the linked example above.

    There is an unattended XMLfeature that can be used to manipulate regional and language settings. This example only uses the InputPreferences option, and there are many other aspects to this functionality that are not covered here. The example is from Windows 7. This also works for Windows 10, but the default input layout acts differently - note that [Win]-[Space] will roll through current input layouts.

    This is an Example of an XML file that adds and removes layouts using Spanish, English US, and German layouts, setting English as the default

    <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
    <!-- User List -->
    <gs:User UserID="Current" />
    <!-- Spanish -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="remove" ID="0c0a:0000040a" Default="false" />
    <!-- en-US -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="add" ID="0409:00000409" Default="true" />
    <!-- de-DE -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="add" ID="0407:00000407" Default="false" />

    This file would need to be saved as an XML file, e.g. inputchange.xml, and care must be taken to make sure standard characters are used (text only type file), and then it can be implemented using the following:

    control intl.cpl,, /f:"inputchange.xml"

    Note: There are 2 commas, and there needs to be a space between the second comma and the /f switch. The quotes need to be normal double-quotes, and ideally a path would be specified - this example must be run from the same directory where the file inputchange.xml exists. The critical piece is the ID value for the InputLanguageID - refer to Microsoft documentation for additional ID values for language, region, and layout.

    To use these tools, 4 XML files where created that do discrete actions - add and remove Italian and Japanese layouts. By removing the layout, if it is the default in an open application, it will be replaced by the new default layout. It is important to note how Windows handles input layouts - each Window can have its own input settings, and by changing focus between open applications, the current input language will stay with the current settings for an open Window. For example, you could have 3 instances of Notepad open, and each could have their own input language, and the keyboard layout will change based on which Notepad is the current active window. There are options for the input language to show on the task bar or as a floating window to indicate which input language is active. Note that most users set to the current locale, and operate with 1 input locale, so the issues of changing input settings would typically not apply, but when changing and working with multiple input locales, unique situations can occur, so awareness of which input locale is in use can be extremely relevant and useful.

    IT.XML - Adds Italian (Italy) layout and sets as default

    <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
    <!-- User List -->
    <gs:User UserID="Current"/>
    <!-- Italian -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="add" ID="0410:00000410" Default="true"/>

    ITREMOVE.XML - Removes Italian layout

    <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
    <!-- User List -->
    <gs:User UserID="Current"/>
    <!-- Italian -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="remove" ID="0410:00000410"/>

    JP.XML - Adds Japanese layout and sets as default

    <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
    <!-- User List -->
    <gs:User UserID="Current"/>
    <!-- JP-Japanese -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="add" ID="0411:{03B5835F-F03C-411B-9CE2-AA23E1171E36}{A76C93D9-5523-4E90-AAFA-4DB112F9AC76}" Default="true"/>

    JPREMOVE.XML - Removes Japanese layout

    <gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
    <!-- User List -->
    <gs:User UserID="Current"/>
    <!-- JP-Japanese -->
    <gs:InputLanguageID Action="remove" ID="0411:{03B5835F-F03C-411B-9CE2-AA23E1171E36}{A76C93D9-5523-4E90-AAFA-4DB112F9AC76}"/>

    The following extends the batch file from the example linked at the top of this item

    @echo off
    REM This toggles 2 layouts.
    REM These files must exist:
    REM JAPAN.CFG and JAPAN.INI for Japanese layout
    REM ITALIAN.CFG and ITALIAN.INI for Italian layout
    REM If changing Layouts, the it, itremove, jp, and jpremove XML files must exist
    REM user is [Username] for current logged in user / application user
    REM the actual path below is an example, will need to be updated for your usage
    REM If the Input Language layout is not changing as expected, you may find events
    REM that may show errors or warnings in the Event Viewer.
    REM Go to Control Panel | System and Security | Administrative Tools | View Event Logs
    REM and in the Event Viewer open Applications and Services Logs then go into
    REM Microsoft | Windows | International and view the Operational log

    cd "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT"

    REM This changes the My-T-Soft Layout
    cpycnmts.exe JAPAN.CFG
    REM This removes Italian Input Resource
    control intl.cpl,, /f:"itremove.xml"
    REM This adds & sets as default the Japanese Input Resource
    control intl.cpl,, /f:"jp.xml"
    goto END

    REM This changes the My-T-Soft Layout
    cpycnmts.exe ITALIAN.CFG
    REM This removes Japanese Input Resource
    control intl.cpl,, /f:"jpremove.xml"
    REM This adds and sets as default the Italian Input Resource
    control intl.cpl,, /f:"it.xml"




    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.90

    How can I control keyboard transparency externally?

    My-T-Soft for Windows

    The Transparency option dates back to features available in Windows 2000 and spans many versions of the software and versions of Windows. Here is a quick overview of the transparency settings:

    For the 1.xx software, My-T-Soft uses MYTSOFT.INI settings. These can be manipulated via the SeeThru.exe tool (accessible to the user from the My-T-Soft Menu | Advanced | Transparency). Note that on some versions of Windows and User Account Control settings, a higher privileged MYTSOFT.exe may need to be run (Run as Administrator, or use MYTSOFT.requireAdministrator.exe (default privileges are asInvoker)). These settings can also be accessed via My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special Options | Edit My-T-Soft Initialization File.


    Where Transparency is set to 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled, and TransparencyLevel ranges from 0-255 where 0 is completely transparent (invisible) and 255 is completely opaque (as if Transparency not enabled).

    Here are additional notes for these intiialization file settings:

    In My-T-Soft 1.90 and 2.xx software, the SeeThru.exe updates the following registry key/values:

    Registry file between ===== lines

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Innovation Management Group\Build-A-Board]


    Seethru.exe is used by the 2.xx runtime software on Windows to enable Transparency and set transparency level. The 2.xx SeeThru.exe tool ONLY updates this registry setting. To obtain this executable (e.g. My-T-Soft Basic, refer to the BIN folder in Build-A-Board - use Windows Explorer and find file \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN\Seethru.exe)

    If you have My-T-Soft 1.90 and use SeeThru.exe it updates both the INI and the registry, so either version (1.xx or 2.xx) that runs will reflect the same transparancy setting. If using custom layouts from Build-A-Board, only the registry setting needs to be manipulated.

    As noted above, a higher privilege may be needed so the run-time SeeThru.exe has access to update registry settings. SeeThru.exe is in the \Program Files\MYTSOFT folder. For Build-A-Board, it is in the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN folder.

    My-T-Soft for Mac OS X

    There is a SeeThru tool that operates similar to the Windows version available in the My-T-Soft folder

    My-T-Soft for Android

    The Transparency level is set via the My-T-Soft Settings via a slider - there is no enable/disable, this simply sets the level from completely transparent to completely opaque used to display the My-T-Soft layout (alpha level ranges 0-255)

    This settings is part of the My-T-Soft_preferences.xml settings that can be exported/imported - it is an integer setting (number) that can range between 0-255. Note that very low numbers may result in an invisble keyboard, which may not be helpful, but can also create an interesting user interface.

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.7x 1.80 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.30

    How do I open My-T-Touch from within VB Script?

    There are VB samples in the Developer's Kit. If you want to run My-T-Touch from a script, simply executing the MYTTOUCH.EXE is all that is required.
    Original ID: QD253108
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Where can I find the logo examples which would allow me to customize the keyboard logos for our use?

    Extract the developer's kit (Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Touch | Install Developer's Kit), then look in the \WINDOWS\MYTTOUCH\LOGOS folder. Note that the Custom Logo has to be On (My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Special Options - Custom Logo), and the logo files need to reside in the same folder as MYTTOUCH.EXE (e.g. \WINDOWS\MYTTOUCH).
    In the LOGOS folder, you will find LOGO01.BMP, LOGO02.BMP, LOGO03.BMP, …, LOGO12.BMP. There are 12 base sizes in My-T-Touch, and for each size you want the custom logo displayed, the corresponding LOGO??.BMP must exist in the same folder as MYTTOUCH.EXE . For display sizes larger than 12, the LOGO12.BMP is scaled up. So the easiest way to display custom logos is to copy the LOGO??.BMP files from the Logos folder to the parent folder (e.g. from \WINDOWS\MYTTOUCH\LOGOS to \WINDOWS\MYTTOUCH). Now when you run My-T-Touch, you will see the "& Your Logo" example displayed at all sizes. There is additional information in the LOGOS.TXT file in the LOGOS folder.
    To display your own custom logo, to the following: This applies to My-T-Soft/My-T-Pen/My-T-Touch 1.70 and above.
    Original ID: QD253207
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Can I call the keyboard from an ActiveX object?

    It is a good idea to start in our Developer's Corner ( and review the Hints/Comments. In general, if integrating with an application, we recommend starting the keyboard at startup, but having it open off-screen, no splash. Then during operation, using the CPYCNMTS, one can bring up the desired size, panels, etc. for each particular input scenario - move off-screen at field exit. The DevKit has C source code, DLL, & pre-compiled Executables, with a sample VB form, MS-Access MDB, and other integration examples. The DevKit comes with the software, and can be accessed by selecting "Install Developer's Kit" from the program group.
    Original ID: QD253402
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Do you offer your virtual keyboard as an active-x component?

    Not as an active-x component. You can download demos of My-T-Touch at the website & review its capabilities. In the developer's kit, there are samples of integrating into a C program, and more details on the design of the software. Essentially the software is a stand-alone window, since it needs to type into any application, at any time, and is used by non-developers & developers alike. Using the Developer's kit, samples of integration's in all types of high-level application development tools are available for review or direct use.
    Original ID: QD253213
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Can My-T-Touch be run from an HTML page?

    Please check out our Developer's Corner, and look at the Developer's Kit 1.72. The WebSync application was done for similar approach - it does assume that My-T-Touch & appropriate files are on the actual system (i.e. not a web based component), and it uses VBScript to communicate to WebSync which then controls My-T-Touch. There are sample HTML files to illustrate showing the keyboard when required for text input, and "hiding" it off-screen when not needed.
    Original ID: QD253513
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Does Build-A-Board work with version 4.2?

    Yes. For 2.10 users, refer to 2.14 downloads available for various processors, and notes on the page at
    Original ID: QD253110
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    When using Build-A-Board how can I open a keyboard using code?

    If you have a long file name problem, you can certainly move the target folder to \MYTSOFT -
    Windows Explorer
    Select C: drive
    in Right panel, click on white space, select New, Folder
    Call it MYTSOFT
    Find \program files\build-a-board\target
    Edit | Select All, then Copy
    back to \MYTSOFT
    then past
    and use C:\MYTSOFT\MYTSOFT.EXE in your application

    Original ID: QD253529
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    How can I use a keyboard I built as the login screen keyboard?

    This will work with a 1.76 or 1.77 of My-T-Soft, My-T-Touch, or My-T-Pen. You can refer to help in the Logon Utilities - essentially by dropping in the KBF in the logon folder, the logon keyboard will reference the KEYBOARD.KBF file in the Logon folder under the installation directory, and this will be the keyboard available in the WinLogon desktop (Username/password). The Build-A-Board runtimes (My-T-Soft 2.10) do not include logon capability - they are only for the user desktop.
    Original ID: QD253712
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    I tried running Mytsoft.exe .kbf from a command line while a different keyboard is active and the software does not switch to the new configuration. I am running the exe from within the directory containing the .kbf file. Any suggestions?

    This approach works with Build-A-Board layouts only when starting MYTSOFT.EXE - it does not allow you to change the layout from the already running process.

    In MYTSOFT.EXE 2.10, you can select different layouts via a button using the CMD:NKBF (New KBF) if you want the user to switch on-the-fly. If you want to externally change the displayed layout on-the-fly, you need to do some dancing. It will make a bit more sense if I describe first what is going on, and then the details.

    Assume there is a keyboard.kbf, and a mylayout.kbf.

    In the code, everything is triggered off of an action (typically represented by a button press & the actual action is then generated by Build-A-Board). So the built-in way to change the layout is to execute the [CMD:NKBF=mylayout.kbf]. This can be put behind a button & this command (macro) placed into the Key Action in Build-A-Board. The trick is to generate this command externally. The TYPEFILE.EXE (see Tech Item PU2005120235, keystrokes longer than 30 characters) allows an external command to be triggered. The naming is unfortunate, since it can do more than just type a file. The salient point is that it can trigger a macro/command just as if the Key Action generated it. So the dance is to create a file with the [CMD:NKBF...] in it, save it as a file, then use TYPEFILE.EXE to execute from an external program - this will allow the layouts to change on the fly externally.

    So here are the details. Download the TYPEFILE.EXE from our website (see link above). Place this & the mylayout.kbf in MSWIN folder of the project you are working with. Use a windowed command prompt to test, then once you have the syntax down, integrate it with your application.

    Create 2 simple text files with the commands embedded in it (e.g. NOTEPAD or EDIT or COPY CON MYLAYOUT.KMF) Note I am using KMF for Keyboard Macro File, and the layout is KBF for KeyBoard File

    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    I have a Build-A-Board KBF file used on a system and I want to modify it, but I can't find the source files. How can I work with this keyboard layout and modify it?

    You will want to download the KBFDUMP Utility, that can extract the data from the KBF file, and optionally, extract the data and re-create source files, usable by the Build-A-Board builder.

    IMPORTANT - the following is ONLY for 2.10 KBF files

    Download KBFDUMP.EXE command-line utility KBFDUMP.EXE (56K) (MD5: 6FD0E051602E06DDD7A50043CBEA3E83)
    Download KBFDUMP.EXE command-line utility as ZIP file: KBFDUMP.ZIP (22K) (MD5: FAAC0E95FF3CCB37CB3FDAA165075F75)

    IMPORTANT - the following is ONLY for 2.20 KBF files (see specific instructions below)

    Download KBFDUMP.EXE (beta) command-line utility as ZIP file: KBFDUMP220.ZIP (22K) (MD5: 099D1FB026F9DA6630A76DD94B6D83C1)

    KBFDUMP.EXE for 2.10 files Usage Notes:

    Usage: KBFDUMP [KBFFileName]
    (If no file name specified, KEYBOARD.KBF is used)
    To extract SOURCE projects from KBF files, use "-extract"
    Usage: KBFDUMP -extract [KBFFileName]
    (If no file name specified, KEYBOARD.KBF is used)
    Extracted project files will be saved to ExtractedKBFProject[#]
    These source files will be located in Build-A-Board\Source folder

    KBFDUMP.EXE for 2.20 files Usage Notes:

    Usage: KBFDUMP [KBFFileName]
    (If no file name specified, KEYBOARD.KBF is used)
    To extract SOURCE projects from KBF files, use "-extract"
    Usage: KBFDUMP -extract [KBFFileName]
    (If no file name specified, KEYBOARD.KBF is used)
    Extracted project files will be saved to ExtractedKBFProject[#]
    These source files will be located in Build-A-Board\Source folder

    Extracting File from KBF (Linux command line example)

    In this example, we will use dd (Linux command line utility) to extract IMG00000.PNG from an existing KBF.
    If you use kbfdump FILENAME.KBF[Enter] you will get a listing of headers, files, and offsets. Record the Startoffset from KBF header (1102), and the Startoffset from the file interested in (57534), as well as the file size (524138) - relevant output results below:
    BYTE Sig[2] = M+
    BYTE Ver[3] = 220
    DWORD Startoffset = 1102 | 0x044E
    BYTE Level = 2 | 0x0002
    ... ...
    ... ...
    ... ...
    KBF Files/Offsets 44
    BYTE FileName[13] = IMG00000.PNG
    DWORD Startoffset = 57534 | 0xE0BE
    DWORD Length = 524138 | 0x7FF6A

    Now, at Linux command prompt in directory containing KBF file:
    dd if=FILENAME.KBF of=WANTEDIMG.PNG bs=1 count=524138 skip=58636[Enter]


    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Is there a way to send text from my App through My-T-Soft to emulate typing? (Similar to the way the barcode scanner works with the DataWedge Utility)

    Yes, the Intent approach used in Android is open ended, and with the right setup, any app or service can send text through My-T-Soft for Android (while My-T-Soft is the selected Input Method / Current Keyboard). Since this is easiest to do with example code, we have created an example App that does this - refer to the MainActivity Java code for the implementation. This project was created in Android Studio and is at - see the MyTSoftUtility project.
    Category: Integrating(Developing)Type: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    How "Secure" are the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities?

    The supported logon option for Windows 2000/XP is tagged as "My-T-Soft 2 Keyboard (Windows 2000 and later)" in the "My-T-Soft Logon Utilities" provided by the software. This feature uses an integration to the MSGINA.DLL (or possibly other third party GINAs, if so configured) where the software only monitors specified events (as supported by the Microsoft API for working within the GINA (Graphical Identification aNd Authentication)), so the keyboard can be shown during the logon screens, in the context of the secure WinLogon desktop. In short, this means that there is no security actions taken at all by our software - all that happens is the virtual keyboard is brought up within the GINA/WinLogon desktop, and can be used by the user to generate keystrokes for entering name/domain/password - ALL authentication takes place as it normally would by the underlying Microsoft software. The My-T-Soft software just provides a mechanism to enter text into the required fields in the secure WinLogon desktop.

    The Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) is generated via the Microsoft provided API programming interface, so a physical keyboard Control-Alt-Delete keystroke is not required. However, the software does require a physical touchscreen press / mouse click event (assuming there are no other virtual event software capabilities present).

    The security of this approach hasn't really been much of concern to those familiar with the technical aspects of what is going on at this level. Microsoft specifically publicly provides the GINA/WinLogon API for smart cards, biometric, and other identification schemes, but ALL authentication is done by the Microsoft software. In no way, shape, or form does this level have access to, or perform any authentication - My-T-Soft's particular implementation just provides a mechanism to enter the name/domain/password to the underlying security levels. So if you accept Microsoft's security, all that happens with the My-T-Soft software is it provides another way to enter the text (name/password) that is used to submit to the authentication system. Here is their documentation regarding this: MSDN - WinLogon and Gina

    If there are further questions, or need for clarification, please contact IMG Technical Support.

    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    How do I move settings from an old system / old version to a new system / upgraded version?

    With standard defaults, all user data (MYTSOFT.INI/KEYBOARD.KBF/Macro files) are saved in the Application Data area for the current user (for each user). For tools to find / Export / Import, use the File menu in My-T-Soft Setup. You can refer to the general information in the help for My-T-Soft Setup for details. When exported, all user data is compressed to a single zip file that is saved on to the desktop. This file can be saved/moved to a new system/installed version and used to import the old settings to the new installation of My-T-Soft. It is also a good idea to use this as a way to backup settings once you have everything configured the way you like it, and for people that invest a lot of time building macros.
    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.90

    Understanding My-T-Soft offerings

    My-T-Soft is My Typing Software - on-screen keyboards and user interface utilities used throughout the world - from individuals to global enterprises. Licensed by device, bundled with devices, and deployed with platform, site, company, and enterprise licenses.

    There are many platforms, and it all started in 1993. Because some customers use validated systems that can run for many years, older versions continue to be supported and are still available - but the software continues to evolve to meet new customer needs. In order to meet all customer and market requirements, multiple products and feature sets are available. Below is a quick overview:

    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.30

    How do I move settings from an old system / old version to a new system / upgraded version?

    With standard defaults, all user data (ONSCREEN.INI/KEYBOARD.KBF/Macro files) are saved in the Application Data area for the current user (for each user). For tools to find / Export / Import, use the File menu in OnScreen Setup. You can refer to the general information in the help for OnScreen Setup for details. When exported, all user data is compressed to a single zip file that is saved on to the desktop. This file can be saved/moved to a new system/installed version and used to import the old settings to the new installation of OnScreen. It is also a good idea to use this as a way to backup settings once you have everything configured the way you like it, and for people that invest a lot of time building macros.
    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    How "Secure" are the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities?

    The supported logon option for Windows 2000/XP is tagged as "My-T-Soft 2 Keyboard (Windows 2000 and later)" in the "My-T-Soft Logon Utilities" provided by the software. This feature uses an integration to the MSGINA.DLL (or possibly other third party GINAs, if so configured) where the software only monitors specified events (as supported by the Microsoft API for working within the GINA (Graphical Identification aNd Authentication)), so the keyboard can be shown during the logon screens, in the context of the secure WinLogon desktop. In short, this means that there is no security actions taken at all by our software - all that happens is the virtual keyboard is brought up within the GINA/WinLogon desktop, and can be used by the user to generate keystrokes for entering name/domain/password - ALL authentication takes place as it normally would by the underlying Microsoft software. The My-T-Soft software just provides a mechanism to enter text into the required fields in the secure WinLogon desktop.

    The Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) is generated via the Microsoft provided API programming interface, so a physical keyboard Control-Alt-Delete keystroke is not required. However, the software does require a physical touchscreen press / mouse click event (assuming there are no other virtual event software capabilities present).

    The security of this approach hasn't really been much of concern to those familiar with the technical aspects of what is going on at this level. Microsoft specifically publicly provides the GINA/WinLogon API for smart cards, biometric, and other identification schemes, but ALL authentication is done by the Microsoft software. In no way, shape, or form does this level have access to, or perform any authentication - My-T-Soft's particular implementation just provides a mechanism to enter the name/domain/password to the underlying security levels. So if you accept Microsoft's security, all that happens with the My-T-Soft software is it provides another way to enter the text (name/password) that is used to submit to the authentication system. Here is their documentation regarding this: MSDN - WinLogon and Gina

    If there are further questions, or need for clarification, please contact IMG Technical Support.

    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: Logon Module

    How "Secure" are the My-T-Touch Logon Utilities?

    The supported logon option for Windows 2000/XP is tagged as "My-T-Soft 2 Keyboard (Windows 2000 and later)" in the "My-T-Touch Logon Utilities" provided by the software. This feature uses an integration to the MSGINA.DLL (or possibly other third party GINAs, if so configured) where the software only monitors specified events (as supported by the Microsoft API for working within the GINA (Graphical Identification aNd Authentication)), so the keyboard can be shown during the logon screens, in the context of the secure WinLogon desktop. In short, this means that there is no security actions taken at all by our software - all that happens is the virtual keyboard is brought up within the GINA/WinLogon desktop, and can be used by the user to generate keystrokes for entering name/domain/password - ALL authentication takes place as it normally would by the underlying Microsoft software. The My-T-Touch software just provides a mechanism to enter text into the required fields in the secure WinLogon desktop.

    The Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) is generated via the Microsoft provided API programming interface, so a physical keyboard Control-Alt-Delete keystroke is not required. However, the software does require a physical touchscreen press / mouse click event (assuming there are no other virtual event software capabilities present).

    The security of this approach hasn't really been much of concern to those familiar with the technical aspects of what is going on at this level. Microsoft specifically publicly provides the GINA/WinLogon API for smart cards, biometric, and other identification schemes, but ALL authentication is done by the Microsoft software. In no way, shape, or form does this level have access to, or perform any authentication - My-T-Touch's particular implementation just provides a mechanism to enter the name/domain/password to the underlying security levels. So if you accept Microsoft's security, all that happens with the My-T-Touch software is it provides another way to enter the text (name/password) that is used to submit to the authentication system. Here is their documentation regarding this: MSDN - WinLogon and Gina

    If there are further questions, or need for clarification, please contact IMG Technical Support.

    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    How do I move settings from an old system / old version to a new system / upgraded version?

    With standard defaults, all user data (MYTTOUCH.INI/KEYBOARD.KBF/Macro files) are saved in the Application Data area for the current user (for each user). For tools to find / Export / Import, use the File menu in My-T-Touch Setup. You can refer to the general information in the help for My-T-Touch Setup for details. When exported, all user data is compressed to a single zip file that is saved on to the desktop. This file can be saved/moved to a new system/installed version and used to import the old settings to the new installation of My-T-Touch. It is also a good idea to use this as a way to backup settings once you have everything configured the way you like it, and for people that invest a lot of time building macros.
    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78 1.79

    How "Secure" are the My-T-Pen Logon Utilities?

    The supported logon option for Windows 2000/XP is tagged as "My-T-Soft 2 Keyboard (Windows 2000 and later)" in the "My-T-Pen Logon Utilities" provided by the software. This feature uses an integration to the MSGINA.DLL (or possibly other third party GINAs, if so configured) where the software only monitors specified events (as supported by the Microsoft API for working within the GINA (Graphical Identification aNd Authentication)), so the keyboard can be shown during the logon screens, in the context of the secure WinLogon desktop. In short, this means that there is no security actions taken at all by our software - all that happens is the virtual keyboard is brought up within the GINA/WinLogon desktop, and can be used by the user to generate keystrokes for entering name/domain/password - ALL authentication takes place as it normally would by the underlying Microsoft software. The My-T-Pen software just provides a mechanism to enter text into the required fields in the secure WinLogon desktop.

    The Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) is generated via the Microsoft provided API programming interface, so a physical keyboard Control-Alt-Delete keystroke is not required. However, the software does require a physical touchscreen press / mouse click event (assuming there are no other virtual event software capabilities present).

    The security of this approach hasn't really been much of concern to those familiar with the technical aspects of what is going on at this level. Microsoft specifically publicly provides the GINA/WinLogon API for smart cards, biometric, and other identification schemes, but ALL authentication is done by the Microsoft software. In no way, shape, or form does this level have access to, or perform any authentication - My-T-Pen's particular implementation just provides a mechanism to enter the name/domain/password to the underlying security levels. So if you accept Microsoft's security, all that happens with the My-T-Pen software is it provides another way to enter the text (name/password) that is used to submit to the authentication system. Here is their documentation regarding this: MSDN - WinLogon and Gina

    If there are further questions, or need for clarification, please contact IMG Technical Support.

    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    How do I move settings from an old system / old version to a new system / upgraded version?

    With standard defaults, all user data (MYTPEN.INI/KEYBOARD.KBF/Macro files) are saved in the Application Data area for the current user (for each user). For tools to find / Export / Import, use the File menu in My-T-Pen Setup. You can refer to the general information in the help for My-T-Pen Setup for details. When exported, all user data is compressed to a single zip file that is saved on to the desktop. This file can be saved/moved to a new system/installed version and used to import the old settings to the new installation of My-T-Pen. It is also a good idea to use this as a way to backup settings once you have everything configured the way you like it, and for people that invest a lot of time building macros.
    Category: GeneralType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78 1.79

    I installed Windows XP and my system number has changed. Can I still use the same key?

    No, if the system ID is different, then the codes cannot be used. You can transfer a license at, click on Support, and on the left, click on License transfer.
    Original ID: QI253134
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I Install a downloaded demo?

    Simply run the downloaded EXE (executable) file. It will self-extract, and run Setup for you automatically.
    Original ID: QI111316
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I Un-Install the software?

    Go to Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel, and select the Add/Remove Programs icon - scroll down to the IMG section, and select the IMG product you wish to un-install. Double-click or select the Change/Remove button, and accept the default answers to the un-install questions.
    Original ID: QI111317
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    Where can I find more information about the installed files & system configuration?

    Refer to the Help & Notes provided with the product. All IMG Products have detailed documentation (sometimes provided in the Advanced User Notes).
    Original ID: QI111318
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    Does IMG software support Windows Vista 64-bit (or Windows XP 64-bit)?

    Yes, all software will run correctly as long as you select the correct version of Windows. For Windows Vista or Windows Vista 64-bit, select Windows Vista. For Windows XP or Windows XP 64-bit, select Windows 2000/XP. The default \Program Files location noted in help may actually be \Program Files (x86). The primary benefits to 64 bit operation are the speed and additional RAM support for the system. You do need the correct 64 bit drivers for any hardware requiring Windows drivers.
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    When upgrading OnScreen should I install over the previous version or uninstall then re-install?

    Depending on your needs, here are the differences between the three options:
    Without un-installing, if you choose "upgrade" during the install, any macro panels, word lists, and configuration settings will not be changed.
    Without un-installing, if you "continue regular installation" during the install, all files will be overwritten with the new versions, except for any new macro panels.
    If you un-install, then re-install, you will have a clean installation.
    Original ID: QI253132
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    When integrating My-T-Soft TS in a custom installation, how can the "IMG License Manager" service be installed and managed?

    There is a command line utility available that can be used to install, start, stop, and remove the service, by communicating with the Service Control Manager as required. This is not shipped with the product, but can be downloaded via these links:

    Download MANAGE.EXE (181KB) (MD5: C5078D3C0338CC9BEF1367637CE113AD)
    Download MANAGE.EXE as ZIP file (MANAGE.ZIP) (38KB) (MD5: 8E12F3DC70EA918CCF037D406D29C5AE)

    To use this manually, you can download and copy this to the My-T-Soft TS installation folder (e.g. \WINDOWS\MYTSOFT, or \Program Files\MYTSOFT, etc.)
    Then go to the command prompt, change to this location, and run MANAGE as follows:

    To Install:
    To Start:
    To Stop:
    MANAGE STOP[Enter]
    To Remove:

    So the typical approach at installation would be install this utility either with My-T-Soft TS, or with your utilities, then run INSTALL, then START. Note that the INSTALL command requires the full path and IMGLM.EXE (where IMGLM.EXE is the IMG License Manager service). At un-install, you would use STOP, then REMOVE prior to deleting files.
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.77

    How do I un-install a demo version of Joystick-To-Mouse?

    Close Joystick-To-Mouse - if unlicensed, a "License Manager" screen will show up - simply click "Register Later". Then go into Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove programs, and find "IMG Joystick-to-Mouse" Answer Yes to uninstall, and this will remove the software from your system. To remove the download file, search for JTM260D.EXE, and delete this file.
    Original ID: QI253337
    Category: InstallingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    How do I transfer a license?

    You would need to go to, click on Support, and in the left column, look for License | Transfer a license. Click here to go to Transfer page. To transfer a license, you will need the Serial # / License key from the Certificate of Authenticity, along with the System ID (Obtained from the License Manager after installing the IMG software onto a system).
    Original ID: QL253105
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How long does a demo version last?

    The demos run for about an hour, and can be restarted up to 100 times. After that, they will not run unless licensed.
    Original ID: QL259176
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How can I find out if my product is licensed?

    Refer to the Program Group for the product, and select the "Licensing Information" icon. The IMG License Manager will either indicate it is Licensed & Registered, or will indicate it is in a demo mode.
    Original ID: QL300309
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a product?

    If you have downloaded a demo, you can purchase a license in various ways. Refer to our Order Page for more details.
    If you are having difficulties, refer to our Licensing Technical Support.
    Original ID: QL300310
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    I've bought a new PC, and tried to install the software again, but it won't license. What should I do?

    You will need to transfer your license. Refer to our Licensing Technical Support for more details on how to do this.
    Original ID: QL300311
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    What are my licensing options? How does Build-A-Board licensing work? What is a Build-A-Board Platform License?

    Standard retail product is licensed per system, either electronically or via Certificate of Authenticity. However, IMG has numerous licensing schemes available. Please contact IMG directly to discuss your needs.

    Build-A-Board is the tool / builder to create and customize keyboard layouts. The run-time target is the actual device that you will run the keyboard on. There are 2 main ways that you can license keyboard layouts - per device (using a Web Account), or using a Platform license (see below). The per device approach is mainly for individuals or small deployments where the need to license each device isn't a major impediment (if licensing hundreds or thousands of devices, this becomes burdensome). Once you have your e-mail/password for your web account, you can Apply available licenses to any device (or purchase more licenses from your account). To license a device, install the appropriate run-time software, and go through the Settings / License Manager to attach the device to your account, and retrieve a device license. Once your target device is licensed, it will remain licensed and allow custom keyboard layouts to run without any limitations. You may manage licenses from within your account - if a device is destroyed or lost, it can be put out of service to release a license.

    The Build-A-Board Platform license is a way to license Build-A-Board so every keyboard layout generated by the Build-A-Board Builder is already licensed - this makes deploying layouts as easy as possible! You just need to distribute the .KBF (KeyBoard File) that has the layout data to your device, and it will run as a licensed - it doesn't get any easier than that! The Platform indicates which run-time software recognizes the license, e.g. Android, or Windows, or Linux, etc. This does mean that a KBF built for Android will not be licensed on a Windows device, and vice versa. Platform licenses can be combined, and the IMG Techology License is also available for larger companies to have access to all available IMG software. There are different tiers available based on the number of devices to be licensed, and IMG Technology Licenses do require annual maintenance as part of the license. There are also OEM bundle and Distribution type licenses - please contact IMG to discuss your needs.

    Original ID: QL300312
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a new system with my IMG Personal License (IPL)? (Older)

    Newer versions of the IMG License Manager have only a single button - if your system looks like this, please follow the steps in this Tech Item (QL0123120979).

    If your system looks like this, follow the steps below:

    If you install a valid IPL product on a new system, it will need a license for that system. If you run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon), and it shows as unlicensed, follow the sequence below to license your system.

    Using My-T-Soft Basic as an example, when you run the IMG License Manager, you will see:

    If you click on Retrieve System License

    and your system is not already added to your account, you will see:

    For certain products, you may want to confirm you are in the IMG Personal License Mode - see "Additional License Options / Support" and make sure the checkbox is checked:

    To license this system, click on the Purchase/Apply License Now to Apply a license to this system:

    This will open your browser, and go to the account options - use the top option (Add This System to your Account) and enter your e-mail/password for your account (from your Welcome to Build-A-Board e-mail):

    Notes: If you do not know your e-mail/password, you can use the options at to reset your password. Be sure you can logon to your account before adding a system to your account. If you do not have an account, you will want to Purchase a License. For other issues, please contact IMG Customer Service.
    After you enter your e-mail and password, and click on "Add this System", you will see:

    At this point, return to the IMG License Manager, and click on Retrieve System License:

    You should then see:

    If you are unable to add a new system, you may have reached the maximum number of system for your account. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to purchase additional system licenses, or upgrade your account or license. For further details, refer to the IMG Personal License

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How can I license a custom layout created in IMG's My-T-Soft Build-A-Board?

    Layouts created in Build-A-Board embed license information in the board (KeyBoard File, i.e. .KBF file).

    If created from an unlicensed Build-A-Board, any layout will always be treated as an "Evaluation" time-limited layout, even in licensed versions of My-T-Soft. To license Build-A-Board, either create a Free account on, or purchase a run-time license for My-T-Soft (various options available).

    When a custom layout is created from a licensed version of Build-A-Board, the board can be run on any system with My-T-Soft. If you have a Platform License for Build-A-Board, any board will run as licensed on any supported platform. Without a Platform License, the boards will require a licensed version of My-T-Soft (the run-time component that display/operates the board (i.e. your custom layout)).

    Licenses for My-T-Soft are generated within your account. Free accounts cannot generate My-T-Soft licenses. The IMG Personal License (IPL) has 2 options - Basic & Standard. Both options can generate My-T-Soft licenses with limitations - details are available here: IMG Personal License information

    For IPL Basic and Build-A-Board run-time only licenses, internet access is required on the system you wish to license. Simply run the IMG License Manager, click on Retrieve System License, and enter your logon credentials.

    For IPL Standard and Professional licenses, you can license directly as above, or also generate licenses based on the System ID (this allows systems without internet access to be licensed). The System ID is obtained from the system you wish to license, then on a separate system you logon to your account, and obtain a license key & serial number by using the System ID in the License Manager tab.
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license my system when I only have an activation code?

    If you have been provided license information with only an activation code, you need to do the following:
    1. Go to
    2. Enter your e-mail address, and the activation code provided
    3. Upon success, Login and verify you can access your account
    The activation code is the password to this account, so now you can use your e-mail address with this password (activation code) to license your system. To license your system, follow these steps:
    1. Run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon / LICENSE.EXE)
    2. Click on "Retrieve System License" (if there is no license, you will have the option to use an existing license from your account)
    3. Enter your e-mail address and password (original activation code) to create a license for your system
    4. Then return to the the IMG License Manager, and click on "Retrieve System license" to download the system license
    For Professional Licenses, if the system you wish to license does not have internet access, please follow these steps:
    1. On the system you wish to license, install the software, and run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon / LICENSE.EXE)
    2. Copy / Save or Record the System ID (from the system you wish to license)
    3. Go to
    4. Login with your e-mail address and password (original activation code)
    5. Click on License Manager tab
    6. Enter your System ID to generate a License Key and Serial Number
    7. Record License Key and Serial Number, and use this to license your system by entering the license information into the IMG License Manager
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a new system with a Professional License?

    If you install a My-T-Soft on a new system, it will need a license for that system. If you run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon), and it shows as unlicensed, follow the sequence below to license your system.

    Using My-T-Soft 1.90 as an example, when you run the IMG License Manager, you will see:

    When you click on Retrieve System License

    If your system does not have a license (new system), this will open your browser, and go to the account options - use the top option (Add This System to your Account) and enter your e-mail/password for your account (from your Welcome to Build-A-Board e-mail):

    After entering your e-mail address and password, and a System Name, click on "Add This System"

    Notes: If you do not know your e-mail/password, you can use the options at to reset your password. Be sure you can logon to your account before adding a system to your account. If you do not have an account, you will want to Purchase a License. For other issues, please contact IMG Customer Service.

    After you enter your e-mail and password, and click on "Add this System", you will see:

    At this point, return to the IMG License Manager, and click on Retrieve System License again to download your system license:

    You should then see:

    If you are unable to add a new system, you may have reached the maximum number of systems for your account. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to purchase additional system licenses. If you cannot resolve your issue, please contact IMG Customer Service

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a new system that does not have internet access with a Professional License?

    The process to license a system without internet access does require a different system that can access the internet so you can logon and use your account. To license directly if your system has internet access, refer to tech item QL0117120882

    There are the steps required to license your system:

    On the system you wish to license, after My-T-Soft has been installed, run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon) and obtain the System ID

    Be sure to record/save the System ID accurately.
    Now on a system that does have internet access, go to and click on "My Account" to logon to your account:

    After logging in, you will be at the "My Account" tab

    Now click on the "License Manager" tab

    Then enter the System ID from the system you wish to license in the System ID field and then click on the Generate button

    You will see a new entry on the left indicating the System ID and a new License Key and Serial Number - you must accurately record this License Key and Serial Number for use on the system you wish to license

    At the IMG License Manager (where you obtained the System ID), you can enter the License Key and Serial Number, and then optionally enter text in the Customer / Company fields, and click Finish.

    Verify the entered information and confirm it matches the License Key and Serial Number, then click Yes

    Then you will see a Licensed system

    If you are unable to add a new system, you may have reached the maximum number of systems for your account. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to purchase additional system licenses. If you cannot resolve your issue, please contact IMG Customer Service

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license Build-A-Board?

    If you haven't already, download and install Build-A-Board on the system you want to develop boards on. Typically this isn't your target device, but a development/personal system. Click here to Download Build-A-Board. There are also videos: Watch "How to Install Build-A-Board" video and Watch "How to License Build-A-Board" video

    As of January 2018, the Build-A-Board builder/keyboard layout designer tool is available at no cost. A account is required to obtain a license so boards can be built without the "Evaluation Only" tag. With a free account or run-time license account (IMG Personal License Basic or Standard/Professional License) Build-A-Board license, you can create boards that will run on licensed run-time software or licensed devices. To build licensed boards, a Build-A-Board Platform License is required - see below for details on this type of license.

    How To License Build-A-Board

    Run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon) - either from the Program Group in Windows Explorer, or from the Start Menu in the Build-A-Board group.

    The Start Menu icons are available via Windows Explorer at: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Build-A-Board

    When unlicensed, you will see the following screen - click on Retrieve System License to retrieve or apply a license to your system.

    If this is a new or unrecognized system, a license cannot be retrieved without first adding the system to an existing account, creating a account, or purchasing a license. If you already have an account, follow the following screens to use your credentials and license this system. If you do not have account, see section below to create a Free Account, or select one of the license purchase license options.

    Once you've entered your login e-mail and password, and named your system (to help identify licenses in the License Manager tab), click on "Add This System"

    For Build-A-Board licenses, you will see the following screen to indicate that the system is now part of your account.

    Return to the IMG License Manager, and click again on the Retrieve System License button.

    After the license is retrieved from your account, you will see a "Licensed and Registered..." display.

    The following section shows what you need to do if you do not have an existing account, and wish to create a Free Account.
    Enter your First Name/Last Name/e-mail address and create a password of at least 6 characters.

    After entering the required information, click on "Create Free Account" to establish your account at

    You will need to check your e-mail inbox for a "Welcome to Build-A-Board" e-mail so you can activate your new account. If you do not receive in 5-10 minutes, be sure to check any spam or junk folders and be sure to add as a safe sender. Once you receive/open the e-mail, you can click on the link provided, or go to and log on with the provided e-mail/password. Note you can change your password in the Utility tab after you logon.

    Return to the IMG License Manager, and click again on the Retrieve System License button.

    After the license is retrieved from your account, you will see a "Licensed and Registered..." display.


    Build-A-Board Platform License

    The Build-A-Board Platform License allows you to create then build boards that have the license embedded in the board (KeyBoard File, the .KBF file). When deploying dozens, hundreds, or thousands of devices, this type of license greatly reduces the license management required to deploy and maintain boards at your site or across the enterprise.

    This type of license required a Build-A-Board serial # (of the form BAB220??????), a Account, and the appropriate IMG license, e.g. IMG Technology License, or an OEM/Distribution license, etc.

    For a general overview of Build-A-Board license options, see this item:

    For detailed usage options using the IMG License Manager, refer to the product help here:

    Because custom boards can be useful to individuals and to global enterprises and everything in between, there are various license options available to address all types of customers. If there are questions, or you wish to discuss any issues with the available license options, please contact IMG Customer Service.

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license Build-A-Board with a Platform License?

    Platform licenses are only available to customers who have purchased the appropriate IMG License. This item is for helping customers who know they have a Platform License, and wish to see step-by-step of how to obtain and work with this type of license. If you wish to purchase or learn more about the benefits of a Platform license, please contact IMG Sales at or refer to this general overview of license options.

    How To License Build-A-Board and obtain your Platform License

    On the system where you plan to develop boards (typically a developer or support system, i.e. not a system that will be deployed), install download and install Build-A-Board. After installation, run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon) - either from the Program Group in Windows Explorer, or from the Start Menu in the Build-A-Board group.

    When unlicensed, you will see the following screen - click on Retrieve System License to retrieve or apply a license to your system.

    If this is a new or unrecognized system, a license cannot be retrieved without first adding the system to the existing account where the platform license is associated with - this is the account you must use when licensing a new system. Refer to the following screens to use your credentials and license this system.

    Once you've entered your login e-mail and password, and named your system (to help identify licenses in the License Manager tab), click on "Add This System"

    For Build-A-Board licenses, you will see the following screen to indicate that the system is now part of your account.

    Return to the IMG License Manager, and click again on the Retrieve System License button.

    After the license is retrieved from your account, you will see a "Licensed and Registered..." display. IMPORTANT: There must be a Serial Number of the form BAB220?????? Indicated in the serial number line for you to continue. If there is no serial number, or it indicates IMG Personal License, or other entry, and you have a Platform License, please contact IMG Customer Service at at

    To retrieve your Platform license, click on the Expand >>> button to reveal the Platform License section.

    Now click on Retrieve Platform Authorization to obtain the Platform License. The actual details displayed here will be determined by the license purchased. Once your Platform License is in place, all boards that will be deployed need to be opened and built from this Build-A-Board system (when a .KBF is built it will include the Platform License, which will allow licensed operation on all indicated platforms).

    Build-A-Board Platform License Notes

    The Build-A-Board Platform License allows you to create then build boards that have the license embedded in the board (KeyBoard File, the .KBF file). When deploying dozens, hundreds, or thousands of devices, this type of license greatly reduces the license management required to deploy and maintain boards at your site or across the enterprise.

    This type of license required a Build-A-Board serial # (of the form BAB220??????), a Account, and the appropriate IMG license, e.g. IMG Technology License, or an OEM/Distribution license, etc. These licenses require an Annual Maintenance program to keep the license active, and enable ongoing support, free updates, free upgrades, etc.

    For detailed usage options using the IMG License Manager, refer to the product help here:

    General Deployment steps for a Build-A-Board Platform License

    1) On development machine, install current Build-A-Board (If the machine already has a free or other license, you should do the following steps - Open the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon/LICENSE.EXE) and click on "Additional License Options/Support", then click on "Delete (Reset) License File (LICENSE.LIC)" and confirm the deletion - this will clear out any existing license)

    2) License Build-A-Board with account login (e-mail/password), and Retrieve Platform Authorization (Refer to step-by-step above)

    3) Now in Build-A-Board, open all boards projects to be deployed, and Build - this will create KBFs with the license embedded. IMPORTANT - to get a licensed board, you must rebuild the project with the licensed Build-A-Board which has retrieved Platform license (the build process embeds the license into the .KBF file).

    4) Collect all licensed custom Keyboards (.KBF files) - within Build-A-Board, use Shift-F11 to view Target run-time folders for current project, and refer to other projects to gather any other necessary KBF files. Remember KEYBOARD.KBF is default layout - the layout that will open when My-T-Soft is run.

    5) To deploy to run-time target system:

    To get My-T-Soft onto target system:

    Windows: use MSWIN32 or MSWIN64 run-time target folder, or use My-T-Soft Basic install, or My-T-Soft 1.90 install
    Android: use My-T-Soft for Android .apk install file
    Linux: use My-T-Soft for Linux tar.gz file

    After My-T-Soft installed, deploy these licensed .KBF files to target systems (remember KEYBOARD.KBF is default layout) - here are locations:

    Windows: Public Documents, Build-A-Board, BOARDS folder - e.g. \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\BOARDS
    Android: external storage, Build-A-Board, BOARDS folder - e.g. /sdcard/Build-A-Board/BOARDS
    Linux: same folder as mytsoft executable, e.g. ~/my-t-soft

    No when you run My-T-Soft, it will open the default KEYBOARD.KBF, which will be licensed with your platform license. So a Windows platform license will run licensed on any Windows system, but be unlicensed on Android or Linux, etc.

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a new Windows system using a Build-A-Board Run-Time License?

    If you have a account with Run-Time licenses (or will be purchasing Run-Time licenses), refer to the steps below as to how to license a Windows system. Please note the following information:

    Once you install My-T-Soft Basic on a new system, you will need a license for that system. If you run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon), and it shows as unlicensed, follow the sequence below to license your system.

    When you run the IMG License Manager, you will see:

    If you click on Retrieve System License

    and your system is not already added to your account, you will see:

    To license this system, click on the Purchase/Apply License Now to Apply a license to this system:

    This will open your browser, and go to the account options - use the top option (Add This System to your Account) and enter your e-mail/password for your account (from your Welcome to Build-A-Board e-mail):

    Notes: If you do not know your e-mail/password, you can use the options at to reset your password. Be sure you can logon to your account before adding a system to your account. If you do not have an account, you will want to Purchase a License. For other issues, please contact IMG Customer Service.
    After you enter your e-mail and password, and click on "Add this System", you will see:

    At this point, return to the IMG License Manager, and click on Retrieve System License:

    Then you will see something similar to:

    If you are unable to add a new system, you may have reached the maximum number of system licenses in your account. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to purchase additional system licenses, or upgrade your account or license.

    For available licenses, license details and to manage your licenses, see the License Manager tab in your account.

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I license a new system with my IMG Personal License (IPL)? (Newer)

    Older versions of the IMG License Manager have two buttons - if your system looks like this, please follow the steps in this Tech Item (QL0116120834).

    If your system looks like this, follow the steps below:

    If you install a valid IPL product on a new system, it will need a license for that system. If you run the IMG License Manager (Licensing Information icon), and it shows as unlicensed, follow the sequence below to license your system.

    Using Joystick-To-Mouse as an example, when you run the IMG License Manager, you will see:

    Licensing takes 2 events - Adding your system to your account, then retrieving the license from the account back to your system, so the system will have a license.

    On the newest versions, you will see the Account Credentials dialog - this streamlines the 2 steps, and can be automatically filled with an ACCOUNT.TXT file (for large deployments). If you already have a account, enter your credentials here - if not, just click OK to purchase a license or create an account. If your credentials are accurate, account is valid, has licenses available, you will next see the final step below - "Licensed Version" indicating your system is now licensed.

    Once you click on the Retrieve System License, if your system has not yet been added to your account, your browser will open, and go to the account options. If you have purchased the IMG Personal License, simply use the top option (Add This System to your Account) and enter your e-mail/password for your account (from your Welcome to Build-A-Board e-mail):

    Notes: If you do not know your e-mail/password, you can use the options at to reset your password. Be sure you can logon to your account before adding a system to your account. If you do not have an account, you will want to Purchase a License. See the options lower on the page for purchasing a license. For other issues, please contact IMG Customer Service.

    After you enter your e-mail and password, and click on "Add this System", you will see:

    Switch from your browser to the IMG License Manager, and now when you click the Retrieve System license, your system license will be at your account At this point, return to the IMG License Manager, and click on Retrieve System License:

    You should then see:

    If you are unable to add a new system, you may have reached the maximum number of system for your account. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to purchase additional system licenses, or upgrade your account or license. For further details, refer to the IMG Personal License

    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    Would a multiple user license for My-T-Soft be priced the same as individual copies of the software?

    Correct. My-T-Soft is licensed per system. Note that there is a "My-T-Soft TS" for Terminal Server / Terminal Services / CItrix. Because these are server licenses, these are sold as concurrent user license as 10, 25, etc. My-T-Soft (without the TS) is for standalone systems, such as laptops, tablet PCs, desktops, workstations, etc. It is licensed similar to Windows, analogous to a physical keyboard - 1 per system. My-T-Soft TS is a server license and is handled similar to server licenses - a maximum number of clients/concurrent users connected.
    Original ID: QL253949
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How do I move an OnScreen license to a new computer?

    You will need to transfer the license to the new system. Transferring the license is relatively easy on our web-based interface. To transfer a license, you will need 3 pieces of information.
    1) Serial # (from Certificate of Authenticity - original license)
    2) License Key (from Certificate of Authenticity - original license)
    3) System ID from new system

    Original ID: QL253811
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Can My-T-touch be reinstalled with the same floppy disc license on the same computer it originally installed on, if the hard drive of the computer has been wiped?

    My-T-Touch is licensed similar to Windows, or analogous to a physical keyboard. One license per system. The diskette license locks to the hard disk ID and the Ethernet ID. If there is an Ethernet card in the system, you will be able to license again from the diskette. If not, you can transfer the license via our website.
    Original ID: QL253111
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    How can I purchase My-T-Pen if I have downloaded the demo?

    Once installed on the system, you can refer to the Licensing Information (Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Pen | Licensing Information). With the System ID available on the license manager screen, you can order from our website - go to the Order Pad. (you can also click Add to Order Pad from My-T-Pen or the catalog). With the System ID and credit card payment, you will be sent unlock codes that license the software.
    Original ID: QL253716
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Is the Build-A-Board software licensed separately from the My-T-Soft software?

    Yes. The Build-A-Board really is the next generation of My-T-Soft, and is a separate product.
    Original ID: QL253520
    Category: LicensingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Why register?

    In order to qualify for technical support and receive information about future upgrades, it is important that you register your product with Innovation Management Group, Inc.
    Original ID: QR201326
    Category: RegisteringType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I register a product?

    You could register your product online using our On-Line User Registration page.
    Original ID: QR201327
    Category: RegisteringType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How do I add an IMG Product to Windows 10 Startup (so it is running when I am at the desktop)?

    When installing the software, you have the option to select "Add to Startup" - check this at the end of install, and the software shortcut will be placed in your user's Startup group.

    To do this manually / after install, you can do the following:

    If there is a Desktop shortcut, right-click on it, and select Copy - otherwise, use the Start Menu and find the program, then right-click on it, and select Copy. Now type Win-R (Windows key + R) to open the Run Dialog, and enter %APPDATA% - this will open File Explorer at your user's AppData/Roaming location. From there, open folders Microsoft | Windows | Start Menu | Programs | Startup, and then right-click in the blank area for that folder, and Paste - this will place the shortcut for the selected program into the Windows Startup for you.

    Alternatively, you can place the shortcut in C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup using File Explorer.

    If you wish to drop the shortcut into the Startup for All Users, you can do the following after you copy the shortcut: Win-R (Windows Key + R) and enter %PROGRAMDATA%, then drill into Microsoft, Windows, Start Menu, Programs, Startup, then right-click in the blank area for the folder, and Paste - this will place the shortcut for the selected program into the All Users StartUp area.

    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    To review Startup programs, right-click on the Start Menu, then select Task Manager, and click on the Startup tab.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    Is there software similar to your My-T-Mouse that I could use with a touchscreen monitor instead of a mouse?

    You can check out My-T-Touch - it includes many options requested by customers using touchscreens (
    Original ID: QU253518
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    Will I be able to drag the keyboard around with the mouse?

    Absolutely. Note there are 2 distinct approaches that are available.

    1) As set in our demo (and as an option to disable), the Left-Button Click & Drag will pick up and move the My-T-Mouse window display - note that when you click on a key, it does not act as a Move - you must click on one of the non-key (blue) areas, or in the Quick Help top panel. The most obvious places are between the Control and Alt keys, and in the area between the arrow keys and the Insert/Delete/PgUp/PgDn keys on the edit panel. (Because different configurations of panels can be used, this can be an issue)

    2) The default action of the Right mouse button is to Move My-T-Mouse - therefore a Right-Button Click & Drag will move the My-T-Mouse window - this can be performed over any part of the window.
    Original ID: QU259146
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Mouse

    Does My-T-Soft have any Chinese layouts?

    There are a few Chinese layouts in the standard My-T-Soft family Most of our layouts are driven by customer demand. For situations where customized, or different layouts are required, IMG's Build-A-Board can be used to create specialized layouts that can generate any keyboard event.
    Original ID: QU253117
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Will the transparency feature in My-T-Soft be available for Windows NT?

    We are simply using the API's built into Windows, and these are not available in NT. We do not have any intention of reworking our code to support the NT platform. You may wish to check with Microsoft to see if this feature / API calls is or will be added with any service pack. Our understanding is it requires Windows 2000/XP.
    Original ID: QU253509
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How do I add function keys to a panel?

    In Build-A-Macro (My-T-Soft Setup | Build-A-Macro), select the Num Panel and modify one of the keys (e.g. the 00) to be F3, [F3]. Save the panel. Now run the keyboard, open the macro panel, from the Main macro panel, click on the Num button, and you should see the modified panel. Close all other panels, size the panel to the desired size, place it in the desired position, then open the menu (middle tool bar button, or right-click on window), and Settings | Save Current Settings, and Position | Save Position. Now close the software, and every time you re-open it, it will open with this configuration.

    The other approach is similar, just make sure you have both panels open. In Build-A-Macro, create a new panel, and modify the buttons you may want (e.g. F3, Enter, Tab, Esc, etc.). Save the panel, and then select Main Macro Panel. Click on one of the blank buttons, then select "This button will..." Open another panel. Click on the Select button and select the new panel you just made. Now save everything (OK, Yes, etc.), and run My-T-Soft. Open the Num Panel, Macro panel, then click on the new Main Macro button you created to open your new panel. Size & position as desired, and save settings/Position.
    Original ID: QU253809
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    What is restriction of access?

    In My-T-Soft (My-T-Touch/My-T-Pen/My-T-Soft), under My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Special options, you have the ability to enable "Operator Mode" This limits the user from accessing the Setup application, and the buttons on the tool bar (that can access the control panel & menu). In addition, when the operator mode is enabled, you may disable the minimize button, and optionally place a custom logo over the tool bar panel to hide these (now disabled) buttons.
    Original ID: QU253821
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is there anyway to use the on-screen keyboard to enter login info?

    The My-T-Soft Logon Utilities handle NT/2000/XP. The Auto-Logon is one option (so the user desktop comes up automatically), or enabling the IMG Logon utils, so a username/password/domain dialog comes up with a virtual keyboard. Note this is a separate module, not really "My-T-Soft", but it allows a touchscreen user to have a way to enter logon info from the touchscreen.
    Original ID: QU253992
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Is it possible to remove sections from the keyboard.

    The standard "101" QWERTY keyboard is split into 3 sections - KYBD, EDIT, NUM, and each of these panels can be opened & closed as required, or configured in any layout manually or programatically (via the Developer's Kit). Show & Hide keys ONLY operates on the Keyboard ( or Alpha panel). This features is used mainly to remove the Ctrl & Alt keys to prevent undesired user interactions with Windows. If you want a simple numeric panel beyond what is offered on the Numeric panel (Num) panel, you have 2 options:
    1) Use the Macro Panel & layout a panel that meets your requirements. Note that the buttons are fixed, but the display & operation are programmable. There is a sample NumPad panel in the samples included - go to My-T-Soft Setup | Build-A-Board, and select NmPad in the drop down list on the left.
    2) Use Build-A-Board to layout what you want in any layout / configuration - see
    Original ID: QU259205
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    How to I make a key do something different?
    How do I override a keystroke?
    How do I make F12 perform a right-click (e.g. context menu)?
    How do I send an Enter key, then Minimize the keyboard?
    How do I program a key to launch a program (Internet Explorer)?
    How do I make F12 send a keystroke macro (password/signature/etc.) (1.78/Win 7)?

    For the "alphanumeric" & "Edit" portions of the keyboard, there are Key Options available - see My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Key Options. You can enable or disable the current keystroke (normal operation), and optionally add an application (which is launched as the Key EXE). This allows various approaches to remap the keys. Using the Developer's Kit & its utilities, even more flexibility is available - here are some common requests:
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft

    Why doesn't the Custom Logo option work anymore (after upgrade)?

    It does, but the location of the logos is related to the ConfigPath setting in the INI file. The default (as shipped) setting uses the current user's personal location for the configuration files, so that each user can have their own personal configuration, and to conform with recommended Windows Vista security practices. For a quick check of this location, go into My-T-Soft Setup, open the File Menu, and select "Show Config File Location". You can set ConfigPath=0, and the logo bitmaps can remain in the installation folder, but then users must have read/write access to the installation folder (or the ReadOnlyOK setting should be set to 1). For details on ConfigPath, see the INI documentation in Help (on-line link here).
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    How do I copy (or move) the current My-T-Soft configuration / layout to another system (or systems)?

    The files KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTSOFT.INI contain the current configuration and layout information (see below for more details). IMPORTANT: These 2 files (i.e. the KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTSOFT.INI files) should be treated as a "matched" pair - you may experience configuration or operational problems if only 1 of these files is moved between systems! If you have created or modified any Macros, and / or are using the Macro panel in your layout, then it is a good idea (and important) to copy the MAC*.KMF files. If you are using any developer's kit integration EXE/DLL files, then you should be aware of which files you are using, and you need to be sure these also exist on any other system.

    There are additional notes, and other technical information available regarding files and operational issues available in the product help / manual. Below is some basic information about the files that contain the configuration (i.e. user-modifiable files).

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft


    When I used Build-A-Macro to make a very simple macro panel with just those five operations, the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn all worked. However the Ctrl-G did not open the channel guide - it did nothing that I could see. I added some more keys to try alternatives and tried these action codes:
    Why won't these work?

    The issue is pretty simple - Ctrl-Shift-g is not the same as Ctrl-g. There are mentions in various places about lowercase being preferred, but this problem is inherent in computers doing what they are told. To generate a capital letter from a physical keyboard, the shift key needs to be held down, and when the macro handling part of the software sees an uppercase character it faithfully generates the sequence of keystrokes necessary to create the letter. When doing straight text, e.g. "Hello World" - ",Shift-h,e,l,l,o, Shift-w,o,r,l,d" this works just fine, all is well, and everyone is happy. When trying to use control/alt type sequences, this can sometimes cause problems, as the extra shift state causes the underlying application to treat it differently. To get a keystroke for g, and g alone, you must specify "g" in the macro, NOT G. G generates a [Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up] macro sequence. Therefore [Ctrl-down]G[Ctrl-Up] generates [Ctrl-down][Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up][Ctrl-Up], not the [Ctrl-Down]g[Ctrl-Up] sequence you want.

    Some apps work fine in either upper or lower case, but when the app doesn't, you must stick with the lowercase letter in the macro.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.77

    I'm using one of the sample Build-A-Board layouts, and want to have it open in a different screen location (X,Y) - how can I change its opening position?

    All Keyboard settings, including screen position, and contained in the .KBF file itself. The preferred approach is to use the Build-A-Board builder to modify layout, settings, etc., and rebuild the KBF. However, there is a workaround available, if the only change required is the opening screen position

    1. Obtain the Config File Location - My-T-Soft Setup | File menu | Show Config File Location (e.g. \Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT)
    2. Copy the KEYBOARD.KBF in that location to \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON (overwrite existing KEYBOARD.KBF)
    3. Run KBFLOGON.EXE - the top will indicate the location it is modifying - it uses the registry, and will essentially only operate on the LOGON folder, e.g. "\Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON" - change the X/Y as desired, OK/Exit KBFLOGON
    4. Now return the KEYBOARD.KBF to the original location
    5. This is a workaround for this particular situation, in that you don't have the Build-A-Board tool to modify the layout, the opening position, the menu options, etc. We are reviewing the various options and offerings we have to meet the various needs of our customers - because of the nature of on-screen keyboards, this runs to individuals, companies, OEM bundles, and large-scale worldwide layouts. It is important to realize the inclusion of licensed operation for Build-A-Board layouts was done for customers that already had a large installed base, and also required custom layouts.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    When working with the command line options, I have run into errors (Error # 82 and/or Error # 39)

    Refer to the manual information here:

    Syntax Notes: There can be no spaces in the entry or INI/KBF file names

    Additional items to be aware of:

    Note if multiple layouts are required, we recommend looking at the CopyConfigureMTS / CPYCNMTS.exe utility/interface in the IMG Developer's Kit, as it lets you change layouts on the fly, and keep the software running. Closing and opening the software is generally not a good approach, because of initialization & painting delays, possible focus issues, and unintended conflicts. Of course, each particular situation is different, so it may be sufficient for your needs.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78

    How to I configure My-T-Soft to Boot-To-Desktop on Windows 8?

    This uses the Setup Start Screen Options in the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities - see Configure Start Screen Options in the My-T-Soft User's Guidef for additional options.

    1. Run "My-T-Soft Logon Utilities"
    2. Select "Setup Start Screen Options"
    3. Check On "Enable Keyboard at Start Screen"
    4. Check On "Automatically go to Desktop"
    5. Click OK, then exit the My-T-Soft Logon Utilities

    Now whenever you restart your system, you will bypass the Start Screen and go directly to the Desktop - Boot-To-Desktop!

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.80

    How can I record a Keystroke Macro from within my target application for use within a Macro Panel (or Build-A-Board Key Action)?

    Note: The Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 5 (January 2018) includes the KeyRecord utility, and that is now the location to obtain updates to this utility (i.e. Build-A-Board download).

    Download KeyRecord.ZIP (Available 2/11/2015) - This file contains the KeyRecord Executable Notes:
  • This contains KeyRecord.exe and its support DLL (KRLIB.DLL), along with a KeyRecord.requireAdministrator.exe (that requires Administrator level privileges).
  • Uses selectable toggle key (Scroll Lock or Pause key) to start/stop macro recording
  • Macros recorded with correct command keys & macro syntax so they can be pasted directly into macro panels or Build-A-Board Key Actions
  • Once recording stopped, Macro is pasted onto clipboard as text - be sure to save off before recording another macro
  • Because of User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI), keyboard input based on user privilege level running a particular application - if necessary, use Administrator option (or disable User Account Control). In general, for logged on user, launching a standard application will work as expected. With User Account Control in use and an elevated process (i.e. system notifies/asks for privilege elevation), keystrokes may not be recorded if KeyRecord is run under different privilege level.
  • Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    How do I use a key on My-T-Soft to run a Developer's Kit utility?

    This example assumes the configuration of 2 layouts exists and the Copy and Configure My-T-Soft utility (CPYCNMTS.exe) exists in the Configuration File Location - see Tech Item: QD1117120861 - for other Key Option examples, see Tech Item: QU1106120501

    In the above linked example, the F12 Key Option configuration needs to be set before the actual save and copy (Key Option settings are saved in the MYTSOFT.INI) in Step 3 (i.e. before saving, use the following steps based on the layout you wish to open. If you are saving the Italian configuration, you will want F12 to open the Japanese layout and vice versa)

    To reiterate, for Layout 1, the Layout 2 .CFG would be used in the Key Options, and then the Save / Copy approach would be used. For Layout 2, the Layout 1 .CFG file would be setup in Key Options, and then the Save / Copy steps would be done.

    Note that using the CPYCNMTS.exe overwrites existing configuration files, so testing this without saving and copying off the saved configuration files will be self-defeating!

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    I need to fix the position of My T-Soft. How do I block the user from moving the default position?

    There are several items that can affect the ability to move My-T-Soft. It also depends on if you are using the 1.xx keyboard (original/11 panels), or a custom Build-A-Board layout (2.xx). Here are items to check:

    For 1.xx / standard My-T-Soft keyboard:

    The Allow Action Button Move is the left-click / drag option :

    My-T-Soft Setup | Configuration | Operation Options

    You can configure the right-mouse button to move or something else:

    My-T-Soft Setup | Mouse Buttons

    This tech item talks about various options to lock-out the operator from features/capabilities:

    For 2.xx software
    You must build custom board (or configure run-time settings) to disable Move (this setting is embedded in custom KBF data file):

    Build-A-Board Window Properties

    Clear check box for "Allow user to move..." Then board must be rebuilt so setting is in KBF custom layout file. Note there is also options in the Run-Time settings file (MYTSOFT.INI)

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.90

    In My-T-Soft for Windows, how do I drop in a custom Build-A-Board layout so it is the default keyboard when My-T-Soft is run?

    In Windows, you can be running My-T-Soft Professional or My-T-Soft Basic (Build-A-Board run-time). Please refer to the appropriate section below.

    My-T-Soft Professional

    The easiest way to drop in a custom board onto a system with My-T-Soft installed is to drop the KBF file (e.g. YourBoard.KBF) into the \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\BOARDS folder. Once your board(s) are in that location, you can run My-T-Soft Setup | Keyboards, then select Custom Build-A-Board Files and select which board you want to display (e.g. in list of boards, select/double-click on YourBoard).

    If you are installing new systems, or want more technical detail understanding. you can refer to the following:

    The default file is KEYBOARD.KBF, and for brand-new installations (i.e. the system has never installed or run My-T-Soft) and a single / custom layout, you can install My-T-Soft, and then simply drop in your custom board and overwrite the KEYBOARD.KBF that exists in \Program Files\MYTSOFT (or \Program Files (x86)\MYTSOFT. NOTE - You MUST do this as an Administrator! (otherwise it may seem to work, but the actual KEYBOARD.KBF in that location will NOT be the custom copy) So replacing \Program Files\MYTSOFT\KEYBOARD.KBF with YourBoard.KBF will make YourBoard the default / opening layout. Then when you run My-T-Soft, your board will run.

    If you have already run My-T-Soft, each user has its own layouts/configuration in their own location - for new users, KBF, KMF, and INI configuration files are copied in the users private data area. Configuration files are typically C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT - you may also check/verify in My-T-Soft Setup | File menu | Show Config File Location. So you would need to copy/overwrite KEYBOARD.KBF into that location so when the user runs My-T-Soft, if will use their copy of layout/configuration files.

    My-T-Soft Basic

    The easiest way to drop in a custom board onto a system with My-T-Soft Basic installed is to drop the KBF file (e.g. YourBoard.KBF) into the \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\BOARDS folder. Once your board(s) are in that location, you can run My-T-Soft, right-click, goto Select Board (or use the + button on a prebuilt sample board) to go into the Select Board screen. There you can find YOURBOARD.KBF and select it (or right-click, and use the Set Board as Default option in the menu).

    To manually set the default board, make sure My-T-Soft is closed (not running). As a suggestion, using the CLOSEMTS.EXE utility in the \Program Files (x86)\My-T-Soft Basic folder can ensure no minimized or hidden layout is in use. Then, replace the KEYBOARD.KBF file in the \Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\BOARDS folder with a copy of your desired default KBF file. You can copy via the command line, or make a copy of YourBoard.KBF, delete KEYBOARD.KBF, and rename Copy of YourBoard.KBF to KEYBOARD.KBF

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 1.90

    In My-T-Soft for Linux, is there a way to specify a different location for the mytsoft.log file?

    Yes, although not directly with the mytsoft executable or by specifying a location directly. The approach is to use a symbolic link in the Linux file system to locate the actual log file in a different directory. As a quick background, the log file must be named mytsoft.log, and it is used as a flag to indicate the executable should log certain events. This must exist in the same folder as the executable. However, on some systems there may be a preferred log file location, or there could be other security issues that preclude using the executable location. So the solution is to use the ability in the Linux file system to create a symbolic link to the actual file.

    Let's say you have a log location like:


    First make sure no current mytsoft.log exists in the mytsoft folder (i.e. where the executable is).

    Then do the following to match your speciifc situation:

    cd /var/log/ourfiles/logs[Enter] (Change to log location)
    touch mytsoft.log[Enter] (create empty file in log location)
    cd /location/where/mytsoft/is/[Enter] (Change to where mytsoft is)
    ln -s /var/log/ourfiles/logs/mytsoft.log mytsoft.log[Enter] (create symbolic link)

    Run the mytsoft executable. The actual logged entries will be in the mytsoft.log in the /var/log location

    Of course, permissions and all that needs to be configured so there is appropriate write access available to the user/process. Important to test and verify the proper functioning of this approach.

    This works because the flag to enable logging is just the existence of the mytsoft.log file, and with the symbolic link, the mytsoft executable sees the symbolic link file as the flag, while the actual "file" is the one in the log location. The end result is the log data is placed in an external file in a different location (as specified).

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-SoftVersion: 2.20

    Does OnScreen allow me to initiate the Ctrl+Alt+Del function?

    By default, OnScreen comes with a CTALTDEL.EXE utility in our developer's kit that is tied into the Ctrl-Alt-Del keyboard sequence. The way it is handled depends on the version of Windows. In 95/98/Me, the action is simply to reboot the system. In NT/2000/XP, with our Logon utilities in use, the emulation of Ctrl-Alt-Del is exactly like the physical keyboard.

    In 95/98/Me, the hardware interrupt is tied to the task manager - our software does not emulate this. There is a TASKMAN.EXE that is available in 95/98/Me that gives some of the capabilities of the task manager seen by a physical Ctrl-Alt-Del - this can be tied to replace the CTALTDEL.EXE in these Windows versions.
    Original ID: QU253454
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    How can I stop my application window from changing size to accommodate the Onscreen keyboard?

    This is a feature in OnScreen called Auto-Arrange - go into Start Menu | Programs | OnScreen | OnScreen Setup, then go into User Options | Operation Options, and clear the check in "Auto-Arrange Windows - Maximize Typing Window", you will disable this action. There is also "React to Dialogs and other windows" that is default On, that you may wish to turn off.
    Original ID: QU253705
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Does Onscreen allow me to use scanning?

    Scanning is available with CrossScanner - a single switch, complete Windows control solution that integrates with OnScreen. The package with scanning is available as "OnScreen with CrossScanner", which is available on our web site.
    Original ID: QU253816
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    Does OnScreen allow me to use a physical keyboard and the virtual keyboard at the same time?

    Yes - OnScreen works in conjunction with all other devices in the system. For example, you can type on the physical keyboard, and backspace with OnScreen. There is also a mode that allows the WordComplete functions to work with the physical keyboard. Although in most cases the users of OnScreen do not use the physical keyboard, in no way, shape, or form does OnScreen have anything to do with physical devices - it is a software application that provides additional functionality on a Windows based PC.
    Original ID: QU253905
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen

    What is the difference between OnScreen and OnScreen with CrossScanner?

    OnScreen is the virtual on-screen keyboard. OnScreen with CrossScanner includes a program called CrossScanner that can interface with a "switch" Usually these switches are large button (single contact, NO-Normally Open) switches that can be tied into a keyboard, mouse, or joystick device (advanced switches can be laser based, pressure based, etc. including eye-blink contacts, muscle & other biometric based approaches (but still need to be tied to a keyboard, mouse, or joystick device). A switch closure can then be monitored by CrossScanner to create a "switch hit" - Using a LineScan (scans down the screen), and a FingerScan (scans across the screen along the line scan stopped position), CrossScanner can generate clicks, double-clicks etc., allowing an individual to operate Windows by using a single switch. If you can operate any type of pointing device at all, then you do not need CrossScanner. If all you can do is operate a single device (switch), then CrossScanner is useful.
    Original ID: QU259207
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen


    OnScreen Error 82

    Every time I want to run OnScreen 1.70 as a main user on Windows XP it appears the error message "OnScreen Initialization Error! Cannot access OnScreen Keyboard File: KEYBOARD.KBF". In administration mode OnScreen runs correctly. How can I fix this problem?

    Microsoft has begun to address the security issues in Windows. The error and what you are experiencing is because a "limited" user does not have read/write access to the ONSCREEN folder, while an Administrator does. To resolve this problem, you can grant these rights (permissions) to the particular user, or group of users to the \WINDOWS\ONSCREEN folder. (Note in Windows 2000 this is \WINNT\ONSCREEN)

    Here is an example of how to do this:
    You must be logged on as Administrator
    You must be able to view the Security Tab for folders - please verify the "Use simple file sharing (recommended)" option is NOT on (the check box must be clear)

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.70 1.75

    I have selected a different (non-US standard) keyboard layout, and it keeps reverting back to the US standard - what is happening?

    You have Text-To-Speech enabled, with "Speak Key under pointer" selected. Unfortunately this Text-To-Speech feature can only be used the with standard US 101 layout. See later releases for updates.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.75

    I have selected a different (non-US standard) keyboard layout, and it keeps reverting back to the US standard - what is happening?

    You have Text-To-Speech enabled, with "Speak Key under pointer" selected. Unfortunately this Text-To-Speech feature can only be used the with standard US 101 layout. This will be addressed in the UpdateLevel 1 release for the 1.78 version of OnScreen.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    I don't want the physical keyboard Caps Lock to affect OnScreen. What can I do?

    There is an INI only setting to control this - refer to the IgnoreSystemCapsLock in the ONSCREEN.INI. You can refer to the 6 different options at the OnScreen Initialization File Documentation The default is to mimic the actual physical setting, so the physical keyboard and OnScreen remain in sync.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    How do I skip a row when doing Keyboard Scanning?

    This is the ScanKeyboardAlpha setting in the INI file. If a whole row is indeed hidden, then its "key set" can be removed from the ONCSREEN.INI (e.g. the top row, remove the 1-13; section)

    So the

    ScanKeyboardAlpha=[Function Keys]1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13; [Numbers]14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27; [Q row]28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,53; [Home row]41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,54; [Shift row]55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67; [Final row]68,69,70,71,72


    ScanKeyboardAlpha=[Numbers]14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27; [Q row]28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,53; [Home row]41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,54; [Shift row]55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67; [Final row]68,69,70,71,72

    You can refer to the OnScreen Initialization File Documentation for further details. The best way to access/edit the INI is through the OnScreen Setup | User Options | Advanced, and then Appearance | Special Options | Edit initialization file.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    When I cancel Keyboard scanning using Alt-X, the Alt-X makes numbers appear into MS Word / WordPad (Win 7 / Office 2003/ Office 2007) - is this a problem with OnScreen?

    No, the Alt-X on the physical keyboard sends Alt-X to the App with focus - in these apps, it generates the Hex value of the character at the text caret. Other Apps may have menu or keyboard shortcuts that also use Alt-X - here are some options:

    There is has a [Cancel = Alt-X] area on the "switch to scan" image, which can be clicked with the mouse to cancel scanning.

    OnScreen is actually monitoring the keyboard (rather than reacting to a keystroke), so if you actually are using an App that uses Alt-X, try Ctrl-Alt-X (seems to work fine in WordPad) - this bypasses the Alt-X combo in the App, but the Alt-X is seen as "down" by OnScreen, so you do not get the hex characters, but OnScreen cancels scanning.

    Use Win-D to show your desktop, then Alt-X to cancel scanning.

    The problem specifically is that OnScreen doesn't "take over" the physical keyboard, since it works in conjunction with the physical keyboard. A lot of work has gone into making OnScreen an enhancement, and NOT changing the way your system would operate normally. Since this is a normal operation of the App, it is simply a conflict with using Alt-X to cancel scanning. Refer to the options above for possible solutions.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    I have a client who can use a Penny And Giles joystick as a mouse and he uses a switch as the mouse click, but I would like him to use the Onscreen keyboard in scanning mode with his switch. How can he leave the scanning mode in the Onscreen to go back to his PC windows with his joystick and come back to his onscreen in a scanning mode. I tried to use the right click but he can leave the scanning mode but not get back to it.

    For a user that has right-click ability, the best solution is to use the "Up one Scanning level " in the Keyboard Scanning Settings dialog. To access this, make sure the "Show All Options " is checked On, and then in Right-Click, select "Up one Scanning level " - see Keyboard Scanning Settings for notes.

    Once this is selected, using the Right-Click over OnScreen will go up a level of scanning - when stopped in scanning mode, the Right-Click frees the cursor and places a small window on the outside of OnScreen that says "Left Click here to Start Scanning "

    In use, this allows the user to optionally work outside of scanning mode, and then quickly and easily drop back into it.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78

    I use the Text-To-Speech utility and have trouble seeing the text - what can I do?

    If the version you are running does not have a Font button, you can download the update, or refer to the notes below for options.
    To download TTSAPP.exe with Font button/Font support, select zip or exe and follow instructions.
    Download TTSAPP.exe (820KB) (MD5: 480d4dd57627bfaa14f2bf844b46b22f) 9/13/2013
    Download TTSAPP.exe as Zip (72KB) (MD5: 050307397c304a7f53e6798c62b8d643) 9/13/2013
    Work with new version - Select Font as desired. Last selected Font will be used when opening Text-To-Speech
    If using the older one without font support, you can refer to the following:
    Now if you type/work with the text box, it should preserve the pasted font info.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    I need to perform a Insert-Down Arrow type macro, and an Insert Key, Down Arrow Key [Insert][Down] macro is not working. What can I do?

    There is no comprehensive way to build arbitrary keystroke macros similar to Shift or Ctrl macros. When you use a macro with the keystroke (e.g. [Insert]), it generates a down/up complete keystroke, so [Insert][Down] will generate an insert key then a down arrow key, i.e. Insert-Down Insert-Up Down Arrow-Down Down Arrow-Up. To do a shifted Down Arrow, you would use the macro [Shift-Down][Down][Shift-Up]. If you need an Insert-Down Down Arrow-Down Down Arrow-Up Insert-Up, something custom is required (i.e. there is no way in current versions of the software to create such a macro).

    You can download a set of Executables that generate an Insert-Up Arrow, Insert-Down Arrow, Insert-Left Arrow, Insert-Right Arrow set of macros (4 executable files named KEYINS-UP.EXE, KEYINS-DOWN.EXE, KEYINS-LEFT.EXE, KEYINS-RIGHT.EXE). These generate the following sequence:
    Insert-Down [Arrow]-Down [Arrow]-Up Insert-Up

    Download Key Insert Macros in (64KB) (10/11/2013) (MD5: 97906D2FD28455182FB3334886D49D47)
    Download and then Extract, then as Administrator, copy into \Program Files\ONSCREEN

    To use with OnScreen (or My-T-Soft/etc.) you can use the Key Options or a macro panel. To Use the Key Options, refer to the following steps:
    1) In OnScreen Setup, make sure the Advanced option is set under User Options
    2) Then go into Appearance | Key Options
    3) Select an appropriate function key for the Macro executable in the Key drop down (e.g. F12)
    5) Click on Disable Keystroke (you do not want to send the function key keystroke - this will undoubtedly cause different problems in different situations)
    6) Click on Launch Key Executable.
    7) Browse and select the KEYINS-DOWN.EXE file (e.g. C:\Program Files\ONSCREEN\KEYINS-DOWN.EXE)
    8) Select Ok | Ok and Exit OnScreen Setup

    Now when you run OnScreen, the F12 key will generate the Insert-Down Arrow macro.

    Notes:At some point, the macro language will expand to allow down/up and latching type operation on arbitrary keys similar to the current Shift/Ctrl/Alt handling. Until that point, custom macros may be necessary if there are not options with the application to perform a keystroke macro. Note that menu options can all be accessed with the existing macro system, e.g. Alt-F, O for File | Open is simply [Alt-Down]f[Alt-Up]o.
    You may want to reference other details/options/notes about the Key Options - see Item QU1106120501
    If you have a special situation that you cannot resolve with the above information, please contact IMG Technical Support.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    How can I open a specific website in Chrome (or any browser) as part of a Macro Panel?

    Shortcuts can be used in place of launching an EXE, but care must be used in setting up shortcut and referencing the actual shortcut file. The following example walks through creating the shortcut, configuring the shortcut, determining the exact shortcut link file name (.lnk file), and setting up a Macro Panel to open and launch the shortcut.

    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example
    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example
    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example

    At this point, you can test the shortcut by double-clicking on the modified desktop shortcut - it should open the page you specified - if necessary, modify until shortcut performs desired action.

    Now run CMD (Command prompt) and change to Users, [UserName], Desktop, e.g.

    (Here user is the User name - yours is your login/user name)

    cd \Users\user\Desktop[Enter]

    Then type dir[enter] to list files. Verify .lnk name to use in Macro.

    Here, exact file is: \Users\user\Desktop\Google Chrome.lnk

    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example

    Now run OnScreen Setup, go into Build-A-Board, select Panel, set to Open & Launch Application, and enter this file/shortcut link.

    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example
    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example
    QU1218120934 OnScreen  Example

    Now when this panel opens, it will open chrome with web page desired

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreenVersion: 1.78 1.79 1.80

    Now that I have Remote Desktop Connection 6.0, how do I get past the authentication on the client, and authenticate with the logon keyboard on the server? (See Microsoft Knowledge Base KB925876) (Specifically Windows Server 2003 server with Terminal Services, and Windows XP client, but other clients will operate similarly)

    Make sure "Always prompt for password" setting is enabled on the server. At the server as Administrator, select Start | Administrative Tools | Terminal Services Configuration, then highlight the Connection entry on the left and double-click (or right-click | properties) on the RDP-Tcp entry on the right. Under the Logon Settings tab, verify the "Use client-provided logon information" is selected, and make sure the "Always prompt for password" is checked on.

    Now at the client, in Remote Desktop Connection, select Options - under the General tab, make sure "Always ask for credentials" is clear (since you will be logging in at the server logon screen).

    The first time you connect, you will have to specify [Domain]\user / password. Make sure the "Remember my password" is checked on. IMPORTANT: Make sure your saved credentials are of the form TERMSERVER\username, NOT username@TERMSERVER.

    Note: If you are using My-T-Soft TS with the logon utilities, and your client requires a client based on-screen keyboard to accomplish this configuration, contact IMG Technical support for assistance.

    Once you have successfully logged on, you will not need to enter name/password at the client, and will be prompted by the server at the normal logon screen. Also, once this is configured, you can also logon using "mstsc.exe /v:TERMSERVER".

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft TSVersion: 1.77

    Does My-T-Touch run under Solaris x86 ?

    To be clear, the existing My-T-Touch is not, nor will ever be Linux/Unix/Solaris compatible. Our next generation on-screen keyboard software (similar in concept to the My-T-Touch) is all based on our Build-A-Board product, which can support multiple targets. The existing version supports Windows & all Windows CE platforms, and we are currently working on adding Linux / X-Windows support to the package. Where applicable, we are working with existing & new customers in a beta-release program to ensure the widest compatibility with the Linux/UNIX targets.
    The next release of Build-A-Board (sometime in 2006) will be 2.20, and it will have an X-Windows target available. We will also document which distributions & Unix targets have been tested. Because of the level we write at, we anticipate just about all X-Windows servers will be able to run the software, meaning if you have a graphical interface to your Linux or Unix system, you should be able to run Build-A-Board layouts. Note that the Window manager will not be a limiting factor - KDE, GNOME, etc. will all happily operate with our Build-A-Board target.
    Original ID: QU253138
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Does My-T-Touch work with any touchscreen?

    My-T-Touch runs on all versions of windows, so any portable / wearable / notebook / laptop / wireless / tablet / PC that runs Windows will support My-T-Touch.
    Original ID: QU25976
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch

    Is there a way to enter ASCII characters through the My-T-Touch keyboard?
    ASCII characters can typically be entered by holding down the "ALT'key and entering a equivalent numeric value. (Example: ALT+65 = ASCII character "A") We use this feature to enter password codes in our control system. We have not been able to do it with the My-T-Touch keyboard.

    Yes, you can do this, but it may be beneficial to look at all the alternatives.

    My-T-Touch has no problem generating keystrokes for use in a DOS application, as long as it runs in a window.

    Keystrokes generated by My-T-Touch are done at a fairly low level, so one issue in the DOS world may be the distinction between the lowercase a and the uppercase A. Since the default keyboard generates the 'a' scan code, it is not modified in anyway. Trying CAPS lock on the keyboard, then trying the A on the keyboard should be tried with the DOS application to see if it gets the correct character/responds OK.

    To look at various alternatives, you will want to work with the Macro panel. Here is the macro to generate the ALT+065: [Alt-Down]%%v096%%v102%%v101[Alt-Up]. The Alt key manipulation should make sense, in that the Alt key is held down while the virtual keys are sent. The %%v sequence is used as an escape to indicate the next 3 decimal digits are the virtual key code to be generated. So in this case, they are 96, 102, 101, and these virtual keys correspond to the numpad 0, numpad 6, numpad 5, or (as in your example) Alt+065.

    Unfortunately there is no way to generate this sequence directly on the keyboard, since the Alt state is only preserved for the next keystroke (e.g. Alt-F) - because of pointing device limitations, and standard usage, there is no easy way to hold the alt-key down while generating a NumPad sequence, other than with the programmable macros.

    Without more info on the whole situation, I am not sure what to suggest next. One option would be to use the macro panel to create the characters you need, as above. Another option is to use the Key Options (My-T-Touch Setup | Configuration | Key Options), and redefine the appropriate keys & use the SendString developer's Kit tool to essentially redefine the way keystrokes are generated.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    Why doesn't the Custom Logo option work anymore (after upgrade)?

    It does, but the location of the logos is related to the ConfigPath setting in the INI file. The default (as shipped) setting uses the current user's personal location for the configuration files, so that each user can have their own personal configuration, and to conform with recommended Windows Vista security practices. For a quick check of this location, go into My-T-Touch Setup, open the File Menu, and select "Show Config File Location". You can set ConfigPath=0, and the logo bitmaps can remain in the installation folder, but then users must have read/write access to the installation folder (or the ReadOnlyOK setting should be set to 1). For details on ConfigPath, see the INI documentation in Help (on-line link here).
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    How do I copy (or move) the current My-T-Touch configuration / layout to another system (or systems)?

    The files KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTTOUCH.INI contain the current configuration and layout information (see below for more details). IMPORTANT: These 2 files (i.e. the KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTTOUCH.INI files) should be treated as a "matched" pair - you may experience configuration or operational problems if only 1 of these files is moved between systems! If you have created or modified any Macros, and / or are using the Macro panel in your layout, then it is a good idea (and important) to copy the MAC*.KMF files. If you are using any developer's kit integration EXE/DLL files, then you should be aware of which files you are using, and you need to be sure these also exist on any other system.

    There are additional notes, and other technical information available regarding files and operational issues available in the product help / manual. Below is some basic information about the files that contain the configuration (i.e. user-modifiable files).

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Touch


    When I used Build-A-Macro to make a very simple macro panel with just those five operations, the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn all worked. However the Ctrl-G did not open the channel guide - it did nothing that I could see. I added some more keys to try alternatives and tried these action codes:
    Why won't these work?

    The issue is pretty simple - Ctrl-Shift-g is not the same as Ctrl-g. There are mentions in various places about lowercase being preferred, but this problem is inherent in computers doing what they are told. To generate a capital letter from a physical keyboard, the shift key needs to be held down, and when the macro handling part of the software sees an uppercase character it faithfully generates the sequence of keystrokes necessary to create the letter. When doing straight text, e.g. "Hello World" - ",Shift-h,e,l,l,o, Shift-w,o,r,l,d" this works just fine, all is well, and everyone is happy. When trying to use control/alt type sequences, this can sometimes cause problems, as the extra shift state causes the underlying application to treat it differently. To get a keystroke for g, and g alone, you must specifcy "g" in the macro, NOT G. G generates a [Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up] macro sequence. Therefore [Ctrl-down]G[Ctrl-Up] generates [Ctrl-down][Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up][Ctrl-Up], not the [Ctrl-Down]g[Ctrl-Up] sequence you want.

    Some apps work fine in either upper or lower case, but when the app doesn't, you must stick with the lowercase letter in the macro.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.77

    I'm using one of the sample Build-A-Board layouts, and want to have it open in a different screen location (X,Y) - how can I change its opening position?

    All Keyboard settings, including screen position, and contained in the .KBF file itself. The preferred approach is to use the Build-A-Board builder to modify layout, settings, etc., and rebuild the KBF. However, there is a workaround available, if the only change required is the opening screen position

    1. Obtain the Config File Location - My-T-Touch Setup | File menu | Show Config File Location (e.g. \Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTTOUCH)
    2. Copy the KEYBOARD.KBF in that location to \Program Files\MYTTOUCH\LOGON (overwrite existing KEYBOARD.KBF)
    3. Run KBFLOGON.EXE - the top will indicate the location it is modifying - it uses the registry, and will essentially only operate on the LOGON folder, e.g. "\Program Files\MYTTOUCH\LOGON" - change the X/Y as desired, OK/Exit KBFLOGON
    4. Now return the KEYBOARD.KBF to the original location
    5. This is a workaround for this particular situation, in that you don't have the Build-A-Board tool to modify the layout, the opening position, the menu options, etc. We are reviewing the various options and offerings we have to meet the various needs of our customers - because of the nature of on-screen keyboards, this runs to individuals, companies, OEM bundles, and large-scale worldwide layouts. It is important to realize the inclusion of licensed operation for Build-A-Board layouts was done for customers that already had a large installed base, and also required custom layouts.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    When working with the command line options, I have run into errors (Error # 82 and/or Error # 39)

    Refer to the manual information here:

    Syntax Notes: There can be no spaces in the entry or INI/KBF file names

    Additional items to be aware of:

    Note if multiple layouts are required, we recommend looking at the CopyConfigureMTS / CPYCNMTS.exe utility/interface in the IMG Developer's Kit, as it lets you change layouts on the fly, and keep the software running. Closing and opening the software is generally not a good approach, because of initialization & painting delays, possible focus issues, and unintended conflicts. Of course, each particular situation is different, so it may be sufficient for your needs.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-TouchVersion: 1.78

    Can a user use both the mouse and the joystick at the same time?

    Yes, the joystick co-exists with the mouse input device, so both can be used. However, there is only one cursor in the Windows operating system, so if both are being used at the same time, they will "fight" with each other, and this will not be an effective approach to operating the system. However, if you click with the joystick button, and move the mouse, it will highlight text. Generally, the user of Joystick-To-Mouse would use the joystick as their primary input, i.e. click with the joystick button, drag the cursor by moving the joystick off-center, and then let go of the joystick button to release the mouse click.
    Original ID: QU253532
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    I want to use my mouse like a joystick, is there a Mouse-To-Joystick?

    We are not aware of any software that works this way. There may be a hardware solution available, and with many different styles & shapes of joysticks and game controllers, finding a suitable one may be the easiest route.
    Original ID: QU253309
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Does Joystick-To-Mouse allow me to assign mouse movements and keystrokes to each key on a numeric keyboard?

    Joystick-To-Mouse works with joystick/game devices. An add-on numeric keyboard is seen as a keyboard, not a game device.
    Original ID: QU253316
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Does Joystick-To-Mouse work with a wireless joystick?

    Joystick-To-Mouse will work with any joystick or game controller that is seen by Windows in the Joystick / Gaming Options / Game Controllers control panel icon. We always strongly recommend people download a demo, and test it with their system / joystick before purchasing the software to ensure that it meets their needs. All of IMG demo's on the web are fully function, but limited run-time versions when unlicensed. See
    Original ID: QU253326
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    Can Joystick-To-Mouse be set for an individual with limited mobility?

    There are quite a few options in the way the mouse cursor responds to the joystick input. We always strongly recommend that you download a demo and test with the user to ensure that the software can meet your needs. The demo is fully functional, limited run-time (runs for about an hour, can be restarted 100 times). There are settings for center range sensitivity, joystick motion threshold, and custom speed curves to accommodate different mobility requirements. You can go to to download a demo.
    Original ID: QU253808
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    How can I assign a button to Toggle Motion/Keys?

    You need to go to button settings, and change one of the buttons from (for example, "Right Click" to "Toggle Motion / Keys").
    Original ID: QU259153
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-Mouse

    I have purchased a copy of your Joystick-To-Mouse software and I am experiencing a problem. Joystick-To-Mouse was installed on Windows XP using the Administrator log on without any problems, and it functions correctly as I believe it should. However, when you log on as a user in your own name, I get an error message explaining that I am running a "Demonstration Version – Not For Resale”. If I go back and log on using the Administrator again, it functions correctly once more. What can I do to allow Joystick-To-Mouse to operate as licensed for all users?

    From your description, it sounds like it may be a permissions issue because of the location where Joystick-To-Mouse is installed. The following addresses the steps required to give permissions to the limited user for the Joystick-To-Mouse installation folder. We have remained consistent in our installation location, believing that consistency is important... We apologize for the inconvenience caused by being consistent with the Joystick-To-Mouse product.

    Microsoft has begun to address the security issues in Windows. The error and what you are experiencing is because a "limited" user does not have read/write access to the JOY2MSE folder, while an Administrator does. To resolve this problem, you can grant these rights (permissions) to the particular user, or group of users to the \WINDOWS\JOY2MSE folder. (Note in Windows 2000 this is \WINNT\JOY2MSE)

    Here is an example of how to do this:
    You must be logged on as Administrator
    You must be able to view the Security Tab for folders - please verify the "Use simple file sharing (recommended)" option is NOT on (the check box must be clear)

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60

    How do I configure Joystick-To-Mouse for my digital Oral Camera?

    In Joystic-To-Mouse 2.70 and later, you can set the Relative Mode Speed setting at 0 (Zero) so the registry update is not needed. Also note the following:
    - Your button settings should be all set to Ignore Button Press except for the actual button or buttons used
    - In Advanced, Button, Advanced Button Settings | Advanced Settings, be sure Enable Enhanced Settings is clear (Off)

    For Joystick-To-Mouse 2.60, refer to the following:
    First make sure you do not have Joystick-To-Mouse running. If you do, Stop Joystick-To-Mouse with the Stop button in the Menu Selections box. Next, Download JTMSPEED.REG (1K) (MD5: CB316BA60CD6256A00C7E2B58F2A4DEE) (Be sure to remember where you download the file). Right-click on JTMSPEED.REG and choose Merge to update the registry. This will set the SpeedX=0 and SpeedY=0 so the cursor control stays with the mouse. Now run Joystick-To-Mouse. The cursor should be stable. Pop-up the Menu Selections Box in Joystick-To-Mouse. Choose Button Settings. For Button 1, click on the down arrow and choose Macro 1. In the Macro 1 window below Button 1 choose Build. Remove any current text in the Keystroke Macro window. In the lower section of choices, find the [Alt-Down] [Alt-Up] window group. Scroll down to the [F5] (or whatever keystroke(s) you need) and double-click on it. This should put that [F5] (or other keystroke macro) in the upper Macro window. Click OK, OK, and OK to save your settings. If Joystick-To-Mouse is OFF, open the menu again and choose Start Joystick to turn it ON. To make sure Joystick-To-Mouse starts each time the computer starts, choose Program Options from the Menu Selections. Then check the - Automatically Start Joystick control when Joystick-To-Mouse begins- option. Your Oral Camera button or footpedal switch should now function correctly.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.60 2.70

    We are attemping to get the joystick (Attack 3 by Logitech) to work with AutoCad r.2010. Upon opening a drawing in AutoCAD, the command is automatically issued to z and it continues to zoom in until it is unable to zoom any further. This is without any user input. How can this be controlled? Can it be stopped? The product does work with Office and the internet.
    Also, generic problem with Automatic scrolling or text moving up & down without any input from Joystick.

    It may be the mouse wheel commands controlled by the Z axis (often Throttle controls on a flight-type joystick) or Point of View hat. Set any throttle control to 0 or to one extreme and see if this resolved the effect. You may need to go into the Advanced options, and look at Button Settings - also Advanced Settings from there. I would suggest you review what input causes the zoom in AutoCad, then see if one of the default options in Joystick-To-Mouse is set there. Check any toggle buttons, or "locked" settings on the joystick itself, as these might be the "constant" input you are seeing. Note on some joysticks the "z" axis is the rotation of joystick itself, or there is a throttle, etc. Because of the different types of joysticks, and the multitude of settings in Joystick-To-Mouse, sometimes errant behavior occurs. But you should be able to remove or disable the setting (or set to something benign).
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Joystick-To-MouseVersion: 2.70

    If My-T-Pen is minimized is there a way to bring it to the foreground from within an application?

    Review the OPEN_MTS source code & executable in the DevKit folder (after extracting the Developer's Kit - Start Menu | Programs | My-T-Pen | Install Developer's Kit). When minimized, OPEN_MTS will "restore" the keyboard programmatically.
    The other common methods using the Developer's Kit of controlling the visual display to the user are MOVEWMTS (uses the MoveWindow API), and CPYCNMTS (Copy and configure) which can use multiple configuration files to show different configurations & screen positions.
    Original ID: QU253435
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    Does My-T-Pen stay visible within applications?

    In general, My-T-Pen stays visible within applications, but there are settings for menus & special "types" of windows where either we determined or users requested that My-T-Pen "fall behind". We always recommend that anyone interested in what our software can do, download a demo - the demos on the website are fully functional, limited run-time versions of our software.
    Original ID: QU253922
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen

    After a quick look at your products I am very impressed. I am an MS Access developer and want to run a powerful keyboard such as yours on a tablet pc. I need a macro to copy a word such as TEST and paste: Me![TEST]
    I cannot get this to work as your macro parser seems to remove extra leading [ symbols. Please advise if this is possible.

    The workaround for this is to emulate the virtual key for the [ key. This is VK_OEM_4 on the US layout. The following macro performs what you are looking for.


    The reason this occurs, as you surmised, is the parsing code itself. Essentially the open bracket starts a reserved word, and there is no allowance for an open bracket, THEN a reserved word. The workaround above is required to work as you desire.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    Why doesn't the Custom Logo option work anymore (after upgrade)?

    It does, but the location of the logos is related to the ConfigPath setting in the INI file. The default (as shipped) setting uses the current user's personal location for the configuration files, so that each user can have their own personal configuration, and to conform with recommended Windows Vista security practices. For a quick check of this location, go into My-T-Pen Setup, open the File Menu, and select "Show Config File Location". You can set ConfigPath=0, and the logo bitmaps can remain in the installation folder, but then users must have read/write access to the installation folder (or the ReadOnlyOK setting should be set to 1). For details on ConfigPath, see the INI documentation in Help (on-line link here).
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    How do I copy (or move) the current My-T-Pen configuration / layout to another system (or systems)?

    The files KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTPEN.INI contain the current configuration and layout information (see below for more details). IMPORTANT: These 2 files (i.e. the KEYBOARD.KBF and MYTPEN.INI files) should be treated as a "matched" pair - you may experience configuration or operational problems if only 1 of these files is moved between systems! If you have created or modified any Macros, and / or are using the Macro panel in your layout, then it is a good idea (and important) to copy the MAC*.KMF files. If you are using any developer's kit integration EXE/DLL files, then you should be aware of which files you are using, and you need to be sure these also exist on any other system.

    There are additional notes, and other technical information available regarding files and operational issues available in the product help / manual. Below is some basic information about the files that contain the configuration (i.e. user-modifiable files).

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Pen


    When I used Build-A-Macro to make a very simple macro panel with just those five operations, the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn all worked. However the Ctrl-G did not open the channel guide - it did nothing that I could see. I added some more keys to try alternatives and tried these action codes:
    Why won't these work?

    The issue is pretty simple - Ctrl-Shift-g is not the same as Ctrl-g. There are mentions in various places about lowercase being preferred, but this problem is inherent in computers doing what they are told. To generate a capital letter from a physical keyboard, the shift key needs to be held down, and when the macro handling part of the software sees an uppercase character it faithfully generates the sequence of keystrokes necessary to create the letter. When doing straight text, e.g. "Hello World" - ",Shift-h,e,l,l,o, Shift-w,o,r,l,d" this works just fine, all is well, and everyone is happy. When trying to use control/alt type sequences, this can sometimes cause problems, as the extra shift state causes the underlying application to treat it differently. To get a keystroke for g, and g alone, you must specifcy "g" in the macro, NOT G. G generates a [Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up] macro sequence. Therefore [Ctrl-down]G[Ctrl-Up] generates [Ctrl-down][Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up][Ctrl-Up], not the [Ctrl-Down]g[Ctrl-Up] sequence you want.

    Some apps work fine in either upper or lower case, but when the app doesn't, you must stick with the lowercase letter in the macro.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.77

    I'm using one of the sample Build-A-Board layouts, and want to have it open in a different screen location (X,Y) - how can I change its opening position?

    All Keyboard settings, including screen position, and contained in the .KBF file itself. The preferred approach is to use the Build-A-Board builder to modify layout, settings, etc., and rebuild the KBF. However, there is a workaround available, if the only change required is the opening screen position

    1. Obtain the Config File Location - My-T-Pent Setup | File menu | Show Config File Location (e.g. \Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTPEN)
    2. Copy the KEYBOARD.KBF in that location to \Program Files\MYTPEN\LOGON (overwrite existing KEYBOARD.KBF)
    3. Run KBFLOGON.EXE - the top will indicate the location it is modifying - it uses the registry, and will essentially only operate on the LOGON folder, e.g. "\Program Files\MYTPEN\LOGON" - change the X/Y as desired, OK/Exit KBFLOGON
    4. Now return the KEYBOARD.KBF to the original location
    5. This is a workaround for this particular situation, in that you don't have the Build-A-Board tool to modify the layout, the opening position, the menu options, etc. We are reviewing the various options and offerings we have to meet the various needs of our customers - because of the nature of on-screen keyboards, this runs to individuals, companies, OEM bundles, and large-scale worldwide layouts. It is important to realize the inclusion of licensed operation for Build-A-Board layouts was done for customers that already had a large installed base, and also required custom layouts.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    When working with the command line options, I have run into errors (Error # 82 and/or Error # 39)

    Refer to the manual information here:

    Syntax Notes: There can be no spaces in the entry or INI/KBF file names

    Additional items to be aware of:

    Note if multiple layouts are required, we recommend looking at the CopyConfigureMTS / CPYCNMTS.exe utility/interface in the IMG Developer's Kit, as it lets you change layouts on the fly, and keep the software running. Closing and opening the software is generally not a good approach, because of initialization & painting delays, possible focus issues, and unintended conflicts. Of course, each particular situation is different, so it may be sufficient for your needs.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-PenVersion: 1.78

    Can I do a right mouse click using a touchscreen?

    With the TouchRight utilities, you can switch your touchscreen/pen tap between left & right click. You can download a demo at out website "" - simply select TouchRight Utilities, and select download a demo. The demo is a limited run-time, but fully functional version of the software. It has a single right-click option, or you can toggle manually between acting as a left Vs right mouse button
    Original ID: QU253318
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: TouchRight Utilities

    Do you have an onscreen keyboard that will work on a full screen CE.NET device?

    You will want to review our Build-A-Board product, and the supported processors / CE.NET builds on the support pages ( All of our CE supported versions are part of the flexible Build-A-Board platform.
    Original ID: QU253141
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Does Build-A-Board provide Windows logon support?

    No - the Logon Utilities are part of My-T-Soft/My-T-Touch/My-T-Pen. Note that the 1.77 release of My-T-Soft/My-T-Touch/My-T-Pen will also support Build-A-Board layouts as part of the license.
    Original ID: QU253308
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    What's the relationship between Build-A-Board and My-T-Touch?

    At the moment, very little. Build-A-Board's run time component is separate, and considered "My-T-Soft 2". It is a different code-base, and is still somewhat limited. As a quick background, My-T-Touch is a 10 year old product, very mature, and has lots of features and capabilities, but was designed as a keyboard emulator, so its customization capabilities are limited, especially if you want to design custom layouts. When the product was designed 10 years ago as a virtual keyboard, it was never designed to be as flexible as Build-A-Board. Because of customer demand, and requests for completely different layouts, we have built a separate product, and that is Build-A-Board. In the future, we will be adding more capabilities to Build-A-Board, and the run-time keyboards. The next release of My-T-Touch, will also include a license to run Build-A-Board layouts, and eventually Build-A-Board will be able to modify "legacy" My-T-Touch layouts. However, at the moment, the 2 are separate, and have separate capabilities, although the concept of an "on-screen" applies to both.
    Original ID: QU253330
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Can I program a key to work like an Enter plus Close keys?

    In Build-A-Board, you can put "macros" behind keys, and you could have "[Enter][CMD:Close]" as a key.
    Original ID: QU253331
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Will Build-A-Board function properly on Win CE 4.2 ?

    The Build-A-Board builder is only for a full-version of Windows. The keyboards themselves (the My-T-Soft run-time component) supports a wide range of processors for WIn CE 4. Refer to the current release of Build-A-Board for details, or contact IMG directly.
    Original ID: QU253204
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    How do I align a layout using Build-A-Board?

    The key to aligning & working with the Builder is to do the following:

    Hilight an entire row - (hold the shift key down & click on each, or drag the selection rectangle by clicking off a button, hold the mouse button down, and drag to select a whole row)

    Select Layout | Size | Match both - the "highlighted" key (blue frame) will be the "guide" for matching width & height. Now Select Layout Menu | Align | Top Now Select Layout Menu | Spacing | Horizontal (Even spacing) All the keys should be the same size, spaced evenly, and aligned.

    The key points are the "blue" framed selected key is the "guide" for aligning, sizing, etc. You may want to start with the leftmost column of keys, and align left & match size both. Then when you highlight the row, make sure the leftmost key is the highlighted one - to change the highlight within a set of selected keys, hold the shift key down, and click on the key. Note the cursor arrows can be used to move selected keys.
    Original ID: QU253431
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Do you have a virtual keyboard for a WinCE 3.0 device?

    Our Build-A-Board product supports the Win CE 3.0 platform. You can review at - just go to the Build-A-Board product pages. You have the ability to select from pre-built layouts, customize them, or build your own.
    Original ID: QU253462
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Does your On-Screen Keyboard software come in a Pocket PC version?

    In response to our customer's requests, our next major release will be "Build-A-Board" which will enable cross-platform run-time files, and allow users to use existing or create new layouts for their keyboards. You may wish to check back with us periodically to check on its progress.
    Original ID: QU253508
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Is it possible to enter multiple commands onto a single button using Build-A-Board?

    This really isn't possible in the current Build-A-Board. The implementation of the Commands (e.g. the CMD entries) can break out of the normal keystroke processing. It is true that some commands can be double-up, but it really isn't supported. The intent was one operation per button press on the run-time keyboards. In general, to open a different layout requires a distinct button press by the operator.
    Original ID: QU253703
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Does Build-A-Board allow me to link boards, so that one board can open another?

    Yes. You may want to look at the "Select" sample project - this allows various layouts to be selected from one main panel (some of the other panels cross select). The NKBF command blindly looks for the specified KBF name, so as long as everything is in the same folder, you can tie any panel to any other panel. Note the KBF files are the "layouts" and the names must match the NKBF command.
    Original ID: QU253714
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Is it possible with your software to bind buttons on my PocketPC for use within an application which is running on that PocketPC?

    Our software for Pocket PC / Windows CE based targets are available through Build-A-Board. This is a tool that allows you to build virtual keyboards in any size, with any number of buttons. Primarily IMG software is used to free a touch or pen user from any physical keyboard - as such, there is no default way to tie into physical buttons on a device. Depending on the manufacturer, you may have options, but that would have to be done with the actual provider of the hardware device.
    Original ID: QU253723
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Is there any way to make a Build-A-Board layout transparent?

    This has also been requested by others, and we have provided an update on the website. The 2.16 MYTSOFT.EXE / SEETHRU.EXE can provide this capability.
    See PU2005120233 for the download.
    Original ID: QU253724
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board

    Can I open two separate keyboard files at once from a button?

    Note that only 1 layout can be open at a time with the current version. If you need 2 "layouts" you would have to integrate them onto 1 board - you can refer to the samples (In Build-A-Board, File Menu | View Sample Layouts) where there is an alpha layout and a numeric keypad, or an alpha layout with the edit keys, etc.
    The CMD:NKBF can swap between 2 or more layouts - these can be tied together to open a selection layout, or toggle between a large keyboard, a small keyboard, and a number pad, etc. Depending on your needs, just about any layout can be selected with a single button click, or (using a menu type layout) 2 clicks.
    Original ID: QU259158
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-Board


    One thing they would like to change is that when the keyboard is minimized (I have a "Min" button), they would like this to end up on the Taskbar. Currently, the keyboard minimizes to a very small icon on the System Tray. Since we are using a touchscreen, it is very hard to "double touch" the small icon in the System Tray in order to reopen the keyboard.

    Can I specify something else that will force the keyboard to minimize to the Taskbar? The code behind my "Min" button is your standard Minimize command ( [CMD: MINIMIZE]).


    I want My-T-Soft for Build-A-Board to minimize like the original (pre 2.00) My-T-Soft - How do I do this?

    Build a single button layout & use the CMD:NKBF, rather than the CMD:MINIMIZE - there is no regular icon available (part of this is that the keyboard window does not have a caption bar, it is not a normal application window). Here is a quick overview of what would be involved:

    You will need a new project, e.g. BUTTON. For example, lets say your current project is NUM. Instead of CMD:MINIMIZE, use CMD:NKBF=BUTTON.KBF, then save & build your NUM project. Now create a new project, and call it BUTTON. Create a single button, and set its action to CMD:NKBF=NUM.KBF - label / size / position as desired. Now save & Build BUTTON. From \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Target\BUTTON\MSWIN copy BUTTON.KBF to the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Target\NUM\MSWIN folder. (In the end, make sure BOTH KBF FILES (NUM.KBF / BUTTON.KBF) are in the same folder as MYTSOFT.EXE. Now when you run the keyboard, and hit "minimize" it will go to the layout as managed in BUTTON. When the single button in BUTTON is pressed, it will reopen the NUM layout.

    The key thing to manipulating Build-A-Board is to realize each display presented to the user is just another layout (which can have 1 or (typically) more buttons). By using a single button layout, the "minimize to button" result can be achieved using the built-in "New KBF" command, e.g. CMD:NKBF=???

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Is there a way to create a audible click when a key is pressed (run a short sound file)?

    You can assign a sound to run with the [CMD:SND=???.wav] entry in the key action (uses the Windows API PlaySound internally). If used at the end of the key action, you will still get the keystrokes, along with the wave sound playback.
    For example, in Key Action: Test[CMD:SND=click.WAV]
    This will type Test & play the CLICK.WAV, (The click can be any wave file, or you could copy the file from our My-T-Soft software - the current version includes a KEYCLICK.WAV file in the Sounds folder in the installation folder - you would have to download & install, get the file, then un-install).
    There is a 31 character limitation in the action, so naming it to c.wav, will still work, and save 4 characters in the action.
    It needs to be the last entry in the key action, as the commands are treated special, and no further interpretation of the action will be performed once a CMD is processed.
    The appropriate wave file needs to be in the same folder as MYTSOFT.EXE. In Build-A-Board, the "test" version is \Program Files\Build-A-Board\TARGET\[Your Project Name]\, and for a standard windows target, it is \Program Files\Build-A-Board\TARGET\[Your Project Name]\MSWIN\ - you manually need to copy the wave file(s) into the target folders.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10


    I am trying to make a keyboard that will issue the following commands in a 5250 AS/400 environment. I read a knowledgebase article that says the following:

    How do I tell Build-A-Board to use the left or right control keys and how do I tell it to use a + from the num pad? Also, I need to do a Reset. What key should be used for that?

    You should refer to the notes & reference material in Build-A-Board Help | My-T-Soft Macrobat

    The %%s162 will generate the scan code for the left control and the %%s163 will be the right control. It is possible you will need an extended attribute for the right control, which would be %%e163. Using our tool KEYBOARD\KeyWatch.exe (in the developer's kit - see C:\Program Files\Build-A-Board\SDK) you can watch what the physical keyboard generates & see what the virtual keys generate for comparison. The latching keys (Shift/Ctrl/Alt) can be problematic in that they can need handling & support from the virtual keyboard software MYTSOFT.EXE. For example, the Shift key needs to "latch" the shift state down, e.g. press the shift key & release. Press a letter & release. You will get an unshifted character. On the virtual keyboard, due to the pointing device, nothing "latches" the key (i.e. you can't press 2 keys at once with 1 pointing device). If the keys are discrete & the application software is triggered by Windows virtual key codes, then the existing implementation will work. If software monitors the physical keyboard, or requires latching capabilities, then there may be issues. If so, please let us know & we will try to assist further.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10


    When I used Build-A-Board to make a very simple keyboard with just those five operations, the Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn all worked. However the Ctrl-G did not open the channel guide - it did nothing that I could see. I added some more keys to try alternatives and tried these action codes:
    Why won't these work?

    The issue is pretty simple - Ctrl-Shift-g is not the same as Ctrl-g. There are mentions in various places about lowercase being preferred, but this problem is inherent in computers doing what they are told. To generate a capital letter from a physical keyboard, the shift key needs to be held down, and when the macro handling part of the software sees an uppercase character it faithfully generates the sequence of keystrokes necessary to create the letter. When doing straight text, e.g. "Hello World" - ",Shift-h,e,l,l,o, Shift-w,o,r,l,d" this works just fine, all is well, and everyone is happy. When trying to use control/alt type sequences, this can sometimes cause problems, as the extra shift state causes the underlying application to treat it differently. To get a keystroke for g, and g alone, you must specify "g" in the macro, NOT G. G generates a [Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up] macro sequence. Therefore [Ctrl-down]G[Ctrl-Up] generates [Ctrl-down][Shift-Down]g[Shift-Up][Ctrl-Up], not the [Ctrl-Down]g[Ctrl-Up] sequence you want.

    Some apps work fine in either upper or lower case, but when the app doesn't, you must stick with the lowercase letter in the macro.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    I want a key to select a field on my application. How can I do that?

    In general, and in most cases, leaving the user in charge of the keyboard focus is recommended. In cases where you have a fixed screen resolution/fixed situation, and want to move and select, using a "fake" mouse click can accomplish this goal. We have modified our mouse click utilities (available in the IMG Developer's Kit) to add some flexibility. You can download MSCLK.EXE here:
    Download MSCLK.ZIP (MSCLK.EXE/MSCLK.INI) (17K) (MD5: B0FA955741C130EA2E4A5F13768070D4)
    There are various notes in MSCLK.INI (or you can run "MSCLK.EXE HELP").

    Here are implementation notes for integrating with Build-A-Board.
    You will want to assign an EXEC command function to the appropriately labeled key in Build-A-Board, e.g. [CMD:EXEC=MSCLK.EXE]. If the file MSCLK.INI exists, this will generate the action used by MSCLK.EXE. The files MSCLK.EXE/MSCLK.INI MUST be in the same folder as MYTSOFT.EXE when running. If developing, you will need to place these files in the \Program Files\Build-A-Board\TARGET\[Your Project] and \Program Files\Build-A-Board\TARGET\[Your Project]\MSWIN folders.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    Why does Alt-Tab only switch between the top two windows? How can I go deeper?

    Because the full Alt-Tab key sequence releases the Alt state, the Window Manager "resets" the window Z order, and so the next Alt-Tab just switches to the next window in-line, pushing the current topmost window down. This results in each event switching correctly, just not as expected, or desired. You can duplicate this with a physical keyboard by simply releasing the keyboard after a window switch - only the top 2 windows will switch. You should try Shift-Alt-Tab, which will switch to the bottom window, and switch among all the windows. Because of the key action text limit in 2.10, use the "@@[Tab]" macro for Alt-Tab and "[Shift-Down]@@[Tab][Shift-Up]" macro for Shift-Alt-Tab without having to use TYPEFILE.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.10

    How do I build a custom layout (e.g. Numeric Keypad) for use as the logon keyboard in My-T-Soft 1.xx?

    Here are the steps required to get a numeric keypad logon keyboard in My-T-Soft 1.78 with Build-A-Board 2.20. This will use Windows 7 as an example - if using 2000/XP, use \Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents in place of \Users\Public\Public Documents\

    1. Enable logon for My-T-Soft - open My-T-Soft Logon Utilities | Setup/Configure logon and click on Enable Onscreen Keyboard logon - select default/small keyboard on left hand side. OK / Exit, and when asked to restart, say No at this point.
    2. Obtain 2.10 Numpad example (this assumes you haven't upgraded from Build-A-Board 2.10, and don't have any native 2.10 layouts - you must start with a 2.10 layout, as the My-T-Soft 1.xx software uses the ANSI 2.10 format) - Using Windows explorer, Browse to \Users\Public\Public Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE, then create a NUM1024 folder
    3. In the Windows explorer address bar (or use browser), go to - when prompted to save/download, save in the \Users\Public\Public Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\NUM1024 location
    4. Now run Build-A-Board, and scroll down to the NUM1024 project - select it, and when prompted, answer NO (do not convert), and YES to work on the 2.10 project. Then press F11 and Select Win 95-XP (ANSI 2.10) Target
    5. Press F9 to Build - you can also modify, and do the iterative build/test to work with the project.
    6. Press Shift-F11 to view output folder. Copy KEYBOARD.KBF in this folder to \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON
    7. Close and save project, then restart system - the built layout will appear in the logon screens

    Updating the KEYBOARD.KBF in the \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON folder from a built 2.10 project will be the keyboard used at logon - you will need to restart to reload the layout.
    (Note: If using 1.77 or earlier, the location would be \WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\LOGON)

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    How do I create F13 through F24 keys?

    These can be interpreted in 2 main ways by applications, but there may also be special OEM type implementations. In Windows, there are Windows Virtual Key codes for this sequence of keys, but in industrial PCs and other systems, these may simply be implemented as shifted F1-F12 keys, e.g F13 is Shift-F1. You may need to test with different key actions to be sure the virtual implementation is correct. You can refer to the Build-A-Board User's Guide for other notes and details here:

    Note in Android, you can use [CMD:KEYCODE=???] key action to implement an Android key code directly - also note the Android codes do not align with Windows codes.

    Here are the 2 most likely configurations (Label/Action):

    Key Label: F13 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F1][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F14 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F2][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F15 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F3][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F16 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F4][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F17 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F5][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F18 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F6][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F19 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F7][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F20 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F8][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F21 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F9][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F22 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F10][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F23 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F11][Shift-Up]
    Key Label: F24 Key Action: [Shift-Down][F12][Shift-Up]

    Key Label: F13 Key Action: %%s124
    Key Label: F14 Key Action: %%s125
    Key Label: F15 Key Action: %%s126
    Key Label: F16 Key Action: %%s127
    Key Label: F17 Key Action: %%s128
    Key Label: F18 Key Action: %%s129
    Key Label: F19 Key Action: %%s130
    Key Label: F20 Key Action: %%s131
    Key Label: F21 Key Action: %%s132
    Key Label: F22 Key Action: %%s133
    Key Label: F23 Key Action: %%s134
    Key Label: F24 Key Action: %%s135
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    How do I get My-T-Soft for Linux to show up so I can enter the login password?

    The user login screen (sometimes referred to as the LoginWindow or greeter) in X windows is separate from the user's desktop (logged on session). There are many possibilities, so this outlines the basics for a reasonably new distribution running GNOME or KDE for a workstation (hard drive boots and runs the operating system). The general approach is to run the mytsoft process prior to the appearance of the login window.
    For different window managers/display managers, the process which handles the login (startup/init/greeter) is different, and the configuration files and locations are different.
    GNOME uses gdm - most likely script location is /etc/gdm/Init/Default
    KDE use kdm - most likely script location is /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup (or /etc/kde3/kdm or /usr/kde/version/share/config)
    others may use xdm - most likely script location is /etc/xdm/Xsetup

    Step 1) Locate mytsoft executable - for example, perhaps /home/user/Downloads/my-t-soft/mytsoft
    Step 2) Identify and using your favorite editor, open & edit the appropriate script for your system
    Step 3) Each script can be different, and it is recommended that you add the following line towards the beginning (or top) of the script in case some logic exits or quits the script
    /home/user/Downloads/my-t-soft/mytsoft &
    (The ampersand is important as it loads the mytsoft process as a background process and does not stop the execution of the script)


    SE Linux notes
    In the above example, with SE Linux set to enforcing (e.g. /etc//selinux/config, SELINUX=enforcing), the execution of mytsoft may be blocked. You can test the configuration by setting SELINUX=disabled, and reboot - if it works in that configuration, but not with SELINUX=enforcing, then the following approach may work (if system configured correctly).
    Logged in as root at terminal console:
    [root]# audit2allow -a -M mytsoft
    [root]# semodule -i mytsoft.pp
    The above commands extract the audit log (/var/log/audit) to determine blocked execution, and creates a policy file (e.g. audit2allow), and then installs the policy file (semodule install)

    The SE Linux concepts are complex, but here are a few more details that may help grasp what is needed - essentially if an operation is "denied", it must be explicitly "allowed" - the following is a human readable version of the policy (again, for the above example/location):
    mytsoft.te - text file

    module mytsoft 1.0;

    require {
    type user_home_t;
    type xdm_t;
    class file execute;

    # xdm_t
    allow xdm_t user_home_t;file execute;
    To create the policy file, you may be able to use the selinux Makefile (depending on system configuration), e.g.:
    [root]# make -f /usr/share/selinux/strict/include/Makefile mytsoft.pp
    To check the built file before installing, you can use checkmodule, e.g.
    [root]# checkmodule -b mytsoft.pp

    To manually build the policy file from the .te file, use the following:
    [root]# checkmodule -M -m -o mytsoft.mod mytsoft.te
    [root]# semodule_package -o mytsoft.pp mytsoft.mod
    [root]# checkmodule -b mytsoft.pp
    [root]# semodule -i mytsoft.pp

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    When I select "Output to My-T-Soft 1.xx Folder(s)" from the Run-Time menu, it appears to work. Why can't I select the layout from the My-T-Soft Setup | Keyboards | Custom Build-A-Board Layouts?

    If you are a limited or standard user within Windows, you will not have the permissions to write (copy) the Keyboard File (KBF) to the \Program Files location of My-T-Soft. The easiest way to resolve this is to start Build-A-Board as an Administrator - with Build-A-Board closed, right-click on the Build-A-Board icon on the desktop, and select "Run as Administrator". Then after you've built the board, you can select the Run-Time menu | Output to My-T-Soft 1.xx Folder(s) to copy the file to the correct location and select via My-T-Soft Setup | Keyboards.

    Alternatively, as an Administrator, you can grant full control to the MYTSOFT folder in \Program Files to allow write access to the protected system location.

    Note that if you are doing iterative updates and testing with My-T-Soft, you will want to re-select the board from My-T-Soft Setup | Keyboards so it gets copied into the Configuration location (My-T-Soft Setup | Show Config File Location) for use when My-T-Soft is run.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    Can I make a button with a Key Action of a mouse left-click?

    Yes, there are mouse options available in the Windows platform. (If these actions are desired in a different platform, please contact IMG Technical Support). These have been available since 2.16, and are included in the current 2.20 version.

    PLEASE NOTE: There are a few important things to consider when looking at this as a solution to a problem.

    1) This is not a recommended solution to any problem that views a button action generating a mouse click event as the solution. Why? Because to generate this action, a user need to generate a touch/mouse click event to select the button. This means that the mouse cursor is currently at the button location, and not where you want the mouse click to occur. Furthermore, all well written Windows applications should provide a keyboard interface to do required actions within the application. This is why the recommended solution is to use the keyboard interface and generate the appropriate keyboard sequence to accomplish the task desired.

    2) There can be serious resolution issues - to truly generate the mouse click at a different location, you need to move the mouse cursor, then generate the mouse click. If the system changes, or you run on a different type of system, and the screen resolution is different, your well crafted solution will be clicking in the wrong spot. This is why the recommended solution is to use the keyboard interface and generate the appropriate keyboard sequence to accomplish the task desired.

    3) Shift-F10 ( Key Action: [Shift-Down][F10][Shift-Up] ) can open the context menu (e.g. right-click) on the currently selected (keyboard focus) item. Alt-Esc ( Key Action: [Alt-Down][Esc][Alt-Up] ) will scroll through currently opened applications. Ctrl-A ( [Ctrl-Down]a[Ctrl-Up] )will select all. Understanding Windows built-in keyboard short-cuts and specific Application keyboard shortcuts highly recommended in solving actions where you think you need a mouse click.

    With clear understanding of these issues, there can be specific situations where mouse actions are the only way to accomplish a task, and to that end, for fixed/controlled systems, these features were added. For a full list of Key Action macro sequences to geneerate mouse events, see this tech item: (Refer only to the Usage notes)

    Some typical Key Action macros might be:



    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    How do I use custom key images on a layout?

    This assumes you are working with an installed & licensed Build-A-Board. For the tech item on How To install/license Build-A-Board, please see QC2019120945

    Note that you can use Shift-F8 for many available Key Images - this example is for using your own set of created key images.

    This example with use the Function Keys Bar layout & Save As to create a separate layout that we will modify.

    1) Run Build-A-Board, open the Function Keys Bar layout, then use the File Menu | Save As and save as Function Keys Bar Custom

    2) Edit | Select All, then right-click on a Key, Properties and change Key Type to HiRes - this will change background to default 3D gray image - Build and Test to see layout.

    3) Windows File Explorer to open SOURCE folder - Shift-F11 / up 2 levels, SOURCE, then Function Keys Bar Custom folder, e.g. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\Function Keys Bar Custom\

    4) Now, it gets a bit more involved. To override the default Hi Resolution image, appropriate bitmap images must be dropped into the source folder. For a ready-to-go set, we can grab an existing set from the default Key Images included - using Windows File Explorer, you can go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Build-A-Board\BIN\KEYIMAGES, and select a folder to copy to a new folder and then modify. Just follow the format of each folder - note Administrator privileges needed to add files here. As another approach not requiring this privilege, we can use the existing Themes available for My-T-Soft Professional from the IMG Developer's kit. Your customized key images can be created and used, as long as they adhere to the design guidelines - UP images, DOWN images, each with a white background and a black background mask - e.g. IMGKEYUPW.BMP, IMGKEYUPB.BMP, IMGKEYDOWNW.BMP, IMGKEYDOWNB.BMP. To get the IMG Developer's Kit, get to the Developer's Corner Downloads:

    5) Download latest at top of list. Open zip file with Windows File Explorer, and drill into it to find THEMES folder, right-click on THEMES folder, select Copy, then go to Documents folder (or Desktop) and Paste

    6) Open desired folder. In our example, we will use CIRCLE_GRAY (Documents\THEMES\CIRCLE_GRAY). You will note the file names are close, but not exact. So we will rename here - all 4 files, from KEYDOWNW.BMP to IMGKEYDOWNW.BMP, etc. It is required that the 4 files are:

    7) Select all 4 files, Copy, then go to SOURCE\Function Keys Bar Custom, and Paste

    8) Edit | Select All, then right-click on a Key, Properties and change Frame Type to Key Images - this will change background to custom images - Build and Test to see layout with custom keys.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    Working with My-T-Soft 1.xx, I need more options than the Show & Hide keys gives me. What are my options?

    There are some rudimentary capabilities editing the older layouts in Build-A-Board 2.20. This gives you options to hide keys and resize/reposition keys. Note there are some limitations due to the implementation of both the layouts and the way the 1.xx software displays keys, so testing any modifications and working within the limitations may be necessary. For example, sizing logic can create repositioning issues depending on how things are modified and if the layout is resized.

    In the Show & Hide keys, the default keyboard action of dragging will not operate on a hidden key. If hidden using Build-A-Board, you will be able to drag the layout from anywhere the background is visible.

    What follows is a recommended approach to modifying and working with the KEYBOARD.KBF file in My-T-Soft 1.90. This will also work on older versions of My-T-Soft (most likely back to 1.78). This assumes you are working on the same system that has My-T-Soft 1.90 and Build-A-Board 2.20 installed and licensed. If working on different systems, modify the locations as appropriate.

    1. Configure My-T-Soft to correct size/position, then from the My-T-Soft Menu | Settings | Save Settings and Position | Save Current Position, then close My-T-Soft.
    2. In Windows explorer, locate KEYBOARD.KBF for the current user (My-T-Soft Setup | File | Show Config File Location), typically C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\Innovation Management Group\MYTSOFT
    3. In a different Windows Explorer window, locate the Build-A-Board SOURCE folder (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE), and then create a working folder for your modifications, e.g. Create Folder: MyKBF, e.g. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\MyKBF
    4. Make a backup of the original KEYBOARD.KBF - copy and rename, or copy to Documents or other location, then copy KEYBOARD.KBF from MYTSOFT folder to MyKBF folder, e.g. to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\MyKBF\KEYBOARD.KBF
    5. Run Build-A-Board, and select File menu | Open KBF...
    6. Change folder to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\MyKBF, and open KEYBOARD.KBF

    7. When asked, Select Yes to Edit, then select which panel to edit. In this Example, we are modifying the Keyboard (alpha) panel.

    8. In this example, we are going to hide the F1 key and extend the Esc key. You may want to have a separate image of the keyboard layout so you can map the keys correctly. What is shown is the internal key number, not the labeled key. So we right-click on the F1 (2) key, select Properties, and then change the Key Type to Hidden.

    9. Before moving any keys, you really want to make sure you have the Overlapping keys options set correctly. Be sure to clear Prevent Overlapping keys for Single/Multiple via the Options menu (there should be no check mark on either option).

    10. Now you can select and extend the Esc (1) key to the right to fill in the space. Note that the KBF size depends on the saved KBF in use (default vs. configured the way you want it to appear). Be sure to configure the Layout & Save Settings prior to bringing it in to edit (as outlined above).

    11. Now use File | Save to save your work. When asked, overwrite your copied file in the MyKBF (SOURCE) folder.

    12. Now, Close the project. Because this is an older KBF project, it does not mesh with the standard Build-A-Board project, so when asked, DO NOT Save the project (Save the KBF as above, but NOT the project). This is the recommended approach to always start with a fresh load. If modifying the same panel, you can leave the KBF project open, and use File | Save, then Copy the KBF out and test, stopping at the step above. But if working on another panel, etc. follow these recommended steps.

    This is the result of these edits:

    Sizing - there is an implicit link between the MYTSOFT.INI and the KEYBOARD.KBF. Whatever size My-T-Soft is (Save Settings) should remain untouched while doing these modifications on the KBF file. Always test with the original KBF size.
    Size Up/Down - depending on how keys are modified, there can be positioning issues because of internal calculations, and position can depend on A) What original size was used to make modifications, and B) sizing up or down. It is best to keep keys as close to their original size and position as possible, and if sizing will be allowed in operation, test expected usable sizes. It may be best to work with largest size to begin with, vs. a smaller size, but much depends on types of changes.
    Background - the original design never anticipated all the customization that customers wanted. For complete control, see Build-A-Board which has been designed from the ground up to be cross-platform and much more flexible in customizing layouts. The 1.xx software was designed with specific limitations for Windows, and these limitations are made clear when using this feature to re-make the original layouts.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: Build-A-BoardVersion: 2.20

    Does The Magnifier work with the programs MS Shapes and/or KidPix?

    The Magnifier will work with all standard windows applications. Certain games and programs that use DirectX, or are full screen programs, will not. We always strongly recommend that you download a demo of the software and try it to make sure it will meet your needs. The demo will run for about an hour, up to 100 times.
    Original ID: QU253148
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    Does The Magnifier remember settings?

    The "Save Position" saves the current layout of the Magnifier window. Right-click on the magnifier window, then select Save Position. If you close the Magnifier, then re-open, it will be at the last "Saved" position / size.
    Original ID: QU253461
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    How can I make The Magnifier window larger?

    The Magnifier window is sizable - simply click & drag one of the borders to resize the window. Note that if you get more than 1/4 of the screen, it starts to take away the usable screen real-estate.
    Original ID: QU253995
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: The Magnifier

    How do I get The Magnifier to load automatically at start-up? I have the several copies of the program loaded at different schools, and all but one starts automatically at start up.

    The easiest way to do this is to copy the shortcut into the Start Up Group. You can open the Start Menu | Programs | The Magnifier, and then right-click on the Magnifier icon & select copy. Now, use the Start Menu to get to Programs, and right-click on Start Up - select Open All Users (to have it start for all users on the machine), and right-click on a blank area & select Paste to paste the magnifier icon. Now when the machine restarts, it will run the Start Up programs, and start The Magnifier.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.20

    Alt-= and Alt-- (typed from the horizontal row of digits and to the right of the 0) work to increase or decrease the magnification by .1. When I try to use Alt-+ and Alt--(minus) from the number pad, it doesn't work. Why Not?

    The top row of keys was specifically chosen because of the Alt-1 thru Alt-9 instant magnification settings, which are on the top row of the keyboard. The Magnifier is specifically is looking for those physical keys on the top row, not the simply the characters - / +. It comes down to what The Magnifier is looking for - it is not looking at characters, it is looking at the VK_OEM_PLUS & VK_OEM_MINUS keys (Virtual Keys as handled by a normal keyboard which is handled internally by Windows). In other words, the supported keys are the top row keys, not any + or - keys.

    You can use Alt-M to open the custom magnification dialog, and select your desired magnification, or use the keys supported by The Magnifier.

    The whole issue of hot-keys raises many issues, including compatibility with other software (i.e. conflicts when different programs use the same hot-key combination), user customization, etc., etc. The Magnifier uses hot-keys in a straightforward manner - these are the hot keys, you have 3 options (Alt, Alt-Shift, or Ctrl-Shift), and that is it. There are multiple ways to control the magnification, as outlined above, and through the menu.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: The MagnifierVersion: 1.50

    How do I disable the sound at Startup and Shutdown?

    As a general utility option requested by a customer, there is support to launch MTSSTART.exe and Startup of My-T-Soft Basic, and to launch of MTSEND.exe and Close/Shutdown of My-T-Soft Basic. In the standard release, these files contain wave files that are played from these executables. Simply rename (or delete) these files from the \Program Files\My-T-Soft Basic folder (Administrator required).
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft BasicVersion: 2.30

    How do I make My-T-Soft Basic transparent/see-through?

    Up through 2.30 Release 4, the SEETHRU utility is not included as part of the package. You will want to grab SEETHRU.exe from \Program Files\Build-A-Board\BIN (install Build-A-Board if necessary), and copy to the \Program Files\My-T-Soft Basic - they you can run SEETHRU.exe and enable transparency and select opacity level as desired.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft BasicVersion: 2.30

    I want the keyboard to dock at the bottom of the screen and resize the application - how do I do that?

    My-T-Soft Basic includes MTSDock.exe which is a fairly straightforward implementation of the AppBar interface (see MTSAppBar)

    It is located in the Installation directory - see Help/Files for additional information. This resizes the desktop/application and preserves the height of the current My-T-Soft layout for the keyboard. This clearly is in the realm of the application/system designer, and the simplistic implementation will not meet everyones needs, so you can reference the source code, or contact IMG Technical Support for further assistance.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft BasicVersion: 2.30

    Running on Windows XP (or Windows 2000), I don't see any graphics (just blank black spaces) - What do I need to do to run My-T-Soft Basic?

    Depending on installed software, you may need the Microsoft C Runtime files used by the GDIKIT.DLL/system GDIPlus.DLL. For details, refer to Build-A-Board help about Images
    To install the Microsoft C Runtime files, download the zip file 580K (MD5: 258CBD61F2E32D2AA81D33E9523F5D3B)
    Copy or Move this file to \Program Files\My-T-Soft Basic
    Unzip or right-click | Extract All and be sure to extract files into \Program Files\My-T-Soft Basic

    The gdikit.dll is an interface from My-T-Soft Basic to system graphics support provided by GDIPlus.dll which will be on Windows XP (For Windows 2000, it may need to be installed - see Microsoft Knowledgebase KB975337). The GDIKIT.DLL may need run-time support if not already available on the system - these Microsoft run-time file provide that support if not already part of your Windows 2000/XP system.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft BasicVersion: 2.30

    I've just selected a set of Boards indicating top display, but they show up at the bottom - why?

    My-T-Soft for Android has an override option to ignore the board position setting, and use the screen top or screen bottom. This is in the settings - see Language & Input | My-T-Soft Keyboard | Keyboard Position. Select "Use Board Position" to use position settings for the selected set. Note that because different devices have different resolutions/orientations, it is best to use boards built for a particular device (or use Build-A-Board to optimize the board for your device). These override settings are used to allow operation with boards that have been built for different devices. Also refer to the "Keyboard Display (Board Size vs. Screen)" setting. Note that the layout approach used in Android is used to allow operation in multiple screen sizes and resolutions, and this with the infinite possibilities within Build-A-Board requires some options to handle boards that were optimized for a different target device.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    I have enabled Move/save under the Keyboard Moving option, and I moved the default board to a new location, but when I select the board in "Keyboard Layouts (Boards)", it doesn't appear in the same location.

    After the original installation, and in case of missing boards or other errors, the file KEYBOARD.KBF is the default board shown. Typically KEYBOARD.KBF is a copy of a different named board which is available under that name, so if you have moved/saved KEYBOARD.KBF, then opened the named board, the position will NOT be what was saved in KEYBOARD.KBF - try opening KEYBOARD.KBF to compare. Note the Build-A-Board can also be used for updating a boards opening X/Y position. You may also move/copy boards to the /sdcard location, the standard Downloads location, or to the Build-A-Board folder (instead of default Build-A-Board/BOARDS location). The boards in different locations can each have their own saved position.
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    The layout changes on me while using My-T-Soft - How can I stop this?

    There are 2 possible explanations. The feature "Revert to Default Layout on Long Key Press" can be a useful option for certain types of usage, however if you you are using a backspace/delete type key and keep it pressed to send a string of keystrokes to the underlying app, this will be interpreted as a "Long Key Press", which will trigger the feature and change the layout back to default (right out from under you). If this is not desirable, you will want to disable this feature and use manual or Settings based options to change layouts.

    The other reason the layout will change if is the software is unlicensed and operating in a demonstration mode. There is a decreasing amount of keystrokes that are allowed prior to initiating the following sequence when keys are pressed: ignored, ignored, types "demo", types "demo", reverts to default layout. Note that repeatable keys like Delete or Backspace can rapidly run through the available keystrokes if held down and these keystrokes are sent rapidly in succession. To reset the count, you can hide/show the layout, but as the amount of total allowed keystrokes decreases, the usefulness also decreases. License the software to remove this demonstration limitation.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Custom layouts MUST be build from licensed Build-A-Board builders. If a layout is created on Build-A-Board that does not have a license, it will be tagged as "Evaluation", and will not operate as a licensed board, EVEN IF My-T-Soft is properly licensed. You must license Build-A-Board, and rebuild the custom layout (rebuild the KBF file).

    Note: Because Key Actions can be set to open another layout, make sure your source layout and keys are configured correctly - if there is an errant New KBF command [CMD:NKBF=???] behind a key, the layout will change when that key is pressed.

    Note: Android has case sensitive file names, so if using a default KEYBOARD.KBF, but it is named Keyboard.kbf or KEYBOARD.kbf, it is NOT the expected default layout. It must be all caps.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    How do I force a layout to be the default layout (after reboot)?

    The KEYBOARD.KBF is the default layout - if you want an existing layout to be default, copy your desired layout to the Build-A-Board/BOARDS/KEYBOARD.KBF file. The following example uses FunctionKNF.KBF as the desired default layout.

    QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example QU2718120919 Android Example
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    How do I get my custom board onto an Android device while developing in Build-A-Board?

    Note you can also retrieve boards from your account, but while developing and testing, transferring your built boards directly to your device is helpful. This example walks through using Windows Explorer to transfer a built board to your device and selecting the board to test on the device. For this example, a Build-A-Board project MyCustomBoard was created, and a sample layout was quickly done by dragging & dropping keys, setting a larger font for the board, capitalizing some key labels, and enlarging, aligning and spacing the keys - then a background image was dragged onto the board.

    QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example

    Switch to device to select and test your board

    For the default board on this Zebra TC8000 test device, the options to scale width and position bottom were set on to create the display shown - note it is recommended that you build the board for the device (set board width to match device width, position by setting top/left position). This way when deploying, you can use defaults and not require additional device configuration.

    QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example QU2718120922 Android Example
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    How do I configure a layout so it shows up in the same relative location in portrait or landscape?

    This is best accomplished using the XOverride and YOverride options in the [Settings] section of the Run-Time settings. The following walks through the steps needed to add/modify these settings:

    QU2718120930 Android Example
    QU2718120930 Android Example
    QU2718120930 Android Example

    These are the override options and how they are interpreted:
    <stretch> = (X or Y) Stretch width or height independently (not proportional) to fill screen
    <fit> = (X or Y) Stretch width or height to fill (proportional) screen
    <left> = (X only) Position to left of screen
    <right> = (X only) Position to right of screen
    <top> = (Y only) Position to top of screen
    <bottom> = (Y only) Position to bottom of screen
    <center> = (X or Y) Position to center of screen based on board width/height
    QU2718120930 Android Example
    QU2718120930 Android Example
    QU2718120930 Android Example QU2718120930 Android Example
    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    In My-T-Soft for Android, how can I override/customize scanner settings?

    The file scanner.txt can be created in the /sdcard/Build-A-Board/My-T-Soft_Import folder and has various options and overrides. Please refer to the readme.txt (the only file that will reside in that location after install) for details (and perhaps updated options). This file is created when My-T-Soft for Android is first run. Below is the section on scanner.txt (2.20.32) for reference online:

    readme.txt / scanner.txt section:
    If the file scanner.txt exists in the /sdcard/Build-A-Board/My-T-Soft_Import folder when the My-T-Soft for Android service is started, it will be imported and overwrite default settings. This file will be preserved, but will only be read in when My-T-Soft is started.
    Note: These settings are currently meant to override options when a Honeywell device is used.

    These are the override settings
    (internal defaults indicated)


    Notes (supported values):
    The Trigger Key ScanCode can be a numeric value that indicates the Android scancode of the hardware button that will be monitored to initiate a scan trigger. The 257/261 match the Honeywell CT60 scan codes.
    A value of -1 means not used.
    The TriggerKeyScanCode3 and TriggerKeyScanCode4 allow for up to 4 hardware trigger keys.
    The Trigger Mode can be OneShot, Continuous, Release, or SecondPress
    The Scanner Type can be: dcs.scanner.imager or dcs.scanner.ring: for internal or external scanner.
    The Prefix / Suffix overrides can contain text strings or the special keys [Tab] and [Enter]. These keys are processed based on the Scan Tab/Enter Keys setting in My-T-Soft Settings.


    The following walks through adding a scanner.txt to a device, and configuring the Prefix / Suffix Scan keys setting.
    Note: When connecting your device, you may need to swipe down and change the USB connection mode: Use USB to "Transfer Files" to see the storage / file view.
    Note: My-T-Soft for Android must be installed, selected as current keyboard, and brought up as input method before doing these steps.
    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    QU2719120952 Android Example

    Note that My-T-Soft will need to be re-loaded to refresh from any changes to scanner.txt. Probably the easiest way to do this is to select an alternate keyboard input, then re-select My-T-Soft as the active/current virtual keyboard. Also the file name must be lowercase, and be truly named scanner.txt on the Android device.
    Finally, be sure to select the correct Scan setting in My-T-Soft for Android Settings

    My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings

    Scan Tab/Enter Keys
    This option provides selection of how the Tab and Enter keys will be handled during a scan event. Select "Send as Keys" to send the Tab and Enter as virtual keystrokes (key down/up events). Select "Send as Editor Actions" to process the Input Field and query the field for appropriate action to perform on Enter, and to perform an "Next Field" action on Tab.

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    When deploying My-T-Soft for Android, how can I import account credentials so I can quickly license multiple devices?

    The file account.txt can be created in the /sdcard/Build-A-Board/My-T-Soft_Import folder and can contain an E-mail and Password entry to automatically be imported into the account credential section. With credentials set (and available license in the associated account), the license can be retrieved for the device with a few clicks from My-T-Soft Settings, System License Options, Retrieve System License. Please refer to the readme.txt (the only file that will reside in that location after install) for details (and perhaps updated options). The readme.txt file is created when My-T-Soft for Android is first run.

    The entries in account.txt must match the example below (E-mail/Password) and have the = (equal sign) to separate key/value:

    The following walks through adding account.txt to a device.
    Note: When connecting your device, you may need to swipe down and change the USB connection mode: Use USB to "Transfer Files" to see the storage / file view.
    Note: My-T-Soft for Android must be installed, selected as current keyboard, and brought up as input method before doing these steps.
    IMPORTANT: The actual account credentials import occurs when the input method service starts, so the easiest is to reboot your device after the account.txt is in place. To process without rebooting, My-T-Soft will need to be re-loaded to read in/process account.txt. Probably the easiest way to do this is to select an alternate keyboard input, then re-select My-T-Soft as the active/current virtual keyboard. Also the file name must be lowercase, and be truly named account.txt on the Android device.
    QU2719120956 Android Example

    QU2719120956 Android Example

    QU2719120956 Android Example

    QU2719120956 Android Example

    QU2719120956 Android Example QU2719120956 Android Example

    To verify go to My-T-Soft for Android Settings, and check E-mail/Password for Account

    My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings

    To license My-T-Soft, select "System License Options", then click on "Retrieve System License"

    My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings My-T-Soft Keyboard Settings

    When deploying multiple devices, there are various tools that can manage installs/imaging and configuring software. This is the general outline of what is required to license My-T-Soft:

    Category: UsingType: Question/Answer Product: My-T-Soft for AndroidVersion: 2.20

    How do I find the Downloadable software?

    All downloads are available at the bottom of the product description page. Many times people would download the incorrect version for their needs. Be sure to review the product descriptions and notes at the top of the product page to verify that you are downloading the correct product for your needs.
    Original ID: QW400321
    Category: DownloadingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    I don't want to enter my personal information in the form on the download page. How do I get a demo?

    Your information is not required, as indicated clearly on the top of the page. Simply scroll down and select the downloadable file. If you would like product literature, and more information about IMG's products, use the form to enter a name and address, along with your e-mail.
    Original ID: QW400322
    Category: DownloadingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    I'd like a demo on CD - what should I do?

    Please contact IMG by e-mailing us with the request, or give us a call.
    Original ID: QW400323
    Category: DownloadingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    How long does a typical download take?

    There are all types of data connections available, and the speed of the download depends not only on the size of the download, but the type of Internet connection you have and the volume of Internet (or local) data traffic. For a typical 56K modem, a 1MB (1000K) download will take between 9-15 minutes.
    Original ID: QW400324
    Category: DownloadingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue

    I've downloaded the file. Where is it?

    Typically the file will be placed on your desktop, a Temp folder, the My Downloads folder, or My Documents folder. This is a function of your version of Windows, browser preferences, and your system configuration. If you can't find a recently downloaded file, you can try the following:
    Original ID: QW400325
    Category: DownloadingType: Question/Answer Product: General Issue


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