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IMG's Blog - Recorded Keystrokes

IMG's Blog - Recorded Keystrokes

License Updates for 2024
written June 28, 2024 by Kermit Komm
Category: Development Tags: SmartClick; OnScreen; The Magnifier; Joystick-to-Mouse;    #106

Due to the design of the licensing system in place, a date was used as part of the algorithm to unlock and license a system. Way back in 2010, the future date of Feb 24, 2024 was used, thinking that was far enough in the future that the software would change during those years, and a new license scheme would be incorporated. Indeed, this is what has happened for our My-T-Soft software, which uses a account to manage licenses (Windows, Android, etc.) as well as boards, settings, etc. For some of the more popular products, the IMG Personal License was created to allow individuals to license various products using the Build-A-Board account approach. However IMG has other products that are more specific, addressing special needs, and still use the older/legacy license approach. Due to the low volume of some of the products, and the ease of a simple license key approach (i.e. not having to use an account), as well as customer priorities, the switch to an updated license approach was delayed until it became absolutely necessary. Once the Feb 24 date rolled by,it became absolutely necessary. So over the past few months we have updated all products not using the account approach to a new license algorithm.

So for new licenses, replacing existing licenses, and any license transfers, a new license key is needed. For example, if a customer installs a product purchased last year, and try to use the issued key on the Certificate of Authenticity, it will fail, since it is now past Feb 24, 2024. What is required is the license program update, and a new license key. For older/already installed products, there is a separate License Update download, which will update the license program, and then a transfer will issue a new license key. For newly downloaded, then purchased products, the license program is already incorporated, and the issued license credentials will include the new license key. For the most part, this is seamless, and new customers don't need to do anything different - just download the software, verify it meets your wants and needs, then purchase a license.

For older customers with previously purchased software/license keys the license update/new license key is required.

My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 Release 22 now available!
written November 17, 2023 by Kermit Komm
Category: Development Tags: My-T-Soft; Linux;    #105

IMG is pleased to announce that a maintenance update for Linux is now available as My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 R22 (Release 22) for the following platforms: i386 (32-bit) and AMD64 (64-bit). You can download here.

Several items have popped up over the past year that needed updates (font selection, need to capture rendered layout image for online builder, and some performance / display issues). In digging into the image rendering code, it was decided to include caching of rendered images, so first time displays can be rapid once layouts have been fully rendered and saved in a cache location. In order to accomplish this in parallel, the ability to launch a second process that renders these cached images along side the user process required additional logic and capabilities. Additionally, a great deal of time was spent with valgrind (Linux development utility to track memory usage) to ensure all memory handling was optimized. There are also several command line options added (details below), as well as an opening splash screen.

When the My-T-Soft process is first launched, it now displays an opening splash screen (partially to indicate to the user the program is running, partially to show the version, and partially to allow first time image rendering). Because (in many deployed situations), the splash screen is not desirable, there are a couple of options to prevent its display. If a file (mytsoft.nosplash) exists, the splash screen will not be shown. (e.g. in location where mytsoft process is located, create the file "touch mytsoft.nosplash" - when this file exists, no splash screen will be shown. There is also a command line -nosplash option.

Command Line options

There are 4 options to save the KBF (Keyboard Image) as a file. Basically these render the layout, and then save the layout image as a file. These really are for development, and for creating the embedded image used in a KBF (and display for the online builder). It may also be helpful if documenting layouts. There are PNG and PNM format options.

-imgsave = paint window, save [KBF]PNG image, exit
-imgsavebuild = paint window, save embedded IMG99999.PNG, exit
-imgsavepnm = paint window, save as PNM binary IMG99999.PNM, exit
-imgsavepnmtxt = paint window, save PNM text IMG99999.PNM, exit

There are certain window managers (also called desktop environments) where certain environments can cause issues. The way the process checks the window manager is via a XLib "Atom" If running in a window manager where this "Atom" does not exist, it will generate an error. To bypass this error, you can pass the -skipwmcheck command line option.

-skipwmcheck = Skips Window Manager check (Virtual/Older/Atom error)

To bypass the opening splash screen, either create the mytsoft.nosplash file in the same folder as the mytsoft process, or pass in the -nosplash command line.

-nosplash = do not display opening splash screen (alt: mytsoft.nosplash file)

Once an image is rendered (or loaded from cache), it is stored in graphic memory. To prevent this internal approach (to save run-time memory), you can pass the -nographicmemory option. For almost all cases, this would not be recommended, as the reason for this memory is to speed up display when changing layouts.

-nographicmemory = bypass graphic buffers, force reload at KBF changes

Cache options. As each key image is rendered, the rendered image will be saved as pixel map (.pix file) in a cache location. In Linux, most caches are sub folders in the hidden .cache folder in the current user's home folder. The options are pretty well documented in the descriptions below. Note the parallel cache process is an instance of mytsoft run with the -createcache option. To bypass this, you can run with the -skipcache option. This does not stop the running process from creating cache files - to disable the second process, and not create cached files you need both -skipcache and -nocache. If -localcache is used, and directory named .cache will be created, then a subdirectory of mytsoft. The user must have the permissions to create directories in their home location. The -clearcache will expect the default location, use -localcache and -clearcache to clear the local cache.

-clearcache = deletes all cached files (typically ~/.cache/mytsoft)
-nocache = prevents runtime use of cached graphic files (but render as needed)
-skipcache = skips running cache sub-process always (use with -nocache for cache free run)
-localcache = uses current location to create (e.g. ./.cache/mytsoft)
-createcache = run creates cached keys for current KBF, no display, closes

There are a few more detailed logging options added (-verbose1/-verbose2). Logging will occur if the mytsoft.log file exists. This can also be a symbolic link (for details on this, see this Tech Item QU1123120984). The verbose options provide additional logging option details.
mytsoft.log used as a flag to log certain items if writable file exists
mytsoft.log must exist in same location as executable (can use symbolic link)
-verbose0 = this is minimal verbosity/default (not needed for basic logging)
-verbose1 = this is medium verbosity (more details logged)
-verbose2 = this is high verbosity (even more details logged)

Some known issues exist with the Wayland replacement to the X11 / Xorg due to security/changes with support. You will find the keyboard displays, but will not type. Since GNOME and KDE provide alternatives (GNOME on Xorg/KDE on X11), this (at the moment) is just a known issue. Also with Cinnamon.

About IMG

Since 1995, Innovation Management Group has been the primary supplier of onscreen keyboard user interfaces and designer utilities to major corporations, manufacturers, integrators, and users worldwide. IMG's products run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on some of the most secure, advanced, and critical systems in the world.

The My-T-Soft® Family along with IMG's My-T-Soft Build-A-Board Keyboard Designer offers a consistent cross-platform onscreen user interface that is fully customizable and programmable for various hardware / software platforms. It allows customers to control user input in any field or any application and maintain a higher level of security than with a traditional physical keyboard or membrane panel. The My-T-Soft product family is ideal for use in environments such as automation, field service, food and beverage, instrumentation, in-vehicle, kiosk, laboratory, logistic, medical, military, mobile, pharmaceutical, point-of-sale, ruggedized, utility, warehousing, whiteboard, or other extremely clean, dirty, or hazardous interactive user environment.

Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 7 & My-T-Soft Basic 2.20 Release 12
written August 26, 2022 by Kermit Komm
Category: Development Tags: My-T-Soft; My-T-Soft Basic; Build-A-Board    #100

IMG is pleased to announce that new updates to IMG's My-T-Soft® Build-A-Board and My-T-Soft® Basic are now available for download and use.

The Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 7 includes updates to run-times, including My-T-Soft for Android, My-T-Soft for Linux, My-T-Soft for Windows, and various other maintenance and usability updates. Both releases include the updated IMG License Manager, which provides local storage of account credentials, etc. For specific details on these capabilities, see the My-T-Soft 1.90 Release 5 blog post. For product information, current download, and online help just go to the Build-A-Board product page or the My-T-Soft Basic product page.

For users running earlier releases of Build-A-Board, you just need to go to Help | Check for Updates... and walk through the automatic update option.

My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 Release 16 now available!
written August 10, 2022 by Kermit Komm
Category: Development Tags: My-T-Soft; Linux;    #99

IMG is pleased to announce that a maintenance update for Linux is now available as My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 R16 (Release 16) for the following platforms: i386 (32-bit) and AMD64 (64-bit). This updates the recent R14 release to add a few key features. Download available here These are an ongoing process to bring improvements, new features, and new platforms to the Build-A-Board run-time targets. The past several updates have been internal, focusing on the Linux version working on a headless server so the web based Build-A-Board (not yet public) can generate KBF files, and create the layout image. This layout image can then be seen as the actual run-time visual representation of the target system layout visible to the user. Because the ability to display the high-resolution images was limited on Linux, full support for the 3D HiRes default key, and the open-ended Key Images is now fully supported for 64-bit targets. The 32-bit Linux target now matches the 64-bit release - the R14 had a few memory issues that affected image operation in the 32-bit build. Several minor memory issues were identified & resolved.

The R16 release includes updates to support the LKBF (Load KBF) command (e.g. [CMD:LKBF=NewLayout.KBF]. The Load KBF option provides an optional positioninfo indicator, which gives new layouts more flexibility in creating a robust user interface, and controlling the visual display of the layouts in use. As a reference, the following outlines the LKBF position information options now available in the Linux run-time targets:

LKBF Notes:

If no [,positioninfo] is provided, the KBF will open based on its embedded top/left position.

The following positioninfo values will exist:

top - the top / center will be the anchor point
bottom - the bottom / center will be the anchor point
left - the left / center will be the anchor point
right - the right / center will be the anchor point
toplft - the top / left corner will be the anchor point
toprgt - the top / right corner will be the anchor point
botlft - the bottom / left corner will be the anchor point
botrgt - the bottom / right corner will be the anchor point

scrntl - will position on the screen top / left
scrntc - will position on the screen top / center
scrntr - will position on the screen top / right
scrnml - will position on the screen middle / left
scrnmc - will position on the screen middle / center
scrnmr - will position on the screen middle / right
scrnbl - will position on the screen bottom / left
scrnbc - will position on the screen bottom / center
scrnbr - will position on the screen bottom / right

overlay - will overlay the existing window (layouts should be same size)

For example, [CMD:LKBF=TEST.KBF,right] will effectively open the new layout with the right-most edge anchored, giving the illusion that it extends the panel outwards to the left (assuming TEST is larger than than the showing layout).

The technical updates of the past 2 releases include better handling for PNG images with scaling and improved speed. All rendered images are held in memory, so once all key aspects are properly rendered, there is no delay in displaying key changes (up/down/shift/Caps/etc.). We also have matched the Android versioning in the sense that all public releases will be even numbers, while odd numbers will be "under development" for internal purposes.

About IMG

Since 1995, Innovation Management Group has been the primary supplier of onscreen keyboard user interfaces and designer utilities to major corporations, manufacturers, integrators, and users worldwide. IMG's products run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on some of the most secure, advanced, and critical systems in the world.

The My-T-Soft® Family along with IMG's My-T-Soft Build-A-Board Keyboard Designer offers a consistent cross-platform onscreen user interface that is fully customizable and programmable for various hardware / software platforms. It allows customers to control user input in any field or any application and maintain a higher level of security than with a traditional physical keyboard or membrane panel. The My-T-Soft product family is ideal for use in environments such as automation, field service, food and beverage, instrumentation, in-vehicle, kiosk, laboratory, logistic, medical, military, mobile, pharmaceutical, point-of-sale, ruggedized, utility, warehousing, whiteboard, or other extremely clean, dirty, or hazardous interactive user environment.

The Magnifier support - software vs. hardware
written January 10, 2022 by Alex S.
Category: Development Tags: The Magnifier; Support; Video    #97

Below is from a recent case regarding The Magnifier. Due to the nature of the software, reliance on the underlying magnification API, and the need for the system's physical video throughput to sustain and keep up with constant visual updates, sometimes the software simply can't perform on a lower-end system. Because the underlying problem is hardware based, there is nothing we can do from a support standpoint. We do have this tech link that outlines some issues and possible solutions for an existing system, sometimes the only solution is to upgrade the video capabilities. This case outlines how the problem with The Magnifier was resolved.

Windows 10 - 32 bit - Intel Q35 display adapter

Case open Message:

Screen flashes when the magnifier is set to full screen. When the Intel Q35 display adapter is disabled The Magnifier works as it should but there is screen distortion because of resolution issues without the functioning Intel Q35 adapter. I don't think The Magnifier is compatible with the Intel Q35 display adapter on a 32 bit system. I purchased license but not happy with the functioning of the product. Screen flicker on full screen very distracting. Is there any way to fix this issue? Please advise.

IMG Response:

What you are describing has to do with the video driver or capabilities of your video subsystem. This tech item provides some options - depending on settings, the amount of video memory used (& system speed/video throughput) can be drastically different. Also actual video driver.


Do you think an upgrade video graphics card would help?

IMG Response:

Yes, almost without a doubt. Almost every issue with the Magnifier has to do with video throughput. Although there are various factors, comparing video memory on the video card is a pretty good gauge to how powerful it is. If this is a motherboard based video, most of these systems are aimed at office use, not super strong with video capabilities.


Yes, this is an onboard Dell Optiplex 755 motherboard based video system. I'll try installing an upgrade video graphics card. I've already tried an NVIDIA graphics card and it stopped the flickering problem but was incompatible with the operating system in other regards and I'm sending it back. Next I'll try A Dell based graphics card designed for the Optiplex 755 operating system. Thanks for your time and trouble. My mother is practically blind from retinal issues at 94 and likes using The Magnifier to see email and internet. I've disabled the onboard Intel graphics device and The Magnifier works as it should but having issues with screen resolution elsewhere. Need to install a graphic card that works.

IMG Response:

Thanks for understanding the situation. We sometimes have people that want the software to solve a hardware problem. It is appreciated that you grasp the real issue.


Just to let you know. I installed an upgrade video graphics card and The Magnifier now works perfectly. I purchased an ATI Radeon HD 2400 Full Profile Graphics Adapter card on eBay. Works good on Dell Optiplex 755 32 bit computer. All is well. Thanks for your help.


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Blog Information

License Updates for 2024
June 28, 2024
Kermit Komm
Category: Development
Tags: SmartClick; OnScreen; The Magnifier; Joystick-to-Mouse;

My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 Release 22 now available!
November 17, 2023
Kermit Komm
Category: Development
Tags: My-T-Soft; Linux;

Major National Trucking Company uses My-T-Soft® on thousands of tablets
July 28, 2023
Tracy Chang
Category: PR
Tags: My-T-Soft; Build-A-Board;

25+ Years of Innovations in On-Screen Keyboard Interface, How IMG Ensures Security and Productivity Across Industries
January 19, 2023
Tracy Chang
Category: PR
Tags: My-T-Soft; Build-A-Board; Security; Productivity;

Major National Retailer uses My-T-Soft® to bridge user interface from Windows to Linux
December 28, 2022
Tracy Chang
Category: PR
Tags: My-T-Soft; Build-A-Board; Linux;

My-T-Soft® updates rolled into GE Digital iFIX 6.1
November 28, 2022
Tracy Chang
Category: PR
Tags: My-T-Soft 1.90 Release 5; iFIX

Build-A-Board 2.20 Release 7 & My-T-Soft Basic 2.20 Release 12
August 26, 2022
Kermit Komm
Category: Development
Tags: My-T-Soft; My-T-Soft Basic; Build-A-Board

My-T-Soft for Linux 2.20 Release 16 now available!
August 10, 2022
Kermit Komm
Category: Development
Tags: My-T-Soft; Linux;

IMG is pleased to announce that My-T-Soft® 1.90 Release 5 is now available
May 31, 2022
Kermit Komm
Category: PR
Tags: My-T-Soft 1.90 Release 5

The Magnifier support - software vs. hardware
January 10, 2022
Alex S.
Category: Development
Tags: The Magnifier; Support; Video


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