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Run-Time Log Files

In the Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X run-time platforms, there is support for a run-time log file to identify KBF, License, and other run-time aspects during operation. The file itself is the flag to indicate logging should occur. The file must be named mytsoft.log, and it must reside in the same folder as the MYTSOFT.EXE/mytsoft/ (i.e. the location of the executable for My-T-Soft).

In the Android platform, there is an optional Logging setting in the Operation Settings.

You can create an empty file with a text editor, or at the command prompt, use the following approach: On Linux and Mac OS X, , or use the touch command, e.g. touch mytsoft.log[Enter]. On Windows, use copy con mytsoft.log[Enter]Ctrl-Z (or F6 key)[Enter].

Note: It is recommended you delete this file when you are done working with the log file, as it will continue to grow if left in existence.

Note: Macrobat also will look for the mytsoft.log file, and will log information in the same file (indicated as Macrobat).

Note: The logged information is currently fairly limited, and is primarily meant for debugging purposes to indicate how far into initialization sequence the program has gone, and for license info. If there are specific needs or requirements, please contact IMG technical support for further info. It is anticipated that more documentation and log options will be added in the future.

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