Editorial Contacts: Tracy Chang
For further information, please contact
Innovation Management Group, Inc.
We have confirmed that the v2004 update has a deleterious affect on the operation of Joystick-To-Mouse. We have also confirmed that Joystick-To-Mouse properly operates on the v1903 update. There are certain requirements that Microsoft puts on User Interface programs - it needs a manifest with uiAccess set, it must be code-signed, it must run from a secure location (e.g. Program Files), etc. For years, Joystick-To-Mouse has properly operated on Windows 10. Now with the May 2020/Version 2004 rollout, it appears that the "Updates to improve security when using input devices (such as a mouse, keyboard, or pen)", Microsoft has introduced a problem, or requires some other setting, or requires a fix. They are releasing patches and updates, and it is possible that the issue that they introduced gets resolved on their end. We are investigating to learn what (if anything) we can do to help our customers. Any customer impacted by this may want to notify Microsoft directly. Note that you may have the option to roll back the update (Settings | Update & Security | Windows Update | View update history | Uninstall updates), and also to Pause updates.
It is unfortunate that Microsoft has chosen a path that can create issues such as this, where you can wake up one day and have your carefully configured, totally operational system become a useless pile of electronic components that leads to frustration, loss of productivity, and loss of the precious moments of your life. Today, most people just want things to work, and certainly don't want a third party to be able to take away a working system. While there are valid reasons for performing updates, it is unfortunate that proper care and testing are not handled by Microsoft, and problems such as these end up as a burden on the paying customer.
We will continue to monitor and review this situaton, and update this blog entry if anything subtantial is discovered.
Update (additional update below): We put our development team on this, and they discovered the Joystick messages MM_JOY1MOVE, MM_JOY1BUTTONDOWN, etc. were no longer being received after a joySetCapture call, as has happened for 20+ years. In checking Microsoft's API documentation, there is no indication these are deprecated or being phased out. However, there is a newer alternative API option, and with several modifications to the main JOY2MSE.EXE, a patched download for Windows 10 is now available. You can download the r5 patch install here:
jtm280r5patch_810.exe for Windows 10 v2004 (3.23MB) 9/9/2020 (MD5: 4360F9FBFF485B4619F9DF5387F6A817)
It is recommended that with Joystick-To-Mouse closed/not running, you download and run through install to update/overwrite the Joystick-To-Mouse executables, and then test with this patch.
Update: Joystick-To-Mouse 2.80 Release 6 is now available - this is the preferred update for Windows 10/11. You can download the latest Joystick-To-Mouse here:
Joystick-To-Mouse Downloads
It is recommended that with Joystick-To-Mouse closed/not running, you download and run through the install of the current download.